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In the laboratory, students can actively explore concepts and experience the nature of scientific research. We have devised a 5-wk laboratory project in our introductory college biology course whose aim was to improve understanding in five major concepts that are central to basic cellular, molecular biology, and genetics while teaching molecular biology techniques. The project was focused on the production of adenine in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and investigated the nature of mutant red colonies of this yeast. Students created red mutants from a wild-type strain, amplified the two genes capable of giving rise to the red phenotype, and then analyzed the nucleotide sequences. A quiz assessing student understanding in the five areas was given at the start and the end of the course. Analysis of the quiz showed significant improvement in each of the areas. These areas were taught in the laboratory and the classroom; therefore, students were surveyed to determine whether the laboratory played a role in their improved understanding of the five areas. Student survey data demonstrated that the laboratory did have an important role in their learning of the concepts. This project simulated steps in a research project and could be adapted for an advanced course in genetics.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - In biological research, generic questions that are derived from perspectives (ways of looking at and thinking about life processes) help in generating specific...  相似文献   

近年来,随着中考考试制度的改革,“综合理科”应运而生,特别是理、化、生有关知识的相互渗透与融合,更能体现“综合理科”的特点。因此,教学中应根据“综合理科”的特点,挖掘教材中的交叉点,设计一些多学科试题对学生进行训练,以培养他们综合解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

在教学过程中,经常发现部分学生由于对课本概念模糊、知识点记忆不牢固、审题不清等原因,经常会"掉入"试卷中一些易混题的陷阱中.笔者通过整理和归纳,举例分析常见的高中生物易混题并对错因进行分析.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate associations between students' perceptions of their biology teachers' interpersonal behavior and their laboratory learning environments and their attitudinal, achievement, and performance outcomes. A sample of 489 students from 28 senior biology classes in eight schools in Tasmania, Australia completed the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) and the Science Laboratory Environment Inventory (SLEI). Responses to two attitude questionnaires, achievement on an external written examination, and performance in laboratory practical tests were used as student outcome measures. Statistical analyses supported the reliability and validity of the QTI and the SLEI when used with senior secondary biology students. We investigated associations between students' perceptions of teacher behavior and their laboratory learning environment with student outcomes, including the unique and common contributions of the QTI and SLEI to variance in student outcomes. Associations with students' perceptions of the learning environment were stronger for the attitudinal outcomes than for the cognitive or practical skills outcomes. Some commonality between the QTI and SLEI scales was found in their contributions to the variance in attitudinal outcomes, but not in their contributions to variance in cognitive and practical skill outcomes. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 26–43, 2000  相似文献   

This is among the first longitudinal studies to report student attitudes across 4 yr of a university program. We found that the attitudes of students in biology become significantly more expert-like from the first year to the fourth year of the program, that is, there was a significant positive shift in students’ overall percent favorable scores from 64.5 to 72%, as opposed to the expert response, which averaged 90%. There was a significant positive shift for the real world connection category (78–85%), the enjoyment (personal interest) category (74–82%), and the conceptual connections/memorization category (66–74%). Moreover, there was a significant correlation between students’ overall percent favorable scores and performance (cumulative grade point average) at the end, but not at the beginning, of the fourth year, with high-performing students having significantly more expert-like attitudes than low-performing students. The correlation between percent favorable score and performance was the strongest for the problem solving: synthesis and application category, in which the highest-performing students finished their fourth year with 90% favorable compared with 35% favorable for the lowest-performing students. A comparison of these results with previously reported results and their implications for teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

压力气瓶是高校实验室常用的高危储气设备,气瓶事故屡见不鲜。分析了近十年我国气瓶事故的总体发展趋势,然后结合典型案例选取了52起高校实验室气瓶事故进行统计分析,得出了发生倾倒、泄漏和爆炸三类事故的可能性以及事故后果严重程度的概率。然后根据事故调查报告从人、机、环、管四方面总结分析了高校实验室气瓶事故发生的原因,为安全管理提供了依据。  相似文献   

[目的]了解某高校研究生对实验室生物安全知识的认知情况和态度,为有效开展实验室生物安全教育提供依据。[方法]采用问卷调查的方式对某高校研究生发放100份问卷进行调查,并用SPSS13.0软件进行分析。[结论]虽然大多数研究生接受过实验室生物安全教育,但是并没有真正掌握生物安全知识,需要加强实验室生物安全培训,并切实保障培训成效。  相似文献   

Eleven Grade 6 students from a class of 26 Canadian children (comprising both Grade 5 and Grade 6 students) were the focus of a 15-week study on students' mathematical learning through writing, where Student Journals (SJ) and Student-Constructed Questions (SCQ) were used by the class teacher as an integral part of her lessons on common and decimal fractions. Student interviews, classroom observations and a teacher interview complemented the analysis of SJ and SCQ. Both writing tasks evidenced students' mathematical learning, but while the SCQ indicated students' fraction knowledge more clearly, the SJ did not communicate students' understanding of fractions as well as student's verbal discussion and explanations did.  相似文献   

高校实验室学生管理工作复杂,实验室教学效果不佳。因此,为了激发学生们实验室学习的主动性和积极性,改善学生们实验课的学习效果,文章重点对学生管理目标激励方法、学生管理角色激励方法、学生管理奖惩激励方法、学生管理荣誉激励方法以及学生管理参与激励方法在高校实验室学生管理中的应用进行了分析,旨在提高高校实验室学生管理水平以及管理质量。  相似文献   

Laboratory and demonstration have long been used to supplement lecture in chemistry education. Current research indicates that students are better served by laboratories which exercise the higher-order cognitive skills, such as inquiry-based laboratories. However, the time and the resources available to perform these recommended types of laboratories are continually shrinking. Due to these factors, a demonstration-laboratory was designed to allow students to make observations through demonstration rather then through hands-on laboratory. For this study, the hands-on procedures of an inquiry style laboratory were replaced by an instructor demonstration of these same procedures. A significant difference was found between student conceptual understanding before and after the experiment, indicating that students performing the laboratory experiment and students viewing the demonstration-laboratory had an increase in conceptual understanding. However, no significant difference was found between the conceptual understanding of the two groups after the experiment, indicating that students learn roughly the same from both methods and that the demonstration-laboratory at least does no harm to the students conceptually. Long-term effects on student understanding were not measured. Student opinions comparing the demonstration laboratory to a hands-on laboratory were also collected and analyzed.  相似文献   

在抽样调查基础上,运用属性数据逐步自回归技术,对浙江某高校教师的“学评教”成绩与学生相应的评教因素关系进行了统计分析。结果显示:学生的评教态度与自身素质情况决定了教师的“学评教”成绩高低,学生自身的能力、对“学评教”认识等因素影响不显著。因此,各高校在实施“学评教”时需谨慎,避免与人事、职称评定等政策挂钩同时,还应加强教育理念研究,正确认识其教育职能。  相似文献   

分子细胞生物学主要在分子水平上研究细胞生命活动的基本规律,是生命科学前沿学科之一。分子细胞生物学实验技术已经成为运动人体科学专业研究的重要工具。分子细胞生物学实验课程教学在运动人体科学研究生教育中的重要性日显突出。本文以首都体育学院为例,在运动人体科学研究生分子细胞生物学实验课程开设的必要性、教学团队建设、教学内容、教学形式与方法及考核方式等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

学生的学业评价一直以来都是衡量教育质量的标准,对于评价方式有严格要求。以科学素养这一领域的生物样本试题为例,对国际学生评价项目PISA试题的设计进行分析,从而为我国的生物学业水平测试命题提供参考,提高评价的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

尹发跃 《现代教育技术》2007,17(10):103-105
本文主要分析了人文社科专业研究生利用实验室的现状及存在的问题,提出研究生高层次实验室的发展急需解决和探讨的二个问题。  相似文献   

高等医学院校承担着培养医学专业人才的重任,实验室的生物安全至关重要,国内已有一些高校认识到实验室安全教育的重要性,并进行了一系列探索,但仍存在不少弊端。鉴于我校医学部病原生物学实验室存在的问题,提出了进一步加强和完善实验室生物安全管理的有效对策。借鉴国际国内的实验室生物安全管理现状,加强我校病原生物学实验室工作人员的生物安全培训和实验室硬件建设,并将生物安全教育贯彻到本科生病原生物学实验教学的各个环节,树立学生的生物安全意识,创造一个高质量、高标准的实验教学环境。  相似文献   

分析了生物实验室由于污染物的量较小而未被重视的现状以及污染物的特点,提出了生物实验室绿色化建设的观点和绿色化建设的措施,包括废弃物的正确处置,如何从源头上减少有毒有害废弃物的方法、建立绿色化生物实验室的规章制度。  相似文献   

Students who lack metacognitive skills can struggle with the learning process. To be effective learners, students should recognize what they know and what they do not know. This study examines the relationship between students’ perception of their knowledge and determined knowledge in an upper-level biology course utilizing a pre/posttest approach. Significant differences in students’ perception of their knowledge and their determined knowledge exist at the beginning (pretest) and end (posttest) of the course. Alignment between student perception and determined knowledge was significantly more accurate on the posttest compared with the pretest. Students whose determined knowledge was in the upper quartile had significantly better alignment between their perception and determined knowledge on the pre- and posttest than students in the lower quartile. No difference exists between how students perceived their knowledge between upper- and lower-quartile students. There was a significant difference in alignment of perception and determined knowledge between males and females on the posttest, with females being more accurate in their perception of knowledge. This study provides evidence of discrepancies that exist between what students perceive they know and what they actually know.  相似文献   

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