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近几年来,为了全面考查初中学生的写作能力, 引导中学作文教学健康发展,不少省市已开始采用“一大一小”两道作文题进行考查。小作文主要考查学生的单项写作能力,常见形式为短小的议论文、描写或记叙片断、图画说明、修改作文和应用文考查等。俗话说,长文好做,短文难成。小作文虽“小”,但也“五脏俱全”,而且小作文还受篇幅和字数以及其他要求的限制,要想在考场上取胜,不掌握一些技巧是不行的。  相似文献   

在2358年,消防车已经变得“小巧玲珑”,大概只有一块橡皮那么大。你可千万不能小看它。它的内部装有电脑芯片,高科技感应器……一感应到有火时,它就会自动变大,并开始灭火。如果火势太大,它就会发出召唤音波,召集伙伴一起灭火。火灭了以后,它又会自动变小,回到主人身边。  相似文献   

在我们学校门口,有一座小巧玲(ling long)的喷水池(pen shui chi)。喷水池中间有一座大假山,上面长(zhang)着各种各样的植物(zhi wu)。从侧(ce)面看,它很  相似文献   

编辑同志: 我与《现代家教》相识虽不是很久,但却深深地爱上了它,一到每月的5日,我都盼着把《现代家教》尽快拿到手,即使过期后,我也总爱翻看。  相似文献   

本文介绍了光盘镜像文件和虚拟光驱,并详述了在虚拟光驱DAEMON下光盘镜像文件自动加载的方法。  相似文献   

我的案头摆着王勇近两年出版的诗集《生活调色板》(1993年黑龙江人民出版社出版)、《虚灵幽梦》(1994年黑龙江人民出版社出版),还有两本从他饱蘸心血、汗水的数千首诗中精选出来的诗集《心窍冲击波》、《红尘慧眼》,正准备出版.我一边喝着茶,一边品赏短小精悍、意境深远、真挚隽永、小巧玲珑的短诗.王勇是黑土地的儿子,从十几岁开始苦读苦吟唐诗,“幼小的诗魂靠着母亲的体温和奶汁度过了漫长的冬天.一座低矮的方框里,从呻吟的雨季睁开诗眼,背着琥珀白色问号,  相似文献   

现代社会是商业的社会 ,商业的社会需要很多演示活动。投影机便成了演示活动必不可少的工具。而随着商业竞争越来越激烈 ,移动办公成了那些奋斗在商业第一线的“马路战士”必备的生存技能 ,所以 ,超便携式的 DL P投影机凭借其先进的技术 ,日渐成为移动办公中的“宠儿”。当传统的展示模式已经不能充分反映企业的良好形象时 ,比 L CD性能更出众的DL P投影机 ,便成为商务领域中比较理想的展示工具。一台好的 DL P投影机不仅能够给用户带来极大的灵活性和易用性 ,而且不管演示场地多么简陋 ,观众是多是少 ,只要有一道白墙 ,它就能做出一场…  相似文献   

时尚精品秀外慧中晨星CX820堪称目前业界最小的微型便携式投影设备之一,外形尺寸为223mm×176mm×59mm,比A4纸还要小,且重量仅为1.4公斤,彻底告别了投影机的沉重“负担”的角色,是一款特别适用于商旅谈判、巡回演讲、业务推介等移动办公应用的DLP投影机产品。另外,流线型的整体设计避免了棱角分明的外形给人带来的冷感,其时尚的金色也增添了整个机身的美感。它所使用的金属质感外壳比普通投影机的外壳更坚固,且更轻盈。  相似文献   

本文主要以互动、以生为本的理念应用技术,为落实科学探究利用智能手机的"Smart Tools(智能工具箱)"拓宽科学探究活动的深度和广度,从而提高科学探究的有效性。探讨了"Smart Tools"在小学科学探究教学中的应用,通过具体的教学实践案例阐述了学生在做中学,利用"Smart Tools"收集证据和分析数据得出结论,建构科学概念的过程,促进学生科学思维的发展。  相似文献   

GNU Tools系列是一套功能强大、灵活而快速的应用程序开发工具,并且是自由免费的。利用GNU Tools面向摩托罗拉的PowerPC系列微处理器的开发工具,可以建立起一个功能强大的、灵活的MPC555应用程序开发环境。这个自由免费的开发环境特别适用于学校的MPC555教学实验。本文讲述了该开发环境的具体构建过程,并结合PB0555开发板这一硬件平台,给出了基于整个开发环境的MPC555程序开发流程和应用实例。  相似文献   

基于ArcHydro Tools对流域特征自动提取的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ArcHydro是基于栅格DEM自动提取流域特征的水文数据模型,其中要解决的关键问题是:即填充时如何区分凹陷地和洼地;平坦区域如何设定流向;伪河道如何删除;人类活动如何影响ArcHydro Tools 自动提取结果的精度.  相似文献   

This article is written to share teaching ideas about using commonly available computer applications—a spreadsheet, The Geometer's Sketchpad, and Wolfram Alpha—to explore three classic and historically significant problems from the probability theory. These ideas stem from the authors’ work with prospective economists, mathematicians, and teachers. The historical contexts include the problem of the division of stakes (14th century), the problem of the Grand Duke of Tuscany (17th century), and the problem of co-primality of two natural numbers chosen at random (19th century). The suggested use of computers can be extended to other probability contexts to achieve at least two goals: to make complex mathematical ideas more accessible and to emphasize the importance of experimental evidence as a means of conceptual development in mathematics for all student populations.  相似文献   

Petri网在流程信息系统建模中能得以有效利用,一个有效的驾驶培训系统关乎学员的学习效率和驾校的效益。着色Petri网(Colored Petri Net,CPN)是对离散事件动态系统进行图形化建模的有效理论,CPN TOOLS是应用Petri网理论进行建模与仿真分析的有效工具。通过对驾驶培训系统流程进行设定,利用CPN TOOLS对驾驶培训系统进行建模与仿真,在假定参数条件下对产生的能够反映仿真动态过程和结果的数据进行性能分析,并得出合理的教练员配置方案及效益结果。通过实例反映了着色petri网的建模优势,验证了CPN Tools在仿真中应用的有效性。  相似文献   

The C programming language is expressive and flexible, but not safe; as its expressive power and flexibility are obtained through unsafe language features, and improper use of these features can lead to program bugs whose causes are hard to identify. Since C is widely used, and it is impractical to rewrite all existing C programs in safe languages, so ways must be found to make C programs safe. This paper deals with the unsafe features of C and presents a survey on existing solutions to m…  相似文献   


The Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) program is designed to help caregivers develop skills to improve their self-efficacy in caregiving. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the PTC program in Boise, Idaho, the program’s pre-survey (n = 277), end-of-program survey (n = 131), and 6-month follow-up post-survey data (n = 100) collected between 2011 and 2017 were analyzed in this study. The end-of-program survey data indicated that caregivers viewed the quality of the program to be excellent and that all of them felt more confident as a caregiver. Factor analysis and reliability testing on the pre-survey data confirmed that seven questions included in the pre- and 6-month follow-up post-survey instruments reliably measured a single factor named as caregiver confidence. A paired samples t-test on 76 complete sets of pre- and 6-month follow-up post-survey data on the seven questions revealed that caregivers improved their confidence in caregiving to a statistically significant level (p < .001, d = 45). Additional paired samples t-tests on each of the seven questions with the Bonferroni correction showed statistically significant improvements in three areas: making tough decisions (p < .001, d = .53), coping with emotions (p < .001, d = .54), and using stress-reducing activities (p < .007, d = .33). Caregivers experienced the greatest improvement in their confidence in making tough decisions. Despite these significant improvements, caregivers still struggled with finding ways to reduce stress and manage their emotions associated with caregiving as shown by the lowest pre- and 6-month follow-up post-survey scores. In addition to the study results, several considerations when synthesizing PTC research results are discussed.  相似文献   

以人机工程学、设计表达和产品设计为中心形成的三大核心课程群,都需要利用各种Alias Studio Tools软件来完成课程教学和学习。如何实现各课程群内部信息共享,课程群之间信息交换,进而提高教学和学习效率?利用Alias Studio Tools软件技术建立信息化平台可以较好地解决这一问题。  相似文献   


Tracing solutions to programming problems is a long‐standing technique used to reveal the details of a solution and to expose bugs in a program. Tracing can also help programmers build a model or representation of how a programming language responds to code. This article describes the LISP Evaluation Modeler (LEM), an on‐line tracing tool designed to (a) help novices form an understanding of and facility with the LISP evaluation process, and (b) assist all programmers in designing and debugging programs. An empirical study of LEM demonstrates its advantages for design, comprehension, and debugging and suggests ways in which LEM can help novices learning LISP.  相似文献   

随着流媒体技术在多媒体教学中的应用,它为学生学习的自主化以及教学内容呈现方式的多媒化、结构化、形象化提供了广泛的技术支持,流媒体(Streaming Media)的技术特色是通过音视频服务器进行连续、实时地分段传送,用户不必先将整个音视频文件下载到本地机即可边下载边观看,并随意对播放内容进行暂停、快进、快倒等控制。  相似文献   


Over the years, there has been an increased call for accountability by legislators, policy makers, and the public for educators at all levels (Arreola, 2007; Fincher, 1983). College and university professors have not traditionally been subjected to much oversight or evaluation, especially after they receive tenure. Nevertheless, there are many models for tenure and posttenure evaluation (Arreola; Buller, 2012; Licata, 1986; Licata & Morreale, 1999). Each model emphasizes a variety of purposes such as encouraging faculty’s development as educators, as scholars, and as members of college communities. Other reasons include making recommendations for retention and/or tenure, evaluating teaching effectiveness, and evaluating overall performance. Provided here is an analysis of administrators’ and faculty members’ differing perceptions of faculty evaluations as well as suggestions for improving faculty performance reviews and implications for further study of faculty evaluation.  相似文献   

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