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安哥拉森林里有两个小偷,一个是狐狸勒炒伊,另一个是土狼格兰斯。勒罗伊的收获常比格兰斯好,因此格兰斯非常妒忌勒罗伊。一次,勒罗伊到离安哥拉森林很远的巴比里森林行窃。他潜入巴比里森林的大富翁——浣熊约克先生的家,偷到10万森林币。  相似文献   

想和Bob交流你心中的想法吗?发电子邮件到contriprac@gmail.com (请在邮件主题栏里标明“与Bob对话”),或者写信到北京市东城区干面胡同51号《英语沙龙·实战版》“与Bob对话”栏目组收(邮编100010)。Bob已经是大家的老朋友了。这次他和我们探讨的话题是一个人的两个“世界”:内心世界和外部世界。也许你认为外部世界的某些方面不能让你满意,但是因此就选择逃避也未必是良策。Bob鼓励大学生朋友们一方面保持内心真正的自我,另一方面努力影响外部世界使其做出积极的改变。关于这个话题,您有什么看法,欢迎到本刊网站(www.es123.com)发表您的看法,我们已经设置了专门的版块恭候您。  相似文献   

设Ω是有限复平面C上的双曲型区域,为Ω上的拟双曲度量,令QN(Ω)={f:f在Ω上亚纯且。本文刻划了QN(Ω)的两个特征。  相似文献   

A Hello!My name is John.I'm a little boy of thirteen years old.My family live in a flat in a busy street.Outside there are many  相似文献   

Contradicting Oneself(自相矛盾) In ancient times,there was a man who sold spears(矛)and shields(盾;防护物).He used to boast,“My spears are the sharpest in the world.They can penetrate(刺穿,穿透)anything.”A moment later he would boast,“My shields are th  相似文献   

Somebody Stole Our TentSherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go camping,and put up their tent ( 帐篷) under the stars.In the middle of the night Holmes pushes Watson awake and questions him.HOLMES: Watson, look up at the stars and tell me what you deduce (推断 ) .WATSON: I see millions of stars, and if there are millions  相似文献   

(A)Erik was a fourteen-year-old boy.He thought he was a young manbut his parents didn"t think so.They told him,"When you begin to thinkabout<sub>1<sub>others,you"ll be a young man."One morning,his parents gave Erik<sub>2<sub>money to buy hamburgersat a store.  相似文献   

(A)一会儿如小溪流水,一会儿似万马奔腾——是哪里传来这天籁之音?原来是帕格尼尼在表演小提琴独奏。在演奏中,突然断了一根琴弦,可帕格尼尼没有终止演奏,不一会儿,又接连断了第二、第三根琴弦,那么,他能用仅  相似文献   

臀Child art shoeked New York A four一year一old gitl shocked the New York and world withpaintings thatwere 51面lar to some lbmous Painters’Paintings. Marla 01mstead,from BinghamPton,in New York State,hadbeen一」;sjnee just befo犯shewas two years okl.She had already sold about 25 Paintings,raising$40,000,and shownZ Her fatherM乏uk said,“She Paints wliatever she一旦一.SheusesafotofPaints__生-hasnoideaof how good she化ally 15.”Hesaidshe had价st started Painting一旦-before her see…  相似文献   

1.The pig,the sheep and the goat A pig,a sheep and agoat were all penned up together.Once the shepherd laid his hand on the pig.The pig was screaming violently.The sheep and  相似文献   

豁俪痴涵咖赫蜘癫嘛癫翩宗鲡画硫嘛儡俪赢赫 泌赫晌耀 魂 There was a time when 1 thought my dad didn’t know a thing about being a good father.1 eouldn’t _鱼_him ever saying the认℃rds“1 love you”.It .seemc遗节0 meh反5 only pu印ose in 11丘was to say“一2一” to anywhere于wanted to 90 and anything 1 wantedto do,i砒iuding ge廿inga___足_.50皿Parents bought their 犯ds ears when they got次eir driver,5 lieenses4 my dad一he saidl’d have to get ajobandbuymy O认n- 50 that’5 what 1 did Igot a job at …  相似文献   

A. SundayIt was Sunday. I never get up early _1_Sundays. I sometimes stay 2 until lunch time. Last Sunday I 3 very late. I looked 4 the window. It was dark outside. "What a day!" I thought. "It 5 a-gain." Just then the telephone 6.It wasmy aunt Lucy."I've just arrived 7 train," she said,"I am coming to 8 you." "But I'm still having breadfast."I said.  相似文献   

一个农夫进城卖驴和山羊。山羊的脖子上系着一个小铃铛。三个小偷看见了,一个小偷说:"我去偷羊,叫农夫发现不了。"另一个小偷说:"我要从农夫手里把驴偷来。"第三个小偷说:"这都不难,我能把农夫身上的衣服全部偷来。"  相似文献   

A Friends play an im portant part in our lives,and although we m ay take the friendship for granted, we often don’t clearly understand how we m ake friends. W hile we get on well w ith a num ber of people, we usually m ake friends with only a few —for exam ple, the av- erage am ong students is about 6 persons. In all the cases of friendly relationships,two peo- ple like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that,the degree of intim acy(亲 密) between them and the reasons for their…  相似文献   

Liu Yifei,a new TV starA.outofcuriosity aboutthe unknown landB.to m ake largerprofits in theirbusinessC.forgreatfun on theirjourneyD.both A and B4.The Polos were delayed and theirtravelwas blocked during the journey.A.by various naturalcalam ities B.owing to illnessC.localwaras wellas localrobbers D.allofthe above5.No one could recognize them when the Polosarrived hom e because .A.the death had been long since announced ofthe PolosB.they were sloppily dressedC.they returned in silken ro…  相似文献   

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