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钟志宏 《考试周刊》2011,(32):172-173
人的一切学习都含有记忆,记忆得如何跟是否掌握正确的记忆方法有密切联系。因此,本文从心理学的角度对记忆的方法进行分析,研究记忆的途径,提出图表记忆、熟语记忆、比较记忆三种有效记忆方法。  相似文献   

白珍 《中学生电脑》2011,(11):40-41
对于很多学习英语的中学生来说,记忆单词是一项艰难的任务,而记忆单词是有规律和方法可循的。在英语教学中,教师应该教会学生如何记忆英语单词。本文论述了九种记忆英语单词的方法:分类记忆、构词法记、忆逻辑记忆、发音记忆、联想记忆、造句记忆、阅读记忆、背诵记忆、感官记忆。希望通过这些方法使学生记忆单词变得轻松、容易。  相似文献   

词汇记忆篇课本上的许多知识都是需要准确记忆的,记忆就要抓住规律和科学方法,死记硬背只会白白浪费时间。下面,我以背英语单词为例谈谈记忆的方法。记忆单词的方法很多,有强化记忆、循环记忆、串联比较、联想记  相似文献   

在英语教学中,教师要指导学生记忆单词的方法和策略,其方法有理解记忆,读音记忆,联想记忆,复习记忆,分类记忆等.  相似文献   

本文从教学实际出发,结合语言实际和记忆的一般原理,分析了高职学生英语词汇的若干学习记忆方法:简单重复记忆,必要语境记忆,联想分类记忆,学以致用记忆,并强调学习者在学习记忆词汇时应运用多种方法。  相似文献   

记忆方法是学习中的一个重要环节,本文主要从记忆方法的重要性和必要性出发,深刻分析在服装专业理论学习中要讲究记忆方法的原因,重点归纳了讲究记忆方法的几种措施,并详细列举专业学习中几种记忆方法的运用,旨在说明在职业教学中要引导学生重视专业理论的学习,讲究记忆方法。  相似文献   

孟祥慧 《考试周刊》2012,(38):94-94
单词是英语的基础,在教学中记忆单词成了学习过程中的难点。因此提高记忆单词的效率,掌握记忆单词的方法是英语教改的当务之急。本文以记忆单词的能力训练,记忆单词的习惯训练,记忆单词的方法方面为切入口阐述了一些记忆单词的方法以供参考。  相似文献   

董云 《考试周刊》2011,(30):164-165
记忆方法是学习中的一个重要环节,本文主要从记忆方法的重要性和必然性出发,深刻分析在服装专业理论学习中讲究记忆方法的原因,重点归纳了讲究记忆方法的几种措施,并详细列举专业学习中几种记忆方法的运用,旨在说明在职业教学中要引导学生重视专业理论的学习,讲究记忆方法。  相似文献   

英语教学的方法多种多样,每种方法由不同的老师教和不同的学生学,所起到的效果是不一样的。任何事物都是有规律可循的,英语教学也不例外。众多的英语教学方法中最重要的就是帮助学生找到记忆方法和记忆规律。学生掌握记忆方法,有利于提升英语学习能力、提高学习兴趣。本文中,主要探讨了顺口溜记忆、对比记忆、案例记忆、三种记忆方法。  相似文献   

高中生对于卤素、氧族等知识不能保持长久记忆,这与教师在教学中训练学生记忆方法不得当息息相关,而在教学中使用理解记忆、图示记忆、对比记忆、小结记忆等方法,对于帮助学生长久记忆的确大有裨益.  相似文献   

中国非英语专业研究生词汇量不同词频等级分布状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了中国非英语专业研究生的接受性和产出性词汇量在高频、中频、低频以及学术类词汇四个词频等级的分布情况。上海市两所重点高校的360名研究生参加了两种分别测量学习者接受性和产出性词汇的词汇测试。研究结果表明,我国非英语专业研究生能够掌握大多数高频词和学术类词汇的基本含义,但由于他们对中低频词,尤其是低频词的认知率较低,在今后的学习中仍有可能面临词汇上的困难;研究生的产出性词汇量要远低于其接受性词汇量,且大部分产出性词汇仍属于高频词;尽管学生对学术类词汇的认知率较高,但他们在该词频上的产出性词汇量仍有待进一步提高。针对上述结果,研究建议在研究生英语教学过程中教师应注意对学生词汇学习策略的培养,并通过数据驱动学习、转变写作任务模式等途径扩大学生的产出性词汇量。  相似文献   

施华萍 《海外英语》2012,(16):19-20
词汇是英语学习中的基础,在质量上或是数量上的缺乏都会引起学生英语应用能力的欠缺,若只是单纯地重复记忆单词的拼写和汉语翻译,很少有学生能长期坚持下去,而且也容易造成学生对单词意思的片面理解,因此在教学过程中教师若能多多讲解词汇的拆解方法和联想方法,引导学生运用构词记忆的方式记忆单词,在平时多多思考研究单词之间的关系,以此刺激学生的学习英语的兴趣,进而使学生掌握记忆单词的窍门,那么学生的英语应用能力也就随之达标了。  相似文献   

英语词汇教学要遵循听说领先规律,培养学生的拼读能力;遵循人的记忆规律,提高词汇教学的效率;遵循英语构词规律,突破词汇学习难点;遵循学生认知规律,注重强化语境教学;遵循语言运用规律,有针对性地进行实践锻炼。  相似文献   

Understanding academic vocabulary is essential to student success in school. Use of academic vocabulary words in writing is considered one of the strongest measures of how well a reader understands a given word. In theory, willingness to use academic vocabulary in writing indicates the complexity of acquiring representations of the word’s orthography, phonology, and semantics based on the word’s characteristics. In addition, a learner’s overall literacy skills should relate to whether they attempt to use words. In the present study, sixth graders (n = 66), seventh graders (n = 60), and eighth graders (n = 41) learned 25 academic vocabulary words in a supplementary academic vocabulary intervention and were then asked to use those words in short persuasive essay drafts. We measured whether these students attempted to use a word (a binary uses outcome) and the number of times a student used a word (a continuous attempts outcome) and used cross-classified random effects models to examine how (a) the orthographic, phonological, and semantic characteristics of words and (b) the students’ literacy-related characteristics related to their uses and attempts. For word characteristics, students were more likely to use and attempt high frequency than low frequency words. For student characteristics, students proficient on the state exam were more likely to use and attempt the words, and students learning English were less likely to attempt the words. Implications for vocabulary intervention and writing instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

隐喻是人类的一种认知方式,也是人们认识抽象事物的认知工具.把概念隐喻理论和英语词汇教学结合起来,重视学习基本词汇,介绍学习隐喻文化内涵,用隐喻理解多义词等,从而弥补传统词汇教学的不足,提高学生的主体能动性,促进词汇的深度学习  相似文献   

To a science ‘outsider’, science language often appears unnecessarily technical and dense. However, scientific language is typically used with the goal of being concise and precise, which allows those who regularly participate in scientific discourse communities to learn from each other and build upon existing scientific knowledge. One essential component of science language is the academic vocabulary that characterises it. This mixed-methods study investigates middle school students’ (N?=?59) growth in academic vocabulary as it relates to their teacher’s instructional practices that supported academic language development. Students made significant gains in their production of general academic words, t(57)?=?2.32, p?=?.024 and of discipline-specific science words, t(57)?=?3.01, p?=?.004 in science writing. Results from the qualitative strand of this inquiry contextualised the students’ learning of academic vocabulary as it relates to their teacher’s instructional practices and intentions as well as the students’ perceptions of their learning environment. These qualitative findings reveal that both the students and their teacher articulated that the teacher’s intentional use of resources supported students’ academic vocabulary growth. Implications for research and instruction with science language are shared.  相似文献   

在精读课的研究性教学中,词汇检测是检验词汇教学效果的重要途径,同时也承担着培养学生在语言学习过程中独立地发现问题、分析问题和解决问题能力的任务。文章根据高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲对于本科英语专业学生词汇习得的要求,从忻州师范学院基础阶段英语专业学生的实际水平出发,介绍了几种适合本院学生的效果较好的词汇检测手段,如猜词游戏、限时创作、自由联想、英汉互译、分类收集等。  相似文献   

单词记忆枯燥乏味、词汇课程空洞无内容是许多师生的同感。文章从师生角度,用教育心理学理论剖析了这一现象。学习效果不佳、授课反应平平主因是学生急功近利,依赖短时记忆能力,未能及时将短时记忆转为永久记忆储存。有的学生则依赖于时间仗,靠拉长战线,长时间疲劳记忆导致记忆效果不佳。教师在单词教学过程当中方法单一,单纯通过听抄翻译词义的方式授课,增加教学负担,学生反应也不好。文章提出根据人的记忆特点,采用高频度短时间反复记忆,用听、说双管齐下的“懒人”方法结合画面感辅助记忆方法加强记忆,加速短时记忆的转化。  相似文献   

论述了词汇教学时,师生都须明白,哪些为被动词,哪些为主动词.对于前者,我们只需根据语境及词的形态理解其大概意思即可;对于后者,教师在呈现新词时,一定要把握交际性和意义性原则.句型操练非常有效,但不能过度使用以至变成机械操练.鼓励学生使用新词,这对于词汇的巩固也很有效.最后,笔者还提到教师要帮助学生掌握一些学习策略.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether English language learners (ELLs) would increase their vocabulary scores in the areas of word recognition, word meaning, and word application when iPads were used during vocabulary instruction. Five third-grade ELLs, at risk of being diagnosed as having learning disabilities, participated in the study. All students demonstrated low test scores in learning vocabulary words during the baseline. During the intervention, 36 vocabulary words selected from the third-grade’s Dolch word list were taught and practiced using the iPad application Learning Touch, First Sight Words Pro. All students were assessed and their vocabulary scores increased in the areas of word recognition, word meaning, and word application. Using the iPad and iPad app appears to provide a potential avenue for ELLs in learning English vocabulary words.  相似文献   

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