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决策活动是一项复杂的系统工程,要求人们必须从系统的思想、观点出发,遵循整体性、最优化、综合性、动态性、信息性、可行性等原则,按照收集信息、明确问题、提出决策目标,制定多种决策方案,对方案进行评审和选定,进行模拟实验,实施决策方案,进行反馈追踪等基本的程序,运用系统方法来进行科学的决策。  相似文献   

以数学的价值观引领高职数学教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葛云飞 《教育与职业》2006,(18):183-184
文章在数学的知识价值、应用价值、智慧价值、艺术价值、德育价值、职业价值观引领下对高等职业数学教学进行了探讨。文章提出了高职数学教学必须进行目标的转移和内容的糅合,必须进行数学建模能力的培养,必须进行创新意识的激发,必须进行数学美的熏陶,必须进行健全人格的培养,还必须为专业服务。  相似文献   

在对学术界已有研究成果的基础上,进一步对中原文化的定义、发展阶段、特点、与相关文化的关系、特质进行界定,对中原文化的内容进行全面研究,以及对商都文化进行界定,对商都文化的主要内容进行梳理,很有意义。  相似文献   

时评文,是一种对时事进行评论的文章。它往往以社会生活中的种种现象作为评论的对象,上至国家大事,下到凡人琐事,都可以有感而发,作出评论。它既可以对先进的新生的事物进行赞颂、褒扬,也可以对落后的丑恶的现象进行批评、鞭挞,还可以就某一社会问题进行分析,阐发具有现实意义的道理。  相似文献   

文章就新时期、新阶段,学好中华大语文的重要性、目的、意义和学习方法,进行广泛的阐述。结合目前青少年学生轻视学习中华语文的态度,进行正反多方面论述,并列举了古今中外学好语文的典型事例进行分析,还结合亲身学习语文的经历进行论述,最后得出结论:学好中华大语文,终身受益无穷尽。有充分的说服力。  相似文献   

作为一名小学语文教师,我认为在进行语文教学时,最重要的是营造和谐、轻松的教学环境,让孩子们乐意上课、乐意阅读、乐意写作,只有这样,语文教学才能真正走进孩子们的心里,让他们爱上语文,学好语文。针对如何进行轻松的语文教学,笔者进行了以下探讨。  相似文献   

曹淑凤 《天津教育》2014,(17):65-66
我校以“以德立校,全面育人”为办学思想,提出“让每一个学生都成功成才”的目标,努力把学生培养成“朝气蓬勃、阳光健康、勤学儒雅、志向高远”的四好少年。在常抓不懈的德育实践中,以育人为核心、养成教育为主线、校本课程为载体,抓基础,抓常规,抓养成,对学生从理论上进行指导、从思想上进行启迪、从情感上进行交流、从行为上进行训练,进而确立了“规范管理,开放教育”的德育特色。  相似文献   

一、进行文化渗透的意义 (一)文化渗透是语言交际的需要。在英语教学中语言和文化的关系一直未得到足够的重视。在教学实践中,似乎认为只要进行听,说,读,写的训练,就能理解英语和用英语进行交际。而实际上由于不了解语言的文化背景,不了解中西文化的差异,在英语学习和用英语进行交际中屡屡出现歧义、误解、失误迭出的现象。  相似文献   

在进行思想政治课大单元教学设计时,教师需要有统筹安排的意识,以对教学内容进行宏观控制,对学习目标、学习议题、学习情境、学习活动进行综合设计,如此有利于推出更多带有探索性的学习任务。然后围绕单元教学主题进行教学组织,可引导学生进入单元学习的核心,同时对单元目标进行深度发掘,如此既可提升学生的单元学习品质,又可促进学生学习思维的建立,并理顺学习路线。  相似文献   

多媒体技术是一种把文字、图彤、、动画、视音频等多种媒体信息有机集成,并通过计算机进行综合处理和控制的技术。运用多媒体技术进行教学,增强了教学内容的直观性、新颖性、多样性和趣味性,能够将抽象的教学内容形象化,便于师生互动,大大提高了课堂效率。在小榄中学,多媒体技术不仪在文化课的教学中得到广泛的应用,而且还在体育课教学中进行了大胆的尝试。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the role of physicality in the professional identities of physical education (PE) student teachers. Twenty PE student teachers participated in semi-structured interviews during their final teaching practice. Data were analysed using qualitative thematic analysis and typologies. The results showed substantial diversity in the student teachers’ conceptions of physicality and the ways these conceptions were embedded in their developing professional identities. The results also brought to light criticism directed at traditional notions of the body and physicality in PE and PE teacher education (PETE). We suggest that conceptions of the body and physicality represent a central element of PE teachers’ professional identity. The results also indicate a relationship between conceptions of physicality and pedagogies implemented in the future. Time and place for student teachers to discuss body-related matters should be provided in PETE.  相似文献   

近几年,宁德师专体育专业学生术科补考率较高,有的学期补考率高达50%以上.要改变这种状况,应从重视学生良好的心理素质的培养、提高体育专业生源体育运动基础、加强专业思想教育、培养努力学习和进取精神、积极创造良好的考试环境等方面下功夫.  相似文献   

文章研究探讨了旅游管理、酒店管理两个专业体育教学内容改革的必要性,论述了体育旅游的自然资源,将体育旅游自然资源中的运动项目,作为体育教学的主要内容,以提高旅游、酒店管理专业学生的综合素质,为学生将来适应自己的工作创造条件。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore Taiwanese university students’ conceptions of learning biology as memorizing or as understanding, and their self-efficacy. To this end, two questionnaires were utilized to survey 293 Taiwanese university students with biology-related majors. A questionnaire for measuring students’ conceptions of memorizing and understanding was validated through an exploratory factor analysis of participants’ responses. As for the questionnaire regarding the students’ biology learning self-efficacy (BLSE), an exploratory factor analysis revealed a total of four factors including higher-order cognitive skills (BLSE-HC), everyday application (BLSE-EA), science communication (BLSE-SC), and practical works (BLSE-PW). The results of the cluster analysis according to the participants’ conceptions of learning biology indicated that students in the two major clusters either viewed learning biology as understanding or possessed mixed-conceptions of memorizing and understanding. The students in the third cluster mainly focused on memorizing in their learning while the students in the fourth cluster showed less agreement with both conceptions of memorizing and understanding. This study further revealed that the conception of learning as understanding was positively associated with the BLSE of university students with biology-related majors. However, the conception of learning as memorizing may foster students’ BLSE only when such a notion co-exists with the conception of learning with understanding.  相似文献   

Many factors affect students’ learning approaches, including topic conceptions and prior study. This research, undertaken after a first‐semester compulsory subject, explores students’ conceptions of biochemistry and how they approached their studies. Students (n=151) completed an open‐ended survey analysed phenomenographically. Those with cohesive conceptions were found to be more likely to adopt deeper approaches to study than those with fragmented conceptions, a result unaffected by various demographic parameters. Compared with earlier research, a semester of study increased the percentage of students with a cohesive view, with no concomitant change in learning approaches, suggesting that cohesive conceptions are a necessary but not sufficient criterion for deep learning outcomes. Compared with results for a science major subject, more of the students with cohesive conceptions used surface approaches. This may reflect a regression to safe surface approaches when faced with an unfamiliar topic or high total workload driving a strategic approach to learning. It could also reflect a perception that this material is only a tool for later application. The present findings indicate the crucial importance, when university studies begin, of enabling students to build an overarching conception of the topic’s place in professional practice. This concept building should be applied across the entire curriculum to emphasize application and integration of material (key graduate attributes). Improved conceptions may provide crucial motivation for students to achieve deeper learning, especially in these foundation service subjects. These essential changes to the learning context may also better prepare students for increasing self‐directed/life‐long learning.  相似文献   

分析了高师学生化学实验及考评的现状,阐述了高师化学实验评价的新理念与流程.由于高师化学实验的考评理念及方法的滞后,既影响高师化学专业学生掌握化学实验知识,形成良好实验技能和实验习惯,也不利于高师学生掌握新的高中化学课程所倡导的评价理念与方法;因此,可借鉴高中化学新课程的评价理念考评高师学生的化学实验.  相似文献   

体育课堂的教学组织好坏,直接影响着一堂课的教学效果.对体育课开始部分、基本部分和结束部分的教学组织进行探讨,提出了组织体育课堂教学的基本操作思路,为体育教育专业学生教学实习及广大体育教师进行体育教学提供参考.  相似文献   

浅谈组织体育课堂的教学艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育课堂的教学组织好坏,直接影响着一堂课的教学效果.对体育课开始部分、基本部分和结束部分的教学组织进行探讨,提出了组织体育课堂教学的基本操作思路,为体育教育专业学生教学实习及广大体育教师进行体育教学提供参考.  相似文献   

Students’ conceptions and beliefs about learning are constructs that have been proposed in two independent lines of research, phenomenographic and metacognitive, and analysed using qualitative and quantitative methodologies, respectively. The present research examines and integrates in a single study both constructs and methodologies. Data were collected through an open-ended task (Tynjäla, 1997) and an epistemological questionnaire (Schommer, 1990), administered to a sample of 1,200 secondary students. Three major statistically significant findings emerged. First, students’ conceptions of learning and epistemological beliefs changed from simplistic to more complex as they progressed through school. Second, the two constructs were linked to each other. The most advanced category on the ‘dimension of depth’ of learning conceptions corresponded to the highest scores at the complex pole of the belief system. Third, learning conceptions as well as epistemological beliefs were predictors of academic performance. The more capable students were of constructing meaning, the better their academic achievement appeared to be. Theoretical and educational implications are discussed with regard to further research, classroom instruction, and the value of combining both research methodologies in order to deepen our understanding of students’ learning experience.  相似文献   

Background and purpose : Knowing how students learn physics is a central goal of physics education. The major purpose of this study is to examine the strength of the predictive power of students’ epistemic views and conceptions of learning in terms of their approaches to learning in physics. Sample, design and method : A total of 279 Taiwanese high school students ranging from 15 to 18?years old participated in this study. Three questionnaires for assessing high school students’ epistemic views on physics, conceptions of learning physics and approaches to learning physics were developed. Step-wise regression was performed to examine the predictive power of epistemic views on physics and conceptions of learning physics in terms of their approaches to learning physics. Results and conclusion: The results indicated that, in general, compared to epistemic views on physics, conceptions of learning physics are more powerful in predicting students’ approaches to learning physics in light of the regression models. That is, students’ beliefs about learning, compared with their beliefs about knowledge, may be more associated with their learning approaches. Moreover, this study revealed that the higher-level conceptions of learning physics such as ‘Seeing in a new way’ were more likely to be positively correlated with the deep approaches to learning physics, whereas the lower-level conceptions such as ‘Testing’ were more likely to positively explain the surface approaches, as well as to negatively predict the deep approaches to learning physics.  相似文献   

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