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杨思颖 《亚太教育》2019,(12):97-97
藏书票是一种具有实用和审美双重特点的艺术品。湘美版四年级美术教材选入藏书票作为教学内容,旨在让学生欣赏藏书票及版画的艺术形式,教学生学会运用绘画或版画等形式制作藏书票,并让学生从中体验到美术及审美的乐趣,从而提高学生的综合素养。本文分析了藏书票的意义和作用,提出了几点藏书票课堂教学理念,并讨论了藏书票教学的策略。  相似文献   

藏书票不仅和书籍有着密切的联系,也是版画艺术的表现形式。这类版画制作的藏书票由于与书有关,所以非常适合成为中小学生艺术学习的形式,同时也能对学生进行读书、爱书、藏书以及情感交流的培养。因此,在小学开展藏书票教学活动对学生综合素质的提高具有重要意义。  相似文献   

赵丽宏 《新读写》2012,(7):45-46
藏书票可以算美术作品中一个独立的门类。一张小小的藏书票上,有形象,有色彩,有独到的意境,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,一张藏书票,就是一幅微型的画。因为小,藏书票上的图案和形象大多很简洁,  相似文献   

书是人类进步的阶梯,制作藏书票,使用藏书票,爱书读书应该成为人们生活中一项重要的内容,由于藏书票图文并茂、材料广泛易找、形式美感强烈、内容简约、还可以妆点生活,深受学生的喜爱,在学生中开展藏书票的制作,很受欢迎。  相似文献   

在小学美术教学中,教师可以引导学生创作藏书票。通过藏书票的创作,萌发学生创意、激发学生创想、导引学生创行。可以引导学生有声有色地"手绘",可以引导学生有滋有味地"木刻",可以引导学生有虚有实地"设计"。通过藏书票的创作,培养学生感知美、理解美、发现美、创造美。  相似文献   

藏书票是一种微型版画艺术,是爱书人喜欢的藏品,具有独特的实用价值和艺术欣赏价值。它贴在书籍扉页上的藏书标记,是一种特殊的艺术语言,它画面小,内容却包罗万象,激发儿童读书、爱书、藏书的热情。在藏书票教学中,有趣的故事是启发学生生长的源泉,教师利用绘本、寓言故事,让学生感受故事的画面情境,让故事在藏书票画面之间呈现,浸润多彩童年,寻找藏书票与其他学科之间的联系,在校本课程建构创意实践的学习策略,重点突出了藏书票中儿童创意实践的素养。  相似文献   

毕业设计是高等工科院校一个重要的、必不可少的实践教学环节。它既是学生全面综合运用所学知识和技能,解决某一工程具体问题的一项尝试,也是学生走上工作岗位前的一次“实践演习”。通过毕业设计能使学生得到基本的工程设计训练和培养初步研究能力,了解工程设计的一般程序和方法,提高独立分  相似文献   

融洽的师生关系是师生充分交流的基础上形成的.在学校中,师生交流主要是在课堂上进行的.而在藏书票课堂中,我们可以利用藏书票的制作和交流的特殊性,以增进师生间的互爱情感,也在一定程度上使学生的人际交往能力都有所提高.  相似文献   

本文分析了原有的钳工教学实习方法中的问题,介绍了由学生自己设计零、组件,自编工艺,自行独立制作的创新型钳工教学实习方法,调动了学生的主观能动性,使学生分析问题、解决问题和创新能力等综合素质得到了较大提高。  相似文献   

开发学生潜能是素质教育的内在必然要求。素质教育是提高学生综合素质的教育方式,素质教育要求在重视学生学业的同时,更加注重每个学生的品质、情感、个人条件及特长、应变能力、生活能力、独立意识、竞争意识及个人价值等方面的全面提高,使学生在德智体美劳等各方面全面得到发展。而开发学生的潜能,就是充分肯定和承认任何一个学生都具有多方面无限发展的潜能,并通过科学的教育方法,努力开发和培养这些潜能,使学生自由健康地成长和全面发展,早日成为各行各业的高素质人才。开发学生潜能是与素质教育要求完全相吻合的,是素质教育的…  相似文献   

藏书票是图书主人的标志,它是贴在图书扉页上的文图并茂的艺术品,是一种高雅的艺术形式.其在国外文化圈中一直流传,但中国文化人却知之甚少.除了具有一定的实用价值外,它的艺术价值主要体现在艺术的独特性、表现形式的多样性、赏心悦目的美感、文化的交流性与人文精神的寄托与表现.  相似文献   

Albeit growing in number, lesbian mothers and their children remain a statistical minority in schools. Lesbian mothers in this study described their families as “normal” or “just like any other family.” From the perspective of queer theory, normal is a socially constructed and insidious concept. This study analyzes both the strategies participants used to be recognized as normal in their children's schools and the reasons such recognition was perceived to be important by participants.  相似文献   

The past decades saw a rise in internationalised education in Europe. Based on case studies at Dutch schools, I argue that the introduction of this type of education can be understood by the increased need for schools to adapt to the social reproduction strategies of privileged social classes. School managers regard internationalised streams as a way to counter a decline of pupils or as a strategy to improve an already secure position. In both cases, they resisted protesting staff in their efforts to establish an exclusive image of their internationalised stream. I argue that school managers’ inclination to emphasise the exclusive and ‘high‐quality’ profile of their internationalised streams and their propensity to celebrate the abilities of their pupils stem from their competitive engagement with local education markets.  相似文献   

体育是整个学校教育的重要组成部分,而体育教学是学校体育的基本形式.体育教学与其他学科一样,必须把育人这一根本任务寓于教学之中,它既担负着传授知识的任务,又担负着向学生进行思想教育的任务,从而使学生掌握体育知识、技能,增强体质,促进身心和谐发展,同时培养良好的思想品德.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the experiences of mothers of young adults with Down syndrome as their daughters and sons transition from schooling to adult life. These transitions occurred in a society shaped by neo-liberal political reform that commenced in the mid-1980s. The hallmarks of education are now expressed in terms of national achievement standards, aligned with the goals of economic gain, and efficiency in government services. In this climate being called disabled is a bad thing. For the mothers participating in this research, the roles and tasks associated with disability created a map of expectation for themselves and their children. Speaking with authority and reclaiming control so as to undertake their role in the longer term was to be as much a part of the transition from school as were the changes experienced by their daughters and sons. The shortcomings identified through the mothers' narratives signal a need for clarity and cohesion in professional and support processes for their disabled family members. The position is offered that the potential of the secondary school as a place for school-linked service integration and support warrants consideration. Understanding the value and impact of outcomes this model brings for a wide range of vulnerable school leavers would enhance the efforts around individuals such as those whose transition is discussed in this article.  相似文献   

To open a window into perceptions entailed in the professional world view of special education teacher trainees, three research questions were developed: (a) What are their motives for joining the profession? (b) How do they perceive the role of the special education teacher? and (c) What are their expectations from teacher training? The research was carried out using a qualitative approach. Ninety-three students about to begin their professional training in special education in an Israeli teacher-training college completed a questionnaire consisting of five open questions. The data were analyzed according to the grounded theory approach. The research findings showed that the trainees chose special education because they wanted to belong to a group of teachers perceived as the most ethical; one that considers its mission to help ‘vulnerable’ individuals, mold their characters, and ‘have an impact on society.’ The role of special education teachers was perceived mainly as caring for students and their parents; the trainees expected that during their training, they would become completely familiar with the range of disabilities and how to deal with them, as well as learn about themselves and strengthen their teaching skills. The world of special education was perceived as ‘mysterious,’ having a high moral standing; as a closed profession, in that relations are limited to teacher, child, and parents; but with a spiritual aspect. The professional world of special education as perceived by the teacher trainees was different than that actually waiting for them, and for which teacher training institutes must prepare them.  相似文献   

对我国现今农村"留守孩"教育问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"留守孩"是指父母双方或一方在外打工而留守在家乡并需要其他亲人照顾的年龄在16岁以下的孩子。这些孩子往往缺乏家庭教育和学校教育,心理上容易"感情饥饿"。为此,应进一步加强家庭教育,充分发挥学校教育的功能和作用,突出社会教育的重要性,保障他们接受义务教育的权利,使其健康成长。  相似文献   

As intercultural competence among young people is one of the educational missions at European schools, teachers should themselves be able to deal constructively with cultural diversity, as well as encouraging and shaping intercultural learning processes in their classes. This article focuses on the intercultural competence of physical education teachers. ‘Intercultural competence’, often used as a ‘container term’, will be theoretically founded in reference to the challenges physical education teachers meet. Based on these theoretical assumptions, a special education course was developed and conducted with physical education teachers to further their intercultural competence. With a mixed-method approach, i.e., a systematic interlocking of qualitative and quantitative data, the efficiency of the course has been empirically proved: knowledge competence and methods competence as sub-competencies of intercultural competence are enhanced while educational beliefs and acculturation attitudes as performance indicators are changed.  相似文献   

Despite patient demand for sexual health discussions with their physicians, sexuality instruction in residency is often lacking. This exploratory quantitative study assessed the amount and usefulness of sexuality instruction received by a sample of medical residents, as well as the residents' self-perceived readiness regarding addressing sexuality issues. Data were obtained through a self-administered survey with 130 resident respondents. The majority reported receiving little/no formal sexuality instruction. Many indicated that additional sexuality instruction would be useful in their practice. Although the majority reported comfort discussing sexuality, they reported rarely/never initiating these discussions. Recommendations for changes in graduate medical education programming are provided.  相似文献   

This study examines student teachers' views on their country and on National Education (NE), with the aim of promoting teachers' understanding of the need for NE. A 40-item survey was administered to 1,650 student teachers, to assess their sense of belonging, protective attitude, perceived right, ethnic tolerance and community and political involvement, as well as their perceptions of the importance and learning outcomes of NE. Significant differences were observed between the genders and between the various programme groups in terms of the student teachers' responses, suggesting the need for a more comprehensive approach to NE in initial teacher education.  相似文献   

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