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推类是中国古代推理的主要模式。其结构通常由"言事"与"言道"两个部分组成。"言事"与"言道"的核心是"喻"。其理论根据是:所言事与道之间共同存在的"义"。找到事与道之间共同的"义",便可"扶义而动,推理而行"。由"事"理过渡到"道"理。推类的本质是论证。如果我们较好地掌握了"言事"与"言道"这二者的关系及"引譬"、"援类"的思维方式,对于正确理解中国古代思想家们的思想和丰富我们的思维方式具有重要意义。  相似文献   

冯契认为,一切概念都有摹写现实与规范现实的双重作用,逻辑原则也体现着后验性与先验性的统一.在逻辑理论的证成问题上,"概念的双重作用"要求逻辑理论的建构必须坚持后验性与先验性的统一.有见于现代逻辑论证理论的普遍主义、先验主义倾向,非形式逻辑试图从后验性与先验性、普遍性与情境性的统一中去证成自身.  相似文献   

在现代英语语法中,语法学家从逻辑意义的角度将“分句”分为“限定分句”和“非限定分句”,这样“分句”的下住概念“非限定分句”的所指外延包括传统语法的“词和词组”等结构;从句法功能上讲。“短语”可由一个“词素”或几个单词构成的“词组”或“分句”来充当。因此,“短语”的所指外廷涵盖了从句法角度定义的“分句”的外延,“短语”是小于“句子”但大于或等于“分句”的语法单位,即“句子”〉“短语”≥“分句”。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Lifelong learning is something which one does for oneself that no one else can do for one: it is a public and personal human activity, rather than private or individualistic. One of the features of the education system is the paucity of a language for learning as process and participative experience. Personalised learning requires a sense of the worthwhileness of 'being a learner'– a virtue in the 21st century. A sense of one's own worth as a person is essential to understanding one's identity as a learner. Research suggests the human capacity to learn can be understood as a form of consciousness which is characterised by particular values, attitudes and dispositions, with a lateral and a temporal connectivity. This 'consciousness' has several dimensions which are all related to becoming a person, with a learning identity. They also enable the learner to become aware of and appropriate what is of worth and map onto the sorts of core values that learning communities espouse. Awareness of self and of one's own worth as a person is a necessary condition for 'becoming a learner' and for identifying and engaging with 'what is of worth'. Furthermore, a sense of self as a learner is formed in relationship, and understood as one learns to tell one's own story, as a participant in the conversation of the learning community. Character is the way in which we refer to that quality of personhood in which there is rooted the capacity to change and learn over time.  相似文献   

对法律行为附加停止条件,是当事人自由意志的体现,与法律应否承认该法律行为从而赋予其强制力没有必然联系。停止条件的法律意义不在于影响法律行为效力的产生,而在于影响法律行为效力的内容。就是说停止条件不应该是法律行为的生效要件,而应该被看作是决定法律行为中特定之履行或者执行的因素。  相似文献   

陈毅元帅的战争诗词是20世纪生动形象的革命战争史,又是壮美深沉的民族精英心灵史:在审美上既重风骨,又富意境;在形式上古近体并重,且创作颇丰。陈毅其人品性高洁,风骨凛然,其诗亦然,是20世纪传统诗词当之无愧的大家。  相似文献   

Reed P 《Learning & behavior》2003,31(2):205-211
The effect of various relationships between a response (an investment made in the context of a game) and an outcome (a return on the investment) on judgments of the causal effectiveness of the response was examined. In Experiment 1, response rates and causal judgments were higher for a differential-reinforcement-of-high-rate (DRH) schedule relative to a variable-ratio (VR) schedule with the same probability of outcome following a response. Response rates were also higher for a DRH than for a variable-interval schedule matched for reinforcement rate. In Experiment 2, response rates and causal judgments were lower for a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule relative to a VR schedule with the same probability of outcome following a response. These results corroborate the view that schedules are a determinant of both response rates and causal judgments, and that few current theories of causal judgment explicitly predict this pattern of results.  相似文献   

服装设计并非洋洋洒洒的效果图或稀奇古怪的款式造型,而是服装造型与服装材料之间美的和谐、美的升华。任何优秀的服装都是设计与材料的完美结合。从某种意义上说,服装设计就是服装的造型风格的设计。服装造型的体现要有相应的辅料来支持。不同的辅料具有不同的表现性,辅料特征对服装的造型起到了至关重要的作用。可以说,服装的造型风格在很大程度上是由辅料的风格决定的。  相似文献   

"扶义而动,推理而行"——引譬、援类再探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
推类是中国古代推理的主要模式.其结构通常由言事与言道两个部分组成.言事与言道的核心是"喻".其理论根据是:所言事与道之间共同存在的"义".找到事与道之间共同的"义",便可"扶义而动,推理而行".由"事"理过渡到"道"理.  相似文献   

将单位管线建造费用公式转化为线性形式,先假设a为已知,根据最小二乘法原理进行线性回归从而确定b,α的值。问题的关键便转化为对a值的确定,通过对回归方程相关指数R的分析,运用消去法找出最优的a值。根据所建的数学模型编写C++程序,并通过算例证明能够准确,快捷的计算,得出较为满意的参数值。  相似文献   

给出n-李代数次理想的概念,证明幂零n-李代数的子代数都是次理想;n-李代数的次理想与其导代数相等时必为理想;n-李代数L的每个子代数都是次理想时,n-必可解等重要结果.从而给出了n-李代数的可解性与幂零性的关系.  相似文献   

后现代主要并非指的是一种时态,而是一种思想态度和意识,以及一种崭新的思考问题的方法。师生关系是一种特殊的社会关系,是教育的全部蕴念所在。根据后现代基本精神,本文力图重新审视教育过程中目前已被广泛认可的师生关系,从一种全面的、多元化、多层次的视角反思传统的师生关系,从而对师生关系问题形成新的有益的认识,即师生关系应从二元对立的主客关系转变为相互作用的共生关系,由单向的知识传授关系转变为双向的平等对话关系,从理性保障的师生关系转变为情感保障的师生关系。  相似文献   

所谓办学理念,是指人们对办学的基本信念,指人们对自己学校的定性、定位及职能的认识.办学理念对办好一所学校至关重要,"开发潜能,发展个性"乃是暨华中学的办学理念.对校外,它是一面彰显办学特色的旗帜;对校内,它是一个统一思想、引领行动的纲领.文章拟就办学理念作初步的探讨,并在此基础上,结合暨华中学办学实践,针对办学实践中的问题,交流一点办学理念的探索体会.  相似文献   

Pigeons responded in a successive-encounters procedure that consisted of a search period, a choice period, and a handling period. The search period was either a fixed-interval or a mixed-interval schedule presented on the center key of a three-key chamber. Upon completion of the search period, the center key was turned off and the two side keys were lit. A pigeon could either accept a delay followed by food (by pecking the right key) or reject this option and return to the search period (by pecking the left key). During the choice period, a red right key represented the long alternative (a long handling delay followed by food), and a green right key represented the short alternative (a short handling delay followed by food). The experiment consisted of a series of comparisons for which optimal diet theory predicted no changes in preference for the long alternative (because the overall rates of reinforcement were unchanged), whereas the hyperbolic-decay model predicted changes in preference (because the delays to the next possible reinforcer were varied). In all comparisons, the results supported the predictions of the hyperbolic-decay model, which states that the value of a reinforcer is inversely related to the delay between a choice response and reinforcer delivery.  相似文献   

论悬赏广告的法律性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
悬赏广告是日常生活中常见的现象,同时也是一个在法理上很复杂的问题,其复杂性在于对其在法律性质上认识的不统一。就悬赏广告的特点、中外对于悬赏广告的三种不同的学说以及它们之间的差异、悬赏广告法律行为的效力争议等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

马克思主义以实践为立场的理性批判深深触及到了民主政治建设的根本问题:民主不是一种抽象的理性,而是一种现实的实践;民主不是一种先验的理念,而是一种历史的运动;民主既不是纯粹工具理性也不是纯粹价值理性的体现,而是工具理性和价值理性的统一。深究马克思主义对理性的批判将会积极地推进大家对马克思主义哲学本真精神的完整把握,同时也必将会有力地推动具有中国特色的社会主义民主政治的进程。  相似文献   

弗协调逻辑是一种可以容纳“矛盾”的非经典逻辑,其所容纳的“矛盾”被称为“真矛盾”。在弗协调逻辑看来,逻辑悖论就是一种“真矛盾”,是可以被弗协调逻辑系统所容纳的。在分析逻辑悖论语法表现的基础上,我们可以清楚地看到弗协调逻辑消解悖论的逻辑机制。弗协调逻辑作为一种解悖方案,实际上是隔离了悖论对系统的不良影响,这种隔离意义上的悖论消解具有重要的现实意义;同时其相对于协调而区分出来的弗协调,也具有重要的逻辑哲学价值。  相似文献   

版面设计是期刊编辑工作中的一个重要环节,作为传播最新科研成果和科技信息载体的科技期刊同样应重视版面设计工作。科技期刊的版面设计要遵循实用、美观、平衡三个原则。  相似文献   

诗歌是语言的艺术,更是文字的艺术。本文从"诗"字构成之义谈及:诗者,言也;诗者,寺也;诗者,持也;诗者,思也;诗者,私也。以及与"诗"音的"狮、师、蓍、施、尸"等字相关意义,以便更深刻地理解"诗"的原本之意。  相似文献   

语言是文化的组成部分,一种语言代表了一种文化,同时语言也是思维的工具,它帮助人们认识丰富多彩的世界。因此,学习一种语言就是学习一种文化;保存一种语言就是保存一种文化。相反,失去了一种语言不仅意味着失去了一种文化,失去了一种思维方式,失去了一份宝贵的历史文化遗产,而且意味着我们人类失去了一种可供比较、借鉴的文化和信息来源。对广西仡佬语濒危成因进行分析,不仅能起到加强对仡佬语的保护作用,而且能使仡佬语所蕴含的文化得到保护和传承。  相似文献   

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