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《国际大都市图书馆指标体系》共分为资源条件、服务效能、服务成果和影响贡献四大部分,在这些大框架下列出各项评价指标。以国内外数家大都市图书馆为例,以若干测评指标为标准,分析比较这些图书馆的异同。与《国际大都市图书馆指标体系》课题研究的准则一样,研究的目的不是要评价好坏,主要在于发现异同,找出原因,以求取长补短,并希望通过这种分析,为国内大都市图书馆的发展提供可用信息。  相似文献   

Computerization of library services is intended to modernize the entire library system in Nigeria as in the industrialized countries, and to ensure accuracy, efficiency, effective information management, reliable user services, enhanced interlibrary co-operation and library prestige. By 1985, only the library of the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, had succeeded in automating its library services. Other libraries are mostly at the trial stage. University and research libraries and the National Library of Nigeria are leading the race to computerize their services. Lack of co-operation between libraries is an obstacle to library automation in Nigeria. Some librarians are not sure whether computerized library services would thrive owing to problems of poor funding, inadequate physical and environmental facilities such as low grade buildings, unreliable power supply and the scanty amount of information holdings in most of our libraries. Staff computer training, standby power generating plants, competent personnel, computer technicians and support for computer acquisition and hardware maintenance are major factors to consider before any Nigerian library decides to automate its services. In future, use of natural language by computers will make computers more user friendly. Installation of mini- or microcomputers, with powerful information storage capacity, rather than main frames are recommended for small Nigerian libraries with fewer than 20000 book titles, but which wish to automate their services.  相似文献   


The paper analyses the trends of information delivery at the Knust library. It reviews the history of cooperation, conventional practices in information delivery, and current trends in Ghana. CD-ROM and online facilities, which are the two main tools for electronic information delivery, are highlighted.

The paper reveals that there is a general acceptance among members of the academic community that electronic information delivery services have had considerable impact on their work. The paper looks into the future of document delivery and proposed possible ways of enhancing and sustaining the existing facilities.  相似文献   

This case study addresses a workflow analysis project undertaken in the International Studies and Asia Library technical services areas of the University of Michigan Library. The analysis was an opportunity to document existing technical services practices in three primary workflow areas: acquisitions/receiving, cataloging, and cataloging maintenance. International Studies began the project independently, and subsequently consultants were hired to work with both International Studies and Asia Library to find efficiencies and barriers, identify solutions, and propose future changes in non-Roman-language cataloging workflows. This article provides an account outlining the project background, implementation, outcomes, challenges, and lessons learned.  相似文献   


The paper describes succinctly the historical development of Indian health science libraries. With this background it illustrates the outcome of a study conducted for the purpose of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of prevalent health literature information services such as bibliographical, current awareness, selective dissemination of information, MEDLARS/MEDLINE, indexing and abstracting, translation and reprographic of 240 medical libraries belonging to modern medicine (allopathy system) and recommends the suitable steps to be undertaken to optimize the utilization of available resources and services.  相似文献   

图书馆2.0环境下信息集成服务研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
图书馆2.0是Web2.0在图书馆信息服务中的应用,是图书馆服务范式的转变.图书馆2.0环境下信息集成服务的特征是:参与性、开放性、个性化和友好性.图书馆2.0环境下集成服务涉及的内容有:信息资源集成、技术集成、服务集成和人员集成.Web OPAC服务是目前最活跃的图书馆2.0应用.它采用插件、Ajax等2.0技术,集成了多种资源和服务,是图书馆2.0环境下信息集成服务的重要方式.  相似文献   

徐森玉是有"国宝"之誉的目录学家、版本学家、金石学家和文物鉴定家。论文从参与影印《四库全书珍本初集》、参加"文献保存同志会"、编印《玄览堂丛书》、受聘国立中央图书馆顾问、战后接收清理图书文物等方面,梳理了徐森玉和国立中央图书馆的密切关系,揭示了他对国立中央图书馆的重要贡献。  相似文献   


The following is a cost comparison of students photocopying print reserve readings for a typical college course versus printing out hard copies of the same articles if they are offered as electronic reserves at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The prices quoted were taken from the website of a major office supply company the week of December 19. Photocopying costs were current for the academic year at the University, as are the printing costs from public stations in the W. E. B. Du Bois Library.  相似文献   

国外公共图书馆企业信息服务探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国外公共图书馆非常重视企业信息服务,大多数的图书馆也在从事该项服务,从多种多样的服务模式及大英图书馆、新加坡国家图书馆企业信息服务实践来看,国外公共图书馆的企业信息服务多是以用户中心的主动性服务、知识创新性服务,并且充分利用各商业中介组织积极拓展服务,为了提高服务质量,国外公共图书馆也非常注重对从事企业信息服务的馆员进行再教育。这给国内图书馆开展企业信息服务提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

图书馆学、情报学与档案学是同源学科,它们共同关注社会信息交流系统,是在信息技术支持下面向用户需求的信息采集、信息组织与信息产品形成过程。与其他信息学科相比,它们以社会认识论信息为基础,强调以相关为核心的信息运动过程,更关注信息意义的社会构建过程。它们的差异主要体现在以不同用户服务目标为基础的服务理念差异(图书馆的全民服务、情报的特定服务与档案的区别服务),以及由此导致的信息资源选择差异、信息序化方法及程度差异。  相似文献   

从中外信息门户比较看CSDL学科信息门户的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从分类体系、索引数据量、建设单位、采用的元数据4个方面对国际上著名的RDN、BUBL和CSDL的五大学科信息门户进行比较分析;在此基础上,就我国CSDL学科信息门户的快速发展提出若干建议,包括做好资源的选择、完善元数据的使用、减少死链接现象、加强MyLibrary建设、加快数据加工速度等。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]界定个人数字数据的范畴与价值,分析个人数字数据的主要类型、存储方式和面临风险,探讨以图书馆为依托的个人数字数据存档与管理的服务模式,以期为我国图书馆在移动互联网时代开展私人定制的个人信息服务提供思路与借鉴。[方法/过程]综合应用网站调研法和案例分析法,以较早开展个人数字数据存档和管理服务、具有较大社会影响的美国国会图书馆、美国坎贝尔郡公共图书馆、大英图书馆以及加拿大国家图书馆和档案馆等为例,深入调查和剖析这些图书馆在个人数字数据存档与管理方面的服务方式和服务特点。[结果/结论]我国图书馆可依托其公益性服务机构的定位,凭借自身多年来在数字信息资源的组织、存储、管理与服务方面的优势经验,结合不同用户群体、不同私隐级别、不同数据类型的个人数字数据的特点,在服务对象、服务内容、服务方式和维护管理等方面开展更具个性化的、嵌入式的个人数字数据的存档与管理服务。  相似文献   

嵌入式学科信息服务:Welch医学图书馆范例研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Welch医学图书馆以嵌入式学科信息服务作为全馆的服务重点,信息专员是嵌入式信息服务的核心。信息专员以院系的Welch空间作为阵地,以不同的方式嵌入到用户的工作流中,为用户提供个性化和深层次的信息服务。同时,她们以课程或者培训的方式提高用户的信息素养。Welch医学图书馆的嵌入式学科信息服务模式对国内图书馆的学科服务具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article charts the increasing importance of the creative industries to the UK economy and to ways of meeting the information needs of those industries. The role of libraries is examined, particularly that of the British Library and its support services for business and enterprise. Related issues are discussed, such as those relating to the measurement of the value of services like the British Library, the preservation of digital documentation, and heritage and intellectual property rights.  相似文献   

采用PZB服务品质理论对图书馆服务进行调查,有助于分析读者服务品质的重要度及满意度,计算服务品质的缺口值。基于PZB模式对上海外国语大学图书馆服务品质调查发现,该馆馆员具有较高的职业素养和优质的服务水平,新馆建设和图书馆环境布置比较受读者欢迎,但同时存在服务品质缺口,需通过改善重点学科的纸质馆藏、加强电子资源推广及使用指导、制订详细的介绍及操作手册等方法加以改进。  相似文献   

Information inequity is a central concern of the digital age. Many recognize the role of public libraries in bridging such inequities. Unfortunately, however, public libraries are often limited by the funding available to them. This study used a geographic information system (GIS), inequality measures, and multiple regressions to analyze statistics from the Public Libraries Survey (PLS) collected by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and from census tract data. It evaluated the levels of public library funding and services and tested how these resources vary with neighborhood income and urbanization levels. This is one of the few nationwide multivariate studies of neighborhood-level variations. The study revealed significant funding and service variations across the nation's 9000 library systems. Distributions of digital materials, full-time staff with a master's degree in library and information science, and library programs were especially disparate. Library systems in lower-income or rural neighborhoods were relatively less funded and offered fewer information resources. Interestingly, the only variable that was not significantly associated with neighborhood income was the number of public Internet terminals. This suggests that recent funding and research efforts may have made a difference. Similar funding efforts are encouraged for other types of library resources such as staff education and training. In light of the prevalent disparities in resource levels across neighborhoods, the study calls for a fundamental evaluation of the funding mechanisms for libraries. Also, information behavior research should investigate how this structural information inequity affects individuals’ information use decisions.  相似文献   

Library access to justice programs and services help people who need legal information and who cannot afford an attorney. Librarian mediation is a critical component in the provision of access to justice services. However, the value of library mediation, or assistance with using library resources, is often unrecognized, particularly where members of the public are trying to access electronic legal information sources, online legal forms, and other law technologies. This article will explore the role of librarians in providing access to justice services from the perspective of the work of Richard Susskind, which emphasizes technological approaches to providing legal services. While there is a place for technology in access to justice services, there is also a valuable role that librarians play in contributing to access to justice.  相似文献   

The emergence of the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web (WWW), as a new medium of information delivery, coupled with the availability of powerful hardware, software and networking technology, triggered large-scale commercial and non-commercial digitization programmes the world over. During the past decade, great progress has been made in both theoretical and practical research in the digital library. Besides, acquiring and buying access to digital collections, academic and research libraries are exerting efforts to initiate digital library projects in their respective institutions so as to build their own digital collections. Moreover, proliferation of network-enabled electronic information products are exerting ever-increasing pressure on traditional libraries, which, in turn, are committing larger portions of their budgetary allocation to either procuring or accessing web-based full-text search services, CD-ROM products, online databases, multimedia products, and so forth. The increasing commitment for building up network-enabled digitized collections at the Central Library, IIT Delhi coincides with the installation of a fibre optics based campus LAN connected to a 2 MBps VSNL Radio Link enabling faster access to the Internet for the academic community of the Institute. The availability of high-speed Internet connection has led to the launching of a number of sponsored and unsponsored projects for building network-enabled digitized collections within the framework of the traditional library and information services at the Central Library, IIT Delhi. The Library has adopted a multi-pronged strategy to embark upon the digital world. The article outlines various constituents that contribute to the making of a digital library at the Central Library, IIT Delhi.  相似文献   

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