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随着计算机技术的发展,教育技术也有了很大的突破,教学的方式也发生了很大的变化,个别化教学、远程教育走入人们的生活中。这要求新的教学设计理论出现,于是,就有了基于知识对象的第二代教学设计理论:教学迁移理论。根据这一理论,知识对象可以详细地说明某一知识点,并且可以重复地调用,根据不同的算法,生成适合不同个体的软件。这一思想与目前浒的面向对象的编程相似,我们进行了对照介绍,以便于理解。  相似文献   

迁移是有效学习的基本特征之一,也是教育要达到的目标之一。只有真正实现了知识的迁移,才能利用所学知识来解决各种问题。通过技术可以有效促进知识的迁移,即通过技术提供模拟训练,引导知识迁移;利用技术支撑学习活动,启迪知识迁移;利用技术创设学习环境,促进知识迁移;基于技术创建学习共同体,协同知识迁移。  相似文献   

我们发现,学习中的迁移现象不仅是普遍存在的,而且早已为古人所发现。“举一反三”、“触类旁通”就是迁移在学习过程中的表现。  相似文献   

简要介绍了知识迁移理论的基本特点,提出了知识相似性的新概念,并根据相似性概念介绍了数学中知识迁移的操作方法.从知识结构上分析数学中知识迁移产生的条件,进行了数学教学方法的新探索.同时引入了从数到物质的变换思想,为迁移过程从低级到高级的展开奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

张卫星 《上海教育》2000,(11):55-57
迁移是一个教育心理学传统的命题,现代认知同化论及信息加工论付于迁移以新的内涵,形成现代认知迁移理论。这对当前实施素质教育有着重要的指导意义。本文谈如何运用现代认知迁移理论,促进有效学习迁移的教学策略。1.设计先行组织者,改变学生原有认知结构变量,促进学习迁移奥苏伯尔提出,应用“先行组织者”来改革学生原有认知结构变量,以达到迁移的目的。所谓先行组织者,是先于学习材料呈现之前呈现的一个引导材料,是学习者原有认知结构中已具有  相似文献   

臧敏 《文教资料》2005,(24):78-80
伴随教育的不断改革,指导学生掌握适当的学习方法,提高学生学习效益,已成为教师教学中的重要环节。本文主要针对学习迁移指导法的特点、遵循原则、具体方法做了较深入的探索与研究,并结合职中学生实际进行具体的分析,对职中机电专业课的教学有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

陈琦 《教育导刊》2001,(19):48-48
知识的迁移是一种知识对另一种知识的影响,从教育目标的观点着眼,我们期待的是一种知识对另一种知识学习的促进影响(正迁移),知识正迁移量越大,说明学生通过学习产生的适应新的学习情景或解决新问题的能力越强,教学的效果也就越好。下面是地理教学中相关知识迁移的一些实例说明。  相似文献   

设计先行组织,改变学生原有认知结构变量;重视概括能力、智力技能学习和方法的指导,使学生由经验向概念、规则的迁移;掌握双基知识,培养学生的类比迁移能力;重视实验教学以及实施差异教育,使不同智力水平的学生发生有效的学习迁移等策略进行探索和实践。  相似文献   

Learning and performance are not always commensurable. Conditions that maximize performance in the initial learning may not maximize learning in the longer term. I exploit this incommensurability to theoretically and empirically interrogate four possibilities for design: productive success, productive failure, unproductive success, and unproductive failure. Instead of only looking at extreme comparisons between discovery learning and direct instruction, an analysis of the four design possibilities suggests a vast design space in between the two extremes that may be more productive for learning than the extremes. I show that even though direct instruction can be conceived as a productive success compared to discovery learning, theoretical and empirical analyses suggests that it may well be an unproductive success compared with examples of productive failure and productive success. Implications for theory and the design of instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

Design Principles for Distributed Knowledge Building Processes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In this paper we explore various interpretations of the term distributed cognition, then turn our attention to communities grounded in the practice of collaborative knowledge building. We discuss CSILE (Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environments), a technology designed to support contributions to a communal database. Shared responsibility for this community resource extends to aspects of school practice typically handled exclusively by teachers, and engagement in improving and connecting the contents of the database makes the process of knowledge building self-sustaining. We discuss knowledge building communities involving students and teachers, and end with discussion of design principles for distributed knowledge building processes.  相似文献   

A total of 136 eighth-grade math students from 2 Singapore schools learned from either productive failure (PF) or vicarious failure (VF). PF students generated solutions to a complex problem targeting the concept of variance that they had not learned yet before receiving instruction on the targeted concept. VF students evaluated the solutions generated by PF students before receiving the same instruction. Student-generated solutions were either suboptimal or incorrect, and in this sense can be conceived as failed problem-solving attempts. Although there was no difference on self-reported engagement, PF students reported significantly greater mental effort and interest in knowing the canonical solution to the problem than VF students. When preexisting differences in general ability, math ability, and prior knowledge were controlled, PF students outperformed VF students on conceptual understanding and transfer without compromising procedural fluency. These results suggest that when learning a new math concept, people learn better from their own failed solutions than those of others provided appropriate instruction on the targeted concept is given after the generation or evaluation activity.  相似文献   

This article discusses mechanisms, enablers and barriers for knowledge transfer in university‐industry collaboration projects involving companies, students and researchers. Data is collected through 35 qualitative interviews with Danish and Norwegian representatives from the above categories. All respondents have been involved in collaborative projects, such as student‐industry cooperation or collaboration projects between scientists and businesses. This research shows that to secure real value adding through knowledge transfer in university‐industry collaboration projects, it is important that the involved parties view each other as equal partners. It is argued that creating a better understanding of roles and competences of the involved parties can help diminish this problem. A final conclusion is that continuous knowledge sharing throughout the project seems more highly valued by the involved parties than a final report does. Best practice for collaborative projects is suggested.  相似文献   

Test washback has attracted a good deal of attention from researchers from many countries in the world and consider?able results have been found. By studying former researches, this paper reviews the d...  相似文献   

Test washback has attracted a good deal of attention from researchers from many countries in the world and considerable results have been found. By studying former researches, this paper reviews the definition of washback, relevant concept, theories, and the mechanism of washback systematically. It is hoped that this paper can enrich and deepen the development of language testing theories.  相似文献   

宏观生产力的布局 ,是指国家在全国范围内对生产力的总体布局。研究我国生产力布局经济 ,就要重点考察我国生产力空间分布状况、科学划分全国经济区域 ,确定不同经济区域的生产力诸要素的合理配置 ,制定全国生产力合理布局的发展战略。一、生产力布局的特点和意义经济学对生产力空间布局问题的关注 ,似乎更早于对生产力的结构和规模问题的研究。现在被称为布局经济理论的学说 ,大都早在结构经济学、规模经济学之前就出现了。如西方经济学中的“区位理论”研究 ,前苏联对社会主义国家生产力布局规律和原则的研究 ,我国经济理论界对民族区域经…  相似文献   

孙向军 《教学与研究》2004,12(12):24-30
知识生产力是人类社会生产力演化的新阶段,是一种新形态的生产力。知识生产力的形成经历了一个很长的历史过程,是人类物质生产力充分发展、需要结构变化、环境的约束、知识商品化以及信息技术发展等因素综合作用的结果。知识生产力是以知识为基础的生产力,它意味着知识不仅成为生产力的主导因素、增长的主要源泉,而且成为生产力发展的先导因素。知识生产力是知识的生产、传播和使用的过程,是以信息化的充分发展为基础,具有全球性的、以人为本的、可持续发展特性的生产力。  相似文献   

启发性挫败的设计研究--翻转课堂的实施策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
翻转课堂作为一种新的教学组织形式和教学理念,借助微课等技术,为实现学生的自主个性化学习提供了极大的可能性。但是,无论是目前的微课设计,还是翻转课堂的组织、设计,都存在诸多问题。翻转课堂实质是以学生为中心的,基于问题探究的自主、个性化学习,是对传统的以教师为中心的讲授型教学的一种颠覆,因此翻转课堂、微课学习资源的设计需要一种全新的视角和模式,以支持学生的自主个性化学习。基于这一假设,该研究提出了适合翻转课堂教学组织形式的启发性挫败设计。该文详细论述了启发性挫败设计的四个相互依赖的机制(启发性挫败的问题设计、元认知活动设计、参与结构设计和学习文化的设计),以及原则和原理,以期为翻转课堂理论与实践的发展,微课的设计等提供新的视角和模式。  相似文献   

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