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论合作学习与成就目标理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作学习的研究虽已有百年的历史,但却是近年来在西方兴起的一种教学策略。成就目标理论是在20世纪70年代提出的一种动机理论。合作学习教学策略的实施和成就目标定向之间有一定的联系,而发现这种联系对我国现行的教育发展能够起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

成就目标理论作为解释成就动机行为的社会认知模式之一,一直受到国内外心理研究的极大重视。本文在详尽介绍当代成就动机研究中三个重要的概念:成就目标理论、潜在能力理论和能力自我知觉以及最近提出的2×2成就目标结构的基础上,进一步引入了一个把成就目标与8种完全分离的成就情绪联系起来的理论模型,从而深化了成就目标理论的研究。  相似文献   

在回顾了成就目标理论渊源的基础上,着重介绍成就目标的特征和分类,总结了动机模式的三种不同观点和修正理论的四种假说,提出了进一步研究成就目标理论的新视角。  相似文献   

成就目标理论与大学生有效学习   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Elliot和Pintrich在逻辑推论和实证研究基础上,将成就目标划分成掌握趋近目标和掌握回避目标、成绩趋近目标和成绩回避目标,不同的成就目标可激发学习者产生不同的动机过程,对学习产生不同的动力和调节作用,从而影响其学习的指向与结果.  相似文献   

学习坚持性是影响学生学业成就水平的一个重要因素,而家长投入对提高子女的学习坚持性具有不容忽视的作用。本研究以3302名中小学生为调查对象,探讨了家长投入对子女学习坚持性的影响以及成就目标的中介作用。结果显示,家长投入的三个方面均正向预测子女的学习坚持性,而掌握目标在其中具有显著的正向中介作用,表现回避目标具有部分的反向中介作用,表现趋近目标不具有中介作用。  相似文献   

国外成就目标理论的新进展及其对教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过介绍国外成就目标理论的最新进展和部分争论,指出内隐能力观、能力的感知、班级目标结构的感知,压力、认知参与和反馈对成就目标定向产生影响,希冀教育者能从这些方面入手,影响学生的成就目标.  相似文献   

一、引言1.问题的提出成就目标指个体在从事与成就相关的活动(如学习)时所持有的目的,而这一目的会影响其认知过程,进而决定个体在成就情境中的行为表现,不同的成就目标会导致个体对其面临的成就情境不同的诠释以及因应方式[1]。成就目标理论主要是来源于社会—认  相似文献   

成就目标定向理论是近年来动机领域研究的热点问题之一,心理学家Dweck最早提出将成就目标定向分为掌握目标定向与成绩目标定向。具有不同目标定向的个体会表现出不同的行为结果,教育者应在理解成就目标定向理论的基础上,针对不同个性、不同学习目的的学生因材施教,引导其形成正确的能力观,同时开展多种活动激发其学习兴趣、改变传统的评价机制,使学生们逐渐形成掌握目标定向。  相似文献   

成就目标及其影响因素研究的新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
回顾传统成就目标理论,并对成就目标相关因素方面研究的新进展进行综述,涉及成就目标与社会行为、与学习策略、与自我能力感知的关系等三方面问题。  相似文献   

本论文采用四分成就目标定向量表对280名大学生进行调查,主要研究并探讨了大学生成就目标定向的特点。通过研究发现,不同专业性质的大学生在掌握回避方面存在显著差异,文科生的掌握回避显著高于理科生;不同年级大学生掌握目标的两个方向,即掌握趋近和掌握回避有着显著差异,大一学生的掌握目标取向显著高于大四学生。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between personal goal orientations and mathematics achievement within the trichotomous goal framework. Participants comprised approximately 2000 seventh and eighth grade White, Hispanic, and Vietnamese students in a low-income urban school district in California. Regression analysis with classroom fixed effects minimized biases arising from non-random assignment of teachers and students to schools and classrooms. While all three achievement goal orientations were correlated with mathematics achievement, only a mastery goal orientation consistently predicted achievement when a full set of prior achievement and demographic controls were included. Performance-approach and performance-avoidance goal orientations did not predict achievement in the full model.  相似文献   

This study investigates which profiles, defined based on students reports of student-teacher relationships (closeness; conflict) and classroom goal structures (mastery; performance), were optimal to support adjustment (externalizing and internalizing behaviors) and achievement in Math and Language. Elementary students (Grades 3–6, N = 703) and their teachers (N = 33) completed questionnaires in November 2011 and April 2012. Latent profile analysis identified four profiles, replicated across boys and girls: Average (44.46%), Mastery-Closeness (39.13%), Conflict (6.49%), and Approach-Closeness (9.92%). Students from the Conflict profile displayed more externalizing and internalizing behaviors than other students, whereas those from the Mastery-Closeness and Approach-Closeness profiles displayed the least difficulties. Students from the Approach-Closeness profile displayed the lowest achievement at the beginning of the year but the steepest increase over time.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of subconscious goals on academic performance in two field experiments. We show that unobtrusive priming of goals with regard to achievement motivation by means of a photograph improves performance in different educational contexts. High-school students who were exposed to an achievement-related photograph achieved higher grades than students in two control conditions. This effect was not affected by students’ prior performance. University students exposed to a photograph representing a specific, difficult goal reached even higher performance than students taking the exam with a general achievement photograph. For practice, subconscious goals may form a powerful, cost-effective tool to enhance academic performance. However, varying results across the experiments also prompt the need for further investigations of such effects.  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigated the achievement goal orientations of a group of all male pre-med students attending a small, urban undergraduate college. Semi-structured interviews examined under what circumstances students adopted extrinsic goals, mastery goals, or a mixture of the two. Findings indicated that while nearly all students possessed an underlying or baseline extrinsic goal orientation, a sizable number of students (32%) were primarily mastery oriented and only a small percent (13%) were primarily extrinsically oriented. A large number of students did not fit either category, with many best described as being mastery oriented within certain subject areas and extrinsically oriented within others. Furthermore, this study found that social comparison (performance) goals were rarely mentioned spontaneously by students. The study concluded that the goal orientations of many students could best be described as complicated and conflicted with students experiencing a strong tension between a desire to learn and a desire to get good grades.  相似文献   

音乐表演专业学生学业评价是高校音乐表演专业课程与教学的重要组成部分,长期以来已暴露出学业评价功能窄化、评价方式单一、标准客观性差以及评价主体单一等诸多弊端。而这些弊端与我国根深蒂固的考试竞争文化、教师的自我中心主义观念以及学校管理体制僵化分不开。为此,音乐表演专业学生学业评价改革应采取转变学业评价观念、完善学业评价方式和制定学业评价标准等措施,并经由推进音乐表演专业课程与教学的变革,实现学生的专业成长和全面发展。  相似文献   

Quickly after its introduction in the early 1980′s, achievement goal theory blossomed into one of the most popular frameworks in motivation research. Over three plus decades, the theory evolved in a number of ways. Some of these developments brought about much-needed conceptual and methodological clarity; but, they also involved a shift away from questions of complexity and contextualism that marked the earlier research on achievement goals. In this paper, we consider the original focus of achievement goal theory, several ways in which the theory has changed, and what we have learned from intervention research and examinations of achievement goals among diverse populations. The paper concludes with suggestions for future directions in achievement goal research to increase focus on complexity, educational contexts, and issues of ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is on the role of achievement goals in students’ persistence. The authors administered 5 puzzles to 96 college students: 4 unsolvable and 1 relatively easy (acting as a hope probe). They examined whether and how persistence may deteriorate as a function of failing the puzzles, as well as whether and how persistence may rebound after an event of success. Time spent engaging in the task comprised the dependent variable persistence (representing a behavioral aspect of engagement). Results suggested that mastery-oriented students persisted significantly longer compared with performance approach–oriented, performance avoidance–oriented, and amotivated students across failure trials. However, performance approach–oriented students were more likely to rebound after experiencing success. Qualitative data provided insights into the affective processes that accompanied engagement with the task.  相似文献   

学业延迟满足是指学生在学习情境中甘愿为更有价值的长远结果而放弃即时满足的抉择倾向,以及在等待过程中展示出的自我控制和调节能力。通过调查分析,本研究探讨了初中生学业延迟满足与成就目标定向的关系。主要研究结果如下:不同学业延迟满足能力水平的初中生的成就目标存在显著差异;掌握接近目标和掌握回避目标对学业延迟满足有促进作用,而成绩回避目标对学业延迟满足有负向影响,其中掌握接近目标对学业延迟满足的正向预测作用最大。  相似文献   

In this article, I introduce the current special issue, which brings together leading scholars who either initiated or played subsequent central roles in the inception and development of five prominent theories of academic motivation: attribution theory, expectancy-value theory, social-cognitive theory, achievement goal theory, and self-determination theory. I begin by discussing the need for a special issue devoted to these theories and then summarize its overarching goals: (1) provide an outlet for leading theorists to update their work; (2) cast a spotlight on three underexplored and timely issues regarding motivation theory (diversity, methodology, and interventions); (3) have leading scholars discuss their recommendations for future directions; and (4) facilitate an interactive dialog between and among the theorists and three commentators who suggest alternative perspectives on the study of motivation. I conclude with an overview of the five theory articles and three commentaries included in this special issue.  相似文献   

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