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What began as a career networking support group in the living room of a visionary Smith College alumna has grown into a nationally recognized, independent nonprofit career development organization. Today Alumnae Resources provides a comprehensive range of services to thousands of college-educated women and men, most with liberal arts backgrounds. AR's career development model focuses on the need for information, and as the organization has grown and advanced technologically, so has its core, the Resource Center. The library now provides a variety of electronic tools for individual career research. Though some may be intimidated by this electronic environment, their education can be an advantage in adapting to the ncw technology and succeeding in the changing workplace.  相似文献   

Numerous institutions encourage service-learning, but few have extended beyond nonprofit realms to include (1) larger budgets, (2) multi-faceted volunteer/staff/leadership constraints, and (3) elevated expectations with immediate impact on full towns. This study explores how strategic communication students construct knowledge in branding and relationship building while solving real-world problems. To do so, this research examines service-learning, place-branding projects for senior capstone students. Specifically, students in two courses developed and partially implemented strategic place-branding plans for two struggling towns. This work details the approach and, through quantitative and qualitative methods, extends understanding of service-learning outcomes for students, faculty, the university, and communities.  相似文献   

This study investigates how nonprofit organizations use hyperlinks embedded in tweets for strategic communication during global health crises. Within the 1,494 links included in tweets about Ebola, organizations shared owned and earned media, including news stories directly or indirectly referencing their work and positive mentions from others on social media. Links allowed organizations to raise awareness about Ebola in West Africa, promote their work, and highlight endorsements from news media and influential users. Raising awareness and building trust are key steps in becoming credible sources during highly uncertain crises.  相似文献   

以天津市图书馆员为研究对象进行职业满意度的实证研究,在调查数据的基础上,分别从人口学变量、工作报酬、职业维度、回归模型等多个角度分析对比了公共图书馆员与高校图书馆员职业满意度的差异,进行归因分析并提出改善性措施以缩小馆际差距、提高员工职业满意度,最终提升图书馆整体行业的服务水平和社会影响力。  相似文献   

This study provides insight into how work socialization occurs through part-time work in a Youth Employment Program. Drawing on in-depth interviews with youth employees and supervisors, we consider how the young people’s meanings of work were shaped through their early employment experiences. Participants report significant transformations in both their views of work – from seeing it primarily in terms of extrinsic rewards like a paycheck to developing more robust interpretations of work – and their level of self-efficacy. We argue that the organizational culture and supervisor relationships were crucial for the positive outcomes the youth experienced. This study demonstrates the formative impact that part-time work has on young people and the promise of studying work socialization in part-time work. Practically, our findings point to the importance of approaching the employment of young people as more than just an economic exchange. We suggest that those who employ young people should provide a work context marked by routine, supportive interactions with supervisors who provide and uphold clear expectations.  相似文献   

Despite a spate of media attention in recent years and implications for both work and family relationships, communication scholars have yet to study work-spouse relationships. Since popular press sources have often focused on the nature of and propriety of such relationships, the purpose of this study was to empirically examine how work spouses characterized their relationships. We analyzed 269 participants’ open-ended responses to a survey, which yielded five categories: (a) characteristics of a work spouse, (b) conditions for the work-spouse relationship, (c) characteristics of the work-spouse relationship, (d) functions of work spouses, and (e) ways of managing the work-spouse relationship. From this analysis, we construct a definition of the relationship and chart a course of future research for communication scholars.  相似文献   

Employers’ use of online information increases the communicative demands and complexity of employability. For employers, gathering online information for personnel selection—a process called cybervetting—supplements or augments existing information acquisition processes. For workers, cybervetting’s extractive processes require considering potential and possible career stories employers might construct. Workers increasingly need to engage in prospective and retrospective storying to communicate and maintain employability and employment. Drawing on exemplars from employers’ reports, this essay highlights: (a) how employers report assembling and making sense of workers’ information during personnel selection; (b) the limitations of existing employability strategies; as well as (c) the increased and unequally distributed uncertainty and risk; and (d) the associated and different work expected of workers as the primary site and authorship of career stories shift.  相似文献   


News nonprofits in the U.S. have been proliferating over 15 years as a way of addressing troubles in the business model for news. For these newsrooms, collaboration, with each other and with mainstream news, has emerged as a key way to build readership and attain relevance in a crowded media space. Still, past research has told us that the strong connection to mainstream news has constrained these organizations’ critique of journalism. In Europe, nonprofit news remains nascent and represents a response to declining trust in and engagement with journalism, and rising populism across the continent. Against this very different context, this study examines two players at the forefront of the European news nonprofit movement. It demonstrates the path dependency inherent in the origins of these organizations: In Europe, they are a response to a different societal change, and thus developed rather differently than did their peers in the United States, with a focus on redefining the idea of collaboration and the role of their audiences by seeing citizens as collaborators, both in the creation and in the dissemination of news. By seeing citizens as collaborators, not just readers, they work to empower and build news audiences as well as participants.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To obtain basic information about non-librarian health professionals who become librarians and information specialists. METHODS: The survey was a Web-based questionnaire. A non-random sample of persons was obtained by posting messages to several large Internet electronic discussion groups. Individuals who met the selection criteria and were willing to participate filled out a Web-based form designed using common gateway interface (CGI) programming. RESULTS: 118 forms were analyzed. Three subgroups of participants were identified and statistical comparisons among these groups were carried out for many of the quantitative questions. Information concerning reasons they left their original field; factors influencing their choice of the field of library and information science; reactions of family, friends, and colleagues; and interactions with patrons and other information about this group was obtained and summarized. A health sciences background was seen as helpful in the new career as information specialist. Most people were happy with their new profession despite negative reactions from colleagues, relatives, and, occasionally, patrons. Feelings of regret and abandonment of their patients were noted by some. Many persons did not know that peers had made similar career changes. CONCLUSIONS: A health sciences background imparts an expertise in both the vocabulary and subject matter of medicine that non-biomedical individuals would not ordinarily have. Although becoming a librarian may be perceived as a very positive career change for an individual, societal opinion and pressure can make such a career change difficult. Nevertheless, participants in this survey demonstrate a high level of satisfaction with their new careers and are quite happy with their work.  相似文献   

略论图书馆员的职业生涯设计   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
孟建华 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(2):10-12,38
阐述职业生涯理念在图书馆界未被重视的原因,论述图书馆员重视职业生涯设计的必要性以及如何进行自己的职业生涯设计。  相似文献   

高校学报青年编辑职业发展需求是其职业发展的重要激励因素。在ERG理论基础上,分析当前高校学报青年编辑的职业发展需求与满足现状,进而基于ERG理论的核心观点和关系原则,从需求并存、需求上升、需求加强、需求受挫降级等4方面,探讨高校学报青年编辑如何对其职业发展需求进行自我调整与激励,以促进职业良性发展,缩短职业价值实现路径。  相似文献   

Information literacy is vital to students seeking employment following their undergraduate education. Yet little is known about how students approach using information as part of their career search. This phenomenographic study examined how students experience using information as part of a career fair, or on-campus job expo. Researchers interviewed undergraduate students after a major campus career fair. The findings suggest that students may experience using information in a career fair context as: 1) navigators completing a series of steps, 2) performers seeking to connect with the right person, or 3) aligners determining if a company is a match for them.  相似文献   

This study examined underground iron ore miners' occupational narratives to uncover how their stories socialize miners into blue-collar careers and reinforce their work identities. Through the root theme of sisu (Finnish for inner determination), underground miners create a status hierarchy that is used to construct a sense of pride around their work and to establish milestones of success for themselves and others in their workgroup. Furthermore, they communicatively construct exemplars that guide their performance and decisions during the unfolding of their work experiences. Their discourses provide alternatives to white-collar conceptualizations and practices of careers and success.  相似文献   

This study examined underground iron ore miners' occupational narratives to uncover how their stories socialize miners into blue-collar careers and reinforce their work identities. Through the root theme of sisu (Finnish for inner determination), underground miners create a status hierarchy that is used to construct a sense of pride around their work and to establish milestones of success for themselves and others in their workgroup. Furthermore, they communicatively construct exemplars that guide their performance and decisions during the unfolding of their work experiences. Their discourses provide alternatives to white-collar conceptualizations and practices of careers and success.  相似文献   

Olivia M. A. Madison talks about her roles in the library profession and how her career developed along with them, most importantly the unanticipated relationships connecting the elements of her career. She discusses the influence of serials work on her career, her cataloging experiences, the early days of OCLC, her work in CC:DA, her adventures at IFLA, the development of FRBR, the future of bibliographic control, and her development as a librarian at Iowa State University.  相似文献   

Solutions to Army personnel problems are of critical importance. Personnel issues continue to be problematic in a number of areas including: recruit intelligence level, careerist motivation of recruits, and the maintenance of trained, quality careerists in the all volunteer force (AVF). High attrition of skilled personnel is not related only to pay scale; pride in service, as well as intrinsic rewards may also relate to the retention and attraction of career‐motivated soldiers. This study analyzed the inducements offered and demands made of potential volunteers in brochures advertising the AVF. Most of the appeals in such brochures focused on instrumental rewards available to potential recruits, while few appeals featured traditional intrinsic satisfactions of military service as a motive for joining the AVF. The advertising strategy presently used in AVF brochures may explain in part why poor retention of skilled careerists continues to be one of its most severe problems. Recommendations for structuring future appeals are offered based on the findings.  相似文献   

馆员是高校图书馆事业发展过程中最重要的因素,馆员学术能力的提升能够拓展高校图书馆服务的广度和深度.文章全面分析了百度学术搜索平台,认为其可以从资源获取、资源序化、学术成果展示、互动交流和成长激励几个方面帮助馆员构建学术空间,提升学术能力.最后对馆员建立学术空间提出了建议.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):356-371
This paper investigates occupational stressors amongst media personnel assigned to work on covering the Iraq War via interviews with 54 journalists from the BBC and Reuters, who worked in Iraq between February and April 2003. A range of stressors were identified that could be categorized into three main themes, control over the situation, support from management and grief from the death of colleagues. Journalists not embedded with military units were more likely to report negative physical and emotional health outcomes. The study concludes that hazardous work environments do not, by themselves, cause stress and poor job satisfaction. Rather, organizational factors, the imbalance between the ability to make decisions about how to carry out their job effectively and the perceived rewards of working in such environments appear to have a greater impact on work related stress.  相似文献   

This project uses a narrative view of identity to interrogate how individuals construct notions of ability and disability within their families. Participants include children with disabilities from diverse ethnic backgrounds, their parents, siblings, and extended family members. Interactions within four families are explored as well as interactions family members have with people outside their families. Interview and observational data demonstrate ways that participants construct identities that highlight intersections of ability/disability and individuality/relationships. Results indicate that families primarily construct identities of “normal” through their interactions and routines as they negotiate contradictions inherent in their everyday lives. Theoretic implications of narrative dimensions of constructions and contradictions are offered. Finally, practical applications for professionals and families of children with disabilities are suggested with future directions for research and practice.  相似文献   

This study is a chapter in a larger work, in which the authors explore how eight college-educated Asian American professional men negotiate the model minority image to present the performative constructions of their multiple identities within the racialized and gendered context of U.S. organizations where they work. The authors first discuss the participants' perceptions of how others view their social identities as part of a homogenized concept, regardless of their diverse Asian American subjectivities. Then, they examine how the participants engage in performative aspects of the model minority image to promote positive impressions on others and to empower themselves in U.S. organizations. Exploring the subjective standpoint of being the model minority in the context of mainstream organizations, the authors aim to further reconsider the concept of identity as relational in the context of intercultural interactions.  相似文献   

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