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在游泳项目中,陆上训练是水上训练的补充和调节,力量训练则是预防运动损伤、提高运动成绩的有效手段.目前,高水平优秀游泳运动员陆上训练除了发展一般身体素质外,更强调训练的专项化、个性化及有效性,训练中根据不同运动员的年龄、训练水平、训练阶段、训练任务、身体状况、专项及地点,制定个性化的陆上训练计划.  相似文献   

陈立新  张明飞 《游泳》2009,(6):50-52
陆上训练是游泳训练的补充和调节,其中的力量训练更是预防运动损伤和提高运动成绩的有效手段。目前高水平游泳运动员的陆上训练除了发展一般身体素质,更强调训练的专项化、运动员个体化以及训练的有效性。通过对不同项目、不同距离的优秀游泳选手的典型陆上训练内容进行分析,可以使我们了解世界优秀运动员的陆上训练特点和方法、手段。为我国教练员制定陆上训练计划提供参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、实验法和数理统计法等,阐述陆上体能训练对游泳运动员运动能力及运动成绩的影响,以期为丰富游泳运动员的体能训练方法及提高运动成绩提供参考.  相似文献   

王珂 《游泳》2005,(6):34-34
随着竞技游泳运动水平的不断提高,在力量训练的手段和方法方面都有了许多新的观点。如:以能量代谢方式来划分训练的强度,游进过程中更强调减阻的重要性等等。正是这些新思路的出现推动了游泳运动水平的迅速提高。  相似文献   

本文通过对广州市第二中学45名初中学生游泳运动员进行有计划、有目的的综合力量训练,结果表明,这些初中学生的游泳运动成绩有了显著的提高。  相似文献   

陈立新  张明飞 《游泳》2010,(1):54-55
陆上训练是游泳训练的补充和调节,其中的力量训练更是预防运动损伤和提高运动成绩的有效手段。目前高水平游泳运动员的陆上训练除了发展一般身体素质,更强调训练的专项化、运动员个体化以及训练的有效性。通过对不同项目、不同距离的优秀游泳选手的典型陆上训练内容进行分析,可以使我们了解世界优秀运动员的陆上训练特点和方法、手段,为我国教练员制定陆上训练计划提供参考。  相似文献   

随着我国游泳运动员竞技水平的不断提高,运动员的力量训练是不可缺少的,也是掌握运动技术提高运动成绩的基础。1、手段l.l负重练习,是运用一定的负荷量重复训练,来发展力量素质,可以锻炼身体大部分的肌肉群,训练是多种多样的,负荷量和次数要随时调整,是常用的发展力量手段。  相似文献   

田春宽  高伟 《游泳》2002,(4):29-31
陆上训练可以使游泳运动员受益匪浅,尤其是对于高校游泳运动员或其他一些从未接受过专业化训练的游泳爱好者,这一点更为重要。如果高校的游泳教练员们能够正确地认识并对队员实施一些有效的陆上训练内容,相信通过力量的增长可以使游速得到全面的提高。  相似文献   

我国优秀游泳运动员身体形态简易评价模型的建立   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以2006年我国国家游泳集训队队员为研究对象,通过数理统计法、实验研究法及文献资料法,以建立起我国优秀游泳运动员身体形态指标的简易评价模型为目的,对各形态指标进行研究。结果表明:我国优秀游泳运动员的身体形态可分为基本形态、身体成份以及体型三大因子;研究提示游泳项目要求运动员应具有身高臂长,身体充实度高,手面积宽大的特点,同时要体现出“倒锥体”形的流线型体征,但对运动员的皮下脂肪含量要求不高;我国优秀游泳运动员身体形态指标的简易评价模型为我国优秀游泳运动员的高级选材提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

魏祺 《新体育》2023,(4):33-35
在青少年女子游泳运动员的训练过程中,陆上训练是常见的训练项目。近年来,悬吊训练开始被应用于游泳运动员的训练之中,并日益受到人们的关注。在本文的研究中,对游泳运动员训练中陆上训练与悬吊训练的相关内容进行简单的介绍,进而选择部分青少年女子游泳运动员开展实验研究。通过对不同训练模式下运动员测试成绩的对比和分析,验证陆上训练联合悬吊训练在提高青少年女子游泳运动员成绩方面的效果。  相似文献   

男排运动员专项力量发展水平的检查与评定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用献资料研究、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,从分析我国优秀排球运动员的专项力量特征入手,对优秀男排运动员专项力量发展水平进行检查与判定的手段和方法,进行了探讨和研究,以期为排球选材和训练工作提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, we used recently developed technology to determine the force-time profile of elite swimmers, which enabled coaches to make informed decisions on technique modifications. Eight elite male swimmers with a FINA (Federation Internationale de Natation) rank of 900+ completed five passive (streamline tow) and five net force (arms and leg swimming) trials. Three 50-Hz cameras were used to video each trial and were synchronized to the kinetic data output from a force-platform, upon which a motorized towing device was mounted. Passive and net force trials were completed at the participant's maximal front crawl swimming velocity. For the constant tow velocity, the net force profile was presented as a force-time graph, and the limitation of a constant velocity assumption was acknowledged. This allowed minimum and maximum net forces and arm symmetry to be identified. At a mean velocity of 1.92+0.06 m s?1, the mean passive drag for the swimmers was 80.3+4.0 N, and the mean net force was 262.4+33.4 N. The mean location in the stroke cycle for minimum and maximum net force production was at 45% (insweep phase) and 75% (upsweep phase) of the stroke, respectively. This force-time profile also identified any stroke asymmetry.  相似文献   

随着体育全球化的推进,各种体育赛事层出不穷。游泳是奥运会的重要比赛项目,奖牌多,影响力大。新形势下,世界泳坛百花争艳,各国选手都极具竞争力,而我国游冰运动员的运动寿命短暂,平均年龄低于国外选手,忽视了许多大器晚成的优秀运动员。因此,本文通过介绍“运动寿命”的定义,分析我国优秀游泳运动员的培养现状,讨论造成优秀游泳运动员运动寿命短暂的因素,寻找延长优秀游泳运动员运动寿命的策略。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to characterize changes and variability in test performance of swimmers within and between seasons over their elite competitive career. Forty elite swimmers (24 male, 16 female) performed a 7×200-m incremental swimming step test several times each 6-month season (10±5 tests, spanning 0.5–6.0?y). Mixed linear modeling provided estimates of percent change in the mean and individual responses (within-athlete variation as a coefficient of variation) for measures based on submaximal performance (fixed 4-mM lactate), maximal performance (the seventh step) and lean mass (from skinfolds and body mass). Submaximal and maximal swim speed increased within each season from pre to taper phase by ~2.2% for females and ~1.5% for males (95% confidence limits ±1.0%), with variable contributions from stroke rate and stroke length. Most of the gains in speed were lost in the off-season, leaving a net average annual improvement of ~1.0% for females and ~0.6% for males (±1.0%). For submaximal and maximal speed, individual variation between phases was ±2.2% and the typical measurement error was ±0.80%. Step test and anthropometric measures can be used to confidently monitor progressions in swimmers in an elite training program within and between seasons.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the relationship between changes in test measures and changes in competition performance for individual elite swimmers. The 24 male and 16 female swimmers, who were monitored for 3.6 years (s = 2.5), raced in a major competition at the end of each 6-month season (3.6 competitions, s = 2.2). A 7 x 200-m incremental swimming step-test and anthropometry were conducted in up to four training phases each season. Correlations of changes in step-test and anthropometry measures between training phases and seasons with changes in competition performance between seasons were derived with repeated-measures mixed-modelling and linear regression. Changes in competition performance were best tracked by changes in test measures between taper phases. The best single predictor of competition performance was skinfolds for females (r = -0.53). The best predictor from the step-test was stroke rate at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol x l(-1) (females: r = 0.46; males: r = 0.41); inclusion of the second-best step-test predictor in a multiple linear regression improved the correlations (females: r = 0.52 with speed in the seventh step included; males: r = 0.58 with peak lactate concentration included). In conclusion, a combination of fitness and technique factors is important for competitive performance. The step-test is a useful adjunct in a swimmer's training preparation for tracking large changes in performance.  相似文献   

山东省优秀男子举重运动员抓举技术动作生物力学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据定性与定量相结合的原则,采用摄像解析及三维测力相结合的方法,对山东省男子举重队6名运动员的抓举动作进行诊断和评价,为其改进技术动作,提高运动成绩提供参考依据.研究结果表明,抓举过程中杠铃中心点运动轨迹应尽可能成垂直直线向上,S型弧度要小,发力后杠铃应达到一定最大速度,部分优秀运动员下蹲时加速度大于自由落体加速度,杠铃上抛中心点与身高的比值应控制在70%左右.抓举过程中人体膝关节角度曲线成双峰,而髋关节角度曲线为单峰,髋关节不可过早打开,躯干也不可过早用力.抓举整个过程环环相扣,每个阶段的发挥对下一阶段均有重要影响,对抓举的技术分析应采用系统的思考方法.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to compare muscle coordination strategies of the upper and lower limb muscles between beginners and elite breaststroke swimmers. Surface electromyography (EMG) of eight muscles was recorded in 16 swimmers (8 elite, 8 beginners) during a 25 m swimming breaststroke at 100% of maximal effort. A decomposition algorithm was used to identify the muscle synergies that represent the temporal and spatial organisation of muscle coordination. Between-groups indices of similarity and lag times were calculated. Individual muscle patterns were moderately to highly similar between groups (between-group indices range: 0.61 to 0.84). Significant differences were found in terms of lag time for pectoralis major (< 0.05), biceps brachii, rectus femoris and tibialis anterior (< 0.01), indicating an earlier activation for these muscles in beginners compared to elites (range: ?13.2 to ?3.8% of the swimming cycle). Three muscle synergies were identified for both beginners and elites. Although their composition was similar between populations, the third synergy exhibited a high within-group variability. Moderate to high indices of similarity were found for the shape of synergy activation coefficients (range: 0.63 to 0.88) but there was a significant backward shift (?8.4% of the swimming cycle) in synergy #2 for beginners compared to elites. This time shift suggested differences in the global arm-to-leg coordination. These results indicate that the synergistic organisation of muscle coordination during breaststroke swimming is not profoundly affected by expertise. However, specific timing adjustments were observed between lower and upper limbs.  相似文献   

In the last decade there has been an increase in empirical research on coaches of elite able-bodied athletes, while coaches of athletes with a disability have generally been overlooked. Thus, the purpose of the current study was to address this oversight by examining the career evolution and knowledge of these coaches. Six elite coaches of swimmers with a physical disability were interviewed using an unstructured, open-ended interview format. Results revealed information pertaining to the coaches' backgrounds, career evolution, and knowledge in training and competition. As well, all coaches stressed the importance of coaching their athletes as an elite swimmer as opposed to coaching a swimmer with a disability.  相似文献   

山东省优秀散打运动员无氧能力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解优秀散打运动员上下肢无氧能力特征及相关性,测试了山东武术院散打队22名现役运动员的无氧能力。研究发现优秀散打运动员的无氧能力以无氧爆发力为主,无氧耐力次之,且上下肢无氧能力之间存在相关性,提示可以根据标准的下肢无氧能力测试结果来估测上肢无氧能力的强弱。  相似文献   

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