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The role that part‐time faculty play in higher education is changing. No longer are part‐time faculty used on an occasional basis at a few institutions. These individuals now play a critical part in the delivery of higher education to students. This study was developed to answer questions regarding how the performance of adjunct faculty is evaluated. The researcher gathered data on what sources of information were used to evaluate adjunct faculty, and how this information was used by various administrators during evaluation and reappointment decisions. The underlying goal was to develop a better understanding of current evaluation practices so that higher education administrators can ensure that quality learning opportunities are available in the classroom.  相似文献   

北美地区高校教师发展状况探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北美地区高等学校教师发展状况包括职称晋升、培训、奖惩、工资待遇及教学和科研管理等方面。北美地区高校教师发展的很多方面与我国的做法有很大的不同。今后我国在高校发展的政策制定方面应借鉴其中的经验,尽量做到树立选优思想,不拘一格晋升教师;制定相关法律法规,规范学术道德奖惩制度;建立教职工退休金,保证教师安心乐业;淡化校内职能部门的行政权力,赋予教师和学生更多的参与管理的机会。  相似文献   

高校间的竞争,其实就是教师人才的竞争。高校要提高自身的整体竞争力,就必须加大教师人力资源开发力度。要从战略高度出发,统一思想认识,做好高校教师人力资源开发规划;要根据高校实际情况,制定一整套包括选人、用人、育人和留人等政策和措施;要突出重点,围绕学校学科建设的需要,增强人才引进的针对性和有效性;要与时俱进建立与教师人力资源开发配套的机制。  相似文献   

中美高等教育交流与中国高等学校教学改革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文研究了中美高等教育交流对我国高等学校教学改革的影响 ,认为对我国高等学校的课程与教学内容变革、教学方法变革和教学管理体制变革等产生了有力的推动作用。同时认为 ,美国经验是推动我国高等学校教学改革的重要因素 ,但只是作为外因起作用 ,并不是根本动因和全部外来经验  相似文献   

高等教育是分层次分类型的,不同层次与类型的高等学校都有自己的个性.工科类的应用型院校的办学定位、培养目标的确立决定了师资队伍特色;师资队伍的区域性、行业性、"双师"型、拓展型和"三实"特色,又直接影响办学定位、培养目标的确立.坚持以工科为主,构筑"产学研"平台,培养特色明显的师资队伍是应用型本科院校一项艰巨的任务.  相似文献   

美国高等教育筹资体制的主要经验是多渠道、多形式、多元化经费来源,增强了高校对经费困难的承受能力;鼓励高校在筹集办学经费中展开竞争,提高了高校对社会的适应性,为学校的发展增添活力;使资助者参与经费使用的决策过程,是提高资金利用效率的有效监督机制;多种渠道、多种形武、多元化资金资助有助子协调政府、企业及社会等方面同高等学校的关系。  相似文献   

This paper uses coefficient estimates from a model of retirement decision-making for faculty members in higher education institutions to simulate the impact of financial incentives for early retirement. The results suggest that plans can be designed to induce relatively large numbers of faculty members to retire prior to the mandatory retirement age. However, the costs of hiring replacements plus pension subsidies can be substantial, especially if the subsidies are directed toward faculty members with relatively low salaries. Hence, institutions wishing to provide open positions to hire new faculty may prefer different incentive plans than those whose goals do not require filling each position with a new faculty member.  相似文献   

美国高校师资管理机制探析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
美国高校师资管理模式有效促进了美国高等教育在培养人才、吸引人才、创新科技等方面的成功。美国高校主要通过选择机制、筛汰机制、稳定骨干机制和引力机制,来确保聘得高水平的优秀教师,并使教师队伍不断优化,保持生机与活力;通过激励机制来调动教师的积极性和主动性,激发教师的创造力。  相似文献   

略论高校办学特色建设   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
高等学校必须对办学特色建设有一个正确、全面的认识 ,以促进其健康发展。办学特色涉及物化层、行为特征层、理念层三个层次。其中 ,理念层是办学特色系统的核心、灵魂与原动力。办学特色建设要求对学校进行准确定位 ,坚持显性内容与隐性内容并重的原则 ,力戒急功近利思想。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to describe the extent of college transfers over two years since initial matriculation and to examine differences in background characteristics between transfers and nontransfers (i.e., persisters, withdrawals, and graduates). Data involved a national probability sample of the 1972 entering class. Major findings include the following: 25% of the 2-year college students transferred to a 4-year institution, and 16% of 4-year college students moved to another 4-year institution. This later group of students tended to hold higher socioeconomic status and college grades but lower ability test scores than persisters. Implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

《原理》课教学要实现"有针对性"地回答大学生关心的重大问题,就要在教学中处理和把握好社会热点问题。这既是马克思主义题中应有之义,也是帮助大学生从整体上理解马克思主义,完成教学目标的基本要求。社会热点问题的选择应该立足大学生最关心的,同时也是课程不能回避且必须认真回答的带有方向性的问题。在解答《原理》课中的社会热点问题时,教师要遵循一定的方法和原则,比如要充满信心地履行职责、实事求是地答疑解惑和不失方向地进行理论创新等。  相似文献   

美国高校教师管理的新变化及原因探究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
本文介绍了美国高校教师管理中大量聘请兼职教师、增加非终身制教师的比例以及改革终身教授制度等新变化,并对产生这些变化的原因进行了简要分析.  相似文献   

高校教师聘任制改革的探索与有效性审查   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
我国高校教师聘任制的特点及实施策略选择刘献君  高校人事制度改革的核心、重点是聘任制 ,聘任制是高校的基本用人制度 ,主要包括专业技术职务聘任制、职员聘任制等。专业技术职务聘任制主要针对高校教师 ,既有学术性 ,又有社会性 ,实施的难度很大。本文将从高校教师聘任制的内涵出发 ,结合对高校教师聘任制特点的分析 ,提出当前高校教师聘任制实施过程中需要重点探讨的几个问题。一、为什么要推进教师聘任制现在 ,全国各高校都在实施或准备实施教师聘任制。实行教师聘任制势在必行 ,已经成为共识。究其原因 ,从高校的现实情况来看 ,由于…  相似文献   

高校德育与创新素质教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了高校德育在大学生创新素质教育中的导向、激励、启发、人格内化、保障服务等功能 ,简介了我校德育推进大学生创新素质教育的实践。  相似文献   

美国高校终身教职后评估制度的兴起、内涵及其评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国高校的终身教职后评估肇始于20世纪70年代,90年代后实施者渐众。根据评估的目标指向、政策的制订主体和实施的时间安排等不同的角度,终身教职后评估可分为不同的类型。尽管在实施中的落实情况不一,美国大学教授协会提出的有关终身教职后评估的实施建议为确保终身教职后评估的顺利进行不可或缺。我们认为,在目前终身教职备受质疑的背景下,终身教职后评估不失为一个有效的改进策略。  相似文献   

高等职业教育院校中的成人教育具有服务范围广泛、办学形式多元、教学内容务实等特点,决定了高等职业成人教育必须不断创新创优,继续提升办学实力,加强校政、校企、校校合作与交流,为社会培养更多具有创新能力的技能型人才,服务经济社会发展。  相似文献   

当前高职院校师资建设的一个重要内容,就是培养“双师型”教师;但从长期看来这只能是一种过渡,其最终导向应是造就不同层次的职业技能培训师。教育主管部门和相关行管职能部门应联手合作,共同建设多类型、多层次的高职师资培养、培训基地,以完成对不同层次高职师资培养、培训的需求。  相似文献   

Higher education (HE) systems around the world have experienced profound structural changes, particularly since the late 1960s to early 1970s, essentially driven by the need to expand access to tertiary education. This has resulted in a diversity of HE institutions (HEI) with different roles, missions and statuses, as well as academic staff with diverse perspectives and motivations. The present study is based on a survey undertaken in Portugal by a trade union, which aimed to collect faculty perspectives on a proposed HE reform sent out for public discussion by the government. Questions addressed the reorganization of the HEI network, the internal restructuring of HEI, the funding system and the binary divide of HEI (universities and polytechnics). The survey results showed a disparity of faculty perspectives about the proposed reform, closely related to the diversity of HEI. Respondents from lower academic categories and from smaller HEI were more opposed to reorganizing the HEI network. This reorganization was more widely accepted by university staff, who were also more in favour of a binary system than were polytechnic respondents. Although there was general agreement about the need to change the funding system, polytechnic respondents were strongly against a funding differentiation between universities and polytechnics. Despite an overall reformist trend, the enthusiasm for reforms declined substantially when the questions had a direct reference to the respondent’s region or institution. It is argued that HE expansion has driven the diversification of HEI, leading to a range of perspectives about the HE system and the way it should be changed. These conclusions may contribute to insights into other HE systems around the world where institutional diversification has been sought by public policies.  相似文献   

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