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原型批评在中国现代文学研究中具有重要意义,它不仅提供了操作便利、实践性强的具体方法,而且可为探讨中国现代文学与传统的关系这一学术界备受关注的课题提供有说服力的理论依据。  相似文献   

原型批评在中国的传播与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原型批评是在上世纪50年代兴起的一种重要的西方文艺批评方法,八十年代后传入我国内地。叶舒宪、方克强等著名学者为它在中国的传播与应用做出了巨大的贡献,而它也在我国的文学研究中发挥了重大的作用。  相似文献   

原型批评理论经荣格、弗雷泽、弗菜的发端和发展早巳成熟,但我们认为,艺并不是来源于原型,而是来源于生活。因为原型会随着社会历史的变迁而变迁,随着民族的不同而不同,它并不是本能遗传的。  相似文献   

教学研究方法论的回顾与前瞻   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教学论的成熟和发展离不开教学研究方法论的突破与进步。回顾教学研究方法论的历史 ,有助于更好地把握教学研究方法论发展的基本规律 ,教学研究方法论大致经历了直觉观察为主、分析为主、科学化探索及多元化几个阶段。展望未来 ,可以透视出教学研究方法论有这样的变革趋势 :1.教学研究方法论的哲学基础进一步加强 ;2 .教学研究方法论的多元化 ;3.教学研究方法论的内在化日趋加强 ;4 .教学研究手段趋于现代化 ;5.重视元教学论的研究 ;6.重视开展教学实验 ;7.后现代主义对教学研究方法论的影响。  相似文献   

论原型批评在文学作品分析中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原型批评作为文学作品分析的方法拓展了文学分析的空间,有利于揭开文学中深奥的思想和人类深层心理的奥秘。在今天的文艺批评领域中,原型批评仍然有重要的意义,值得研究和探讨。  相似文献   

原型批评作为批评和文化探究领域的批评方法之一,是20世纪下半叶走向鼎盛的非常重要的西方批评流派。其中弗雷泽的《金枝》被誉为是一部对人类学产生深刻影响的文学批评著作。通过品读弗雷泽笔下的《金枝》,分析弗雷泽对巫术、宗教和科学的认识,进一步学习原型批评,加深对原型批评的理解。  相似文献   

神话-原型批评视域中的《中国佬》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当代著名华裔美国女作家汤亭亭的《中国佬》描写了四代华人移居美国的经历。小说中的中国神话和传说对于揭示华裔美国人的生存状态和内心世界,反思华裔美国人的群体意识和文化处境起到不可或缺的作用,尤其值得关注。应用神话一原型批评理论分析小说中“鬼伴”和“论死亡”两个中国神话传说所包含的仙女/鬼女和牺牲两种原型意象能够揭示《中国佬》深刻的寓意和丰富的文化内涵。  相似文献   

我国教育评价发展经历了觉醒、活跃、规范与创新四个阶段,取得了一定的成绩,但也存在诸如忽视教育主体的发展价值、评价模式单一、忽视评价的有效性、基础理论研究薄弱等问题.当前,我国教育评价发展的趋势是进一步确立发展性的评价观,发挥评价的改进与激励功能,注重评价内容的全面性,构建多样化的评价方法,提高评价对象的主体地位.  相似文献   

原型批评理论从20世纪80年代中期传入中国后,以其方法论的性质和与中国传统学问路数的相似性、民族心态的适应性等,在文学研究乃至整个文化领域产生了极大影响,取得了诸多批评实践业绩、进而形成思潮。但由于外来理论和研究者素质等因素,原型批评理论在实际操作中也有很多不适和失误。  相似文献   

原型是一种积淀着文化因子的文化意象,它是一种约定性、稳定性的意蕴,这种意蕴作为一种集体无意识深刻地影响着文学的发展。母亲原型就是这些原型中的一种。铁凝小说中的母亲原型有着复杂的文化象喻特征,它们是远古神话的延伸与映射。通过原型批评的方法来解读铁凝小说中的母亲原型可以获得关于女性文学及性别文化研究的多元视角。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代,涉及语篇结构分析的主流理论相继有修辞结构理论、向心理论、脉络理论等。通过对比,试图理清其各自的理论框架和研究对象,并找寻这些理论的共同点与不同点,从而发现语篇结构分析的核心问题依旧围绕照应、语篇切分、连贯以及次语篇的语义关系问题,而最新研究趋势则更加倾向于认知科学的介入以及大规模语篇处理的可能性。  相似文献   


Different environmental education programs (field trips, hiking, camps, adventure activities) aim to develop pupils' affective relationship to the natural environment, their environmental sensitivity, and outdoor behavior, as well as their social relationships, through personal experiences. This study discusses the results of experiences from outdoor activities involving 11- and 12-year-old pupils in Rovaniemi and Vaasa, Finland. The qualitative research methods comprised case studies involving questionnaires, individual interviews, drawings, photographs of landscapes, and participant observations during camps. Nature experiences developed the pupils' self-confidence and feelings of safety, in particular, which in turn increased their willingness to participate in future outdoor activities. In this way, nature began to have new meanings for them on a personal level. Comparing pupils who were experienced in outdoor activities with pupils who were not, it was found that the former seemed to have a strong and clearly definable empathic relationship to nature. They also exhibited better social behavior and higher moral judgements. The reasons for conflicts between environmental attitudes and action, still observable in some experienced boys of the Vaasa group, are discussed in terms of conscious vs. unconscious action and applied knowledge. The role and possibilities of outdoor education in environmental education and natural studies are emphasized for schools as well as for teacher education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the transition that classroom teachers experience moving into the academy as teacher educators, considering the change in professional identity and the subsequent alignment of situational and substantial selves. We outline the findings of a qualitative case study that utilised self-study and teacher narrative to explore the road travelled by a group of new teacher educators in a regional university in rural Australia. To frame our work we drew from theories related to teacher professional identity and career transition. The research explored patterns of experience between ourselves and the other participants that helped to explain the transition process for new teacher educators and allowed us to see our own experiences in new ways. The significance of the study resides in the fact that new teacher educators, as a group, have not been thoroughly researched and consequently are not well understood. The academic role is complex and the road from classroom teacher to teacher educator can be described as rocky. We conclude that it is important to recognise both the context and process of the transition in order to retain teacher educators in higher education.  相似文献   

《中国历代美学库》是近年来关于中国古代美学的一件盛事,它对于中国美学史与相关人学科的建设无疑会起到强大的推动作用。这部大型献资料库经过前后12年的艰苦历程,才得以问世,这本身说明中国古代美学与中国古代化的其他学科的研究一样,是一个厚积薄发,需要长期积累的过程,这对于时下过于浮泛的学术研究风气是一种矫正与警策。  相似文献   

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