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对于西方法治的成功而言,宗教功不可没,其中之一就是仪式的贡献。仪式具有戏剧性、象征性和神圣性,正是因为这些内在特性,仪式具有了独特的价值和功能。这对法律程序产生了深刻影响,使程序带上了宗教仪式的色彩,而法律也获得了人们内心的认可和信赖。然而这正是中国传统中所缺少的东西,因此我们有必要借鉴西方的经验,建立仪式化的程序。这对法治建设有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

荆世杰博士《百年胡庄———一个村落社区的信仰与生活变迁》一书,以胡庄宗教村民众生活为研究对象,在宏大的历史背景下,全面深刻地论证了村落社区信仰与生活变迁的关系。本书以其选题的问题意识,阐述的多维视角,资料的扎实可靠,文字的生动活泼,方法上的创新范式,堪称是一部中国宗教村民众生活研究的样本之作。  相似文献   

《宗教大法官》与“四福音书”中的互文性是陀思妥耶夫斯基以隐喻功能书写的人性问题。信仰与理性、自由与专制、现实利益与永恒理想是陀思妥耶夫斯基论述人性的三个维度。信仰与理性的对立点是人性的物质欲望,自由与专制的矛盾是人性的自由权利,现实利益与永恒理想的对立处则是人的精神追求。《宗教大法官》在“复调”的表层下,隐藏着陀思妥耶夫斯基对于人性需要依靠信仰的价值判断。  相似文献   

佤族原始宗教与伦理道德的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佤族的原始宗教与其传统的伦理道德有着密切关系,伦理道德中的不少内容都是由原始宗教中的信仰、禁忌所构成,伦理道德的维系和传承也大多由原始宗教中的神秘力量来控制。在建设社会主义物质文明、政治文明、精神文明的今天,处理好佤族原始宗教与建设现代伦理道德的关系,对弘扬佤族优秀的传统道德,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

本文收集了洛阳邙山、偃师平原、龙门西山出土的六件中、晚唐石刻,对其中的佛教信息进行了梳理.作者通过归纳认为这些石刻记事的内容表明:中、晚唐时代的洛阳,妇女多有在家信佛的习尚;受到家庭信仰习尚的影响,唐代妇女无论老幼每有出家从缁的;唐人倾信佛法的群体,多以寺院为思想寄托;中原地区在会昌法难之后,仍有东都安国寺、宁刹寺、敬爱寺、嵩山会善寺、般若寺、龙门奉先寺、河阳万岁律院等佛教寺院香火有绪,传灯不辍;唐末、五代之动乱后,封建政府对佛教寺院一仍行使着地政税收的管理职能.  相似文献   


In a note introduced into the second edition of Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason (1794), Kant assigns a systematic role to the General Remarks at the end of each Part of his book. He calls those Remarks, “as it were, parerga to religion within the boundaries of pure reason; they do not belong within it yet border on it” (RGV 6:52). As Kant sees them, the parerga are only a “secondary occupation” that consists in removing transcendent obstacles. This paper is skeptical of Kant's view. It proposes an alternative account, according to which the parerga are essential to our moral education, since they force human reason to confront its own limitations and resist the urge to take refuge in spurious religious beliefs. That urge, I argue, is linked to the propensity to evil, and uses religious orthodoxy to undermine moral religion. By clipping our dogmatic wings, the parerga encourage reason to face its own dialectical tendencies and direct its speculative interest to immanent practical use. This redirection counteracts the debilitating effects of the propensity to evil and plays a key role in our moral regeneration. To consider the parerga “derivative,” as Kant himself does, is therefore a grave mistake.  相似文献   

随着新课程新课标改革的不断深入,培养学生创新精神和实践能力已成为素质教育的主旋律.活动讨论法在思想政治教学中的应用,有助于启发学生的思维,培养学生独立思考问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

高尚的师德是一股强大的精神力量,对青少年的道德观产生着潜移默化的影响,这种影响是深远的,甚至是终生的。结合青少年的发展特点,加强教师的师德建设工作是青少年道德教育过程中不可缺少的主要内容。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to gain a greater understanding of moral understanding by differentiating moral understanding from moral motivation. Moral understanding was assessed by presenting hypothetical moral conflicts and dilemmas and using a variety of measures to explore children’s understanding of moral principles and moral reasoning. Two measures of strength of moral motivation were used. For younger children (ages 4–9) emotion attributions to hypothetical wrongdoers was the measure. For older children (ages 10–11) a global evaluation was made based on their reactions to hypothetical moral conflicts and dilemmas. The results suggest that children’s moral understanding includes a grasp of abstract principles and is not just rote learning of concrete rules. However, their adequate cognitive moral understanding by no means implies they are competent moral actors. Implications for Kohlberg’s theory of moral development are discussed.  相似文献   

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