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When someone tells a“dirty”joke in your pres- ence,you…A)Blush but join in the laughter.  相似文献   

ivesandDaughtersisoneoftheraremasterpiecesonthethemeofloveandisgenerallythoughttobeMrs.Gaskell’sbestwork.Writingitinherfifties,Mrs.Gaskellhadacquiredrichexperi ence,insightintothewaysoftheworld ,maturethoughtsandartisticwritingmethods.Herunder standingandexpressionofaffection,moralityandbehaviorthereforetookarelativelynewform .Inthenovel,sheportrayedquiteafewlovely,lifelikecharacters,whichmakesthereadingofthenovelquiteacomfort.Forinstance,hersuccessfuldepictionofMr.Gibsonlefttheworldamodel…  相似文献   

Words, derivation of symbols, are a part played in human affairs by language of all kinds, and especially of their influ?ence on thought. According to The Triangle of Reference, words/symbols are endow...  相似文献   

周密 《海外英语》2012,(3):165-167
Taboo is a popular language phenomenon, which constrains people’s language and their social behavior in daily life. Through comparison of Chinese taboo and English taboo in religion, privacy, sexy language etc., this paper is to make people understand the differ ence between Chinese taboo and English taboo, thereby improving their intercultural communication ability.  相似文献   

Bowen Theory provides a useful perspective to analyse John Osborne’s play Look Back in Anger.In this play,one of the most important reasons for Jimmy’s anger is influenced by his mother.According to Bowen Theory,the study analyzes the influ?ence of original family on Jimmy from three aspects,through the analysis,readers can have a deeper understanding of Jimmy’s an?gry.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s,the progress of nanofabrication tech- nologies has resulted in increasing interests in the study of superconducting properties of mesoscopic samples.A mesoscopic sample has a size comparable to the coher- ence lengthξand penetration depthλ.Properties of mesoscopic systems are considerably influenced by con- finement effects.Therefore,the vortex state depends on the size and geometry of the sample.  相似文献   

During the decision-making process, especially in multi-disciplinary complex cases, assessment technique is needed to assist policy-makers in making the right decision. Many of such assessment techniques have been developed for policy-makers, but the inevitable subjectivity of policy-makers often becomes the main obstacle in making the right or proper policy. Interlink decision-making index (IDMI) is a newly proposed assessment method with the advantages of being simple to use and having less human interference over other methods, as it does not require a weighting process of each selection criterion. This paper implements IDMI to assist with decision-making in national or regional low-carbon development, using China as a case study. The Chinese government has annotmced its carbon emission reduction target along with other development targets by 2020. Many policy settings can be chosen in order to achieve those targets. The problem is how to determine the best setting and the means by which decision-makers can avoid subjectivity and extremes. A number of policy setting options are generated carefully by a system dynamic model under different policy scenarios. The IDMI demonstrates a perfect way to assist in selecting the "best" among all the options that can achieve the goals within the acceptable range.  相似文献   

LI Ya-qin 《海外英语》2013,(19):13-14
This paper explores a general theory of Second Language Learning.In this paper,the author tries to illustrate some thing about motivations which help us develop more effective approaches to learn a second Language.Self-confidence,experi ence of success and satisfaction,good relationships among Learners and relationships among teacher and students are believed to have a solid connection with motivation.They are also correlated with each other in the process of motivation development.  相似文献   

For this year's 41st International Annual IATEFL Conference in Aberdeen,IATEFL and the British Council worked together to enable teacher audiences worldwide to participate in this year's IATEFL Conference via the internet and get a taste of exactly what happens over four exciting days each year around Easter.The following are from the roving reporters who report on confer- ence sessions using web logs on 2007 IATEFL Conference.  相似文献   

英国外语教学家帕默(H.E.Palmer)认为:学习语言是学习一种技艺(art),而不是科学(Sci—ence)。学习外语要靠多模仿,多练习,而不是靠多讲道理。J.A.Comenius提倡“实例先于规则”;H.spencer也主张“应当引导学生自己去探索,然后自己从中得出结论,要尽量少教,尽量让他们自己去发现,强调通过学生的自我发现去掌握知识,  相似文献   

BACKGROUND OF CHINESE HERBAL MEDI- CINE (CHM) CHM is one branch of traditional Chinese medi- cine (TCM). TCM and western medicine have different ethnic and social backgrounds. The main difference between TCM and western medicine rests how to deal with illness. TCM, focusing on holism and naturalism, combines Chinese medical experi- ence with Chinese culture. In general, Chinese prac- titioners focus on the “yin” and “yang” balance in the body, which is in accordance wi…  相似文献   

电子商务(E-Comm ence)的发展和推广,部分地解决或降低了跨国公司在信息通讯交流、人员流动等方面的时间和费用,使得中小企业有可能进行跨国经贸活动,即以这种全新的平台取代传统的交易平台,以实现减少流通环节,降低成本,从而达到增加利润这个大目标;但是中小企业既要认识到自身与大型企业的差距,也应该看清自己的优势所在;因此,中小企业除了要在市场上立足,更要依据自身优势不断发现适合自己的机遇,探清问题的根源,找到合适的出路。  相似文献   

网上语言学习作为一种时新学习趋势正在悄然兴起。在影响语言学习的各种因素中,性别差异毋庸置疑将被给予特别的重视。此研究从生理与认知差异的不同角度,分析了两性差别,并以分析这种差别对于网上语言学习所带来的对学习成果的影响为目的。此研究主要通过问卷调查的形式,样本来自50位大学在校学生和不同背景的社会在职人员。研究的结果表明性别差异的确在网上语言学习的质量方面起着重要的作用,并且对网上语言学习者和基于网上学习的研究者都有着重要的指导作用。  Keywords:languagelearning;genderdiffer ence;web-basedlearning  相似文献   

陈莉 《海外英语》2012,(16):101-105,107
Economic invigoration relies on education. With the rapid advancement of science and technology and the fast development of society, more and more demand has been put on fostering talented people. And how to improve students’originality has become one of the hot topics in Chinese education forum. Beginning with analyzing different foreign language teaching approaches in foreign countries and the general language teaching situation in China, this article holds that enhancing teachers’qualification, analyzing the factors that influ ence students’originality, creating positive classroom atmosphere and conducting creative class activities are indispensable measures of im proving students’originality in classroom teaching.  相似文献   

网上语言学习作为一种时新学习趋势正在悄然兴起。在影响语言学习的各种因素中,性别差异毋庸置疑将被给予特别的重视。此研究从生理与认知差异的不同角度,分析了两性差别,并以分析这种差别对于网上语言学习所带来的对学习成果的影响为目的。此研究主要通过问卷调查的形式,样本来自50位大学在校学生和来自不同背景的社会在职人员。研究的结果表明性别差异的确在网上语言学习的质量方面起着重要的作用,并且对网上语言学习者和基于网上学习的研究者都有着重要的指导作用。  Keywords:languagelearning;genderdiffer ence;web-basedlearning  相似文献   

"心灵"这个词,可以作为"美学"的表述。因为,它指我们用"感觉"感觉到的"超感觉",使我们的"感性"之中,存在着"超感性"。从而,在"有限"之中"感"到了"无限",在"自然"当中"感"到了"自由"。"心灵"成了"美学"诞生的基础,也是"美学"研究的主体。  相似文献   

胡艳 《海外英语》2012,(11):247-249
The studies in language acquisition can be traced back to over a hundred years ago.Because of the interest they had in child development at that time,many researchers went into studies on child language or language acquisition.This paper has examined child language and language acquisition in detail,tracing the history from the earliest studies on the subject to fairly present day.The paper will also look at variations among children at early cognitive development.The role of the woman with particular reference to the 21st century will be discussed.The guiding principles will be the linguistic environment and the cultural influence on the child.  相似文献   

本文研究阐明,如果"礼"是"仁"的形式,"仁"是"礼"的核心,那么,"中庸"就是"仁"与"礼"相统一的方法。"过犹不及"、"和而不同"、"权(适中)"、实用价值等,都是"中庸"之法的运用与实践,其目的是有效地达到"仁"与"礼"的融合,以最终实现"大同"理想和愿景。  相似文献   

王妍玮 《甘肃教育》2011,(16):39-39
"隹"读zhuī,字形和"佳"相近。"隹"是个象形字,在古书上是指短尾巴的鸟。它一般作为偏旁出现在合体字里,有时表读音,有时表意义。"隹"作声旁的字,有"堆"、"锥"、"睢"、"摧"等。"隹"作形旁的字,意思大都与鸟有关,如"雀"、"雁"、"雉"、"隼"。再如,"集"是个会意字,本义是鸟落在树上;  相似文献   

"礼"与"仪"原本不分的。"礼"是通过特定形式体现的特殊意义,"仪"是体现特殊意义的特定形式。形式与意义合二而一,形式本身就是意义,意义本身就是形式。"仪"就是"礼","礼"就是"仪"。当"仪"与"义"与"礼"相结合时,"礼仪"与"礼义"二词具有极大的相合之处,而不是今天人们所说的"仪"是形式,"义"是内含。一旦"仪"脱离了"礼",甚至背离了礼之义,即"礼"的基本精神,"仪"就褪变为虚伪的形式。所以在礼的本质方面,我们强调"以仁释礼";在礼的作用方面,我们强调"成人"——"成仁";在礼的特征方面,我们强调礼的无限性。这样,我们就把"礼仪"这一概念与当前学术界、特别是当前礼仪教学与培训方面所讲的"礼仪"完全区别开来。  相似文献   

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