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party意为政党、聚会。美国人民殷勤好客 ,请客聚会 ,名称很多。一、Cocktail party鸡尾酒会。这种酒会常在下午举行 ,或 3— 4时 ,或 4— 5时 ,或 5— 7时不等。客人可晚到早去 ,较为随便。酒会上 ,人们将几种酒掺和在一起 ,五颜六色 ,甚是好看 ,恰如公鸡尾巴 ,故称鸡尾酒会。二、Picnic party野餐会。野餐是美国人最喜欢的活动之一。只要天气好 ,高速公路上便会车辆骤增 ,其中不少是去进行野餐的。除hot dog(小红肠 ,红肠面包 )和hamburger(碎牛肉 ,牛肉饼 ,汉堡牛排 ,夹牛肉饼的面包片 )有时需用火烤之外 ,一般都是冷食。三、Potluck p…  相似文献   

先让我们认识一下不同种类的聚会的名称: 结婚宴会wedding party 生日宴会birthday party 晚会evening party  相似文献   

1.发出邀请时的几种说法 ?1 Would you like to my party?你愿意来参加我的聚会吗 ?2 Can you come to my party?你能来参加我的聚会吗 ?3Iwould like you to come to my party?我想让你来参加我的聚会。4 Ihope you can come to my party.我希望你能来参加我的聚会。2 .接受邀请时的应答语有几种 ?1 Oh,thanks very much.I'd love to.Oh,thanks very much.I'd like that.非常感谢 ,我很想去。2 Thank you for asking me.I may be a littlelate.谢谢你邀请我 ,我可能会来晚一点儿。3I'm very sorry.but I can't.很抱歉 ,我来不了。3.fo…  相似文献   

Have you ever been invited to a party?In English party means a gathering1of people,usually by invitation,for food and amusement.It is fun to attend party.This Sundayfather and mother took me to a party held to celebrate an old teacher's birthday.This is a…  相似文献   

<正>寒假期间,和朋友或亲人一起聚会是个不错的选择。聚会是心与情的交流,能很好地增进彼此的情谊。今天就给同学们介绍一些与聚会有关的地道英语。1.今晚,我将开一个生日派对。中国式:I will open a birthday party tonight.美国式:I will have/hold a birthday party tonight.“开派对”如果直接翻译成“open a party”,外国人可就听不懂了。因为“open”作动词时,  相似文献   

party在这里不指“政党”,是指各种聚会。美国人民和中国人民一样殷勤好客,有关请客聚会的名称甚多,常使初学者感到费解。下面简单介绍有关词汇。一、applepicking party摘苹果郊游会Welcome to applepicking party!Spend the day applepick-ing!If you wish,stay overnight wisy an American family.)秋天,正值水果丰收之季。美国不少学校常邀请外国学生,老师参加去郊外果园摘苹果活动,边摘边品尝,是秋季过周末的一种形式。二、brown-bag party棕色纸袋会The first meeting of the Harvard Yenching scholars will be abrown-bag party …  相似文献   

乐伟国 《双语学习》2011,(7):F0002-F0002
小朋友,你一定十分喜欢过生日(birthday party)吧!因为在那天,爸爸(daddy)妈妈(mommy)以及一些亲朋好友(relatives and friends)会为你举办热热闹闹的birthday party。但你是否知道,最初的birthday party并不是为了热闹。  相似文献   

Unit 18 Come to the party!一、短语1 .come to a party 来参加聚会。Would you like to come to my party?你来参加我的聚会 ,好吗 ?2 .have a party 举办聚会。We are going to have a party nextWednesday.   下周三我们要举办一个聚会。3.a little late 稍微晚了一点。He got to the cinema a little late.他到电影院稍微晚了一点。4.be ready 准备好了。Supperis ready. 晚饭准备好了。We are ready to startoff.我们做好了出发的准备。5.feel/ be happy 感到幸福、快乐。she was very happy when her father boughther …  相似文献   

I like party very much,because it is very exciting and interesting.When I go to the party, I get beautiful dress and hat.  相似文献   

Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday. My aunt wants to hold(举办) a big party for her. So, today we go shopping for the party.  相似文献   

Last Thursday was my birthday. We had a big party at my house. Three days before the party, my mother helped me to make invitation cards.  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1.Free talk (略) Step 2.Presentation and drill 1.Pre-reading (1)Lear"nHalloween" T:We can sing and dance at the parties.What parties do you know? S:Birthday party/Christmas party/Halloween party/… T:Wonderful.We can have parties at festivals.What  相似文献   

I was born in(1)November 10,1986,soNovember 10 is my birthday.I began to give abirthday party in 1996.Later on I have mybirthday party every year.  相似文献   

杨锋 《教育导刊》2005,(6):58-59
上星期,小毛头儿妈妈的同学在家里开party,气氛可热烈了. 小毛头儿对妈妈说:"我们家也要开一个party,请我的朋友到家里玩好吗?"  相似文献   

古人说过,唯有女生最小人所以最难对付。这话太对了。孟晓梦的生日party证明了这一点。两个月前,孟晓梦在电话里嗲声嗲气地请我参加她的生日party,  相似文献   

It was Mr Hill‘s birthday. He was one hundred years old and many people came to his birthday party, A reporter(记者) came to the party and asked him a few questions.  相似文献   

CUI Ke-rui 《快乐阅读》2013,(6):126-127
From the beginning of founding, the Communist Party of China has always been committed to explore how to build Marxism learning party, which was a great history task. Under the new situation, it has important significance to investigate the historical process of the construction of Marxism learning party, explore its springhead and draw historical experience to improve the construction of Marxism learning party. On this issue, academia has a more in-depth discussion. This paper makes a summary on this field.  相似文献   

There are two major political parties in America, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party tends to represent the interests of the middle or lower-middle classes, including many farmers and smaller businessmen. The Republican Party represents the interests of big businesses, big manufactures, merchants, financiers, and prosperous farmers and objects to governmental intervention in business. The two parties both believe in individualism, defend capitalism and uphold private ownership of means of production. One char-acteristic of the two parties is their loose organization. Anyone can join or desert any party freely. An American can register him as a Democrat at one election and then as a Republican an at another. He can even register as a member of one party but takes part in the election of another. Even within one party, there are differences about what the party should do. Sometimes a party's different members may advocate different pohcies in different areas.  相似文献   

Marty and Father go to a party in a park.The park is near a farm and very, very far.So Marty and Father go to the park in a car.After the party they count* the stars in the dark*.  相似文献   

A Birthday Party A: Hello, Sam ! What a beautiful day ! B: Yes, it's beautiful, isn't it? A: I hope you can come to my party tomorrow. B: Party? What party?  相似文献   

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