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美国等国家敏感认识到互联网技术对教育的深刻影响,不断探索教育信息技术的应用,从技术辅助到技术融合再到今天成长为不容小觑的在线教育,积累了丰富的经验。在线教育虚拟灵活,传统教育真实僵化,两者若有效融合,优势互补,传统教育将焕发新的生机。借鉴他国经验,探讨我国基础教育与在线教育融合的策略,以期推动基础教育的在线化进程。  相似文献   

虚幻与真实之间——基于时空视阈的当代教育解读   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
时空问题几乎贯穿了教育发展的始终,教育以真实的时空为基础,却又离不开虚幻时空的辅助。真实的时空给人以真实感,而虚幻的时空给人以现实感。人们本来是可以分清这两种感觉的,但是20世纪传输革命的发展所导致的无需人身位移即可实现的远程在场渐渐地使人们混淆了现实感和真实感,这种混淆有导致真实时空崩溃的可能性。当代教育面临着失去了真实时空的危机,而教育惟一能做的也许就是努力使人们分清这两种基于不同时空观的感觉。  相似文献   

ChatGPT等人工智能技术的发展促使数字技术不断赋能教育,推动教育数字化转型。人工智能技术的发展对教育提出了新挑战,传统理性主义与实用主义教育哲学以某种外部指标为导向,忽略了学生的主体性,而存在主义哲学关注人的存在,其教育理论在人工智能时代具有合理性,包括人机关系中人的主体危机要求激发人的存在意识、智能技术进步引发的能力危机促逼创造力和批判力的培养、科技知识霸权隐藏的价值危机呼吁价值理性的回归。人工智能技术也为存在主义教育的实践提供了可能,包括智能在线教育推动教育范式从模式化走向个性化与自主化、人机协同助力教学方法从被动输入走向对话启发、虚拟交互技术拓展真实化与沉浸式育人的新场域,从而有效化解智能时代教育产生的三大危机,使智能教育回归“以人为本”的价值取向。在应用存在主义教育观时,需要注意避免走向片面的存在主义、极端的主观主义和过于理想的自由主义。  相似文献   

作为一系列现代化技术的综合集成的元宇宙,更新在线教育的技术手段,创设超现实、高沉浸的虚拟化数字空间以拓展在线教育的学习场域,深化在线教育的学习体验,创生虚实交互的学习模式,能够调动学习者的具身认知与分布式认知,促进学生在情境中的深度学习,构建深度沉浸的学习空间,融合人脑与机器脑的交互学习,为在线教育的进一步发展提供了现实可能。元宇宙发展势头迅猛固然可喜,但教育教学的本质是育人而非炫技,若要元宇宙长久赋能在线教育的良性发展,需规训虚拟社区的数据伦理,厘清虚拟与现实的边界,警惕学习者“虚拟成瘾”,超越技术的工具理性和教育的功利价值,强化人的价值判断和道德伦理,把科技力量控制在道德范围内,规避技术应用可能带来的潜在风险,保证技术赋能下教育教学价值取向公平、合理,追寻在线教育的德性复归。  相似文献   

实验是远程开放学习中急需解决的重要课题。现代教育技术的发展为应用仿真实验软件来实施虚拟实验提供了条件。利用Tina Pro软件进行电子技术的虚拟实验,与实际实验情况非常相近,实验结果与理论计算接近;麻省理工学院的远程微电子实验室是一个公开的远程微电子实验室,可以真实地进行远程微电子实验。两种实验方法特别适合于远程开放学习的教师和学生,同时还能在教育理念、技术方法等方面得到一些启迪。  相似文献   

虚拟体验:一种教育学思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
虚拟体验具有现实与虚拟的二重性。真实与虚幻、临近与遥远在虚拟体验中戏剧性地得到了整合。虚拟体验因其“非现实”、“不在场”的特点,使得它超越了在场体验的各种弊端,表现出相对于真实体验的诸多优势。但是,它的虚拟性又很容易导致体验主体的人格分裂,对青少年身心成长造成严重的负面效应。虚拟体验已经成为网络时代的学校教育所面临的重要课题。学校教育应对此做出积极的应对策略。  相似文献   

虚拟在场为思想政治教育主体赋能,使之既能克服传播的时空局限,又可以与教育对象进行“面对面”交流。同时,虚拟在场放大了思想政治教育主体话语传播过程中的缺陷,减弱了与教育对象现实交往的机会。数字时代,需要充分利用“在场”传播、“离场”传播、“虚拟在场”传播等多种话语传播形式,有效提升思想政治教育实效。  相似文献   

面对远程虚拟仿真实验课程的不断推广与普及,为响应"新工科"建设与工程教育专业认证对高等教育提出的新要求,基于FPGA技术与网络信息技术的扩展应用,建设了一整套能够对远程实验教学实现全过程一体化管理的平台.该平台的应用打破了以往实验课程对线下教学的强烈依赖,对实验教学的远程在线教育发展起到了积极有效的促进作用.  相似文献   

增强现实技术在采矿工程实验教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
增强现实技术是将虚拟物体或信息加入到真实环境中,实现虚拟环境与真实环境的结合。介绍了增强现实的基本原理,分析采矿工程实验中存在的问题,探讨其在采矿工程实验的应用和实现。通过增强现实技术在采矿工程实验教学的具体应用实验作为示例,展现增强现实技术在采矿工程实验教学中的应用优势,为增强现实技术进入采矿工程领域提供了经验。随着科学技术的不断更新和发展,增强现实技术在采矿工程领域的应用将为实验教学提供新的技术手段。  相似文献   

美国"教育中的人工智能"研究主要分为五大热点方向:第一,人工智能改善在线教育的参与度研究;第二,情绪感知支持下的教学实践研究;第三,游戏化学习研究;第四,人工智能教育应用的典型模式研究;第五,学习空间的设计研究。美国"教育中的人工智能"研究历史,依次经历了为促进教育实际问题解决的关注专家知识应用自动化的初级阶段、对知识自动获取与系统建模聚焦的转向阶段、为促进教育优质与公平而对有效使用技术的审思阶段。经历几十年的探究与发展,美国"教育中的人工智能"研究逐渐形成了强调结果与凸显学生成功导向的研究特色,但同时也存在过于偏向高等教育学生、部分下位概念边界模糊和理论层面研究单一等现实问题。  相似文献   

虚拟学习空间与真实学习空间   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
虚拟学习空间与真实学习空间的区别,宜以学习空间所涉及的人、物或事在学习中是否为真正触及到该人、物或事的本身来划分。从这个意义上说,虚拟学习空间并非远程教育(特别是网络教育)领域中专有的术语,传统的课堂教育也有利用虚拟学习空间的问题。两种学习空间各有优点与缺陷,只强调或忽视任何一种学习空间都是不恰当的。随着高科技的发展,虚拟学习空间肯定会得到越来越多的利用,但真实学习空间的利用始终不应放弃,更不会消失。它们之间存在着互补性,我们要根据具体的情况与条件取长补短地交替利用,以达到提高教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

An understanding of the key characteristics and implicit competencies underlying online teaching is essential to distance education institutions that embark on the assertive use of technology in their tuition development and delivery. The Virtual Teaching Dispositions Scale (VTDS) assists in investigating professional teaching dispositions associated with effective online instruction. It was initially validated among academic staff members at a residential university in the United States of America (USA). Strong support was found for the construct's cognitive, pedagogical and social presence that served as the conceptual foundation for developing the scale. The aim of this study was to validate the VTDS among academic staff members of an open distance learning (ODL) institution and to make suggestions for improving online teaching in this environment. This study highlights the need for interventions aimed at enhancing academic staff members’ experienced level of virtual/technological presence.  相似文献   

人工智能与教育的融合实现了教育的规模化、个性化和智能化,然而它并未突破传统教育知识传授模式的局限,未来的人工智能教育应用应当从"机器教人"向"人机共生"的知识创造性发展。"人机学习共生体"这一后人工智能教育时代的学习形态,是在分析人工智能发展历程和学习者角色演变的基础上,以经验之塔理论和知识创造螺旋理论为基础提出的。后人工智能教育时代人机共生的学习形态,即在学习者的客体观、主体观、主体间、共生观和他者观等基础上,形成的具有连续统样态的人工智能教育模式。人机学习共生体围绕隐性知识和显性知识之间的转化,形成了学习者与智能体的共生关系,通过共同化、表出化、联结化和内在化等知识转化过程,持继促进知识创造。人机共生学习是学习者、智能体和教师所构成的以知识共生为核心的学习过程。未来人机学习共生体的实现,需要解决智能体的主体性技术、学习绩效支持以及学习模式创设等挑战。  相似文献   

情境认知理论和体验式学习理论强调知识在实际情境中的迁移,重视学习者在学习中的情境体验和经验对学习的重要作用。基于这一理论,可以建立面向情境体验的在线学习课程框架。该框架采用“主题一专题一体验圈”的组织形式,强调导学情境、交流研讨、多媒体呈现、拟真任务设计、反思与总结等策略。将这一设计框架应用到《多元智能教学应用》在线学习课程实例的设计与开发中,可以得出两点主要结论:一是在情境体验学习理论的指导下,学习者的整体学业成绩高于平均水平;二是学习者对该在线课程的总体框架和学习体验的满意度均较高。  相似文献   

“Study abroad” college programs can transform domestic students into a kind of “global citizens” with international experience and cross-cultural competences demanded in the emerging global market. Can a full-time international online undergraduate class serve as a virtual alternative to study abroad experience? Two questions were asked of a virtual class on Social Control that was taught for more than ten years: (1) Can an international online class can be a virtual option to the study abroad and (2) Which selected pedagogical tools and approaches can stimulate creativity of students and contribute to achieving a sufficient level of student satisfaction in this class? Students from several countries were taught in a virtual classroom while being physically “at home.” The research was based on observations and analysis of student-led discussions that were required of students. The class improved students’ substantive knowledge and created a learning environment to develop their skills in cross-cultural open dialogue with virtual classmates. The teaching design allowed instructors to attain many educational goals, enhance students’ understanding of foreign countries and cultures, and learn from each other through online communication. The results confirmed the effectiveness of selected pedagogical approaches and asynchronous communication technology in an international online class. Their effectiveness was demonstrated through the students’ postclass feedback and evaluation of the class. Findings indicate that an international online class can indeed help the students learn cross-cultural communication firsthand and obtain knowledge beneficial for future jobs in a global market.

In higher education, online distance education is useful for teaching large classes distributed among different campuses and universities or for teaching students abroad. Web 2.0 tools are widely used in the United States with transnational partnership programs (Martins 2015; Starke-Meyerring and Wilson 2008c). The American Center for the Study of Distance Education helps newcomers in this field learn transactional distance theory and tap into the broad experience already assembled by U.S. universities and other centers (Open University in the United Kingdom, similar Centers in Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, and Sweden).  相似文献   

探究性学习是国内基础教育改革的一项重大举措,但在实践中却受到人力、物力、财力的限制.推广困难。物联网技术具有全面感知、可靠传递、智能处理等特征,可以模拟真实场景,为探究性学习提供有利的技术支持。基于支持探究性学习开发的物联网传感系统,利用传感器技术实现真实环境中数据的获取和传输.并通过网络技术和图形显示与处理技术集成网络教学平台,实现远程、直观掌握真实情景事务的功能。在生物实验中的应用实例证明,利用物联网技术支持探究性学习有助于节约实验经费、减轻教师负担、激发学生学习兴趣、提升探究性学习活动的效果。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of blended learning in teacher education on a Master's programme at Manchester University. Blended learning is the bringing together of traditional physical classes with elements of virtual education. The paper focuses on one particular module of the degree and attempts to capture students’ experiences of using a number of online tools. As our students are primarily in‐service teachers, this experience is particularly relevant and equips them to make use of educational technology in the language classroom. Some comparisons are also made with a cohort of teachers studying the programme at a distance. The paper explores a range of issues that currently feature in the adult education literature, namely, deep and surface learning, communities of practice, and the importance of educational dialogue. The paper illustrates how important the blended nature of this module is for the teachers to get a balanced programme that upgrades skills and knowledge, but which also enables them to reflect on past and future practice. A transformative education scale is used to show that teachers can be transformed. The paper is a case study that makes use of data that explore the student perspective on a series of research questions.  相似文献   

The creation of technologically-based ‘virtual education’ has been portrayed as a means of widening access to learning opportunities for those currently excluded from participation in lifelong education and training. Now in the UK these claims are being operationalized under the ‘University for Industry’ initiative and associated Virtual College programmes all of which aim to make real the concept of Britain as a ‘learning society’ for all with an emphasis on reaching those traditionally seen as non-participants in learning. This paper examines these claims in the light of current knowledge about the characteristics of non-participants in lifelong learning and the barriers that they face. It is suggested that the application of ‘technological fixes’ to underlying socio-economic determinants of participation will solve some problems, create others, and leave many unaffected. In this way the paper argues for independent research on the impact of the ‘virtual college’ movement, and begins to outline the form such research could take.  相似文献   

邓燕林 《英语广场》2021,(11):69-74
“互联网+教育”背景下,在线自主学习已经成为学生提升外语知识水平和素养的重要手段之一,因此培养学生的线上自主学习能力是外语教学的一项重要任务。教师应分析学生的线上外语自主学习能力情况,提炼用于提升学生线上自主学习能力的教学策略,这对培养学生的线上自主学习习惯和技能以及提高学生线上学习的效率和质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

As many primary pre-service teachers enter teacher education courses with little science background, it is essential in teacher education courses to provide opportunities for them to learn more science independently. The purpose of this study is to investigate an online pedagogical activity that fosters the social construction of science knowledge by primary pre-service teachers working in small virtual teams. The study investigated how the pre-service teachers collaborated online in virtual teams to complete set tasks, their attitudes toward and beliefs about the effectiveness of the online learning experience, and the types and quality of the resources developed. The findings indicated that the virtual team-produced science resource materials were generally of high quality, with nearly half the number of teams engaging with Web 2.0 technologies (e.g. wikis and blogs) to construct their product. The findings indicated positive attitudes toward the collaborative learning even though beliefs about online learning were mixed.  相似文献   

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