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小学男女教师比例失衡是一个世界性的问题,但在我国表现得更加明显。在我国大多数省市的小学里,教师性别比例失衡问题日渐凸显,有些区域已经非常严重,并且近几年来呈上升的态势,这种现象须引起警惕。小学阶段是学生身体、智力、人格发展形成的重要阶段,教师的性别比例严重失衡,已经从多方面影响到小学生的成长。本文旨在通过分析造成这种现象的原因,以及会对小学生会产生的不利影响,最终提出建议策略。  相似文献   

近年来,社会评价系统对男女两性在职业选择上有一种偏见,认为教师是女性的专长,男性当教师尤其是小学教师会被认为没出息,所以中小学里男教师所占比例愈来愈小,近八成的小学教师是女性,教师男女比例失衡问题越来越严重。  相似文献   

幼儿园教师的男女性别比例严重失衡已成为众多学者关注学前教育良性发展的重要课题,但在关注大力引进男性进入幼儿园从事教学工作的同时另一个问题也随之出现:男性教师在性别的认识性上出现了一些问题,导致其性别同一性发生偏差,进而对幼儿性别恒常性的培养带来严重的影响。  相似文献   

胡振京 《人民教育》2013,(Z1):32-34
进入新世纪的十年,我国中小学教师队伍的构成发生了很大变化。从性别构成来看,中小学教师队伍性别比例失衡,并且失衡现象越来越严重。第一,在中小学教师队伍中,教师性别比例失衡严重。截至2010年,中小学专任教师队伍中,女教师占教师比例已达53.7%。从小学到初中、高中阶段,女教师占教师比例依次下降,分别为57.9%、49.5%和47.7%。第二,从城乡分布来看,城市教师性别比例失衡最严重,县镇次之,农村又次之。第三,过去的十年间,无论一、中小学教师性别比例失衡是一个渐趋严重的问题。  相似文献   

男教师:全球告急   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不少教育界人士认为,在我国大多数城市的中小学校,教师性别生态失衡问题日渐凸显,并已从多方面影响到对孩子健全人格的培养。其实,中小学男女教师比例失衡的问题并不是中国的“专利”。在美国300 万教师中,男教师只占21%,其中,小学男教师的比例已从20年前的17.7% 下降到2004年的9%;中学男教师的比例已从20年前的50%下降到2004年的 35%;欧洲国家的小学男教师比例虽然稍高,但平均也不足15%……看来,中小学男教师紧缺,全球为之焦虑。  相似文献   

当前全球范围内呈现了小学教师群体女性化现象,且愈演愈烈,这对学生的健康成长、教学资源的合理分配、社会的和谐发展造成了一定的影响。以赣州市某县最大的两个镇A镇与B镇的所有小学教师为样本进行分析与探讨。研究调查表明,该县小学教师性别比例严重失调,城镇比乡村严重,小学比初中、高中严重,加入教师队伍的男性逐年减少,呈老龄化趋势,农村地区管理岗位中男教师占绝对比例。针对以上现状,就如何解决小学教师群体女性化提出了一些具体建议。  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷调查法,选取海淀区18所小学的1011名教师为研究样本,分析了小学教师对新课程改革的态度及其性别、年龄和学历差异;小学教师对自身专业素质自我评价的实际状况.并且就新课程改革背景下小学教师专业发展中存在的一些现象和问题进行讨论、分析,提出了一定的教育对策、建议。  相似文献   

振兴乡村教育,关注乡村教育的主体——乡村小学的发展,提升乡村小学的教育质量是当前教育脱贫的重中之重。但随着我国城镇化进程的加快,乡村乃至乡村教育日渐式微,尤其是其教师队伍结构性失衡问题突出,成为制约乡村小学教育质量提升的主要因素。西北地区是我国经济相对贫困区,教育水平也相对滞后,是教育扶贫、脱贫的重点区。通过对西北L镇的乡村小学实地调研,发现乡村小学教师在年龄、学科、性别、学历等方面都存在失衡现象。探索优化西北乡村小学教师结构之路径,是提升乡村教育质量的重要手段。  相似文献   

<正>在我国县城和城市的小学,教师性别结构失衡问题日渐凸显。其实这并不是中国的"专利",欧洲国家的小学男教师比例平均不足15%,在美国300万小学教师中,男教师只占21%。与此相反,在我国农村小学长期以来缺少女教师。但近年来,这种情况有所改观。从社会观念来看,  相似文献   

孙欣 《考试周刊》2015,(14):175
近年来,幼儿园在不断扩大规模的同时,师资队伍管理出现教师流动性大、教师队伍内部性别失衡和教师工作积极性不高等问题,本文针对这些问题提出建立完善的资格审定和考核制度、建立良好激励机制、改善师资性别比例及加大对教师待遇的投入,吸引优秀人才等措施。  相似文献   

孙传远 《中学教育》2010,(12):27-32
本研究采取整体分层抽样的办法,对上海中小学教师的专业性学习现状进行调查研究.研究结果表明,上海中小学教师的专业性学习状态较好,即教师比较认同学习应与外部关联、建立了教师学习共同体、开展了专业性学习以及积极寻求自我改变等。但教师学习的专业性还不强、教师自主学习的状态不佳。差异性检验结果显示,除自主学习外,女教师明显好于男教师;在教师学习的外部关联、教师学习共同体、教师专业性学习和自主学习等方面,小学教师的专业性学习明显好于初中教师和高中教师,初中教师也好于高中教师。  相似文献   

As the number of male teachers in primary schools continues to decrease, the resultant gender imbalance has become the focus of increased discussion and debate. While the reasons for the decline in the number of males enrolling in teacher education are complex and multi-faceted, four factors which have been identified as contributing to the decline are experiences and attitudes related to status, salary, working in a predominantly female environment, and physical contact with children. In an attempt to explore the extent to which they were concerned and challenged by these factors, focus group interviews were conducted with practising male primary school teachers. The study confirms that each of the four issues has the potential to influence the decision to take up a career in teaching and to impact on job satisfaction and performance.  相似文献   


This paper describes and analyses the fate of an educational innovation, namely the mainstreaming of hearing impaired children into a primary school. Set in the context of recent State policy, it is a critical case study of a ‘caring’ organization staffed by ‘professionals’ engaged in work upon children with special needs. The data presented are derived from ethnographic interview with a specially qualified teacher of the hearing impaired. Primarily, it explores the teacher's interaction with her male headteacher, from her perspective. Conflict developed between the two around the meaning of integration, and the use of the hearing impaired children as a resource to preserve the school, at a time of threatened closure. Eventually, there was a polarized antipathy between teacher and head; and a consequent teacher career failure and head career success, resulting in the ultimate resignation of the teacher. As such, the paper is a critique of the socially oppressive schooling of those children deemed to have special needs.  相似文献   

时代发展呼唤小学与初中教师教育一体化。通过对中外小学教师教育课程方案与初中教师教育课程方案的比较分析,无论从培养机构、培养模式,还是从课程设置来看,实行小学与初中教师教育一体化改革都是完全可行的。它反映出我国教师教育体制改革和高等师范院校改革的基本趋势,适应我国教师培养模式和教师教育课程改革的需要,为教师职业发展奠定了坚实的基础。改革的总体思路是:以小学教师教育高等教育化为契机,以小学与初中教师教育培养机构一体化为平台,以教师教育课程体系改革为重点,重新厘定人才培养目标,调整课程结构,改革课程内容,培养九年一贯制义务教育的合格师资。  相似文献   

评价能力对小学教师来说是非常重要的,是小学教育培养人的需要,是小学教师本质工作的需要,也是专业化教师成长的需要。师范类院校应当将评价能力的培养纳入小学教师职前教育的视角,培养师范生的评价能力。  相似文献   

关于当前我国小学教育本科专业人才培养策略的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小学教师是基础教育的“基础”,该专业涉及面广量人,其人才培养质量直接和间接影响到国家根本利益和千家万户的孩子成长。文章根据小学教师教育专业的特殊性,从“教师标准”、“学籍管理”、“课程设置”、“培养时序”4个方面,阐述了该专业的人才培养模式问题,尤其是提出了颠覆教育类课程设置的时序“路线图”的观点。  相似文献   

It's just not a real bloke's job: male teachers in the primary school   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, there has been increasing academic debate concerning both the need for more male primary schoolteachers and the reasons for their minority status, numerically. Yet there has been relatively little heard from the men themselves. In this study the author used focus group discussions to investigate the views and experiences of practising male primary schoolteachers towards primary school teaching as a career. The focus questions included: the aspects which attracted them to primary school teaching; experiences which preceded their entry to teacher education; and the reaction to their choice from family and friends. The study concluded that a complex barrier of attitudes and actions would need to be addressed if the minority status of male teachers is to change.  相似文献   

This article deals with gendered structures and processes of primary teacher education in Finland. The perspective is historical. On the basis of her development project and doctoral thesis, Sunnari states that Finnish female teachers have been and are educated to be the Responsible Other and to be marginalised as compared with male teachers. It will be stated further that the special subjects in teacher education for constructing gendered aims and orientations have been handicraft and physical education, just as in primary and secondary school traditions.  相似文献   

本研究运用问卷方法对北京市1308名小学教师进行调查,发现:第一,北京市小学教师的总体工作满意度达到了较高水平,且教师内在满意度显著高于教师外在满意度。第二,北京市小学教师工作的内在、外在和总体满意度在人口学变量上存在显著差异,表现为:薄弱校教师满意度高于优质校和中等校;男教师满意度高于女教师;学校干部的满意度高于任课教师,副科教师满意度高于主科教师;低年级教师满意度高于中高年级教师;新入职教师与老教师满意度高于中年教师;教师的职称越高,满意度越高。在原因分析的基础上,提出了政策建议。  相似文献   


Calls for more male teachers are prevalent in current gender debates in education. A dominant argument in this debate is that boys are often alienated from school because of a lack of male role models in feminised areas of the school curriculum and in primary schools. Little research has investigated male teachers' accounts of their work within feminised environments. Drawing on data collected in two research studies in music education, this paper focuses on accounts given by male teachers about (a) practices adopted specifically to work with boys and (b) the role of the male music teacher. Analysis of these data suggests that some male teachers working in feminised areas of the school curriculum adopt practices which, rather than challenging dominant constructions of masculinity, sometimes reinforce gender stereotypical behaviours in boys. We argue that calls for increasing the number of male teachers in feminised areas of schooling need also to be informed by open discussion of the underlying assumptions about masculinity which teachers themselves bring to their work.  相似文献   

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