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If you drive along the Chang'an Avenue eastward in Beijing and pass through skyscrapers in CBD, you will soon encounter a complex of ancient buildings of Ming and Qing styles - China Red Sandalwood Museum. Behind the immense door lies an ancient art palace. This is the world's largest museum of red sandalwood architectures and carvings and also the only private museum in China that has "China" in its name, which receives the most heads of states and foreign government officials.  相似文献   

Wuyutai, a time-honored brand of Chinese tea shop founded in 1887, has established it- self as China's leading tea company with up to 300franchised chain stores. Its success is owed not only to its motto of"best tea for you as always"and scientific management, but also to its well-trained and devoted staff members keeping abreast of the times. As a key element of its ad- ministrative structure, the Operation Center bridges Wuyutai's headquarters and numerous out- lets. Its operation supervisor An Dongjun is an outstanding staff member in this department  相似文献   

On September 22, 2013, Chen Lvsheng Art Museum was opened in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China.Chen Lvsheng Art Museum is named after Chen Lvsheng, a famous art historian, painter and photographer.The main building of the museum provides approximately 2,000 m2 for use, including two exhibition halls and a studio.The museum staged two special exhibitions to celebrate its completion:"The Exhibition of Chen Lvsheng's Paintings and Collection" and "Oil Lamps Depicted by Famous Artists".  相似文献   

The year of 2005 marked the centennial anniversary of Chinese film.Over the past century,film has changed people's ways of life,influenced their ideas and concepts and expanded their sphere of imagination.As a celebrated American critic said.film is the most typical art form of the time which has an integrated feature in both technology and society.Therefore,it takes an important responsibility to develop,restore and upgrade people's ability to feel and experience. The year of 2005 has passed and to review Chinese movies in the past year will fring us a delightful memory.  相似文献   

China Xinjiang International Dance Festival (hereinfafter referred to as "Xinjiang International Dance Festival") is one of China's numerous cultural-exchange festivals. It is a state-level international art festival approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China and co-hosted by China's Ministry of Culture, the State Council Information Office and the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

The film-production in the VISION BEIJING project has concluded after more than 600 days of planning, filming and post production work.The VISION BEIJING Organizing Committee invited five of the world's most famous film directors, Giuseppe Tornatore (Italy), Majid Majidi (Iran), Patrice keconte (France), Daryl Goodrich (Great Britain) and Andrew kau Wai-Keung (Hong Kong) to make a five-minute film each about Beijing and its people's enthusiastic preparations for the 2008 Olympic Games. The final products of the project will serve as an audio-video record of the rich connotations of Beijing's "People's Olympics".  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years since the reform and open up policy was adopted, China has completed the intellectuat property legislation process that Western countries did for half a century or even more than one century and built and improved a legal system governing intellectual property that keeps consistent with international conventions and features characteristics of the country's own. The former director-general of the World International Property Rights Organization said, "In the history of intellectual property, China is unique in terms of its speed to complete all these."  相似文献   

"Comprenenszvely aeepening reform"is a key phase in China in 2014. Structural reform in culture constitutes an important aspect of the comprehensive reform in economy, politics, culture, society and ecology. The Implementation Plan on Deepening Structural Reform in the Cultural Sector, recently approved by the central government, marks a milestone in China's new campaign of market-oriented reform and heralds a new round of cultural restructuring. The curtain has raised and a significant reform is about to kick off.  相似文献   

Chinese modern drama is embracing its 100th anniversary. Since the founding of the first modern drama workshop in China in 1907, this artistic expression has demonstrated its extensive impacts and unparalleled appeals that can never be rivaled by any other art forms. Over the past century, modern drama has witnessed the Chinese people's persistent struggles for national independence and freedom as well as their endeavors for social development and prosperity. It has been employed as a significant means to unite and inspire the Chinese people when the nation is at a critical moment or to encourage them for reforms and innovations when the nation strives for modernization. Initially introduced as an imported art, modern drama has been successfully integrated with Chinese culture and now become one of the Chinese people's favorite artistic expressions.  相似文献   

The quiet and melodious music led me to Tian Shuangkun's courtyard house in the depth of a hutong (alley) in the downtown of Beijing. Tian is a master maker of the Guqin, a seven-stringed zither known as China's oldest stringed instrument.His studio is furnished with traditional Chinese stuffs - old- style furniture, calligraphic and ink painting works, old pictures and the guqin as well. While I appreciated all these, Tian explained to me the long history of the guqin and his lifelong pursuit of perfection in making the guqin.  相似文献   

Li Shenghong is currently the executive vice director of Chinese Calligraphy Institute under China Art Academy and has a f professional title as the state first-grade artist. He is particularly versed in cursive writing. Li's calligraphic works and critic essays have been published in "Selected Works of Chinese Calligraphy" and such professional publications as "Chinese Calligraphy",  相似文献   

China's booming market and growing consumers of luxury goods have attracted world luxury brand names to come for a new round of gold rush. Flagship stores and outlets of famous brands such as Louis Vuitton and Giorgio Armani are burgeoning in big cities across the country. In this intense struggle for market shares in the world's fourth largest economy with the biggest potential population of luxury consumers, a local Chinese brand name is growing fast to become an inevitable rival of those Western heavyweights. From Millionaire Fair to Extravaganza, it has been invited as an equal member to stand amidst world top-class brand names such as Rolls Royce, Cartier and Dior. It is NE.TIGER, a shining fashion brand founded in China and by a Chinese designer. "In fact, China has exported numerous luxuries to the rest of the world for hundreds of years, such as silk, porcelain and tea. In the contemporary time, NE.TIGER will continue this glorious tradition and try to be the best example of China's high-end brand names," said Zhang Zhifeng, chairman and chief designer of NE·TIGER.  相似文献   

Public art is an important comprising element for the development of urban culture and a direct physical barrier of urban culture. In addition to its unique artistic value, public art has more important cultural value because of its pubic nature. It connects the past and future of the city, add to the city's memory, narrate the city's story, meet urban dwellers' psychologi- cal and behavioral needs, create new cultural traditions, and present the city's kindness and friendship.  相似文献   

It was in 2001 that Li Yife first entered the profile of public celebrities.This media newcomer who had worked in MTV only for two years was selected by Fortune Magazine as one of 25 "Rising Stars—Global Leaders for the Next Generation" and its cover lady. Four years from then, Li is now Chief Representative of Viacom China, Senior Vice President of MTV Networks Asia and Managing Director of MTV Networks China. In 2005, she was chosen by Wall Street Journal as one of "Top Ten Asian Businesswomen 2005". Six years have passed since she joined MTV. In the past six years, Li has grown up together with China's media industry and scored professional achievements one after another. She herself has become a rising star in the spotlights of world media.  相似文献   

As a historical capital city ill dynastic China, Beijing is famous for many celebrities' .former residences which have been considered major attractions to tourists. Statistics indicate that there are so far 310 recognized former residences of celebrities in the city - Cao Xueqin, the author of the classical novel "A Dream of the Red Chamber", Guo Muoruo, a great writer and poet of modern China, and Shao Piaoping, a famous journalist in the early 20th century, to name a few.[第一段]  相似文献   

Hefang Street in Hangzhou, capital city of southeast Zhejiang Province, is full of hustle and bustle, with a multitude of shops and crowds of visitors. Walk around the street corner and you will get to a quiet alley named "Anrong Alley" where Chen Shuiqin's embroidery studio is based. In this two-storey building, I met Ms. Chen and her disciples Yu Zhiyin and Jin Jiahong. They were embroidering on cloth attentively. The small studio was almost occupied by embroidery screens. On the window side is a row of wooden embroidery frames. Several girls coming to learn embroidery skills from different places around the country were busy with their works.  相似文献   

Zhan Wang is a pioneering artist in China's contemporary sculpture circle.Born in 1962 in Beijing, he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and currently works as associate fellowship with the Institute of Sculpture Creation and Research under the academy. From 1990, Zhan began creating surrealistic sculptures. He began worldng on "The Mao Suit" series from 1993 and devoting himself to experimental art from 1994. In 1995, Zhan founded a studio with two other artists, aiming to explore relationships between art and society. Based on this studio, he presented two experimental exhibitions - "Development Plans" and "Women & Sites". From 1995, Zhan began replicating Chinese classical rockery stones and completed a series of works of stainless steel rockery stone and floating stone. Zhan's creations highlight the integration between ideas and objects, with an attempt to transform pure handicraft techniques into conceptual behaviors. In 1998, Zhan released his thesis entitled "Conceptual Sculpture: Materialized Ideas". From 2000, he began doing experiments on composite art independently. Zhan's sculpting works have been collected by many art museums and private collectors, including Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA as well as Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.  相似文献   

The huge portrait of Deng Xiaoping, respected as the "chief architect of China's reform and opening up", is a landmark standina in the downtown of Shenzhen, the first city embarking on the road to reform and opening up in the late 1970s. In the end of last year, a miniature replica of this famous portrait was installed, accompanied by the slogan "adhering to the Party's fundamental guideline for at least 100 years", in the courtyard of the National Art Museum of China.  相似文献   

Art Information     
China: World's Second Biggest Art Market While the United States and the United Kingdom share history as a pair of number ones and number twos, they are no longer the first and second largest art markets. China has surpassed the UK for the first time, according to the nation's own British Art Market Federation.In a study by the BAMF, China and Britain remain neck and neck. In 2010 China recorded auction and gallery sales of nearly $8.5 billion, giving it a 23% world market share. This is a one percentage point advantage over Britain's 22% of sales worldwide. This figures were reported through Bloomberg news agency, who noted the latter still remains the largest European market for art even with a 7% dip in recent years.  相似文献   

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