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Electronic resource management (ERM) workflows in academic libraries are characterized by their complex and constantly shifting nature. This article describes four phases of effective workflow management including careful planning, development of workflow strategies, staffing and identification of resources, and integration of ERM and communication tools. The importance of supporting effective communication strategies is emphasized throughout the article. Information obtained from informal interviews with eight academic librarians provides discussion points on workflows given up and workflows maintained as libraries transition to larger electronic resource collections.  相似文献   

Nearly all academic libraries offer course reserves, and most have long considered it a core library service. However, expanding use of course management systems in academia have opened new opportunities for libraries interested in exploring changes to electronic reserves services. Budget constraints and staffing shortages have also led several institutions to consider eliminating or modifying their e-reserves operations. Potentially difficult challenges, however, also accompany making significant changes to often well-established practices.

This environmental scan of selected academic libraries across the United States discusses institutions that have maintained the status quo in e-reserves services, as well as those who have changed or discontinued these services. The article also provides insight on why some of the latter decided to make these changes.  相似文献   

Faculty, librarians, students, and administrators are all faced with questions concerning permitted uses of licensed content. Rather than wrangle with the complexities of copyright, many would prefer a simple automated solution. The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics created such a tool through a research project that evolved into SIPX, a commercial copyright service. The Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) created a product concept but faced challenges in converting it into an academic product.  相似文献   


The incorporation of medical library services in an academic library will bring about substantial changes, and should include the review of the impact of this transition on each individual department. The use of electronic systems to request and deliver Interlibrary Loan documents has evolved gradually in the past twenty years, and affects medical libraries in unique ways. The electronic submission, publication and access to biomedical journal articles are still changing constantly, and contribute to new challenges in interlibrary borrowing and lending. This article focuses on new developments. It includes instructions on how a library can prepare to incorporate a new dimension of service in the midst of these changes.  相似文献   

This article describes a project documenting and analyzing the electronic resource workflows for the library at Baruch College, CUNY (City University of New York). The presenter discusses her approach, how background research informed the documentation process, and explains the methodology and framework used to analyze the lifecycle of the electronic resources. Multiple interviews conducted with staff, faculty, and stakeholders involved in these workflows offered clarification of the steps involved and afforded the opportunity to delve into lengthier discussions about the process. This presentation highlights some outcomes of the project, focusing on “gaps” in the lifecycle, indications of where the workflow could be streamlined, and examples of beneficial conversations within library departments.  相似文献   

Todd Enoch 《期刊图书馆员》2014,66(1-4):182-188
In 2001, the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries developed their own electronic resource management (ERM) system to track their online resources and contracts. Over the past decade, the programming and upkeep for the homegrown system had become too much of a burden, and the decision was made to move to a vendor-supported ERM system. In the summer of 2012, UNT began the implementation of Innovative’s ERM module. This presentation covered the steps involved in that implementation and the lessons learned on how best to prepare for a radical shift in workflows and procedures.  相似文献   

Sarah Hartman-Caverly’s presentation gave audience members an overview of how she designed and built an electronic resources management (ERM) system using Microsoft Access 2010. She discussed why she used a homegrown ERM as well as the principles she used for good system design. Finally, she reviewed the tools she used for creating her own system, including use case analysis, data analysis, database tables and relationships, and forms.  相似文献   

With the rapid increase of electronic databases, e-journals, electronic books, and digital collections in libraries, managing electronic resources is also becoming complex and challenging. It is an absolute necessity to have an effective electronic resources management (ERM). This article discusses our experience in choosing and implementing an open source ERM System (CORAL) at The College of New Jersey Library.  相似文献   

The session explored how collaboration among libraries, suppliers, and the OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) cooperative can address some of the problems being faced with the management of electronic resources. Examples of specific challenges that impact budgets and services are: libraries’ reliance on multiple non-interoperable systems; the difficulties in getting and maintaining high quality and timely metadata; and the issues with managing workflows that cross system and staff boundaries. As work continues to introduce and enhance integrated systems for electronic resource management, these cooperative efforts can improve both the quality of the services and the associated data and workflows.  相似文献   

The license negotiated at the beginning of the electronic resources lifecycle impacts access to the resource throughout the life of the contract. To simplify the negotiating process, the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Libraries developed a licensing checklist. In order to make completed licenses accessible to all library personnel, the TAMU Libraries use the electronic resources management system Centralized Online Resources and Licensing (CORAL) to store license documents and terms. This presentation reviewed the TAMU Libraries’ licensing process, the creation and evolution of the licensing checklist, and the suitability of CORAL to share license details. The presenters also recounted several examples of difficult negotiations and license violations.  相似文献   


Technology is rapidly moving libraries toward a self-service interlibrary loan model. Patrons currently request books and articles through OCLC's unmediated ILL Direct Request service, and interlibrary loan management software enables users to request, track, and renew borrowed materials unassisted online. In addition, products such as SFX and Serials Solutions further expand unmediated requesting. Peer-to-peer resource sharing defined by the ISO ILL Protocol and direct consortial borrowing, which has become possible following the recently approved NCIP standard, encourage and support the widespread development of self-service interlibrary loan. As borrowing from other collections becomes an almost effortless process for library users, reference librarians must find ways to encourage patron use of local collections, as well as familiarize themselves with the mechanics of unmediated interlibrary loan to better assist patrons in their use of evolving interlibrary loan technology.  相似文献   

For e-resource librarians, maintaining e-book and e-journal holdings within electronic resource management systems is a labor intensive and often manual process. In 2014, with the aim of saving library staff valuable time and effort, the Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) launched a service to provide automated holdings management within the WorldCat knowledgebase. For a select group of content providers, including some of the largest e-book aggregators, holdings information can be populated and updated automatically within the knowledgebase without intervention from library staff. At the University of Toronto Libraries, we conducted a study to assess the accuracy and efficiency of these automated holdings management services. This presentation outlines the results of the study and provides suggestions for further improvement to the current services offered.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

As electronic serials have shifted from being the exception to the norm, libraries are becoming increasingly reliant on knowledge base-driven systems to help manage electronic serial holdings. In 2011, the University of Toronto Libraries migrated its electronic resource holdings from a local database to a commercial electronic resource management (ERM) system. With two years of experience using a commercial ERM system, the presenters endeavored to analyze how the library is coping with e-serial management within this new environment. This study reveals many of the benefits and pitfalls of managing electronic journals within a knowledge base–driven system and highlights the need for greater standardization within the data supply chain, better communication with publishers and knowledge base providers, and increased collaboration to improve the e-resource management process.  相似文献   

Column Editor's Note. This column focuses on formal collaboration and networking among libraries through consortia. It offers in-depth examinations of issues facing modern library consortia including (but not limited to) e-resource licensing, ebooks, next generation integrated library systems, shared print archiving, shared digital repositories, governance and other relevant topics. Contributions are accepted for this column and must be submitted to George Machovec (george@coalliance.org). Contact the column editor for suggested topics, deadlines and formatting.

ConnectNY has been involved in consortial e-book projects since 2010. Based upon the experience of these group e-book projects, we will explore different methods for assuming the shared cost of group e-book programs and then describe ways in which DDA programs may promote a positive Return on Investment (ROI) for groups as compared to individual institutions. We will argue that while use is a factor that can be taken into account when distributing cost amongst members, a budget-based percentage approach will allow consortia to effectively initiate and manage such projects over time.  相似文献   

Centralized Online Resources Acquisitions and Licensing (CORAL) is an open source electronic resources management system originally developed by the University of Notre Dame Hesburgh Libraries. The CORAL system consists of five modules designed to manage the library electronic resources life-cycle, including licensing and contact information, procurement and activation workflow, usage statistics, and the storage of documentation. CORAL was designed as a flexible and customizable management system, with the ability to utilize each module independently or as a suite to maintain the electronic resources management needs of individual institutions. Scott Vieira of Rice University, Steve Oberg of Wheaton College, and Andrea Imre of Southern Illinois University Carbondale present on the functionality of CORAL and demonstrate the system’s flexibility and extensibility in managing library electronic resources.  相似文献   

This article is a report of a concurrent session presented by Katherine Hill and Maria Collins of North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries at the 2013 North American Serials Interest Group conference. NCSU Libraries is a participant in the Global Open Knowledgebase (GOKb) project, which will provide an openly available knowledgebase for Kuali Open Library Environment (OLE). Results from a survey conducted by NCSU librarians are discussed, which focus on the e-resource management community and their expectations of the data provided in knowledgebases. The survey investigates problems and improvements in respect to data quality. Respondents also commented on their expectations of a community-managed project as well as the viability of a project like GOKb. Future directions and initiatives in the knowledgebase space were also summarized in the presentation.  相似文献   

Some libraries are not ready, willing, or able to make a big commitment to an expensive electronic resources management system. But, with a bit of creativity and flexibility, librarians can come up with alternatives that will effectively manage the information they need at little or no additional cost. Although makeshift solutions may not be ideal, presenters Jennifer Watson and Dalene Hawthorne stress the importance of getting started with the task of gathering information about one's electronic resources in some workable way and using whatever tools are available.  相似文献   

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