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艺体特长生的专业课学习与文化课学习,以及艺体生与非艺体生的学习永远是矛盾,如何化解这些矛盾,才能使艺体特长生的专业课学习与文化课学习、艺体生与非艺体生的学习形成互补,使他们能够齐头并进、共同进步,这本身就是我们课题研究的最终目的。  相似文献   

近年来,中职校流生现象严重,其原因主要有学生文化课跟不上,不喜欢所读专业,对成功缺乏信心和决心。学校要最大限度地减少流生,需借助SMART模式,对学生进行职业生涯规划教育,让学生学习有目标,职业发展有方向,通过建立可追踪的个人发展档案,培养学生的自信心,激发学生的成就感,实现中职学生健康的职业发展和个人成长。  相似文献   

流生是指学生在校学习一定阶段后因各种原因而导致无法继续学习的一种现象。据调查,流生现象比较明显地存在于中职学校之中。自卑心理、消极心理、压抑心理及逆反心理等是产生流生现象的主要心理原因。学校必须从帮助学生明确学习动机、培养学生学习兴趣、提高学校教学质量等方面着手,使每一个学生都能顺利完成学业。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展及开放教育生源的变化,开放教育流生率问题日益成为开放教育较为关注的问题.有效的学习支持应能较大程度上降低开放教育的流生率.但从根本上来说,良好的学习支持应能引发学生学习兴趣、提高教与学的质量,从而提高开放教育质量,提升开放教育品牌,最终降低开放教育的流生率.  相似文献   

一、班主任工作是电大工作的基础 实践证明,做好班主任工作是搞好电大工作的基础,电大教学质量的优劣与电大教学班班主任密切相关。提高电大学员成绩,减少流生,提高毕业率是电大班主任的首要任务,也是衡量班主任工作质量优劣的一个重要标志。由于电大是以成人业余学习为主的开放性教育,其学员流失率一般比普通院校高,虽然流生率的高低并不能完全反映教育  相似文献   

流生是指在校学生在学习期间不能完成预定的学业,由于某种原因主动辍学.流生现象在普通中学和职业学校都普遍存在,尤其以职业学校最为严重,且比例呈现上升趋势.流生是职业教育发展的一大障碍,也是社会不稳定因素之一,不利于学生素质的全面提高.因此,作为职业学校的教育工作者,绝不能忽视流主现象.而要预防流生现象,就必须用现代教育科学理论对流生现象进行分析、研究,了解流生的特点,分析其形成原因,根据其心理活动规律寻找消除这种现象的有效教育措施.  相似文献   

大家知道,中等职业学校流生现象无疑对社会、家庭、学校和学生都产生了很大的负面影响。因此,只有通过社会、家庭、学校、学生全方位的互动合作,共同营造一个爱学、勤学、乐学的教育氛围,让学生根据自身的兴趣、能力和就业需要去学习,,才能身心欢快地去学习、工作和生活。我校作为国家级首批重点校,近年来在控制流生问题上,坚持“一个中心(以学生为中心),两个基本点(课程改革、工学结合)”,比较好地控制了学校的流生问题。  相似文献   

成教大学生心理健康问题的成因与教育对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
当前成教大学生心理健康问题的主要表现为工学矛盾突出,心理压力过大;明显的自卑感和心理不平衡;学习上的倦怠和消极不满的情绪。影响成教生心理健康问题的主要原因有多重角色期待与自我意识、功利性学习动机与为人师表、工作生活负担与学习压力等方面的矛盾冲突。优化成人教育的育人环境,增强成教生的满意感和成就感;充分发挥成教生的主体作用,增强学校人际关系的和谐感;引导成教生进行自我调节,减轻心理压力与焦虑感是维护成教生心理健康的主要策略。  相似文献   

高职生如何应对就业难   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对竞争激烈的就业市场,很多高职生显得无所适从,这是缺乏职业意识和职业规划的表现。反映在就业市场上比较突出的矛盾有:传统的就业观念与当今社会就业形势的不相适应的矛盾;社会对人才的高要求与高职生自身实力不足的矛盾;过高的就业期望值与不同层次社会需求的矛盾。高职生要想在众多的应聘者中脱颖而出,就应该有充分的就业准备,学习职业理论,充实职业知识,增强职业意识,在努力打造自身实力的基础上,根据自身特长准确定位,为成功就业创造有利条件。一、品质和专长是成功就业的关键品质和专长的造就是通过不断地学习积累、实践积累,甚至…  相似文献   

近年来,大多中职学校无不被流生问题所困扰,特别在生源数量日渐萎缩的情况下,该问题尤为突出,已经影响到学校的进一步发展,影响到社会的稳定与和谐。我校前几年的流生情况也比较严重,近年来经过一系列调研、改革,开发出以就业能力为主导的校本教材,增强劳动技能培训,使专业设置、课程设置更加科学合理,加上国家资助体系的完善和我校配套措施的落实,基本控制住流生问题,绝大多数学生都能安心在校学习。本文就流生的成因与对策进行初步的探索。  相似文献   

长期以来,在线课程研究与实践一直被“高辍学率”困扰。传统文献对其原因的消极解读是在线课程定位失准、对在线互动机制理解片面、在线学习评价主体错位的结果。因此,本研究对将“高辍学率”理解为在线课程和课程学习者失败的合理性提出质疑,从学习者投资理论的视角,对在线课程与学习者的关系进行重新诠释。研究发现,在线课程“辍学”是学习者的一种主动选择,同时也是线下教师策略整合及在线课程资源属性的体现。基于“高辍学率”现象中隐藏的积极意涵,研究进一步从教学组织过程、学习评价模式、共同体实践等方面对在线课程学习机制进行了重构。  相似文献   

How can we avoid the "why new teachers cry" phenomenon and the high dropout rate for beginning teachers? Start teacher preparation with an introductory foundations class that is experience based and allows students to study themselves and their preferences for teaching styles, learning styles, and classroom management by living through case studies of sample lessons and classroom simulations. The author describes the nature of the course and presents research showing the effectiveness of the course for five academic years: 2000-1 through 2004-5.  相似文献   


This study evaluates the effects of school desegregation by court-ordered busing on the subsequent dropout rate of majority and minority students. Using before and after busing measures of dropout rates, school records and personal interviews, this research finds majority dropout rates are not affected by desegregation procedures. While the dropout rates of bused minority students appear to be identical to those of non-bused minority students, large disparities between minority rates in various bused sectors indicate highly uneven educational experiences of bused minority students. School socio-economic composition and the expectations of teachers concerning student behavior are used to analyze the disparities, with the conclusion reached that the more favorable expectations of teachers at higher socio-economic climate schools produce lower minority student dropout rates. Desegregation produces a positive benefit for this most crucial dimension of minority student educational accomplishment, when the school to which the minority student is bused is one where teachers' expectations are positive and supportive.  相似文献   

随着计算机和网络的广泛应用,远程教育学生规模不断扩大;与此同时,学生流失问题也日益凸显。较高的学生流失率增加了远程教育机构的生均办学成本,给远程教育机构的社会声誉造成负面影响。因此,研究学生流失规律及影响因素,以降低学生流失率,成为提高远程教学质量很好的切入点。已有研究采用访谈、问卷、描述性统计等方法,对流失率与学习阶段、性别、年龄、专业等的关系进行了探究。按照持续比较法,我国远程教育学生流失的影响因素包括学习者因素、教育机构因素、环境因素3大类和11小类:人口统计学因素、学前准备及技能、学习心理因素、学业表现、专业及课程设计、教育机构支持、交互、工学矛盾、家庭支持、计划外事件和社会支持。降低学生流失率一方面可以基于我国远程教育的现实情景,对学生流失各因素间的相互关系进行研究,在此基础上建立结构化的学生流失模型,对学生流失的决策过程进行清晰的解释;另一方面可以采用数据挖掘方法,利用教务管理系统和学习管理系统数据,建立学生流失预测模型,在流失行为发生前发现潜在的流失学生,以便教育机构可以有针对性的采取挽留措施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the unique contributions of a comprehensive set of predictors and the most salient predictors of school dropout among a nationally representative sample of students with learning disabilities (LD). A comprehensive set of theoretically and empirically relevant factors was selected for examination. Analyses were conducted to explore the unique contribution and relative importance of these factors in predicting dropout. Results indicated that the most salient predictors of school dropout included a set of malleable individual (grades, and engagement in high‐risk behaviors), family (parent expectations), and school (quality of students’ relationship with teachers and peers) factors. The findings validate multicomponent dropout prevention and intervention models for this population while at the same time illuminating specific key components that appear to be of particular importance in school dropout among students with LD.  相似文献   

This study investigates head teachers' perspectives of the school dropout problem at public secondary schools in rural Punjab, Pakistan. The study is based on qualitative methods and included interviews to collect primary data. Sixteen districts of the Punjab where secondary school dropout rate is above 20% were purposively selected for the study. The findings indicate that—other than some socioeconomic and individual factors—different exam patterns at primary, elementary, and secondary levels; easy promotion policy in early classes; English medium syllabus; substandard educational background of students; high failure rate in class 9; and top-down pressures on teachers to perform nonacademic duties are major causes of children dropping out from school. The findings of the study suggest that only through implementation of a socio-culturally compatible syllabus—a corresponding examination system for all levels—allowing students to repeat class 9 in case they fail, setting teachers free from nonteaching duties and providing extra financial support to economically underprivileged students can significantly prevent school dropout at secondary level. The study further argues that easy promotion policy in early classes may retain more children at school but it causes high rates of dropout from secondary classes.  相似文献   

Research has been conducted on the detrimental effects of using a foreign language for learning in Tanzania’s secondary schools. While most studies recommend the use of a familiar language for instruction, the use of a foreign language in secondary education in Tanzania has been maintained. This has many consequences on the quality of education, and contributes to student dropout. Presenting a study carried out in the semi-rural areas of Dar es Salaam region in Tanzania, this article examines the extent to which language of instruction (LOI) contributes to school dropout. It postulates that the use of a foreign language for teaching and learning in Tanzanian secondary schools hinders the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study’s findings, drawn from exploratory and qualitative narrative research, indicate that, notwithstanding the presence of several other factors, the use of a foreign language as LOI is a major contributor to student dropout. The use of an unfamiliar language of instruction contributes to students’ lack of interest in and disengagement from learning, which ultimately pushes them out of the school system. This is because students usually perform poorly when an unfamiliar language is used as the language of examination and in classroom interaction. The study also reveals that the voices of both teachers and students are not in consonance with what would be expected in an ideal classroom teaching and learning environment. Student dropout from secondary education caused by an inappropriate LOI leads to myriad further problems which, in turn, negatively affect realisation of the SDGs in Tanzania. This article, therefore, concludes that LOI needs to be strongly factored into the development agenda. In order to ensure equitable access to quality secondary education, as required by SDG 4, the Government of Tanzania needs to adopt a language policy that promotes effective teaching and equal access to quality education in secondary schools.  相似文献   

本文基于电大辍学归因研究中的学习负荷问题展开讨论。调查显示,学习负荷过高造成了许多电大学生在学习道路上的无功而返,而学习的高负荷是由课程难度与学生学术水平之间的落差所造成的。本研究旨在通过对电大课程教学过程的审视,探究其学术支持服务手段的有效性。本研究以2011年3-6月上海电大A分校2010春英语专业本科层次"变化中的英语"课程教学为个案,通过面授课堂观察、课程形成性考核记录、网上教学记录、课程期末考试成绩聚焦课程教学效果。研究结果显示,电大的课程教学支持服务手段仍停留于传统教学模式,而作为重要学习辅助手段的网上学习,其形式意义占据和弥漫于抽样所在班级师生的观念中,导致学习支持的可获得性受到制约;同时,由于任课教师在电大体制下被层层嵌于一个庞大的系统之中,教师的能动性在改善课程教学效果时会受到一定程度上的限制;第三,在多方原因的共同作用下,现行教学模式下学生的课业表现与预期课程教学目标之间存有潜在的些微差距,会在一定程度上影响任课教师对自身课程教学的判断和调整。改变这种状况,电大教学组织制度的变革和对教师支持服务力度的加强势在必行。  相似文献   

本文针对青海高校教师人力资源管理中存在的管理理念落后、制度不健全、教师流失现象严重等问题,提出了解决这些问题的对策,从而构建了科学合理的青海高校教师人力资源管理体系。  相似文献   

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