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聋生的认知障碍不仅涉及听觉神经等生理性的因素,还涉及诸多心理性的因素。在聋校数学教学中,教师要有意识、有目的、有方向性地挖掘聋生执行能力,对聋生的认知心理障碍进行积极干预,并通过引导聋生自我调节,促进聋生元认知意识和元认知能力的发展,从而使聋生数学学习呈现出积极的、良好的样态。  相似文献   

图形与几何是初中数学重要内容,但聋生由于生理缺陷等原因,在学习的过程中遇到了不少困难.教师应该从学习习惯、兴趣、学习方法等学生学的角度以及教师教的角度入手做好聋校的图形与几何的教学,帮助聋人尽量学好图形与几何。  相似文献   

目的:探索聋校数学教学中美育的功效。方法:采取等组实验法和心理测量相结合的方法。结果:数学美育有助于培养初中聋生的数学审美情趣,使学生对数学产生积极的情感,促进学生的数学学习,有助于学生的和谐、可持续发展  相似文献   

聋生的自我反思能力是影响聋生数学学习活动的重要因素.在聋校数学教学中必须立足于聋生的实际,在创设情景的氛围中,在纠错追因的对策中,在探究生成的过程中和在增强毅力的体验中,激发聋生的反思热情,强化聋生的反思意识,提升聋生的反思能力,使聋生形成良好的反思习惯,有效地提高聋生的数学思维品质和数学学习能力,真正让聋生的数学学习变得有滋有味.  相似文献   

进入初中阶段后,很多学生由于年龄、爱好以及知识方面的影响,对数学学习产生系列心理问题,严重的发展成为心理障碍,造成紧张情绪和消极思维,阻碍学生学好数学.因此,为了避免这些心理问题带来的负面影响,我们在数学教学中应了解初中生的心理特点,分析他们在数学学习过程中存在的心理问题,采取有效的措施帮助他们克服心理障碍,提高学习效果.  相似文献   

聋童由于生理缺陷,语言表达能力比普通儿童差,认识事物都停留在感性的层面上而导致知识面窄,自卑心理强,具有压抑、厌倦、对抗、恐惧等不良心理状态,在学习中常出现畏惧心理、畏难心理、从众心理、崇师心理等心理障碍,影响在课堂教学中主体性的体现和主观能动性的发挥.在教和学的互动活动设计中,必须正视聋生的心理问题;扫除聋生的心理障碍,优化教学的各层面,以提高特教数学课堂教学质量.  相似文献   

正进入初中阶段后,很多学生由于年龄、爱好以及知识方面的影响,对数学学习产生系列心理问题,严重的发展成为心理障碍,造成紧张情绪和消极思维,阻碍学生学好数学.因此,为了避免这些心理问题带来的负面影响,我们在数学教学中应了解初中生的心理特点,分析他们在数学学习过程中存在的心理问题,采取有效的措施帮助他们克服心理障碍,提高学习效果.一、影响初中生数学学习的心理问题1.依赖心理在数学学习过程中,学生过多地依赖教师,缺乏数学学习的主动性和创造性.一是希望教师在讲解习题时尽可能地做出  相似文献   

聋生学习心理问题(即心理障碍)是指影响、制约、阻碍聋生积极主动和持久有效地学习学科知识的一种状态。主要是指学习时的情绪、情感、兴趣、信心、意志力和责任感等方面存在的问题。聋生学习心理问题是特殊教育学校教师感到十分困惑的问题。笔者通过自己长期的教育教学实践发现,聋生存在学习心理问题的基本特征主要是有学习心理问题的聋生在阅读理解、计算、分析问题、思维、  相似文献   

数学日记作为新一轮课程改革下的一种新的数学学习方式,是高中阶段聋生(以下简称聋生)数学思维能力培养的有效途径之一,聋生在记数学日记的过程中,不断地经历运用数学语言、抽象概括、分析理解、创新思维等过程,有助于聋生数学思维能力的培养。  相似文献   

如何针对聋生学习历史过程中的一些心理状态,消除心理障碍因素,引导他们由浅入深,由表及里,步步深入,使他们获得学习历史的方式方法,我作了以下探索. 一、引导聋生掌握基本的历史线索,掌握历史规律,巩固记忆 很多聋生的历史学习得不好,并不是因为他们对历史根本就不感兴趣,相反大多聋生在开始接触历史时都会对历史课本中的历史故事、成语典故、历史人物等有相当大的兴趣.  相似文献   

One of the objectives of Malaysia Ministry of Education is to provide educational opportunities for all Malaysians. Are education opportunities given fairly to all Malaysians who come from two big regions and divided by the South China Sea? The web infancy era, where the World Wide Web (WWW) is blooming fast, has changed the new millennium teaching and learning process tremendously. Although the online learning can reach to students regardless of their location and backgrounds, human contact is still very important in traditional face-to-face learning. Blended learning course comprising online learning and traditional face-to-face learning components is an effective teaching and learning method, where it combines the best from both worlds. Blended learning courses only started a few years ago in Malaysia higher learning institutions to give everybody equal opportunities to study. The key acceptance of blended learning approach and continuing improvement is students' satisfaction. This study focused on students' satisfaction related to the nine components of blended learning (course content, technical, flexibility, community learning, motivation, sharing, feedback, complementary learning and personalized learning) from two locations: urban and rural areas. The study employed a mixed method consisting of a survey questionnaire distributed first to collect the quantitative data and followed by the interview to refine and explain the data. The population of the study consisted of students who enrolled in the Mathematics Blended Learning Course in Sarawak state in semester July-November, 2007. Census was used in the study. The survey instrument was developed and validated using Rasch model. The semi-structured questionnaire was used in qualitative data collection. The quantitative data was analyzed by using SPSS v 14.0 whilst the qualitative data was coded by using NVivo software. Results from the quantitative data showed that students were satisfied in all nine components regardless of the location. The grand mean of all components also indicated that respondents were satisfied with blended learning course. This result was supported by the qualitative data.  相似文献   

In the education world, it is widely accepted that language learning is one of the pioneering disciplines in the application and use of the information and communication technologies, initially preceded by the widespread use of audiovisual resources which, finally integrated in the digital space, bring about the use of multimedia. Additionally, language learning has greatly contributed to standardizing lesson plans. They set the basis for learning design, one of the last advances in the pedagogical organization of education through the use of computers in learning managing systems. Most recently, language learning has also played an innovative role in the implementation of portfolios to education. These three perspectives address different issues for e-learning: the access to content through technology; the design of the learning initially with the help of tutors and then applying institutional frameworks for their own personal learning processes; and the edition of the resulting e-learning experience as evidence with the e-dossier, a part of the e-portfolio. Currently, the web is evolving towards its original function as the read/write web where the user, apart from accessing information, can create their own information and communicate more interactively, using technology-enhanced learning environments to integrate text and multimedia for real audiences both in the classroom and outside. Thus, taking language learning guided by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the authors present here a complete e-learning system which integrates textual as well as multimedia facilities to acquire learning content, edit learning design and report learning experiences.  相似文献   

This paper presents the EUCLIDES (Enhancing the Use of Cooperative Learning to Increase Development of Science Studies) project (134246-LLP-1-2007-1-IT-1-COMENIUS-CMP), which aims at introducing and pilot-testing an innovative teaching and training methodology, based on the constructivist approach and on problem-based learning (PBL), through the use of information communication technology (ICT) instruments. This methodology has been developed for the study of science subjects and, is currently used in some European schools of secondary education, involving teachers and students. A moodle platform has been developed to enforce the application and use of the methodology. Through this platform, teachers can monitor the progress of the work of the students and intervene as facilitators when it is necessary to provide further co-ordination, pose questions and suggest problem-based approaches. The use of the platform secures that the teachers remain distant from the students allowing students to work by themselves and find solutions to the problems posed.  相似文献   

针对目前合作学习中存在的重形式轻方法、重学生轻教师、重教学轻研究等问题提出解决方法.反思学习方式转变过程中存在的问题.  相似文献   

The Masters Level Opportunities and Technological Innovation in Vocational Teacher Education project (http://motivate.tmpk.bmf.hu/) aims to develop the use and management of virtual learning environments in the area of vocational teacher training, drawing on a well established international partnership of institutions providing both technical and educational expertise. This paper gives an overall picture of the first results and products of the contribution. The author touches upon the goals, the assessments and the learning process of using "multimedia and e-learning: E-learning methods and tools" module in details. The main collaborative tools in virtual learning environment from point of view of pedagogical approach are presented. The communication during collaborative learning, the structured debate on forum and the benefits of collaborative learning in VLE are interpreted at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

This empirical study uses auto-ethnography to describe a higher education pedagogical process that facilitated largely doctoral students in preparing their candidacy proposals through the use of specific adult learning principles. Students' experiences and points of view of such a learning environment were explored, including: (1) how they contributed to their peers' learning; (2) how their peers contributed to their own individual learning; and (3) how the learning environment impacted the process. Key factors identified as pivotal to learning to learn, include creating a learning sanctuary and trusting relationships, engaging in mutual inquiry and the co-construction of meaning, and bridging research theory and practice. These factors enabled students to expand their identities to include a researcher identity and to negotiate deep knowledge at the personal level. Throughout this article, the students' points of view are used to elucidate shared and diverse experiences, in addition to supporting conclusions and recommendations for practice and further study.  相似文献   

由应试教育转向素质教育已多年了,农村初中大部分学生还存在学习目的不明确,学习态度不端正,学习兴趣不浓等多种问题.在生物教学中,教师运用新课程理念,为学生的学习活动创设民主、平等、和谐宽松的学习环境,把过程还给学生,同时充分挖掘利用各种校内外资源,引导学生敢想、善问,逐步提高学生的表达交流能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,学生由被动参与转为主动参与,自主感知,自主学习.  相似文献   

ADHD or ADD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is one of the most frequently diagnosed mental and behavioral disorders of children. Children with ADHD are characterized by poor attention and distractibility and/or hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. Although there is no "cure" for ADHD, there are accepted treatments that specifically target its symptoms. The most common standard treatments include medication, psychological or behavioral modification, and educational approaches. However, more and more parents began to worry about the side effects of medication. For this reason, this study proposed a new treatment by using digital console games to assist children who suffer from ADD to improve their attention condition. With the advantages of gaming apparatus, this study intends to improve the effect of behavioral intervention and cognitive remediation therapy for ADD children.  相似文献   

Educational processes, methods and teaching-learning strategies based on activities, which are tangibly useful in real life have become of great concern since the appearance of reform-pedagogical approaches. The project method as a concept in educational history has undergone continuous changes and reinterpretations. This study aims at summarizing the most important characteristics of project pedagogy and reinforcing the justification of this very methodology in the 21 st century on all levels of education having considered background principles.  相似文献   

Mobile computing facilities may provide many assets to the educational process. Mobile technology provides software access from anywhere and at any time, as well as computer equipment independence. The need for time and place independence is even greater for medical instructors and medical students. Medical instructors are usually doctors that have to treat patients on top of their tutoring duties. Mobile features are complementary to web-based features for desktop computers to a high extend in asynchronous e-learning environments. Time and place independence is also a considerable potential for medical students with overloaded educational duties. This paper examines the degree of the usefulness of mobile facilities for medical instructors who wish to author and manage their courses by using a mobile authoring tool. Furthermore, this paper investigates how acceptable and useful the mobile features of an e-learning system have been to medical students who have used the system, in comparison with the use of the system through a desktop computer. In addition, it investigates usability issues.  相似文献   

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