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一、课堂心理环境及思想政治课课堂心理环境构建的必要性 课堂心理环境,是指在课堂教学中影响学生认知效率的师生心理互动环境,是一种通过师生的相互作用而产生和发展起来的一种综合的群体心理状态,包括教师和学生的注意状态、知觉状态、思维状态、情绪、情感状态、意志状态和定势状态等。  相似文献   

对大学生体育教学中的心理状态影响因素进行分析,从体育课良好学习心理状态和不良的心理状态及表现进行研究,并提出重视体育课良好心理氛围的营造.  相似文献   

心理状态是一段时间内人们心理活动处于相对稳定时的状态,影响着人们的身体表现。因此运动员的赛前心理状态对运动员比赛时水平的发挥有着至关重要的影响。本文通过运用文献资料等研究方法,对运动员赛前心理的进行了分析,让教练员和运动员了解自己赛前的心理状态,以便及时的调整运动员的赛前心理状态,在比赛时达到自身最好的心理状态,从而发挥出自身最好成绩。  相似文献   

熊英 《教师博览》2023,(12):28-29
开展小学生心理工作对落实“双减”政策至关重要。它既能让心理教师了解小学生的心理状态,又能让心理教师发现小学生的心理问题,及时帮助小学生解决心理问题,培养小学生健康的心理。文章从三个层面分析造成小学生心理状态不佳的原因,提出调整小学生心理状态的方法。  相似文献   

体育学习心理状态是指学生在一定的体育学习时间内心理活动的综合表现。学生的心理状态对体育学习的成效有着直接的影响,学生体育学习心理状态具有两极性:即良好的心理状态与不良的心理状态。学习活跃,情绪良好,动作练习较规范,学习效率高。反之,在不良心理状态下,学习表现出心情压抑。肌肉运动差别感受性降低,运动表象模糊、思维迟钝、注意力涣散,动作不规范,学习效率差。良好的心理状态下既有利于学生掌握体育知识和运动技能,而且会促进学生的身心健康和智力发展,以及个性心理品质的完善,不良的心理状态,则是阻滞体育学习的消极成份,可见,学生的心理状态好坏,对体育学习的成效有着直接的影响。所以教师要了解和掌握一些体育学习心理状态的调控。  相似文献   

长沙公交移动电视的受众群体在年龄特征、职业特征、收入情况、地域构成上独具特点,其接受心理则包括求新求快心理、娱乐趣味心理、实用便捷心理、消极抵触心理。与此同时,长沙公交移动电视的受众是在移动状态、封闭状态、被动状态、休闲状态下参与传播的。  相似文献   

周奕旻 《文教资料》2006,(16):129-130
笔者结合长期的教学实践,以独特的心理视角提出高中思想政治课教学过程中学生的心理现状,并剖析了产生这些心理状态的原因,最后提出了转化消极型的心理状态、巩固积极的心理状态的具体措施。  相似文献   

人的心理状态的变化对一个人的思想和行动往往会有直接的影响。心理状态是思想工作的重要依据 ,不同的心理状况需要不同的思想教育方法 ,这就要善于调查分析心理活动 ,了解和把握人的心理状态 ,创造良好的心理活动的客观环境 ,积极引导心理发展 ,巩固和发展积极心理因素 ,形成和保持一种良好的心理状态。  相似文献   

学生学习心理状态研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
学习者的学习心理状态是学习者有效、高效学习的载体、前提和保障。最佳的学习心理状态是一般的学习心理状态和特殊的学习心理状态的有机结合。良好的学习心理状态具有稳定性、调控性、协同性、主体性和意识性的特征。学习者可通过程序训练策略、学习体验策略、环境优化策略和心理调节策略实现对学习心理状态的外部调节 ,通过自律训练实现对学习心理状态的自主调节  相似文献   

对高水平跳高运动员在比赛中心理状态受各种因素影响而产生的变化进行分析,对运动员在比赛中如何调适自己的心理状态,教练员如何针对不同性格的运动员进行调控、引导运动员调整到最佳比赛心理状态进行研究,对如何加强高水平跳高运动员心理状态调适的训练提出建议。  相似文献   

Theory of mind is the understanding that other people have mental states that drive their actions and that those mental states can be different from one’s own. Without understanding theory of mind and being able to take others’ perspectives, it could be difficult for children to read and understand narrative texts. This paper posits that children’s understanding of others’ minds may be a potential missing piece in current accounts of reading comprehension. Indeed, the typical progression of children’s theory of mind abilities across childhood is closely aligned with the development of narrative processing skills. Furthermore, emerging evidence shows that both narrative processing and theory of mind are predictive of children’s reading comprehension, both concurrently and longitudinally. We present a possible explanation for why such a link exists and propose a causal framework of this relation in which increased ToM leads to increased understanding of and inferencing about characters’ mental states. Understanding characters’ mental states then leads to better reading comprehension. The framework makes novel, testable predictions and provides directions for future research.  相似文献   

Mothers read stories to their children (N=41) aged between 3.3 years and 5.11 years old, and children then completed two false-belief tasks. One year later, mothers read a story to 37 of those children who were also given four tasks to assess their advanced understanding of mental states. Mothers' early use of cognitive verbs in picture-book reading correlated with their children's later understanding of mental states. Some pragmatic aspects of maternal input correlated with children's later outcomes. Two different factors in mothers' cognitive discourse were identified, suggesting a zone of proximal development in children's understanding of mental states.  相似文献   

大学生在进行英语阅读时,普遍存在一定的心理误区,如求全求细式心理、囫囵吞枣式心理、强迫性心理和畏难式心理,在阅读实践中,要针对这些心理误区采取相应的对策,以提高大学生的英语阅读效率和整体水平。  相似文献   

Are children’s understanding of mental states (understanding of mind) related to their notating skills, that is, their ability to produce and read written marks to convey information about objects and number? Fifty-three preschoolers and kindergarteners were presented with a dictation task where they produced some written marks and were later asked to read them back. Understanding of mind was assessed using two tasks. Children’s name-writing and language skills were assessed as covariates. Children’s understanding of their own and other’s mental states was associated with their notating skills. Findings are discussed in light of the reciprocal writer-reader relation: keeping an audience in mind when writing and a writer in mind when reading. This reciprocal relation is central to writing and reading development.  相似文献   

The study investigated preschool teachers' references to Theory of Mind (ToM) topics in three storybook contexts: reading, reconstruction, and telling. One hundred teachers introduced and discussed three picture books with groups of five children. The findings indicate that teachers used more mental-state utterances, especially cognitive mental states, during telling compared to the two other contexts, and more during reconstruction than during reading. They referred to false belief more during reconstruction and telling than during reading. The findings can assist in guiding teachers how to read and tell stories with children while integrating ToM topics.  相似文献   

对阅读教学领域的大量研究表明,学生有意识地使用阅读理解策略能明显提高理解能力。1988年,Duffy,Roehler和Hdffmann通过实验建议使用出声思维帮助学生提高阅读能力。2004年SusmitaPani证明了出声思维能够向学生展示阅读的思考推理过程,是一种较为成功的教学方式。但是他的实验未能把出声思维与阅读策略训练结合起来,并且在训练中教师用出声思维的方式展示阅读过程时并未有学生的积极参予。本文展示了教师——学生出声思维模式在阅读训练的运用并对以后的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that parents, through conversations during shared book reading, play a pivotal role in promoting children's social cognition, particularly their theory of mind (ToM). This study compared mothers’ mental-state discourse during two kinds of interactions with their children – storybook reading and wordless storybook telling. In both contexts, mothers were familiar with the books’ texts but relied to a different extent on the texts during the mother–child interactions. Participants were 72 Israeli mothers and their 4- to 6-year-old children, from an upper–middle socioeconomic level. Mothers were instructed to read or tell two stories as they normally would. Two books were used, similar in several major characteristics – author, illustrator, characters, story length, and false belief as a central theme. Main findings revealed that mothers referred to mental states in both situations, but during storytelling, mothers elaborated more, referring to characters’ cognitive states and false beliefs, than during storybook reading. Findings suggest that storytelling encourages rich discussions on important sociocognitive elements. Educators and parents should be aware of the contribution of storybook reading and storybook telling to mental-state talk and of the unique potential of storybook telling to encourage conversation on ToM-related topics.  相似文献   

在阅读研究领域中,行为实验方法与脑认知实验方法为考察语言的认知加工过程提供了强有力的工具,这两大方法都对阅读研究的深入发展起到了巨大的推动作用。行为实验法以其简便易行的特点得到了广泛的使用,至今仍显示着旺盛的生命力。随着脑功能探测技术的日臻完善,脑认知实验法在阅读研究中也得到了越来越多的使用,为揭示阅读加工的脑机制提供了理想的手段。近年来,阅读研究中出现了这两大方法走向整合的趋势。  相似文献   

从图式理论的视角看阅读理解的心理过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阅读理解是个复杂的心理活动过程,在这个过程中,读者往往借助“自下而上”和“自上而下”两种信息加工方式的交互作用来解读阅读内容。因此,图式理论将阅读过程解释为读者所具备的背景知识和阅读材料相互作用的过程。影响阅读理解的主要因素是内容图式和形式图式。对图式理论的研究,有助于揭示阅读理解的认知心理过程并对外语教学有所启示。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a mental simulation training targeted at improving children’s reading comprehension. In a 4-week period, one group of third and fourth graders (n?=?75) learned to draw upon their sensorimotor memories and experiences to mentally simulate text (experimental training group), whereas another group (n?=?51) received the schools’ regular reading comprehension instructions (control training group). Pre-to-posttest differences in general reading comprehension, reading motivation, and mental simulation (distinguishing between perceptual and motor simulation) were examined to evaluate the trainings’ effectiveness. Compared to the control group, children who had received the mental simulation training showed improved performance on general reading comprehension (in Grade 3) and scored higher on reading motivation (in Grades 3 and 4). There were no performance differences between groups on the mental simulation measures. These findings indicate that it is beneficial for children to encourage and teach them to connect their sensorimotor experiences to the text they are reading.  相似文献   

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