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This article focuses on the scholarship of Black mathematics education researchers whose work focuses on Black students in P–20 mathematics spaces. We conducted a metasynthesis literature review of empirical studies by Black mathematics education researchers. The authors utilized critical theories of race and racism to aid in the synthesis of the literature. The Black researchers we reviewed challenged the perspective that failure and limited persistence in Black students who are learning and participating in mathematics is normative. As a critical defense, these scholars offer research that problematizes test score data, race and racism, opportunities to learn mathematics, identity considerations, and other constructs that produce unequal effects in mathematics learning. We found that Black mathematics education researchers strategically disrupt the deficit narrative about Black students. Black scholars select theoretical frameworks that allow them to focus on race and how racism operates in mathematics education. We present this research to incite dialogue among all mathematics educators about improving the mathematical context for Black students.  相似文献   

This article examines Black educators’ experiences in Grow Your Own programs along a teacher development continuum at the intersection of social and human development constructs and frameworks, such as double binds and Phenomenological Variant Ecological Systems Theory (PVEST). More robust and nuanced interpretations of how Black educators grow and sustain their presence in the field of education are explored utilizing these analytical tools to determine how Black educators make their way along the teacher development continuum. Findings related to Black educators’ development as they transition as students to teachers, using double bind constructs at each stage of PVEST, are described, and research and praxis questions are extended for implications.  相似文献   

《王子与贫儿》是19世纪后期美国现实主义作家马克·吐温的代表作。这篇小说在揭露英国封建社会对劳动群众的残酷镇压的同时,也影射了19世纪的美国资本主义社会对人民的压迫。马克·吐温在小说中使用了各种手法,制造出了令人捧腹的幽默效果,并由此阐发出深刻的主题思想。笔者认为此作品中的幽默带有"黑色幽默"的因子,并试图以此为视角对该作品进行进一步的解读。  相似文献   

In this article, two teacher educators reflect on their experiences teaching a diversity course for preservice middle-school teachers. The first author is an African American male teacher educator, and the second author is a White female teacher educator. While the authors bring distinct experiences, backgrounds, and epistemologies to this work, both seek to prepare preservice teachers with the skills and dispositions needed to meet the needs of culturally diverse students. Including their narratives in their own words, the authors share their experiences teaching this course and make recommendations for those doing this work in their respective spaces.  相似文献   

评多丽丝·莱辛的《黑色圣母像》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多丽丝·莱辛是当代英国杰出的小说家,其早期作品大多以非洲南部为背景,运用社会现实主义的哪手法,批判了殖民者在对待种族歧视等问题上的态度.其著名的短篇小说<黑色圣母像>就是这样的一个作品.小说讲述了一位被释放的意大利战俘和一位英国上尉之间的故事.论文试图通过分析黑色圣母的象征意义和小说中人物冲突的根本原因,进而揭示文章蕴含的殖民主义和种族主义对人与人交往所造成的恶劣影响的主题意义.  相似文献   

黑人英语是美国英语中最重要的种族变体,无论在交际实践和文学创造中都有着重要的地位。本文探讨了黑人英语的起源和语言特征,并从社会语言学的角度对黑人英语的变异及使用进行了论述。  相似文献   

助动词作为汉语语法体系中数量不多的一类词,在定义、名称、词性、分类、数量等方面却无不存在争议,由此奠定了它在汉语语法体系中的特殊地位。对现代汉语助动词研究进行回顾,旨在吸收前人研究成果,从中找出其演变发展的规律,服务于汉语本体及对外汉语教学领域的助动词研究,为后续研究提供依据。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of threat assessment and management as implemented on campuses of higher education. Standards of practice and state calls for implementation are cited. An overview of some of the basic principles for threat assessment and management implementation is accompanied by examples of how they are utilized. Pitfalls inherent to threat assessment and management and suggested remedies are outlined. Finally, there is a brief introduction for the articles that follow in this special section.  相似文献   

小说集《遥远的祖父》,收入了学者作家汤吉夫先生上至20世纪80年代,下至本世纪初的许多重要作品。在这些题材不同、风格迥异的作品中,我们可以清楚地看到汤先生这些年来在小说创作道路上孜孜不倦的辛勤探索。汤氏小说的最大特点,就是其人格特征已成为其文本构成的一部分了。汤氏小说的立足点,是来自一个独立知识分子的独立思考,而与那种充当着主流意识形态布道者的所谓"介入生活",是根本对立的。就小说的心理类型而言,汤氏小说无疑是属于荣格所说的"心理学式"的。阅读汤先生的小说,我们会每时每刻都感受到那种极为强烈的人文关怀。  相似文献   

周妮 《宜春学院学报》2007,29(1):111-114
《青衣》是毕飞宇创作的一个中篇小说。在这篇小说中,作者完成了他艺术上的自我突破,在创作上再次出现一个新的标高。本文试图通过对《青衣》中三代青衣人各自的悲剧命运分析,对造成人物悲剧的原因进行阐释,以期对小说的悲剧艺术进行全面的探索。  相似文献   

Knowing something about the human brain and how it works is vital for those who engage in the educational ministry of the church. This article reviews several resources providing important information about the brain, including insight as to the ways in which this information connects with teaching and learning practice in the church. Focusing on works that are accessible and useful for those not trained in the language and framework of the neurosciences, the article seeks to aid religious educators in expanding their knowledge about brain-compatible learning.  相似文献   

加拿大女作家玛格丽特.阿特伍德的最新力作《羚羊与秧鸡》具有深厚的生态关怀意识。小说以黑色幽默的艺术手法,深刻批判了人类对自然的疯狂掠夺和盲目破坏。拟从冷峻幽默的叙述风格及滑稽歪斜的人物形象两个方面,来探析黑色幽默艺术手法对生态灾难图景和文明末日景象的深刻揭示与反思。  相似文献   

教学理应成为一种道德事业。教师需要努力成为自觉的教育者。教师自身的师德作为自觉教育者的组成部分,不仅是教学工作的前提,而且也是一种教育资源。提高教师师德水平,除了需要改善整个教育生态以外,还主要依赖于教师的理性自觉。教师个人需要不断提升理论素养,加强实践练习,树立正确教育信念。  相似文献   

This article discusses the application of Shulman's “signature pedagogies” through the utilization of films for preservice teachers and school leaders in Singapore. Using the films Dead Poets Society and Ahead of the Class, this article explains how these films facilitated the participants' engagement with the surface, deep, and implicit structures of education. In the process, they applied critical thinking by arriving at criteria-based and context-appropriate judgments reflectively. The research findings reveal two broad themes. First, the educators were cognizant of the key issues, opportunities, constraints, and obstacles in teaching and school leadership. Second, they appreciated the importance of adopting situated teaching and leadership approaches to cater to the needs of various educational stakeholders. This study highlights critical thinking as a sociocultural practice where the educators (re)interpreted the films through their cultural lenses and drew on local resources and logics to deal with the challenges in teaching and the school contexts.  相似文献   

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