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This article discusses some recent attempts to develop an economic case that can justify proposals for curricular and institutional reform in education of a radical kind. It investigates the claim, which underpins current debates around a Labour Party alternative to Conservative education policy, that a new phase of development, often referred to as ‘post‐Fordism’, of the dominant economies of the western world provides the basis, and the necessity, for a new system of education which would realise a programme of egalitarian and democratic reform.  相似文献   


Contemporary research and pedagogy telated to sexualities and schooling in Australia, Aotearoa1/New Zealand and the United States often focuses on ways to alleviate homophobia and heterosexism in the hope of creating schools that are more inclusive of lesbian and gay (and very rarely bisexual, transgender and intersex2) (LGBTI) teachers and students. Within this paradigm, the notion of what comprises sexualities is often taken as given. Alternatively, researchers and educators may invoke essentialising narratives in order to make arguments for the inclusion of students and teachers who adopt LGBTI identifications. Drawing on a theoretical framework influenced by the work of Deborah Britzman3 and other queer theorists within and outside education this article interrogates these strategies of inclusion. In particular, I focus on research methodologies and pedagogies related to sexualities and schooling devised in the name of inclusion of young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)4 in secondary educational contexts. This analysis, which is based on my doctoral studies, commences with a consideration of queer theories and the art of inclusion. Subsequent to this I analyse pedagogies of inclusion and methodologies of inclusion, and, their nexus with queer theories.  相似文献   


Acquiring enough quality teachers has been an insurmountable problem for many developing countries, largely because of chronic resource shortages. Usually the tension between the need to staff classrooms and the desire to have fully qualified teachers is resolved in favor of quantity. Could quality also be achieved if sufficient resources were available? This case study reviews efforts at implementing a teacher supply policy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where oil revenues have provided adequate funds to support schools. The UAE's policy has had three goals: to supply enough teachers, employ more national teachers, and raise quality in the teaching force. Sufficient numbers of teachers have consistently been provided, and the number of national teachers has increased. Still, expatriate teachers dominate UAE's classrooms, and serious questions are raised about the quality of the teaching force. Several policy alternatives are suggested as part of a concerted effort to address the quality issue.  相似文献   


While the idea of exemplification or role-modelling as a means to the education of moral character and virtue is of ancient pedigree—traceable at least to Aristotle’s ethics—the influence of personal example is clearly not unproblematic since individuals may be admired or imitated for less than morally admirable qualities. However, personal exemplification is evidently not the only route to moral exemplification, insofar as readers may find much to admire or emulate in the characters of literary or other artworks which may allow for some critical distance between admired and admirers. This article is concerned with exploring the potential for moral exemplification of literature and arts.  相似文献   


This research reveals the social relations of the art world through an investigation of visual artists’ ordinary art-making practices. Drawing on extended ethnographic research, the article attends to art and ordinary work, clarifying how visual artists’ work, is not only shaped socially and historically, but also reveals tensions about what counts as art and who counts as an artist. The article clarifies how today’s art world valorises conceptual approaches – centred on mobilising concepts and ideas, while devaluing expressivist approaches – centred on accessing intuition or inspiration. The article makes visible an increasingly conceptual, academic art world in which an expressivist practice is harder to sustain. By tracing shifting forms of work and shifting social relations, the study contributes to educational research on art, while calling attention to organisational processes that deeply shape artists’ lives.  相似文献   


The belief that literature can teach us something about life is intuitively plausible but there is a view of literary education that would preclude a teacher from making a direct link between imaginative literature and life. A comprehensive epistemological position that supports this view is to be found in the work of Michael Oakeshott. In challenging this theory of literary education and the philosophy of knowledge that informs it, the article discloses in Oakeshott's work evidence of a more nuanced and defensible view of the role of literature in education.



In both England and Japan, art education was viewed as having nothing to do with self-expression, but was considered to be an efficient means for industrial development. In England, it was designed to train the eyes and hands of artisans. The art critic Ruskin has often been referred to in the context of the transition to self-expression in the history of art education. This article shows, however, that Ruskin was not an advocate of self-expression. In Japan, drawing was introduced into the general education curriculum at the beginning of the Meiji era, and the aim of that instruction was to train the students' eyes and hands. In response to this trend, the Free Drawing Movement was introduced by Kanae Yamamoto. He attempted to introduce the methods of creation used by professional artists into general education. But this aspect was neglected by both his supporters and opponents, and Yamamoto has been presented instead as an advocate of self-expression. Drawing on the genealogical approach, as developed by Foucault, this paper re-examines this well-known history of art education. By replacing Ruskin and Yamamoto in the historical context of the transition of art education in two respective countries, the genealogy of self-expression will be revealed.  相似文献   


In light of ongoing debates about religious education as hermeneutical, this contribution proposes a ‘hermeneutical-communicative’ (HCM) paradigm for RE through the development of a twofold reflection: (a) a critical (re-)evaluation of the theological and anthropological foundations for RE in light of (b) a context marked by religious and philosophical diversity, disaffiliation and ‘areligiosity’. In this way, the HCM approach proposes an identity for RE that lies at the intersection of ‘hermeneutical’ and ‘dialogical’. Drawing upon theologies of interreligious dialogue, this contribution first analyses four paradigms for RE (exclusivism, inclusivism, pluralism, particularism) and then advocates for a hermeneutical-communicative approach characterised by an emphasis on interreligious ‘literacy’, philosophical and religious hospitality and inter-hermeneutical dialogue. Such a paradigm results in a number of implications for practice, including sensitivity to ‘big questions’ in life, engagement with the Gospels and the faith tradition, respect and appreciation for other avenues in the search for meaning and identity, and attention to the personal growth of young people.  相似文献   

边界与超越--也谈精英文艺与大众文艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
精英文艺与大众文艺既有明确的区别和边界,也能互通转化。将它们截然对立起来,过分强调其相异性,或无视各自质的规定性及差异,一味主张相通互融,都不是实事求是的态度,也不符合中外古今文学演进的史实。从文艺生态学的角度看,雅俗共生,精英与大众并存,恰恰有利于文艺种类的多元化生存和文学的良性发展。  相似文献   


This paper sets out to reimagine education through a cultural perspective and explores education as a performative practice that establishes certain borders of ‘public’ belonging. Wide-spread debates about the public dimension of schools and universities have focused on how economic rationales need to be replaced with alternative visions of education. This paper seeks to contribute to this revisioning of the public in education by reclaiming education as a specifically cultural endeavour, one tied to practices that are at once both performative and aesthetic. To this end, I draw on theoretical notions of publicity that highlight its performative character. I then offer a reading of a socially engaged art project in order to suggest ways in which this performative character of publicity can be seen to be educational. This paper argues that education itself emerges through various cultural enactments that delineate the contours of who counts as a public and who does not.  相似文献   


A Few Good Apples An Apple for My Teacher: Twelve Authors Tell About Teachers Who Made the Difference Edited by Louis D. Rubin, Jr. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1987, xiv + 186 pages, $10.95 Reviewed by Roy Starling

Abrasive but Hopeful: The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students By Allan Bloom New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987, 392 pages, $18.95 Reviewed by Robert L. Spaeth  相似文献   


Toward a Literate America Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs To Know By E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1987, xvii + 251 pages, $16.95. Reviewed by Fauneil J. Rinn

Changing the Odds Academic Women, Working towards Equality By Angela Simeone South Hadley, Massachusetts: Bergin &; Garvey, 1987, 161 pages, $27.95 hardbound, $10.95 softbound. Reviewed by Pheme Perkins

Fruitful Background for Reasonable Discussion Orators and Philosophers: A History of the Idea of Liberal Education By Bruce Kimball New York: Teachers College/Columbia University, 1986, xix + 293 pages, $19.95. Reviewed by Geoffrey Comber  相似文献   


Education policy proposals by the UK Coalition government appeared to be based on a process of consultation, participation and representation. However, policy formation seems to prioritise and confirm particular ways of knowing and being in the world. This article recognises the ontological and epistemological invalidation at work in education policy by examining the shared context for policy formation in special educational needs (SEN/D) and art and design education. There is value in recognising plurality, acknowledging the ways in which apparently singular policies relating to special education are understood through subject or disciplinary perspectives. The neoliberal aim to foster an economically productive ‘subject’ is evident in policy formation relating to art and design education as well as SEN/D. Both subjects, the disabled child and art and design education, are defined as excessive and are excluded where they do not conform to particular notions of productivity. The article explores theoretical frameworks that are essential for recognising meaning in education when subjects cannot be put to work.  相似文献   

以茨威格的中短篇小说为研究对象,具体阐述了其作品独特的结构特征:多层推进的结构;大量设置的异常空间;随时切入的戏剧性瞬间场景,以及多层结构谐和的方式——鼓乐整一的方法,浮雕刻画法,戏剧冲突的内化。  相似文献   

周恩来的风格和领导艺术,内容广博精深,现仅就作个方面论述:①照顾多数,不可跑得太前,也不可落在运动后面;②团结各种力量,和同盟者一道干;③要使群众不感觉我们是在领导;④照顾全局,通透运筹;⑤抓住中心,推动全盘;⑥审时度势,通权达变;⑦协调矛盾,求同存异;⑧原则坚定,策略灵活。周恩来高尚风格和杰出的领导艺术,是中华民族优秀传统文化和西方先进思想相结合的结晶,是党和国家宝贵的精神财富,内涵十分丰富,有待深入研究。认真学习、研究和应用周恩来的领导艺术,将更快更好地推进我国各项事业向前发展。  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(1-2):43-64

Se remite en primer lugar a algunas de las aportaciones de Lev Vygotski al desarrollo creativo y a la educación, consideradas como puntos de apoyo para un reenfoque de la educación artística: la mediación perceptiva, el juego y la imaginación, y la concepción dramática de la mente. A continuación se sugieren algunas vías de desarrollo de estos planteamientos para una didáctica científico-artística, conectando el arte con: 1) reaprender a ver y percibir el mundo, y 2) aprender a construir la realidad y a construirse, “a escribirse”. Por último se hace una llamada a un reenfoque de la educación artística que contribuya a compensar el sesgo educativo que ha despojado al currículum de buena parte de los componentes, esenciales en otros tiempos, de desarrollo de la personalidad.  相似文献   


Background: Outdoor learning and computer-based learning are two different alternatives to in-class conventional teacher-centered learning.

Purpose: This study compares the outdoor learning setting with computer-based learning in class. It examines the influence of the two different learning settings on academic achievements, the learning experience, and pro-environmental perceptions.

Sample: A total of 90 elementary school students (third and fourth-grade classes) participated in the study.

Design and methods: The academic knowledge of the study participants was tested through identical exams for both learning settings. In addition, in each group the students’ perceptions were examined by means of a questionnaire about environmental values and the learning experience.

Results: The study demonstrates that academic achievements in the two settings were similar, but the students expressed more enthusiasm about the outdoor learning experience than about in-class learning. In addition, the outdoor learning setting contributed more to promoting positive environmental perceptions even though students did not learn directly about environmental issues and sustainability.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that learning in the natural environment is valuable: Alongside the fostering of computerized learning, it is also important to promoteoutdoor learning settings and integrate both settings by implementing mobile technologies in the outdoor teaching.  相似文献   

Making the Most of Agriculture. By Theodore Macklin, W. E. Grimes, and J. H. Kolb. Boston: Ginn &; Co., 1927.

A Handbook of Extra‐Curricular Activities in the High School. By Harold D. Meyer (University of North Carolina). New York: A. S. Barnes &; Co., 1926. Pp. xiv + 402. Price, $4.

History of the United States. By Emerson David Fite (Vassar College). New York: Henry Holt &; Co., 1926.

School History of the American People. By Charles L. Robbins (State University of Iowa). Yonkers: World Book Co., 1925. Pp. xxxiv + 606. Price, $1.72.

Goose Towne Tales. By Alice Lawton. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1927. Pp. 234.

Brave Dogs. By Lillian Gask. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1927. Pp. 158. Price, $1.50.

Graded Games for Rural Schools. By Alfred E. Ross (Bessemer, Ala., Public Schools). New York: A. S. Barnes &; Co., 1926. Pp. xiv + 62. Price, 80 cents.

The Story of Music. By Paul Bekker. New York: W. W. Norton &; Co., Inc., 1927. Pp. 277. Price, $3.50.

American History for Grammar Schools. By Marguerite Stockman Dickson. The Macmillan Co., 1926. Revised Edition.

Industrial and Commercial South America. By Annie S. Peck. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1927. Pp. xvii + 489. Price, $3.50.

The Book of Famous Queens. By Lydia Hoyt Farmer. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1927. Pp. x + 399. Price, $2.50.

Blackbeard's Treasure. By T. E. Oertel. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1927. Pp. xv + 368. Price, $2.

The Littlest One: His Book. By Marion St. John Webb. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1927. Pp. 162. Price, $2.

Federal and State School Administration. By William A. Cook (University of Cincinnati). New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1927. Pp. xvi + 373. Price, $2.75.

American History Notebook. By Leslie V. Spriggs. Chicago: Hall &; McCreary Co., 1925. Pp., Book I, 96; Book II, 127. Prices, Book I, 60 cents; Book II, 64 cents.

Clothing and Textiles (Revised Edition). By Mary Lockwood Matthews. Boston: Little, Brown &; Co., 1926. Price, $1.10.

Rural Life at the Crossroads. By Macy Campbell. Boston: Ginn &; Co., 1927. Pp. 482.

Weather Proverbs and Paradoxes. By W. I. Humphreys. Baltimore: Williams &; Wilkins Co. Pp. viii + 125.

Epochs of World Progress. By J. Lynn Barnard and Agnew O. Roorbach. New York: Henry Holt &; Co., 1927. Pp. x + 764 + xlvii.

“The Frontier Series”Fighting Red Cloud's Warriors. By E. A. Brininstool. Columbus, Ohio: Hunter‐Trader‐Trapper Co., 1926. Pp. 241.

Secondary Education. By Aubrey A. Douglass (Harvard University). Boston: Houghton‐Mifflin Co., 1927. Pp. xxxiii + 649. Price, $2.75.

Expansion and Reform. By John Spencer Bassett (Smith College). New York: Longmans, Green &; Co., 1926. Pp. xix + 355. Price, $1.50.

The Teaching of History. By Paul Klapper (College of the City of New York). New York: D. Appleton &; Co., 1926. Pp. xx + 347.

Individual Gymnastics. By Lillian Curtis Drew (New York University). Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1926. Pp. x + 276.

Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon. By Labiche and Martin. Edited by Charles Franklyn Zeek. Richmond, Va.: Johnson Pub. Co., 1926.

The Story of Our Country. By Ruth West and Willis Mason West. Atlanta: Allyn and Bacon, 1926. Pp. xxvi + 578. Price, $1.80.

The Culture of Ancient Greece and Rome. By F. Poland E. Reisinger and E. Wagner. Boston: Little, Brown &; Co., 1926. Pp. 333. Price, $6.

United States History. By Severe E. Frost. Fort Worth: The World Co., Inc., 1924. Pp. 69.  相似文献   


It can hardly be denied that play is an important tool for the development and socialisation of children. In this article we argue that through dramaturgical play in combination with pedagogical tools such as the Community of Inquiry, in the tradition of Philosophy for Children (P4C), students can creatively think, reflect and be more aware of the impact their gestures have on others. One of the most fundamental aspects of the embodied human life is human interaction that is based on expressions, what Schmid calls gestures. Through self-reflection, one’s set of gestures can be developed into a deliberate ‘life-performance’—a conscious, selected and coherent work of art. Drawing on Nietzsche’s idea of living artistically, we explore how Schmid’s philosophy of the art of living, P4C and the liberal arts, with a focus on drama education, can work together to help children develop their own art of living while respecting and supporting the development of the good and beautiful life of others.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study explores the potential of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) to assess the technical, economic and environmental effects of cooperative innovation projects at farm level.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The analysis of the FADN potential relies on the classification of innovations and the co-identification, through the Most Significant Change (MSC) approach, of the most relevant indicators for tracking and assessing the performances of innovations and attributing to them the effects of a specific innovation.

Findings: The study shows that the FADN has a certain range of useful indicators and that they have a good coverage of the different types of innovation. Furthermore, the farm visits let emerge the importance of participatory approaches to capture the different changes and interplays occurred in farming processes.

Practical implications: The paper lays the foundations for the adaptation of the current methodology for data collecting and provides useful insights concerning the overcoming representativeness claims, costs’ issues, and problems related to the observation time limit.

Theoretical implications: The paper reveals the importance of participatory monitoring and evaluation approaches in helping the collection of more robust and relevant account data on farm, as well as in attributing certain results to a specific innovation and recognising synergies and side-effects of cooperative processes.

Originality/Values: The paper provides some recommendations on how to enlarge the scope of the FADN survey in order to be used effectively in the analysis of the performance of cooperative innovations at farm level.  相似文献   

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