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浅析以复变函数零点性质确定极点阶数的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在复变函数论教学过程中,如何确定复变函数极点的阶数是教学的重点和难点。在分析零点和极点性质的基础上,就如何运用零点性质确定极点阶数总结出了一种简捷而有效的方法,并给出了严格证明。  相似文献   

Interprofessional education (IPE) prepares healthcare students for collaboration in their future careers. The purpose of this study was to determine which aspects of the IPE Program in Anatomy at McMaster University contributed to the development of healthcare student's interprofessional skills. Q-methodology was used to identify the students' common viewpoints of the IPE experience. A total of 26/28 (93%) of students in the course from the medical, nursing, midwifery, physician assistant, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy programs participated in this study. Students were asked to sort a Q-sample of 43 statements about the IPE dissection course derived from previous qualitative studies of the program. Using the centroid factor extraction and varimax rotation, three salient factors (groups) emerged, namely: (1) Anatomy IPE Enthusiasts, (2) Practical IPE Advocates, and (3) Skeptical IPE Anatomists. The Anatomy IPE Enthusiasts believed that students from different disciplines brought unique anatomical knowledge and each group member guided others through difficult material. The Practical IPE Advocates expressed that they would be stronger advocates for interprofessional teams in the future because of the course. The Skeptical IPE Anatomists strongly disagreed that learning with students from different disciplines helped them gain an understanding of their roles in the context of other healthcare professionals and felt that there was little benefit from the IPE program compared to other non-interprofessional programs. These findings about student attitudes are critical to drive an evidence-based evolution of the IPE dissection course, since students' perceptions can have a profound influence on interprofessional collaboration in the workplace.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to examine the mechanisms underlying a strategy that we developed to make instructional explanations effective. In two experiments participants learned about plate tectonics from a multimedia material, including adjunct explanations that revised common misunderstandings. These explanations were either marked (including a device that pointed out the misunderstanding that the explanation was intended to revise) or unmarked. In both experiments participants receiving marked revising explanations outperformed those receiving unmarked ones in retention and transfer. In Experiment 1, think-aloud protocols revealed that marked revising explanations enabled learners to detect and repair flaws in their understanding more frequently than unmarked explanations. In Experiment 2, time recordings revealed that participants in the marked condition spent more time processing the revising explanations. Overall, the results mean that the revising instructional explanations that point out learners' misunderstandings promote a revision-oriented processing, in which learners monitor and revise their own understanding.  相似文献   

在民族师专的文学理论实践教学中,就"文学作品构成论"采用"课外研讨法"的实施原因、过程、目标及效果进行了探究并作一介绍。  相似文献   

朱国梁 《生物学教学》2009,34(10):42-44
1 “J”型曲线和“S”型曲线特点 1.1 “J”型曲线的特点 “J”型曲线(如图1)是指在食物(养料)和空间条件充裕、气候适宜、没有敌害等理想条件下,种群的数量每年以一定的倍数增长,第二年的数量是第一年的入倍。它反映了种群增长的潜力。  相似文献   

调节器的设计是转速、电流双闭环系统设计的一个重要环节。调节器参数的整定一般都是通过试凑法反复运算确定,普遍存在计算繁杂及检验结果不够明显的问题。MATLAB程序的引入,可以利用系统设计的性能指标要求直接整定调节器参数,大大减少计算工作量,并且可以通过MATLAB仿真直观显示出参数校验结果。  相似文献   

This article compares two statistical approaches for modeling growth across time. The two statistical approaches are the multilevel model (MLM) and latent curve analysis (LCA), which have been proposed to depict change or growth adequately. These two approaches were compared in terms of the estimation of growth profiles represented by the parameters of initial status and the rate of growth. A longitudinal data set obtained from a school‐based substance‐use prevention trial for adolescents was used to illustrate the similarities and differences between the two approaches. The results indicated that the two approaches yielded very compatible results. The parameter estimates associated with regression weights are the same, whereas those associated with variances and covariances are similar. The MLM approach is easier for model specification and is more efficient computationally in yielding results. The LCA approach, however, has the advantage of providing model evaluation, that is, an overall test of goodness of fit, and is more flexible in modeling and hypothesis testing as demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

研究性学习中的课题选择是非常重要的.撰写课题方案时要了解学生的兴趣和需要,研究学生生活的实际问题.  相似文献   

IntroductionTherainstormintensityformulaisanimportantandfundamentalformulainmodernmunicipaldrainagedesign,asthebasisincalculatingrainstormgroundrunoffandengineeringtheflowvolumeofaproject.Itdirectlyinfluencestheinvestmentbudgetandthereliabilityofamunicipaldrainagesystemtobebuilt.AccordingtoSpecificationsofDrainageDesignOutdoor(GBJ14-87)[1],thedesignflowvolumeofarainwaterpipesystemshouldbecalculatedbythelocalrainstormintensityformula.Thereliabilityofadrainagesystemhasdirectrelationtotherains…  相似文献   

工程量清单计价在工程招标投标中能体现公平竞争、控制工程索赔、降低投标成本等不同于预算定额计价的特点,能克服预算定额计价不能反映建设先后顺序、不能体现建筑产品优质优价原则、不利于招标工作开展的弊端。分析了工程量清单计价与预算定额计价在招投标形式、计价依据的性质、项目划分的原则、单价的构成等方面的主要区别点。  相似文献   

液体折射率测定方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了测量液体折射率的一种实验装置.此装置能较准确地测量透镜和液体透镜组的焦距,解决了实验中测量透镜组焦距难的问题,使测得的液体折射率的精确度有了一定的提高.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether inferences about school performance based on longitudinal models are consistent when different assessments and metrics are used as the basis for analysis. Using norm-referenced (NRT) and standards-based (SBT) assessment results from panel data of a large heterogeneous school district, we examine inferences based on vertically equated scale scores, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), and nonvertically equated scale scores. The results indicate that the effect of the metric depends upon the evaluation objective. NCEs significantly underestimate absolute individual growth, but NCEs and scale scores yield highly correlated (r >.90) school-level results based on mean initial status and growth estimates. SBT and NRT results are highly correlated for status but only moderately correlated for growth. We also find that as few as 30 students per school provide consistent results and that mobility tends to affect inferences based on status but not growth – irrespective of the assessment or metric used.  相似文献   

教师自主是教师专业化的必然要求。中学导师制有助于教师走向自主发展之路,它在教师自主意识的形式、自主能力的提升和个人知识的习得上起到了促进的作用。  相似文献   

The major goal of this paper is to identify a “five-level framework of psychological adjustment” specifically for use by school psychologists. The levels range from one of excellent adjustment to severe psychopathology. The school psychologist is guided toward interaction with clients based on a differential scale of adjustment.  相似文献   

Enhancing rates of accurate, active, academic responding can enhance learning. Both temporal manipulations (i.e., reducing time to work on assignments) and providing multiple distributed temporal cues (MDTC), sometimes referred to as explicit timing, have been shown to enhance rates of accurate mathematics responding. The current study was designed to evaluate the effects of session length (i.e., 5 vs. 15 min to write) and temporal cues (i.e., a single initial temporal cue vs. MDTC) on seventh‐ and eighth‐grade students writing assignment rates and writing accuracy. Results showed that the 5 min writing sessions did result in significantly greater rates of accurate responding than the 15 min sessions; however, explicit timing did not significantly alter writing rates or accuracy. These findings suggest that educators can enhance rates of accurate writing by reducing writing session lengths. Discussion focuses on applied implications of providing briefer writing sessions and future research investigating the interaction between multiple temporal cues and assignments.  相似文献   

吴慧 《化学教学》2002,(11):47-48
1 学生的研究过程“1个标准大气压下水的沸点是 10 0℃。”这是受过初级中学教育的人都知道的常识。但正是这个生活常识 ,使我的学生产生了怀疑———实验中水的沸点测得的竟是 94℃ ?1.1 发现问题2 0 0 1年 9月我在指导学生进行《新综合科学》第一章活动 1.12使用温度计的学生实验中 ,学生在用实验室所提供的装置 (装置 1:5 0mL小烧杯 ,自来水 )测量水的沸点时 ,有不止一位学生提出疑问 :“老师 ,我实验测得水的沸点怎么不是 10 0℃ ?”。1.2 提出假设为了找出原因 ,课后我收集了全班实验结果 :共2 8个实验小组 ,竟然没有一组实验测得…  相似文献   

负反馈在电子电路中的应用非常广泛,正确判断负反馈组态非常重要。本文从四种不同角度介绍了判断负反馈组态的方法。四个方法互相验证,可达到融会贯通,举一反三目的。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore trainer questioning strategies which aimed to scaffold development and learning in teacher training feedback sessions. Research was conducted with a group of Turkish pre-service English teacher trainees at an English-medium university in Turkey. Findings include a categorisation of different question types which seemed to prompt reflection and construction of knowledge. The data also suggest that trainees need varying levels of support through different question types to better scaffold their understanding of teaching. This study concludes with a data-driven framework of questioning strategies which can be a potential guide for trainers working with pre-service English teacher trainees.  相似文献   

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