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Search engine researchers typically depict search as the solitary activity of an individual searcher. In contrast, results from our critical-incident survey of 150 users on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk service suggest that social interactions play an important role throughout the search process. A second survey of also 150 users, focused instead on difficulties encountered during searches, suggests similar conclusions. These social interactions range from highly coordinated collaborations with shared goals to loosely coordinated collaborations in which only advice is sought. Our main contribution is that we have integrated models from previous work in sensemaking and information-seeking behavior to present a canonical social model of user activities before, during, and after a search episode, suggesting where in the search process both explicitly and implicitly shared information may be valuable to individual searchers.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate how information surrogates might be useful in exploratory search and what information it is useful for a surrogate to contain. By comparing assessments based on artificially created information surrogates, we investigate the effect of the source of information, the quality of an information source and the date of information upon the assessment process. We also investigate how varying levels of topical knowledge, assessor confidence and prior expectation affect the assessment of information surrogates. We show that both types of contextual information affect how the information surrogates are judged and what actions are performed as a result of the surrogates.  相似文献   

Multitasking is the human ability to handle the demands of multiple tasks. Multitasking behavior involves the ordering of multiple tasks and switching between tasks. People often multitask when using information retrieval (IR) technologies as they seek information on more than one information problem over single or multiple search episodes. However, limited studies have examined how people order their information problems, especially during their Web search engine interaction. The aim of our exploratory study was to investigate assigned information problem ordering by forty (40) study participants engaged in Web search. Findings suggest that assigned information problem ordering was influenced by the following factors, including personal interest, problem knowledge, perceived level of information available on the Web, ease of finding information, level of importance and seeking information on information problems in order from general to specific. Personal interest and problem knowledge were the major factors during assigned information problem ordering. Implications of the findings and further research are discussed. The relationship between information problem ordering and gratification theory is an important area for further exploration.  相似文献   

Categorized overviews of web search results are a promising way to support user exploration, understanding, and discovery. These search interfaces combine a metadata-based overview with the list of search results to enable a rich form of interaction. A study of 24 sophisticated users carrying out complex tasks suggests how searchers may adapt their search tactics when using categorized overviews. This mixed methods study evaluated categorized overviews of web search results organized into thematic, geographic, and government categories. Participants conducted four exploratory searches during a 2-hour session to generate ideas for newspaper articles about specified topics such as “human smuggling.” Results showed that subjects explored deeper while feeling more organized, and that the categorized overview helped subjects better assess their results, although no significant differences were detected in the quality of the article ideas. A qualitative analysis of searcher comments identified seven tactics that participants reported adopting when using categorized overviews. This paper concludes by proposing a set of guidelines for the design of exploratory search interfaces. An understanding of the impact of categorized overviews on search tactics will be useful to web search researchers, search interface designers, information architects and web developers.  相似文献   

To improve search engine effectiveness, we have observed an increased interest in gathering additional feedback about users’ information needs that goes beyond the queries they type in. Adaptive search engines use explicit and implicit feedback indicators to model users or search tasks. In order to create appropriate models, it is essential to understand how users interact with search engines, including the determining factors of their actions. Using eye tracking, we extend this understanding by analyzing the sequences and patterns with which users evaluate query result returned to them when using Google. We find that the query result abstracts are viewed in the order of their ranking in only about one fifth of the cases, and only an average of about three abstracts per result page are viewed at all. We also compare search behavior variability with respect to different classes of users and different classes of search tasks to reveal whether user models or task models may be greater predictors of behavior. We discover that gender and task significantly influence different kinds of search behaviors discussed here. The results are suggestive of improvements to query-based search interface designs with respect to both their use of space and workflow.  相似文献   

The user experience is an integral component of interactive information retrieval (IIR). However, there is a twofold problem in its measurement. Firstly, while many IIR studies have relied on a single dimension of user feedback, that of satisfaction, experience is a much more complex concept. IIR in general, and exploratory search more specifically, are dynamic, multifaceted experiences that evoke pragmatic and hedonic needs, expectations, and outcomes that are not adequately captured by user satisfaction. Secondly, questionnaires, which are typically the means in which user’s attitudes and perceptions are measured, are not typically subjected to rigorous reliability and validity testing. To address these issues, we administered the multidimensional User Engagement Scale (UES) in an exploratory search environment to assess users’ perceptions of the Perceived Usability (PUs), Aesthetics (AE), Novelty (NO), Felt Involvement (FI), Focused Attention (FA), and Endurability (EN) aspects of the experience. In a typical laboratory-style study, 381 participants performed three relatively complex search tasks using a novel search interface, and responded to the UES immediately upon completion. We used Principal Axis Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression to examine the factor structure of UES items and the relationships amongst factors. Results showed that three of the six sub-scales (PUs, AE, FA) were stable, while NO, FI and EN merged to form a single factor. We discuss recommendations for revising and validating the UES in light of these findings.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of the differences in organizational identities that emerged during a post-merger project that aimed at unifying the laboratory services of a large healthcare center that resulted from the merging of three hospitals by supporting them with a unique information system. We draw on the concepts of organizational identity and sensemaking to analyze the laboratory information system implementation project. Organizational identity is conceptualized as the mental representation that organizational members have of themselves as a social group in terms of practices, norms, and values and how they understand themselves to be different from members of other organizations. Data analysis suggests that divergent organizational identities and team members’ alternative interpretations of others’ practices, norms and organizational symbols, coexist during the post-merger integration phase. These interpretations are reflected in the final functionality of the information system that was different from the planned one.  相似文献   

The Internet is becoming an increasingly important and pervasive channel to market for many organisations. Despite its importance, and the continued pressure to justify IT expenditure, few organisations undertake comprehensive channel evaluation. Market leading evaluation firms provide technical and operational metrics for their clients such as the number of hits per page and site response times, but more sophisticated concepts such as user value and long-term business benefits remain underexplored in practice. In contrast, there is a growing academic literature on channel evaluation. Many frameworks and metrics have been proposed recently. This paper brings theory and practice together by synthesizing existing frameworks proposed by academics with those used by the market leaders in Internet channel evaluation. The resulting framework has two levels—a business- and a user-level. The framework is validated by Internet consultants, channel managers and channel users in three different sectors: retail, financial services and higher education. The framework is refined following the validation in response to the need for a simpler, more usable set of metrics. The outcome is a framework split into three “sets”. Set A constitutes the foundation stone of an Internet channel evaluation programme and consists of a core set of objective user-level metrics. Set B contains a further set of more sophisticated user-level metrics. Set C addresses business-level metrics, which enable the long-term contribution of the Internet channel to be evaluated.  相似文献   

This research focuses specifically on uncertainty and information seeking in a digital environment. In this research we argue that different types of uncertainty are associated with the information seeking process and that, with the proliferation of new and different search tools, sources and channels, uncertainty, positive/desirable or negative/undesirable, continues to be a significant factor in the search process. Users may feel uncertain at any stage of the information search and retrieval process and uncertainty may remain even after completion of the process resulting in what may be called persistent uncertainty. An online questionnaire was used to collect data from users in the higher education sector. There were three parts to the questionnaire focusing on: information seeking activities, information seeking problems, and access to specific information channels or sources. Quantitative analysis was carried out on the data collected through the online questionnaire. A total of 668 responses were returned from the chosen user categories of academic staff, research staff and research students. This research has shown that there are some information seeking activities and information seeking problems that are the most common causes of uncertainty among significant number of users from different disciplines, age, gender, ICT skills, etc. This is also the case with respect to access to and use of specific information sources/channels, although the degrees of uncertainty in relation are relatively small. Possible implications of this study and further research issues are indicated.  相似文献   

RSS: A framework enabling ranked search on the semantic web   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The semantic web not only contains resources but also includes the heterogeneous relationships among them, which is sharply distinguished from the current web. As the growth of the semantic web, specialized search techniques are of significance. In this paper, we present RSS—a framework for enabling ranked semantic search on the semantic web. In this framework, the heterogeneity of relationships is fully exploited to determine the global importance of resources. In addition, the search results can be greatly expanded with entities most semantically related to the query, thus able to provide users with properly ordered semantic search results by combining global ranking values and the relevance between the resources and the query. The proposed semantic search model which supports inference is very different from traditional keyword-based search methods. Moreover, RSS also distinguishes from many current methods of accessing the semantic web data in that it applies novel ranking strategies to prevent returning search results in disorder. The experimental results show that the framework is feasible and can produce better ordering of semantic search results than directly applying the standard PageRank algorithm on the semantic web.  相似文献   

There are a number of combinatorial optimisation problems in information retrieval in which the use of local search methods are worthwhile. The purpose of this paper is to show how local search can be used to solve some well known tasks in information retrieval (IR), how previous research in the field is piecemeal, bereft of a structure and methodologically flawed, and to suggest more rigorous ways of applying local search methods to solve IR problems. We provide a query based taxonomy for analysing the use of local search in IR tasks and an overview of issues such as fitness functions, statistical significance and test collections when conducting experiments on combinatorial optimisation problems. The paper gives a guide on the pitfalls and problems for IR practitioners who wish to use local search to solve their research issues, and gives practical advice on the use of such methods. The query based taxonomy is a novel structure which can be used by the IR practitioner in order to examine the use of local search in IR.  相似文献   

A transaction log analysis of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) OPAC was conducted to identify query and search failure patterns with the goal of identifying areas of improvement for the system. One semester’s worth of OPAC transaction logs were obtained and from these, 641,991 queries were extracted and used for this work. Issues investigated included query length, frequency and type of search options and Boolean operators used as well as their relationships with search failure. Among other findings, results indicate that a majority of the queries were simple, with short query lengths and a low usage of Boolean operators. Failure analysis revealed that on average, users had an almost equal chance of obtaining no records or at least one record to a submitted query. We propose enhancements and suggest future areas of work to improve the users’ search experience with the NTU OPAC.  相似文献   

研究回顾了系统评价的理论发展,提出了基于Multi—Agent的系统评价集成框架,强调了系统评价的五种集成要素包括交互Agent、管理Agent、定性评价Agent、定量评价Agent及综合评价Agent的有机融合,并在此基础上进一步分析了该集成框架的结构和功能.  相似文献   

为探究转型时期中国企业在面临环境不确定性与内部资源紧缺的条件下,反应型搜寻与前瞻型搜寻对企业创新绩效的影响机理以及二元搜寻的平衡问题,对214家企业调查样本进行实证分析,得到如下重要发现:(1)反应型搜寻与前瞻型搜寻对企业创新绩效的影响存在差异,反应型搜寻起到了倒U型的影响,而前瞻型搜寻起到U型影响;(2)反应型搜寻与前瞻型搜寻存在互补关系,反应—前瞻型搜寻的平衡有助于提高企业创新绩效;(3)知识治理能力在知识搜寻与创新绩效之间具有中介作用;(4)反应型搜寻与前瞻型搜寻分别促进渐进性创新与突破性创新,手段导向理性对此起到正向调节作用,并且,反应型搜寻对突破性创新具有抑制作用,而手段导向理性也能够减弱该负向影响。  相似文献   

我国国家科技计划经过三十余年的发展,正面临新的管理改革,加强计划的监测与评估是改革的重要方向。本文以欧盟框架计划评估体系的发展历程为主线,梳理了欧盟框架计划的主要评估活动类型、评估方法与模式、评估体系演变规律等。基于对欧盟框架计划评估体系的回顾和梳理,总结出欧盟框架计划在制度建设、技术方法、评估能力等方面的特点和经验,为我国设计完善国家科技计划的评估体系提出参考建议。  相似文献   

朱姗姗  刘凤朝  冯雪 《科研管理》2020,41(4):182-191
文章基于适应性景观理论和重组搜索理论,给出了技术位的明确界定,并将其引入NK模型的应用,从而将企业的技术搜索置于市场竞争的背景下进行研究,通过数理模型推演,明确行业中技术位间的价值关系,并结合企业技术基础提出企业为搜索高价值技术而采取的技术搜索策略;以2006-2007年及2009-2010年有新产品产值的规模以上医药制造业企业数据为样本对理论推论进行了实证检验,结果表明:行业中相邻技术位的价值存在正相关性,企业在其占据的高价值技术位的邻近技术位及低价值技术位的非邻近技术位上进行技术搜索,能够更有效地促进企业搜索到高价值技术。  相似文献   

This paper presents not only mycommunityinfo.ca (MCI) as an innovative World Wide Web (WWW)-based community information (CI) site, but also how its unique approach to facilitating online CI searching on the Web reveals through empirical data how people use such information and communication technologies (ICTs) to address their everyday information needs. The geographic focus for this study is on three communities in Southwestern Ontario. MCI collects unobtrusively query data that are logged daily from its own Web site, the Web sites of three municipal governments, and one municipal agency from this region. One year’s worth of these data was supplied to determine the types of CI that are sought through Web searching. A content analysis of a large purposive sample of all of MCI’s query data reveals more specific and diverse conceptual CI needs between and within communities than those reported in other studies employing different data collection methods. As a result, using a centralized approach to online CI access via the WWW by other CI providers such as the 211 network may be a disservice to its users. Additionally, the findings demonstrate how a thorough analysis of such data may improve the informational content and overall design of municipal government Web sites. The analysis of these data also has the potential of improving current CI taxonomies.  相似文献   

A comparative study of two types of patent retrieval tasks, technology survey and invalidity search, using the NTCIR-3 and -4 test collections is described, with a focus on pseudo-feedback effectiveness and different retrieval models. Invalidity searches are peculiar to patent retrieval tasks and feature small numbers of relevant documents and long queries. Different behaviors of effectiveness are observed when applying different retrieval models and pseudo-feedback. These different behaviors are analyzed in terms of the “weak cluster hypothesis”, i.e., terminological cohesiveness through relevant documents.  相似文献   

从国际评估的委托方、评估目的、被评估方、评估方、评估议题、评估方法与信息来源、评估程序与周期、评估报告、评估效果与影响等维度,对包括德意志研究联合会、日本学术振兴会、欧盟第六框架计划、挪威研究理事会、奥地利科学基金和国家自然科学基金中德科学中心等在内的6个科学资助机构的国际评估案例进行了系统分析,总结了科学基金国际评估的共同特点与主要特色,为设计国家自然科学基金资助与管理绩效国际评估的方案设计与组织实施提供了借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

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