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Five experiments were conducted to examine the effects of cognitive load management using explanatory notes in reading passages for readers with different levels of expertise. Experiment 1 found that explanatory notes improved 5th-grade, first-language learners' comprehension (high-level processing) but not vocabulary learning (low-level processing). Experiment 2 found that vocabulary definitions integrated within a passage (integrated format) enhanced 5th graders' comprehension compared to a separate vocabulary list (separated format) but reduced vocabulary learning. Experiment 3, using adult readers, found that an integrated format reduced comprehension but enhanced vocabulary learning. Experiment 4 used low-ability 8th-grade learners of English as a second language (ESL) and found an effect similar to the 5th graders in Experiment 2. Experiment 5 showed that the effect for high-ability ESL learners was similar to the adults in Experiment 3. We argue that the efficiency of instruction depends on the extent to which it imposes an extraneous cognitive load. The same presentation format may facilitate performance or interfere with performance either through split-attention or redundancy effects, depending on learners' expertise.  相似文献   

Using cognitive load theory and cognitivetheory of multimedia learning as a framework,we conducted two within-subject experimentswith 10 participants each in order toinvestigate (1) if the audiovisual presentationof verbal and pictorial learning materialswould lead to a higher demand on phonologicalcognitive capacities than the visual-onlypresentation of the same material, and (2) ifadding seductive background music to anaudiovisual information presentation wouldincrease the phonological cognitive load. Weemployed the dual-task methodology in order toachieve a direct measurement of cognitive loadin the phonological system. In bothexperiments, the modality effect could beconfirmed in the patterns of secondary taskperformance and in the primary learning task.  相似文献   

在多媒体学习中减少认知负荷的9种方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文首先提出多媒体学习理论和认知超载概念,然后研究了5种认知超载的情境,并对每种超载情境,提出了一个或者两个基于理论的减少认知负荷的建议。  相似文献   

This article reviews contemporary research on multimedia learning that uses cognitive load theory as the major theoretical framework. In particular, we address the extent to which working memory has been conceptualized and measured in this research, what kind of subjective measures of cognitive load have been used and whether such measures are combined with other measures of cognitive load, and how results from subjective measures have been related to learning and achievement. The findings show that most of the reviewed studies did not include any clear conceptualization or measurement of working memory, used only general subjective measures containing one or very few items, and did not report findings consistent with the hypothesized relationship between cognitive load and multimedia learning. The findings are discussed in relation to the broader goal of improving research on cognitive load in the context of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

在反馈理论和过程体裁法指导下,采用实验方法,探讨三种方式纠正反馈对提高商务英语写作准确性的作用,发现三种反馈方式都在一定程度上提高了商务英语写作准确性,表明全面、清晰、直接的纠正反馈在短期内对提高学生写作准确性有显著作用,还表明纠正反馈后修改重写对提高商务英语写作准确性非常必要。  相似文献   

认知负荷理论能够为学习内容的设计提供一个可靠的理论基础:如果学习内容导致认知超负荷则学习将受到损害。工作记忆的容量非常有限,以相同的形式呈现不同的信息来源,很容易导致注意力的分散,从而导致学习成绩低下。因此,在大学英语视听说教学设计时,依据认知负荷理论十条效应原则,可以优化各种材料的呈现方式,从而提高教学效果。  相似文献   

基于认知负荷理论的多媒体教学呈现原则探讨   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
认知负荷理论与多媒体学习的认知理论是目前多媒体教学研究颇受关注的两个领域。两种理论都从人类的认知学习机制出发,通过实验研究提出了多媒体信息设计的原则。本文对其中与教学呈现有关的研究结果进行综合,具体归纳为巧用图示、巧用语音、巧用提示和图文整合呈现、去除无关的信息以及控制冗余信息等原则。对于每一条设计原则,本文梳理了相应的实验依据和应用建议,以便教师能加深理解和灵活运用。  相似文献   

认知负荷理论在多媒体软件设计中的应用分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
认知负荷理论是从工作记忆的容量有限性出发,认为工作记忆中的信息加工存在着三个方面的认知负荷:内在认知负荷、外在认知负荷和相关认知负荷。多媒体软件的设计要以学习者的认知特性为基础,在认知负荷理论的指导下,从内容设计、交互设计、界面设计和学习者设计四个方面探讨多媒体软件的设计。  相似文献   

虽然"因材施教"是教学的一般原则,但是在现实的教学环境中,学优生与普通生同处一个课堂,难以分别接受两种完全不同的教学方案.这时,教师往往只能通过练习环节给予学优生针对性的教学.为此,我们首先从认知负荷理论的角度分析了学优生数学能力优异的内在原因.然后在此基础上讨论了怎样的教学方式适合学优生,怎样的教学方式适合普通生.最后说明教师应如何为学优生设计练习,从而达到因材施教之目的.  相似文献   

以教育教学实践为基础 ,对“多媒体教学及教学反馈评估系统”在多媒体教学及教育教学现代化管理中的作用、功能等进行了归纳概括 ,阐明运用现代教育技术对提高教育管理水平、提高教学效率等方面有着重要的作用  相似文献   

Although the theoretical framework of cognitive load theory has acknowledged a role for the learning environment, the specific characteristics of the physical learning environment that could affect cognitive load have never been considered, neither theoretically nor empirically. In this article, we argue that the physical learning environment, and more specifically its effects on cognitive load, can be regarded as a determinant of the effectiveness of instruction. We present an updated version of the cognitive load model of Paas and Van Merriënboer (Educational Psychology Review, 6:351–371, 1994a), in which the physical learning environment is considered a distinct causal factor that can interact with learner characteristics, learning-task characteristics, or a combination of both. Previous research into effects of the physical learning environment on cognitive performance that could inspire new cognitive load research is discussed, and a future research agenda is sketched.  相似文献   

微课程以其短小精悍、随时随地的特性渐渐步入教育领域。与此同时,如何设计微课程的多媒体课件,使其在短时间内充分展现知识内容,并符合学习者的学习规律,成为微课程设计的焦点。从认知负荷理论视角,分析了学习过程中的认知负荷情况,并结合大量实例,实践了降低啄生性认知负荷、无关性认矢口负荷,以硬提高相关性认知负荷的策略和方法,实现了认知负荷在微课程课件设计中的导向性作用。  相似文献   

近几十年来,修正性反馈在二语习得中的作用成为研究者们关注的热点话题。国内外研究者对此进行了大量的理论和实证研究,其结果大都反映出修正性反馈对目标语言习得的有效性。因此,教师在教学中应该加强课堂交互活动,恰当地运用各种修正性反馈,以帮助学生提高二语水平。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of feedback on the discrepancy between real and ideal self-concepts of 28 beginning counseling students. Subjects in the experimental group had three sessions with a counselor and received feedback concerning their personal characteristics and how these might relate to a counseling career; the goal of this feedback was to increase counseling students' awareness of their feelings about themselves and to encourage them to look at themselves. An analysis of covariance indicated that the experimental group showed a significantly greater change toward more congruence in perception of self and ideal self than did the control group. Implications for counselor preparation programs are discussed.  相似文献   

教师语言对学生的学习态度、学习习惯以及学习质量具有直接影响。因此,多数教师在教学过程中,均会仔细研究日常所用语言。本文以纠正反馈语作为研究核心,英语教学课堂作为研究背景,分三部分对英语教学中教师纠正反馈语进行论述。首先,文章对纠正反馈语的基本类别进行简单介绍。其次,文章对英语教学中教师纠正反馈语的应用差异展开论述。最后,文章对纠正反馈语的应用策略进行简单分析。望文中内容,可为各个英语教师以及研究者们,提供些许高质量参考资料。  相似文献   

It is known that corrective feedback is effective in developing English learners' interlanguage.Therefore,it is meaningful to discuss the effectiveness of corrective feedback in the context of EFL in China and to find instructive ways in the classroom implication.  相似文献   

在英语写作教学中,给予纠正性反馈一直是教师的一个重要策略。学习者和他们所收到的不同类型的反馈对于培养自主性也至关重要。因此,论文旨在研究比较英语学习者在接受两种不同的纠正反馈时的写作能力和自主性。为此,选择了60名年龄在17-19岁之间的非英语专业英语学习者作为研究对象。通过前测和后测的实验结果显示,间接性纠正反馈组的表现优于直接组,但在学习自主性方面没有显著提升。  相似文献   

语义的模糊性是语言的内在属性,是由人类的认知特点所决定的。从认知角度分析语义的模糊性,不但可以丰富认知语言学的内容,而且对模糊语言学的发展也可以提供一种方法论上的指导。从范畴化的典型理论出发用具体的案例解释了语义模糊的成因,并指出了范畴化的典型理论对语义模糊的解释的局限性。  相似文献   

基于认知负荷理论的多媒体课件界面色彩配比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多媒体课件界面是学习者和多媒体课件的交互通道,其界面色彩的配比在界面设计中占有重要的地位,直接影响到学习者获取信息的效率。不良的界面色彩配比会增加学习者学习过程的认知负荷,妨碍课件学习的有效性。运用认知负荷理论,探索多媒体课件界面色彩配比的原则及方法,可以使多媒体课件界面色彩配比更加合理,更符合学习者的认知规律。  相似文献   

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