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John Barell 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):194-196

Using the questions posed by a gifted twelfth grade girl during on American History class, this article defines the nature of reflective thinking as a search for meaning that involves both imaginative as well as critical, logical thought processes. Such thinking is essentially poetic in nature. The author concludes by drawing implications for the education of gifted persons.  相似文献   

For second language learners, English writing as one of the forms of communication is particularly tough. In order to help learners to write correctly and fluently, teachers could guide learners to integrate genre and content reasonably to meet their communicative needs, to motivate their interest and to improve their writing skills. The paper provides diverse teaching techniques and strategies for teachers to help learners from the elementary level, the intermediate level or the advanced level to be fully exposed in communicative activities in class. And teachers are expected to give feedbacks to ideas, feelings, or perceptions that students have tried to communicate through their writing in a sensible way. Teaching writing is a process of aiding learners to discover themselves and implicit communication with readers with purposes.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose a theoretical model to analyze prospective teachers?? reasoning and knowledge of real numbers, and to provide an empirical verification of it. The model is based on Sierpinska??s theory of theoretical thinking. Data were collected from 59 prospective teachers through a written test and interviews. The data indicated that mathematical tasks on real numbers, based on Sierpinska??s theory, could be categorized according to whether they require reflective, systemic or analytic thinking. Analysis of the data identified three different groups of prospective teachers reflecting different types of theoretical thinking about real numbers. The interviews confirmed the empirical data from the written test, and provided a better insight into the thinking and characteristic features of the prospective teachers in each group. The analysis also indicated that the participants were more successful in tasks requiring systemic and analytic thinking, and only when this was achieved were they able to solve problems which required reflective thinking. Implications for teaching related to the findings of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

教学反思是对教学活动的理性批判,对公共教育学而言,我们必须对其在教师职前培养中的作用、课程的性质和任务、知识体系结构、教学方式等进行反思。改革公共教育学的教学应从教师的继续教育入手,并对教学内容、课程设置和教学方式进行整体改革。  相似文献   

马晓薇 《海外英语》2012,(22):122-123,141
随着中国教育事业的发展,教师教育和教师的专业化越来越成为教师及整个教育界关注的问题。该文以反思作为教师专业化和提高自身理论水平的切入点,就反思型教师教育的理论来源、反思型教师应遵循的原则、反思性教学的过程以及反思性教学对自身工作的启示进行了探讨。  相似文献   

反思性教学是教师以自己的教学活动为思考对象,对自己的教学行为、决策以及由此产生的结果进行审视和分析,并据此采取相应的对策的过程,它为教师提供了一种新的提高专业能力的途径。  相似文献   

教师的教学过程是一种自我反思的过程,教师在教育教学中反思,不仅提高教师的理论水平,而且也提高教师的实践水平.反思被认为是取得实际效果并使教师的教学参与更为主动、专业发展更为积极的一种工具和手段,教学反思是教师专业发展的有效路径.  相似文献   

教师的反思性教学与学生的反思主体地位   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
反思性教学是现代教育改革中迅速兴起的一种教学理论思潮。它一方面通过反思活动使教师逐步成熟获得全面发展,另一方面要求学生也成为反思实践。在反思活动中,学生的元学习能力得到发展,从而主动进入深层学习并取得高效的学习结果。培养学生成为反思主体是教学过程中教师的一项重要职责。  相似文献   


The following paper will apply a social constructionist paradigm to the concepts of the reflective self, creativity and intuition as valuable skills in social work practice education. The students' learning process and their integration of self-reflective, intuitive and creative knowledge and skills will be illustrated through excerpts from their final papers in an advanced social work practice course taught by this instructor. A qualitative analysis will focus on three main themes that emerged from these final papers: learning from the client, the use of intuition, and helplessness and omnipotence. The author's underlying thesis is that on-going self-examination, intuitive knowledge and a creative use of self are not only crucial skills in clinical practice in general but should continue to be emphasized in social work practice education.  相似文献   

This paper demystifies reflective practice on teaching by focusing on the idea of reflection itself and how it has been conceived by two philosophers, Plato and Irigaray. It argues that reflective practice has become a standardized method of defining the teacher in teacher education and teacher accreditation systems. It explores how practices of reflection themselves can suggest ways out of dictated pathways of reflection in teaching. Drawing on Luce Irigaray's and Plato's ideas on reflection, the paper includes a critical overview of how reflective practice can contradict its own aims and become non‐reflective, shutting off possibilities for transformations and educational differences that it has set out to achieve. Keeping up the deconstructive mood, the paper draws on Irigaray's re‐reading of Plato's parable of the cave to argue that reflective teaching that merely reflects phallogocentric educational systems and that attempts to universally reproduce standardized forms of reflective practice can never be conducive to the diversification of educational spaces.

The paper seeks to re‐think Plato's idea of reflection as mere copying and takes up Irigaray's strategic mimesis to explore ways through which reflective practice can regain its critical edge and reactivate teachers' reflective voices. It argues for the repetition of the practice of reflection by drawing on a feminist critique that challenges phallogocentric reflective tendencies in education and for mimetic strategies that engender difference.  相似文献   

反思生教学是教师对教学实践的思考、分析和评价,是教师实现自我发展的有效途径。开放性思维、责任心和敬业精神是教师进行反思性教学必不可少的三种态度,在外语教学中,应根据学生的认知水平,注意培养学生的反思性学习能力。  相似文献   

"反思性教学"研究述评   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
反思性教学是影响当今世界各国教育实践的强劲教学思潮之一。本从反思性教学的实质、实践合理性、条件、实践等四个方面,对国内外的反思性教学研究进行归纳和总结,并在此基础上分析了已有研究存在的问题,以期为反思性教学研究的进一步开展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

缺少反思是导致教师道德评价失效的原因之一.反思在教师的道德评价中起着积极作用.它有助于教师将道德评价理论运用于实践,加深教师对学校教育伦理规范的理解和规避评价手段的潜在危险.据此提出,教师可通过在理论学习、学习者的自传、师生的对话和理解中的反思,来提高其道德评价能力.  相似文献   

论教师的教学反思   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
培养反思型教师已经成为教师教育的重要目标之一,但是对于教学反思的内涵与结构,不同的研究者有不同的理解。本文探讨了教学反思的内涵,并构建出教学反思的多维的、动态的、发展的心理结构:横向上包括教学反思的内容、方式、倾向,纵向上包括教师教学反思的不同发展水平、阶段,并在此基础上,论述了教师教学反思的特点。  相似文献   

论反思性教育实践   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
反思性教育实践是教育主体从教育问题出发通过假说与实验等自觉调节自己的教育思想与行为不断提升教育实践合理性使自己获得更大幸福的过程,包括发现问题、观察分析、理论重构与主动实验四个相互联系的环节。它与常规性教育实践对立统一,动态平衡。一方面,它为常规性教育实践注入活力,帮助其优化目的与行为,使之由量变到质变进入新的发展空间。另一方面,它借助常规性教育实践提供的舞台,验证并积累自己的创造行为所产生的价值。反思性教育实践在与常规性教育实践相互依存相互作用的过程中实现价值,并不是完全独立的教育实践形态。  相似文献   

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