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使用数据关联数据挖掘技术对民族高校长期积累的学生成绩数据进行深层次分析,寻找真正影响学生成绩的因素,找出其中的关联规则,得到一些深层次、有意义的分析结论,对民族高校决策者确定未来教学管理方向有较大的参考作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对高职院校毕业生在校期间各项成绩和就业信息等数据的分析,对高职院校毕业生在校表现与实际就业情况进行了关联性分析,结果表明:高职学生毕业去向与在校期间学习和表现之间具有正相关关系。  相似文献   

Apriori关联算法在学生成绩中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了数据挖掘中关联规则的概念及经典的Apriori算法,以及Apriori算法在学生成绩中的应用.  相似文献   

利用关联规则的Apriori算法分析高考成绩对医学生基础医学课程成绩和临床医学课程成绩的影响,总结高考成绩对医学生专业课成绩影响的规律.这些规律对专业建设、培养方案制定、课程设置、教学效果检查、教学方法改进等有积极作用,并且能够为教学管理决策提供依据.  相似文献   

文章主要采用数据挖掘技术中的决策树C4.5算法,对本校学生成绩中的大量数据进行处理,从中选取决策属性,构造决策树,并提取分类规则,从而获取不同类型的学生与成绩之间的关系.试验结果表明,C4.5算法能够将数据进行准确分类和预测,最终得到有价值的结论,供教师决策分析.  相似文献   

随着高校招生的不断扩展,学生数量日益庞大,学生成绩的分布也越来越复杂,传统的学生成绩处理方法已不适应深入分析的需要,无法处理一些不易察觉的信息,因此需要把数据挖掘技术引入到学生成绩分析中,找到影响学生成绩的内部原因以及一些结论,有针对性地提高教学水平的同时为高校的教学管理提供参考。本文应用Apriori算法对我院的学生成绩进行了分析,并得出了一些结论,为学院的教学管理提供了参考。  相似文献   

学生成绩数据挖掘系统的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对淮北广播电视大学的学生成绩数据,应用Apriori算法,设计开发了一个简单的数据挖掘系统。该系统包括获取数据、数据预处理、关联规则挖掘和规则结果分析四个模块。通过对学生成绩数据的挖掘,可以发现隐藏其中的关联规则,确定先行课程和后续课程的关系,从而为教学管理人员优化课程设置提供决策支持。  相似文献   

学生成绩评价对教学管理具有监督性和指导性的重要意义,然而基于绝对分数来评价分析的传统方法存在一定的缺陷,不能充分反映学生成绩中蕴涵的信息,使学生成绩评价对教学管理的影响受限.针对这一问题,本文采用k-means聚类算法研究学生成绩,并通过实证分析,验证了隐藏在成绩数据中的内在信息对评价学生成绩的重要性,从而为教学管理提供了有利的依据.  相似文献   

学生成绩评价对教学管理具有监督性和指导性的重要意义,然而基于绝对分数来评价分析的传统方法存在一定的缺陷,不能充分反映学生成绩中蕴涵的信息,使学生成绩评价对教学管理的影响受限。针对这一问题,本文采用k-means聚类算法研究学生成绩,并通过实证分析,验证了隐藏在成绩数据中的内在信息对评价学生成绩的重要性,从而为教学管理提供了有利的依据。  相似文献   

如今学生信息管理在高校管理工作中的地位已越来越突出,但由于学生信息管理工作内容繁多、数据庞大、数据来源格式不统一,在一定程度上给学生信息管理工作带来了困难。改进型Apriori算法在关联规则、数据挖掘技术的基础上更加具有针对性、准确性和优越性,这为基于改进型Apriori算法在学生管理系统中的应用提供了可能,有利于提高学生管理的效率和质量。  相似文献   

More attention is being given to evaluating the quality of school-level assessment scores due to their importance for school-based planning and monitoring effectiveness. In this study, cross-year stability is proposed as an indicator of data quality and the degree of stability that is appropriate for large-scale assessments of student performance is explored. Following a search of Internet sites, Year 1 to Year 2 stability coefficients were calculated for assessment data from 21 states and 2 provinces. The median stability coefficient was .78 in mathematics and reading, but coefficients for writing were generally lower. A stability coefficient of .80 is recommended as the standard for large-scale assessments of student performance. A high degree of cross-year stability makes it easier to detect and attribute changes in school-level scores to school improvement efforts. The link between stability and reliability and several factors that may attenuate stability are discussed.  相似文献   

Randomly selected fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh graders (sixty from each grade) were givenanability test. The score and the time taken were used to test the hypotheses of no negative linear relationship and no curvilinear relationship between test score and test time. Although no significant linear relationships were found, significant curvilinear regressions of time on score were found in grades seven and nine. The strength of these significant relationships were relatively low in both grades.  相似文献   

关联规则挖掘通过发现密切相关项集的方法已经在商业决策中被广泛使用.现针对关联规则挖掘的经典算法Apriori需要重复多次扫描整个数据库导致在空间和时间方面有很大负载的问题,提出了根据研究者所感兴趣的项集作为关联规则的结果,采用对数据库进行类标签压缩来减少迭代次数.通过实验显示该方法可以有效提高Apriori算法的效率.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between health conditions suffered over time and student scores on the Stanford Achievement Test 9 in Yuma County, Arizona, public grade schools. The majority of children in Yuma County were of Hispanic origin. The poverty and low income status of most of these children placed them at greater risk for health problems. The primary purpose of the study was to ascertain how the rate of math achievement of students who suffered from an illness or injury prior to testing compared to those students who had no known illness or injury. Findings suggested that physical illness influenced math achievement trajectories adversely. Importantly, the achievement gaps associated with several health conditions attenuated over time. However, children who experienced an injury or poisoning, or an endocrine, nutritional, or metabolic disease developed permanent math achievement deficits.  相似文献   

提出采用事务压缩和哈希技术相结合方式的改进算法.该算法通过备份数据库Dk生成候选项目集Ck,在生成Ck的同时计算支持度.针对生成频繁2-项目集L2的瓶颈,在生成L2的时候使用DHP算法.从时间复杂度上对Apriori算法和改进算法进行比较,说明改进算法在效率上优于Apriori算法.  相似文献   

While enrollment in online courses has tripled in ten years, little is known about the impact of different exam-taking environments on learning. A recent study of economics students found that online students taking un-proctored exams scored one letter grade higher than online students taking proctored exams. However, there were no apparent systematic safeguards against cheating in the un-proctored section. This study adds to the literature by comparing student’s performance in online classes with proctored exams to the performance of online students in a carefully controlled online testing environment (Respondus Lockdown Browser [RLB]). Methods: Data refer to 287 students enrolled in a criminology course at a Carnegie research-extensive university. The experimental group consisted of students in online sections who were called back to campus to take exams in a proctored environment. The control group took exams off campus using RLB. All sections were taught by the same instructor. The dependent variable is the score on the standardized final examination. The central independent variable is the type of exam environment: proctored vs. the RLB environment. Results: Controlling for other constructs, there was no significant difference between student exam scores in the proctored sections and the sections employing RLB. Conclusion: The results suggest that the judicious use of RLB can level the playing field between exam scores in proctored vs. nonproctored online sections. Technology such as RLB, which minimizes opportunities for cheating online, may provide tools for fairness in grading. Future work is needed for other courses, other fields, and other types of academic institutions.  相似文献   

大学生学习成绩与学习时间的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对72名大三学生就学习成绩与学习时间的相关性进行了跟踪研究,结果表明:学习时间与学习成绩从总体上分析无显著相关,但较高的学业成绩必须有一定量的学习时间来做保证;学习时间的有无规律是决定学业成绩的重要因素;大学生学习时间上存在性别差异.  相似文献   

实用试卷成绩统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在教学管理过程中,对试卷成绩统计分析庞大的工作量在一定程度上制约了此项工作开展的广度和深度,基于此,借助于MS Excel数据分析工具,介绍了一种简单易行的试卷成绩统计分析方法。  相似文献   

以山东省某综合型普通本科院校为例,采用实证研究的方法探求高考与大学生学业成绩的Pearson线性相关分析与Copula函数非线性相关分析,结果显示两者具有较弱的相关性。表明高中数学教育及高考数学考试与大学数学教育及考查有很大不同,研究结果为我国改革高考制度和中学数学教育提供了现实依据。  相似文献   

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