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The American Association of Community Colleges has determined over 40% of the population attending a post-secondary institution is enrolled in a two-year community college. The majority of this student population could be described as nontraditional, including first-generation students, underrepresented populations, and single parents working full or part-time jobs while attending classes. This student population is more likely to experience stress and anxiety, increasing their need for mental health services. Despite this demonstrated need, there has been little research conducted on two-year community college campuses relating to mental health services. The purpose of this article is to discuss the need for research on mental health needs and services at two-year community colleges.  相似文献   

中国沿海大中城市社区心理健康服务需求现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为系统研究中国沿海大中城市的社区心理健康服务情况,从而为中国沿海大中城市社区心理健康服务体系的构建提供依据.方法本研究选择6个沿海大城市1300名社区居民进行田野调查.结果约60%的居民选择偶尔定期或经常需要心理健康服务;不同城市之间的心理健康需求存在显著差异(χ2=65.876).四成居民反映社区缺乏心理健康服务机构,40.1%的居民认为社区心理健康工作作用不明显.结论居民对社区心理健康的需求较多,不同城市的需求状况存在差异;社区心理健康宣传工作不到位,居民存在认识误区;社区心理健康工作开展困难主要来自资金困难.  相似文献   

通过回顾国内外社区心理卫生服务的发展状况和组织体系建设情况,系统地分析开展心理卫生服务的组织体系状况,并针对现状提出了改进我国社区心理卫生工作的一些对策,从而保障社区群众的心理健康,提高社区居民的健康水平和生活质量,构建社会主义和谐社区.  相似文献   

The enthusiasm regarding the school as a place for mental health promotion is powered by a large body of research demonstrating the links between mental health and well-being, academic success and future life opportunities. Despite on-going commitment to mental well-being in the U.K., statistics suggest mental health issues are increasing among children and young people. This small-scale qualitative-exploratory study, undertaken in two primary schools in North Wales, reports on how school practitioners perceive, promote and support the mental health and well-being of pupils. The paper highlights a reluctance by practitioners to address mental health topics due to fear of stigma and a desire to protect children. Issues linked to funding, skills and training, together with over-stretched specialist agencies, are making it difficult for school practitioners to support pupils. There is a pressing need for appropriate training opportunities in order for practitioners to be knowledgeable and to feel confident to discuss mental health with children and young people. Schools have a significant role in supporting children’s mental well-being and reducing the stigma attached to mental illness but only if this important topic is not regarded as an ‘elephant in the room’.  相似文献   

农村中小学生心理健康研究旨在探索在农村背景下广大中小学生心理健康状况及心理特征,寻求其特殊的心理成因,并针对性研发干预策略。该项研究包括农村中小学生心理健康现状调查、原因分析和对策研究、心理健康与其他因素的相关研究、特殊学生群体的心理健康研究、跨文化比较研究等内容。现有研究存在若干不足。对未来的研究进行展望。  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom, the issue of health and social care of young people is now a major concern for the government. Thus, a recent government green paper has insisted on the provision of early and appropriate interventions for young peoples' mental health difficulties and that their views must be incorporated into the design of mental health services. More recently, the NHS Health Advisory Service has recommended that schools and teachers should assume some responsibility in the identification of pupils who may have mental health difficulties. Unfortunately, there is scant information in the United Kingdom on young peoples' pathways into services. We know very little about their help-seeking strategies and service use, barriers or facilitators to care, satisfaction with services and service preferences. In addition, we have limited knowledge of how young people conceptualize mental health or how they perceive mental health professionals. In brief, the needs and help-seeking behaviours of young people in psychological distress are poorly understood and often mediated through older people such as parents and teachers. In this paper, we examine these issues and discuss the implications of such gaps in the evidence base for our understanding of adolescent help-seeking and our ability to provide appropriate well-targeted services.  相似文献   

有效的企业心理健康服务的前提是对企业需求比较准确的把握.由于行业特征、内部管理模式、企业文化等因素的差异,企业员工心理健康服务需求存在着较大的差异.本文根据企业规模、行业特点、企业员工心理健康服务的发动组织者、服务目标、企业服务人群、任务要求等需求要素,将我国企业员工心理健康服务需求划分为预防宣教型、问题解决型和发展推进型三种主导类型.针对三种主导需求可以采用心理健康促进、问题解决导向、全面推进三种模式员工心理健康服务模式.  相似文献   

近年来,语言学习与本土文化之间的关系已成为外语教学研究中的重要课题,跨文化教育越来越被学界关注。本文分别在基础日语和综合日语中论述跨文化教育的具体运用。  相似文献   

This article has two aims: to explore the historical reasons why mental health has been a contested issue in Head Start, and to describe areas of challenge and innovation which might further the program's goal of improving the well-being of parents and children in poverty. The historical sources of silence in the program concerning mental health issues are noted, and recent efforts to bring mental health closer to the center of the Head Start agenda described. Four areas of challenge which are crucial in improving mental health in Head Start, are then reviewed: definitional issues at the individual and family levels, program-level consultation and services, system-level coordination, and macro-level policy changes. In each section, the nature of the challenge, current innovative practices in response to the challenge, and recommendations for further action are discussed. A concluding section presents a summary of recommendations for both program practice and research.  相似文献   

This article has two aims: to explore the historical reasons why mental health has been a contested issue in Head Start, and to describe areas of challenge and innovation which might further the program's goal of improving the well-being of parents and children in poverty. The historical sources of silence in the program concerning mental health issues are noted, and recent efforts to bring mental health closer to the center of the Head Start agenda described. Four areas of challenge which are crucial in improving mental health in Head Start, are then reviewed: definitional issues at the individual and family levels, program-level consultation and services, system-level coordination, and macro-level policy changes. In each section, the nature of the challenge, current innovative practices in response to the challenge, and recommendations for further action are discussed. A concluding section presents a summary of recommendations for both program practice and research.  相似文献   

The issue of mental health services available to adults and children in the United States who are deaf is addressed. Included is a historical perspective on the changes in these services over the last 50 years. Within this scope, the current status of services is described in some detail. Psychological research on children who are deaf is reviewed, and current issues faced by school psychology and psychologists who evaluate deaf children in school settings are examined. The disturbing current trend toward the criminalization of people with mental illness, which affects both hearing and deaf adults with psychiatric diagnoses, is covered. Suggestions are made for improving mental health services for children and adults who are deaf.  相似文献   

As one out of five children in the United States demonstrate some type of mental or behavioral health concern warranting additional intervention, federal policies have emphasized the need for school‐based mental health (SBMH) services and an expansion of Medicaid reimbursement for eligible children and families. Most youth access mental health services at school; therefore, it is important to evaluate how staffing ratios, credentialing, and state Medicaid policies may influence school psychologists’ involvement in the delivery of SBMH services. A survey of 192 school psychologists found that as practitioner to student ratios increased, the availability and provision of SBMH services decreased. As state Medicaid policies have been found to influence the provision of mental health services at school, current study results demonstrate an association between state level Medicaid policies and the number of school psychologists qualified to bill for Medicaid‐reimbursable services. Implications for service delivery and policy development are discussed.  相似文献   

In working with Vietnamese American refugees the mental health worker needs to be knowledgable of and sensitive to several areas: (1) the cultural history and history of the migration experience of the group; (2) the group's mental health dispositions; (3) cultural and systemic biases affecting counseling; and (4) the role of paraprofessionals.Some of the cultural factors affecting the utilization of mental health services are saving face, stoicism, respect for authority and discrimination which may cause them to seek help only at advanced stages of illness.Mental health counseling in the United States has run into some difficulty in serving the refugees as it has been mainly a white middle class profession that has focused on the individual which can be considered culturally biased when dealing with family centered Vietnamese Americans.For the reasons previously stated, in addition to language difficulties and cultural differences, many agencies employ indigenous paraprofessionals. While it is beneficial there are also problems to be considered.Recommendations for addressing these problems include: (1) the development of a community education and prevention program by actively involving ethnic community leaders in the planning process; (2) supporting ethnic community leaders; (3) training indigenous paraprofessionals about the mental health care system; (4) providing mental health services through medical care facilities; and (5) focusing on family therapy as oppossed to individual therapy.Prepared for presentation at the International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 15–19, 1985.  相似文献   

关注全民心理健康是社会发展、行业文化发展、健康的心理学自身发展和全民基本的心理需要变化等方面的客观要求。人们在现实生活中 ,对基本的自我认识能力、基本的人格协调能力、基本的自主与独立性、基本的控制情绪能力、基本的社会适应能力和基本的社会交往能力等方面迫切需要得到系统的教育 ,这对于全民心理健康这一学术领域研究的“生态环境”建设、相关知识和技术的教育宣传和社区心理服务机构的建设等方面提出了挑战 ,需加大力度为人们营造良好的心理健康的氛围  相似文献   

在整合中发展——美国学校心理健康教育综合化趋势评析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在20世纪80年代初期,美国的学校心理健康教育掀起了一股综合性服务热潮,在这股热潮的推动下,美国涌现了大量综合性服务的模式,文章分析了美国学校心理健康教育综合化的趋势及其多样化的模式。以期为我国的学校心理健康教育今后的发展提供一些借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

This paper is set against the backdrop of an increasing number of strategies and policies developed by the Department for Education and Skills in the U.K. regarding the promotion of positive mental health in schools and the recognition of the value of improving mental health in relation to children’s learning, achievement, attendance and behaviour. The aim of the paper is to present the results from a systematic review of the research evidence on counselling children and young people and discuss these results in relation to the educational context and the added value to be gained in addressing the mental health needs of children and young people. A systematic review methodology is used to assess the outcome research literature. The review is structured around a range of counselling issues and four groups of counselling approaches: cognitive-behavioural, person-centred, psychodynamic and creative therapies. Results indicate that all four approaches to counselling are effective for children and young people across the full range of counselling issues. However, more high quality published research evidence was located for the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural counselling than other approaches, identifying significant gaps in the evidence bases for these approaches. Other gaps in the evidence include research into counselling for school related issues and self-harm.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore (a) why it is important to study educational and mental health issues simultaneously, (b) why academic problems and particular manifestations of emotional distress co-occur in some children, and (c) how the context of school may influence both academic and emotional outcomes in children. We conclude with recommendations for future research on schooling and mental health issues.  相似文献   

This paper examines ideas about mental health, wellbeing and school education to illustrate important issues in the relationship between mental health and education. The Covid crisis has amplified the pre-existing mental health problems of children and young people in England and recognition of the opportunities in schools to address these. The paper gives an overview of child and adolescent mental health services and how they position the role of schools. It examines prominent concepts of mental health and their relationship to wellbeing, setting this in a discussion of ‘mentally healthy’ schools, mental health in special educational needs and whole-school approaches. This analysis shows how the relationship between mental health and wellbeing has not been adequately worked out, using this as the basis for arguing for the dual-factor mental health model which separates mental illness/disorder from wellbeing as two related dimensions. The paper then translates the dual-factor model into a two-dimensional framework that represents the distinctive but related aims of school education (wellbeing promotion) and mental health services (preventing, coping, helping mental health difficulties). This framework involves a complex conception of wellbeing, with schools playing an important role in promoting wellbeing (beyond emotional wellbeing), tiered models and establishing school-wide social emotional learning. It is about a whole-school curriculum approach that involves considering what is to be learned and how it is taught. It contributes to a more nuanced concept of wellbeing that has a place for meaningful learning and challenge.  相似文献   

在近十年的实践和研究中,高校图书馆的个性化信息服务取得一定的成就,但是还存在一些可以探索和发展的空间。就高校图书馆如何更好地以优良而专业的技术推进个性化信息服务,从而更好地为教学科研提供信息,更好地发展学生的个性的问题展开探讨。  相似文献   

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