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In this paper, a new source selection algorithm for uncooperative distributed information retrieval environments is presented. The algorithm functions by modeling each information source as an integral, using the relevance score and the intra-collection position of its sampled documents in reference to a centralized sample index and selects the collections that cover the largest area in the rank-relevance space. Based on the above novel metric, the algorithm explicitly focuses on addressing the two goals of source selection; high-recall, which is important for source recommendation applications and high-precision which is important for distributed information retrieval, aiming to produce a high-precision final merged list.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how the accessibility and quality of co-workers in organizations affect their use as information source. Prior research has produced inconsistent findings concerning these factors’ respective influence on source selection. In this article, we argue that one potential reason for this lies in the lack of coherent definitions of accessibility and quality. To bridge this gap, we unpack these concepts into their underlying dimensions, based on insights derived from social capital theory, more specifically Nahapiet and Ghoshal’s (1998) contribution, to uncovering the multidimensionality of social capital. We empirically test the dimensionality of accessibility and quality, as well as the relative influence of these concepts on human information source selection, in a scenario experiment within an organization. Findings support the proposed dimensionality, and lead to the conclusion that both quality and accessibility influence the selection of human information sources, although quality exerts a slightly stronger influence.  相似文献   

贴近度法优化城市内河水质监测点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭小青 《科技通报》2005,21(3):360-363
根据城市内河水污染特性,利用贴近度法对其监测断面进行分析,得到水质优化设置方案。实际运行表明,该方案简易可行,并可推广到其他相似水域的水质监测点优化。  相似文献   

This research focuses specifically on uncertainty and information seeking in a digital environment. In this research we argue that different types of uncertainty are associated with the information seeking process and that, with the proliferation of new and different search tools, sources and channels, uncertainty, positive/desirable or negative/undesirable, continues to be a significant factor in the search process. Users may feel uncertain at any stage of the information search and retrieval process and uncertainty may remain even after completion of the process resulting in what may be called persistent uncertainty. An online questionnaire was used to collect data from users in the higher education sector. There were three parts to the questionnaire focusing on: information seeking activities, information seeking problems, and access to specific information channels or sources. Quantitative analysis was carried out on the data collected through the online questionnaire. A total of 668 responses were returned from the chosen user categories of academic staff, research staff and research students. This research has shown that there are some information seeking activities and information seeking problems that are the most common causes of uncertainty among significant number of users from different disciplines, age, gender, ICT skills, etc. This is also the case with respect to access to and use of specific information sources/channels, although the degrees of uncertainty in relation are relatively small. Possible implications of this study and further research issues are indicated.  相似文献   

产品创新信息源的挖掘方法体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范晓屏 《科学学研究》2003,21(Z1):261-265
本文认为深层次、模糊认知的心理需要、体验需要是产品创新关键的信息源,对开发全新市场、引导消费时尚、领先竞争对手有着重要意义。文章把敏感消费者作为信息源分析对象,探究其认知结构,并由此构造了产品创新信息源的挖掘方法体系,它整合了当前研究消费者认知结构的一些重要方法,把消费者价值观与产品属性关联起来。研究通过实验对方法体系的有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   

This article seeks to analyse the migration trajectory from commercial off-the-shelf and closed source software to open source software in order to establish the critical success/resistance factors associated with the replacement of the extant Microsoft Office with Open Office software in a private Brazilian company. The bibliographical review of this work addresses adoption/resistance to information systems, which is the theoretical framework adopted to explain the data collected. The single case study method was then applied and data was collected via documentation analysis, interviews, questionnaires, and direct and participant observation. Data analysis was then conducted by means of content analysis and non-parametric statistics. Based on that, three types of user behaviour were identified with respect to the intention to use open source software, namely adopters, partial adopters, and non-adopters. Finally, the reasons for such behaviour were set forth and discussed in order to make the implications of the study clear.  相似文献   

Collaborative information seeking is integral to many professional activities. In hospital work, the medication process encompasses continual seeking for information and collaborative grounding of information. This study investigates breakdowns in collaborative information seeking through analyses of the use of the electronic medication record adopted in a Danish healthcare region and of the reports of 5 years of medication incidents at Danish hospitals. The results show that breakdowns in collaborative information seeking is a major source of medication incidents, that most of these breakdowns are breakdowns in collaborative grounding rather than information seeking, that the medication incidents mainly concern breakdowns in the use of records as opposed to oral communication, that the breakdowns span multiple degrees of separation between clinicians, and that the electronic medication record has introduced risks of new kinds of breakdown in collaborative information seeking. In working to prevent and recover from breakdowns in the seeking and sharing of information a focus on collaborative information seeking will point toward collaborative, organizational, and systemic reasons for breakdown and areas for improvement, rather than toward individual error.  相似文献   

王雅南 《中国科技信息》2011,(4):251-252,242
结合信息检索课程性质与高职院校课程改革实际,以信息资源类型为载体,设计了基于工作过程的高职信息检索课学习情境,分析研究学习情境的构建、具体的学习任务及其相互之间的逻辑联系,以及理→实一体化教学组织形式的学法指导与考核评价体系。  相似文献   

Local Government Authorities (LGAs) are mainly characterised as information-intensive organisations. To satisfy their information requirements, effective information sharing within and among LGAs is necessary. Nevertheless, the dilemma of Inter-Organisational Information Sharing (IOIS) has been regarded as an inevitable issue for the public sector. Despite a decade of active research and practice, the field lacks a comprehensive framework to examine the factors influencing Electronic Information Sharing (EIS) among LGAs. The research presented in this paper contributes towards resolving this problem by developing a conceptual framework of factors influencing EIS in Government-to-Government (G2G) collaboration. By presenting this model, we attempt to clarify that EIS in LGAs is affected by a combination of environmental, organisational, business process, and technological factors and that it should not be scrutinised merely from a technical perspective. To validate the conceptual rationale, multiple case study based research strategy was selected. From an analysis of the empirical data from two case organisations, this paper exemplifies the importance (i.e. prioritisation) of these factors in influencing EIS by utilising the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The intent herein is to offer LGA decision-makers with a systematic decision-making process in realising the importance (i.e. from most important to least important) of EIS influential factors. This systematic process will also assist LGA decision-makers in better interpreting EIS and its underlying problems. The research reported herein should be of interest to both academics and practitioners who are involved in IOIS, in general, and collaborative e-Government, in particular.  相似文献   

刁丽琳 《科研管理》2010,31(2):35-41
摘要:技术创新是一项复杂的系统工程,具有产品和市场的不确定性以及投资的不可逆性。作为不确定条件下的投资评价方法,实物期权在技术创新投资领域运用广泛。由于许多企业采取委托代理的技术创新投资方式,因此不可避免地产生代理人的道德风险和逆向选择等信息不对称问题。本文采用委托代理框架下的逆向选择模型,分析了技术创新的实物期权投资问题。文章首先建立了对称信息下技术创新投资的实物期权模型,得到投资的临界条件。然后在非对称信息情况下,假设技术创新的投资成本和部分投资收益可被委托人和代理人共同观测,而另一部分投资收益是代理人的私有信息。在此前提下,本文以实物期权为基础构造了委托人的效用函数,建立了代理人连续类型下的逆向选择模型,并最终确定了代理人的最优契约和委托人的投资临界条件。文章最后以应用实例的方式对非对称信息下技术创新实物期权模型的经济涵义进行了详细的阐释,同时将对称信息与非对称信息下的实物期权模型进行对比,结果发现:在非对称信息情况下,除了能力最高的代理人之外,其余类型代理人的投资临界值均比对称信息时向下扭曲;除了能力最低的代理人,所有其它类型的代理人都能获得一个严格正的信息租金。  相似文献   

《The Information Society》2007,23(3):193-201
This article describes the rights-based approach to access to information and communications technologies (ICT) used by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD). This approach challenges the thinking of policymakers, those in industry, and others who argue that access to ICT can be achieved through a variety of economic, business, or market-based perspectives. It argues that these approaches have failed to deliver accessible ICT to people with disabilities, and that improved legislation, regulation, policy, and programs are required to remove the barriers to ICT experienced by people with disabilities in Canada.  相似文献   

This article describes the rights-based approach to access to information and communications technologies (ICT) used by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD). This approach challenges the thinking of policymakers, those in industry, and others who argue that access to ICT can be achieved through a variety of economic, business, or market-based perspectives. It argues that these approaches have failed to deliver accessible ICT to people with disabilities, and that improved legislation, regulation, policy, and programs are required to remove the barriers to ICT experienced by people with disabilities in Canada.  相似文献   

Proactive Maintenance practices are becoming more standard in industrial environments, with a direct and profound impact on the competitivity within the sector. These practices demand the continuous monitorization of industrial equipment, which generates extensive amounts of data. This information can be processed into useful knowledge with the use of machine learning algorithms. However, before the algorithms can effectively be applied, the data must go through an exploratory phase: assessing the meaning of the features and to which degree they are redundant. In this paper, we present the findings of the analysis conducted on a real-world dataset from a metallurgic company. A number of data analysis and feature selection methods are employed, uncovering several relationships, which are systematized in a rule-based model, and reducing the feature space from an initial 47-feature dataset to a 32-feature dataset.  相似文献   

信息化是中小企业迎接新经济的挑战,提高企业运作效率、降低经营管理成本、把握新的商业机会的必由之路。但传统的投资决策方法无法根据信息化投资的特点来把握好投资的时机、方向、重点和结构。通过比较分析,认为实物期权方法作为一种动态评估方法,更能适应中小企业信息化投资特点。运用实物期权方法对中小企业信息化投资决策进行分析,可以突破传统决策分析方法的束缚,大大降低投资风险,增强投资的科学性。  相似文献   

中国国家公园发展的路径选择:国际经验与案例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国国家公园发展处于拐点时期,借鉴国际经验,剖析典型案例,探寻发展路径具有突出现实意义.从管理理念、管理体制、资金机制、经营机制四方面对世界上三种代表性国家公园模式的共同理念与“中国大陆首个国家公园”的比较表明,其管理制度和运行机制尚不是国际公认的国家公园模式.未来中国国家公园的发展,需要借鉴IUCN标准,重塑全国保护地体系;建立三级自然保护理事会及其法人治理模式,重构行政管理的条块格局;建立国家公园特许经营制度和相关者的利益保障机制;加大公共财政投入,分步实施,自然遗产逐步回归公益.  相似文献   

草地退化的预警对维护草地生态系统稳定及保障牧民财产安全意义重大。本文探索并验证了信息量模型跨领域应用于草地退化易发性评价的可行性,可为草地退化防治管控提供决策依据。以青海省三江源东部果洛藏族自治州为研究区,将像元二分模型和信息量模型耦合,并根据地形、气候、人类活动、水文、土壤5个维度,进行草地退化易发性评价。结果表明:①2008—2018年果洛藏族自治州草地退化区与草地退化易发性评价中退化高易发区分布特点一致,主要集中于玛沁县中部、玛多县南北部等地区;②处于超过4400 m的高程,高于25人/km2的人口密度,大于30°的坡度等位置的草地容易发生退化。而位于年平均降水量大于600 mm,年累计日照时数小于2400 h,依附土壤类型为灰褐土、沼泽土等地区的草地具有更好的抗逆性;③共有68.34%的退化草地分布于极易退化区和较易退化区,15.92%分布于中易发区,15.74%分布于不易退化区和低易退化区,评价模型精度较好,AUC(Area Under Curve)值达到0.764。由此可见,像元二分模型与信息量模型结合以评定草地退化易发性的方法是可靠的,该思路对其他地区草地退化易发性评价具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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