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亲爱的小朋友,你能用12根火柴棒,分别摆成1个、2个、3个、4个、5个、6个、7个、10个正方形吗? 要用12根火柴棒摆出多个正方形,  相似文献   

六一儿童节到了,育红果园的社员们准备把仓库里的二千多个苹果拿来慰问孩子们。他们先把苹果10个装一袋,装到最后,缺1个,也就是最后一袋只有9个。后来他们就9个装一袋,最后还是缺1个。按8个、7个、6个、5个、4个、3个、2个装,总是缺1个。你知道从仓库里到底拿出多少苹果?  相似文献   

国家"211工程"重点建设高校上海大学是一所综合性大学,现设有22个学院、1个校管系和1个体育教学部;设有67个学士学位专业、131个硕士学位学科点、14个工程硕士领域、35个二级学科博士学位点、5个一级学科博士学位点、还有12个自增列二级学科博士点、9个博士后流动站和1个MBA授权点;拥有教育部重点学科2个、上海市优势学科4个、上海市特色学科5个;拥有1个科技部与上海市共建的国家重点实验室培育基地,1个国家体育总局体育社会科学重点研究基地。  相似文献   

雷远秉 《考试周刊》2012,(28):78-79
西师版小学数学第九册第139页有这样一道思考题:今天产的鸡蛋不超过50个。2个2个地数还剩1个,5个5个地数还剩4个,3个3个地数正好数完。鸡蛋最多有多少个?教学时我首先引导学生利用表格列举的方法找出这个数。2个2个地数还剩1个,这个数可能是5、7、9、11、13……47、49。5个5个地数还剩4个,这个数可能是9、14、19、24……44、49。3个3个地数正好数完,这个数可能是3、6、9、12……45、48。通过表格学生较易找出这个数是39。然后,我利用能被2、3、5整除的数的特征来引导学生这样  相似文献   

石河子大学拥有经济、法、教育、文、历史、理、工、农、医、管理等十大学科门类。学校下设20个学院,拥有4个博士学位授权点,52个硕士学位授权点,61个本科专业,设农业推广硕士、工程硕士、高校教师在职攻读硕士、工商管理硕士(MBA)4个专业学位授权点,1个博士后科研工作站。分别与北京大学、天津大学联合建立了北京大学新疆研究生培养基地、天津大学研究生培养基地,并设有国家大学生文化素质教育基地。现有11个农业部、自治区、兵团重点学科,3个省部共建重点实验室,1个教育部工程中心,1个兵团重点实验室,2个文科研究基地,24个研究所和研究中心,是兵团和自治区重点科研基地。  相似文献   

一、从数图形谈起引例图中共有多少个矩形?分析本题完成一件事指的是数出图中矩形的个数.可以分类完成,但要注意不重不漏.显然可以组成分别由1个、2个、3个、4个、6个、8个、9个、12个、16个小正方形组成的矩形,  相似文献   

安阳市东南营小学始建于1963年,位于安阳市文明大道中段,学校占地面积1 5600平方米,校舍建筑面积91 30平方米。建有网络教室2个、电子阅览室2个、多功能厅2个、音乐室2个、阅览室2个、美术室2个、舞蹈房2个等。  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯6月29日,为期4天的2012年全国职业院校技能大赛在天津落下帷幕。我省代表队喜创佳绩,共获一等奖22个、二等奖69个、三等奖111个,其中高职组一等奖13个、二等奖45个、三等奖68个,中职组一等奖9个、二等奖24个、三等奖43个,创历史最好成绩。  相似文献   

山东理工大学创建于1956年,是山东省重点建设的理工科大学。学科专业涵盖了工学、理学、经济学、管理学、文学、法学、历史学、教育学等8个学科门类,已逐步形成以工为主,多学科协调发展的学科专业布局。学校现有机械工程博士后科研流动站,机械工程、农业工程、化学工程与技术3个博士学位授权一级学科,21个硕士学位授权一级学科,75个本科招生专业。有2个国家工程技术研究中心、1个省级工程技术研究院、14个省级工程技术研究中心、6个省级重点实验室、11个  相似文献   

有同样大小的红、黑、白玻璃球共73个,按1个红球、2个黑球、3个白球的顺序排列着。三种颜色的玻璃球各占总数的几分之几?第68个玻璃球是什么颜色的?解:因为玻璃球是按1个红球、2个黑球、3个白球的顺序排列着,所以可以把1个红球、2个黑球、3个白球看作一组,这一组球的个数是:(1  相似文献   

This paper reports on qualitative data that focus on the educational strategies of middle-class parents of Black Caribbean heritage. Drawing on Bourdieu’s key concepts of habitus, capital and field, our focus is an investigation of the differences that are apparent between respondent parents in their levels of involvement with regard to schools. We conclude that, within a broadly similar paradigm of active involvement with and monitoring of schools, nuanced differences in parental strategising reflect whether academic achievement is given absolute priority within the home. This, in turn, reflects differential family habitus, and differential possession and activation of capitals.  相似文献   


Despite the widespread promotion of the global school, it remains unclear as to how citizenship education (global citizenship education, GCE) is developed. Educational bodies such as UNESCO, Oxfam, and the International Baccalaureate are in the full throws of developing models for GCE yet questions remain as to how such a sweeping notion might take effect. Educational frameworks replete with theoretical, political, pedagogical, and methodological conundrums permeate much global education discourse. Modes of GCE thinking range from post-colonial perspective, critical perspectives, postmodernism as well as an oratory utopianism. This article presents an alternate model of GCE promoting both technology and art as complicit in the exacting of a multifaceted GCE. The balancing of art and technology, as demonstrated, presents an ontological stance that acts as a foundation for the Proto-Global Citizen or ‘Weltburger’. This article aims to support educators seeking a further means of conceptualising GCE embodying diversification while embracing a GCE consciousness. Furthermore, the development of GCE through art and technology creates an opportunity for educators to realign disciplinary focus in light of the increasing incentive for schools to ‘go global’.  相似文献   

Becoming connected,being caring   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper highlights perspectives on action research in education, health and social care and was originally presented as a keynote at the International Practitioner Research Conference and Collaborative Action Research Conference in 2005. The paper links with the other conference keynote given by Stephen Kemmis, co‐author of Becoming Critical. It reflects on the importance of Being Caring in action research in the context of health and social care; particularly in relation to emotionally supporting practitioners to improve their practice in settings which do not always welcome more emancipatory or critical approaches often used in education. The paper begins by exploring the nature of practitioner research and action research in health and social care and its links with quality. It argues that health and social care professionals have often drawn their methodological understanding from the literature written by colleagues in education. This literature tends to support critical and emancipatory forms of action research, which health and social care professionals have tended to adopt in an uncritical manner. Reflecting on some of the contextual constraints in health and social care, it argues that many of these factors are beyond the control of individual practitioners and suggests a need to focus on the neglected area of emotions, in addition to, contextual issues. To illustrate the usefulness of this approach an example of psychodynamically informed action research is given. The paper concludes that in the quest to be critical, practitioner researchers/action researchers in education, health and social care may be ignoring the emotional contexts in which they work. It suggests that being caring may be the key to being critical.  相似文献   

Becoming more scholarly can be challenging for many in the academy, including for those transitioning from professional roles. This paper presents the initial findings of an ongoing action research project that set out to explore and develop aspects of identity among a group of Australian occupational therapy academics. Thirteen participants committed to collaboratively address a personal desire to become more scholarly and an institutional demand to be more productive in relation to research and publication. Through this first phase of an action research process, participants explored and qualitatively defined issues impacting on their occupation. Emergent themes that were explored using an occupational lens incorporating: doing, being, becoming and belonging, highlight identity confusion and regression, mixed perceptions about the comfort and camouflage of teaching and participants' desires to become and be more scholarly. Taking an occupational lens adds to the identity conversation, illuminating how doing within a supportive group nurtures belonging, being and becoming. Our findings, of relevance to academics following non-traditional pathways into the academy, suggest optimism around using action research for the active cultivation of scholarship and occupational theory to understand how academic identity may be developed within a supportive group.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the participation of secondary school teachers in a U.S. science education curriculum reform effort. All participating teachers agreed to implement the curriculum in their classrooms; however, the level at which it was implemented varied significantly among teachers. This article reviews the available perspectives used to account for the behavior of these teachers—reliance on a knowledge base, practical reasoning and reflective practice, and sociocultural views—and argues they are incomplete. A fourth perspective is developed in which teaching is viewed as a way of being and teachers as meaning makers immersed in educational situations. The remainder of the article is a cross‐case analysis of two teachers' use of the curriculum as seen from each of these perspectives on teaching. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 39: 1032–1055, 2002  相似文献   

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