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Politeness Theory (Brown & Levinson, 1987) implies that the negative politeness in requests should increase with the degree of threat to the hearer's negative face. The present study asked whether this effect depends on the type of request being made. Participants produced either borrow requests or stop action requests in situations that involved either a high threat or low threat to the hearer's face. As hypothesized, greater face threat produced more negative politeness (apologies and promises) in borrow requests but not in stop action requests.  相似文献   

The current study focuses on the delivery of negative feedback and how supervisors can accomplish that delivery while maintaining their own image and their employees' face. We look at delivery of feedback with and without face-saving messages through two different channels: face-to-face (FtF) and email. Results indicate that the inclusion of face-saving messages had relatively consistent positive effects on a variety of employees' impressions of supervisors. Channel was found to interact with message content to impact perceived face threat of a message and the perception of the supervisor's appropriateness. These findings are discussed in terms of theoretical and practical applications, as are limitations and directions for future research.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):384-401

An experiment was conducted to assess whether exposure to fictional depictions of realistic life‐threatening events (e.g., fires, drownings) affects children's risk‐related assessments that have the potential to influence longer‐term responses. Kindergarten through fifth‐grade children were exposed to dramatic versions of a housefire or a drowning or to control programs depicting benign scenes involving fire or water. The threatening scenes induced more fear and more negative affect in general than their neutral counterparts. In addition, children exposed to a particular threat subsequently rated similar events (related threats) as more likely to occur in their own lives, considered the potential consequences to be more severe, and reported more worry about such happenings than subjects exposed to neutral depictions. Moreover, liking for activities closely related to the observed threats was reduced. Responses regarding the unrelated threat (i.e., fire danger if exposed to the dramatized drowning or water danger if exposed to the house fire) held an intermediate position, but statistical decisions varied across dependent measures. Some analyses revealed a main effect of witnessing negative outcomes. However, planned contrasts showed that for most measures, subjects who viewed threatening scenes did not differ from subjects in the neutral conditions in their ratings of other threats. Findings were interpreted as predominantly supportive of incidental learning, but the contribution of generalized emotion effects could not be ruled out entirely.  相似文献   

Despite the significant threat men face for contracting testicular cancer, most men remain completely unaware of this risk. Moreover, men are not regularly performing the testicular self‐exam (TSE) in order to detect this form of cancer in their bodies. The current study attempted to assess whether fear appeals targeted at men will motivate them to begin regular performance of the TSE. Additionally, the influence of message design and masculinity was also tested. Results indicate messages that follow the direction of Witte's (1992, 1994) Extended Parallel Process Model and promote both high threat and high efficacy are successful in increasing men's intentions to perform the TSE. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Background:With the mandate to review all available literature in the study''s inclusion parameters, systematic review projects are likely to require full-text access to a significant number of articles that are not available in a library''s collection, thereby necessitating ordering content via interlibrary loan (ILL). The aim of this study is to understand what effect a systematic review service has on the copyright royalty fees accompanying ILL requests at an academic health sciences library.Case Presentation:The library created a custom report using ILLiad data to look specifically at 2018 ILL borrowing requests that were known to be part of systematic reviews. This subset of borrowing activity was then analyzed to determine its impact on the library''s copyright royalty expenditures for the year. In 2018, copyright eligible borrowing requests that were known to be part of systematic reviews represented only approximately 5% of total filled requests that involved copyright eligible borrowing. However, these systematic review requests directly or indirectly caused approximately 10% of all the Spencer S. Eccles Library copyright royalty expenditures for 2018 requests.Conclusion:Based on the sample data set, the library''s copyright royalty expenditures did increase, but the overall financial impact was modest.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] Under ubiquitous information environment, the sharing of the cloud, personalized service process and ubiquitous access increase the privacy threat of users. Exploring the weaken factors on perceived threats of personal cloud storage users and their coping strategies will help to analyze users' complicated information protection action, and promote the further development and large-scale application of cloud storage services.[Method/process] Drawing upon the optimism bias and coping theories in psychology, based on the research logic "weaken factors→perceived threat→coping", we analyzed different influences on perceived threat of 3 factors (i.e., optimism bias, prior experience and the official certification), and verified the moderating effect of optimism bias between perceived threats and coping behavior. Through the online questionnaire survey, we tested the model with the partial least square method.[Result/conclusion] The results reveal that prior experience and optimistic bias negatively affect perceived threat of cloud storage users, while official certification does not play a significant role. Besides, optimistic bias will be negative to adjust the relationship between perceived threat and emotion-focused coping, but will not affect the relationship between perceived threat and emotion-focused coping. The results help reveal the law and internal mechanism of personal cloud storage users' perceived threats and coping strategy, and provide advices and references for risk control of the cloud service providers and regulatory policies of Industry and Information Technology Ministry.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 泛在信息环境下,云内的共享性、个性化服务过程及泛在接入使得用户的隐私威胁不断加大,探索用户感知威胁的削弱因素及应对策略,将有助于解析泛在信息环境下用户自身复杂的信息保护行为,促进云存储服务的进一步发展和规模化应用。[方法/过程] 结合心理学中的乐观偏差及应对理论,基于削弱因素--感知威胁--应对策略的研究逻辑,从乐观偏差、使用经验、官方认证3个维度分析对云存储用户感知威胁的不同影响,并验证乐观偏差对感知威胁到应对策略的调节作用。通过在线问卷调查,采用偏最小二乘法对结构模型进行估计。[结果/结论] 研究发现,使用经验、乐观偏差负向影响感知威胁,而官方认证的作用并不显著。此外,乐观偏差会负向调节感知威胁与问题应对之间的关系,但不会影响其与情绪应对的关系。研究结果可有助于揭示云储存用户感知威胁与应对策略的发生规律及内在机理,并为云服务提供商的风险管控以及国家工信部门的监管政策提供建议和参考。  相似文献   


Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is intended to supplement a library's collection, but often patrons submit requests for items already owned. An analysis of a large academic library's ILL requests shows that in most cases the cataloging of bibliographic records is correct, but patrons need instruction in bibliographic searches and ILL policies and procedures. An unexpected result of the study was a realization that patrons are confused by the way items are shelved in the various branches.  相似文献   

The gap between the approval of RTI laws and their implementation leaves room for discretionary bias and discrimination from government officials. This paper explores possible discretionary bias and ultimately discriminatory behavior exhibited by Uruguayan government agencies while answering RTI requests. We explore whether public officials are more likely to respond to requests from citizens that are informed about their right under the RTI law vs regular citizens, as well as from influential citizens (journalists and firm owners). We also assess whether public servants' responses to RTI requests are gender-biased. We conducted a randomized field experiment to test for unequal treatment given to citizens' requests by Uruguayan government officials, considering different citizen categories. We find that only those citizens who know the RTI law and invoke its existence have a greater likelihood of obtaining an answer from bureaucrats. This result is driven mostly by men's requests declaring they know the law when making their request, while invoking the law doesn't make a difference in responses to women. These findings show that public campaigns to promote citizens' awareness of RTI laws and their use, not only would increase requests, but also governments' responsiveness regarding RTI requests.  相似文献   

Vermont library directors estimated they received at least 1228 requests for patron information in the last year. In spite of these requests and heightened awareness about threats to confidentiality posed by the USA PATRIOT Act, fewer than half of the state’s public and academic libraries have written patron confidentiality policies. The policies that do exist were recently updated and most prohibit release of information without a binding legal document. However, only half require an attorney’s review of such documents. Libraries with larger numbers of personnel and with directors holding MLS degrees are more likely to have policies. The absence of policies does not appear to indicate a lack of belief in the importance of confidentiality; a vast majority of library directors support strengthening the state law.  相似文献   

This narrative case study examines the news and information role played by WWL Radio and the United Radio Broadcasters of New Orleans during the real life drama of Hurricane Katrina. The performance of United demonstrates that media consolidation, deregulation and the threat of emerging technologies do not justify abandoning the idea that broadcasters still have a moral and ethical responsibility to serve the public interests of audiences; that traditional radio should stop looking over its shoulder at threats posed by other media, and instead should make use of the medium's greatest strength—taking care of the communities it serves on the local level. This study provides further proof that traditional radio is still vital, especially in times of disaster and catastrophe; that radio's attention to the local community, and its ability to collaborate among other broadcast outlets in that community, may be two of many distinct factors that keep the public tuned in to the medium.  相似文献   


From Jan.-April 1996, the University of Evansville Libraries compared the EBSCODOC and CARL UNCOVER document delivery services in the context of fulfilling article requests that were not completed using the OCLC/ILL subsystem as well as in providing “rush” service. Both services had comparative strengths and weaknesses. EBSCODOC's strength was its comprehensiveness; its weakness was speed of delivery. CARL UNCOVER's strength was the speed and reliability of delivery; its weakness was a 41% rate of fulfillment. Recommendations include further testing of full-text document suppliers in order to identify the best service or services to completely meet the needs of academic libraries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the use of document delivery services provided for primary clientele of the Veterinary Medical Library at Auburn University. This study describes and quantifies external library use patterns of the College of Veterinary Medicine faculty, staff and students, for a twelve-month period, though an analysis of the library's courier and interlibrary loan services. Three hypotheses are tested: (1) the majority of courier and interlibrary loan requests are for serials; (2) most serial requests are for nonveterinary journals; and (3) the demand for interlibrary loan and courier services follows a non-random pattern of distribution, i.e., the numbers of requests per month are unequal. The first two hypotheses are confirmed. Of the 2,376 requests for library materials external to VML, 2,197 (92%) are for serials; of the serials requests 1,608 (73%) are for nonveterinary journals. The third hypothesis is also confirmed. The chi square predicates a nonrandom distribution of requests by month. This study defines the nature of veterinary research as interdisciplinary. Findings identify collection weaknesses and requirements for new acquisitions.  相似文献   

The rationale supporting fee-for-service programs in academic libraries is strong and the need for services in the community is evident to librarians who already provide such service free of charge or turn away requests. Libraries interested in establishing fee-based programs for non-university users are confronted with difficult issues and conflicts. Knowledge of these may help establish a program that serves the needs of clients and the library, contributes to the University's public relations and do it all with confidence in its legal and ethical positions.  相似文献   

This study investigated factors affecting the relative harm of relationally aggressive acts among adolescent girls. One hundred twenty-seven high school girls completed a survey in which they described an event where another girl did something to them that was mean or hurtful. Girls also completed measures of the extent to which the aggressive act threatened their positive face, and the extent to which the aggressive act led them to experience negative affect. Results supported the prediction that aggressive acts committed by girls who were more popular than the victim were associated with greater perceived face threat and negative affect than aggressive acts committed by girls who were equally popular or less popular than the victim. In addition, events in which the perpetrator involved other individuals in the commission of aggression were associated with greater perceived face threat and greater negative affect than events in which the perpetrator acted alone. Contrary to predictions, degree of interpersonal closeness between the victim and the perpetrator just prior to the aggressive act was not associated with perceived face threat or degree of negative affect.  相似文献   


Baker Library at Harvard Business School is increasingly asked by the school's faculty to create custom digital information products to enhance course assignments and to find novel ways of electronically disseminating faculty research. In order to prioritize these requests, as well as facilitate, manage, and track the resulting projects, the library staff developed the Research Innovation Framework. Informed by design thinking techniques and recent research on building innovation strategies and innovative cultures, the Research Innovation Framework has been particularly impactful to Baker's intra-organizational communication, allowing for more robust collaboration across the entire library. Tools and resources contained within the Framework have allowed Baker to adapt to the diverse and evolving needs of its customers.  相似文献   

This study is intended to answer the following questions: Have university libraries in Taiwan acquired books recommended by selection aids? Can university library collections in Taiwan sufficiently fill users' requests? Do libraries of different collection sizes process users' requests in an unbiased and efficient manner?This study employed interviews and document delivery tests. Librarians from 15 university libraries were interviewed to investigate their thoughts on ILL services. Samples from Choice and Bowker's Global Books in Print were searched for through the online catalogs of 148 university libraries. This study concludes that resource sharing will not operate in an equitable way if most user requests are only directed towards a small percentage of Taiwan's university libraries. Without an adequate quantity of volumes in the library collections of any region or country, resource sharing cannot be realized.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative illness that can yield a host of well-documented physical and psychosocial challenges; however, the impact of the disease on the identity of persons with PD (PWPs) is not well understood. Based on a constructivist grounded theory approach, data gathered from in-depth interviews with 47 PWPs were analyzed using constant comparison. The resulting theoretical structure related to identity and communication states that (a) PD threatens identity in several significant ways; (b) PWPs communicatively manage threats to identity; and (c) communicatively managing threats to identity is a complex, varied process. Results offer a theoretical understanding of the ways in which identity, communication, and PD are linked, and can inform interventions and care for this population.  相似文献   

Since the very early 1980s, various government agencies have increasingly issued requests to depository libraries directly or through the Government Printing Office (GPO) to destroy or return certain distributed documents. This article cites recalled documents and explores the reasons for their recall. Most recalls fall into one of five problem categories: military security, administrative and operational security, falsified data, outright censorship, and environmental security. Specific reasons for recall are seldom given and must be inferred by examining specific titles. Librarians have shown little published interest in the subject of recalls, but an informal survey indicated general compliance with the recall requests. The GPO also has said little except to ask agencies to direct the recalls through the federal Depository Library Program. It is concluded that the GPO should take a more active role in reviewing agencies' requests, since many recall requests have been of doubtful value, and that government documents librarians should assess recalls on a case-by-case basis.  相似文献   

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