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朱乐 《中国传媒科技》2012,(14):110-111
主持人作为媒体和大众之间的双向传播、交流媒介,是否具有较高的临场应变能力、是否能巧妙、有效的化解各种突发情况,对于节目质量、媒体形象都有很大影响,同时这也是一个主持人的素质能力、个人魅力的体现.针对主持人临场应变能力的作用和心理素质等方面的问题,提出探讨性的看法与意见.  相似文献   

一、毛泽东——在延安的一次演讲会上,毛泽东给大家发表了很长时间的演讲。当演讲接近结束的时候,毛泽东想抽烟,从口袋里掏出一盒香烟,用手指在里面慢慢地掏摸.但掏了半天也不见掏出一支烟来.似乎是抽光了。有关人员十分着急,因为毛泽东烟瘾很大,于是有人立即动身去取烟。  相似文献   

本文结合实例,分析阐述了节目主持人在直播过程中,面对突发情况的临场妥善应对的重要意义,探讨了沉着冷静、处变不惊;机智幽默、得体有效;善解人意、联想解围的应对方法和培养应对能力的途径。  相似文献   

陈晶 《新闻窗》2011,(3):74-75
所谓"临场创作状态",是指播音员的话筒前创作状态和镜头前创作状态。这是全部播音创作成败攸关的关键一环。对这点无论是从事播音工作多年的老播音员还是刚刚迈入播音行业的新播音员都是感受颇深的。那么怎样才能拥有一个正确的临场创作状态呢?  相似文献   

传媒法制报道的三个理论问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁衡 《当代传播》2007,(3):65-66
在构建和谐社会进程中,无论从法制建设还是从宣传工作角度,法制新闻宣传越来越重要.全国有不少专门的法制报刊,电台、电视台也都有法制栏目.学法普法、宣传法治成绩明显.现在大家不甚满意的是:节目展现犯罪过程,难免有教唆的负效应.  相似文献   

文章提出,分化论与融合论、技术维度与内容维度、科学性与价值性三个理论问题.提出分化论揭示的是事物发展的自然规律,融合论揭示的是技术创新的规律,媒体发展是分化论和融合论的辩证统一.技术维度表明媒体在新技术推动下不断发展,但不能代替内容至上,对内弘扬正能量,对外维护中国文化的完整性是媒体永恒的社会责任.媒体的科学性强调内容的整体真实性,媒体的价值性要处理好“一”与“多”的关系,二者要达到合规律性与合目的性的统一.  相似文献   

界定社会新闻,应视其是否关注普通民众的生活状态和精神状态,它的出现填补了以普通公众为主角的新闻报道的缺失。由于社会新闻是站在民众的生存、生活角度,从民生视角去观察和分析社会现象、社会问题,因此它的实质,是科学发展观的核心——以人为本理念在新闻领域的具体表现。  相似文献   

刘扬 《新闻传播》2007,(5):36-37
作为一个城市主流媒体的地方党报,其版面上任何一条新闻报道都或显现或隐态地传达着一个共同的主旋律,如果说,版向上的时政要闻、教育、财经以及农村报道能让读者一目了然知道党和政府近一阶段的工作方针,那么版面上的社会新闻报道则是在反映社会生活方面的“故事”中,来完成党报社会新闻所承担的“社会预警”功能。  相似文献   

Research on the mere presence hypothesis shows mixed findings for the effects of cell phone presence on various conversation outcomes. The current study performed a partial replication of Przybylski and Weinstein’s (2013) study, which showed that strangers were likely to report lower levels of relational quality and empathy (among other variables) when a cell phone was placed in their view, particularly when their conversations were rated as meaningful. The results of the current study failed to replicate Przybylski and Weinstein’s (2013) findings, because cell phone presence did not significantly influence relational quality or empathy, nor was meaningfulness a moderator of cell phone presence on conversation outcomes. Changing norms in cell phone usage and competing explanations for cell phone effects are explored as possible explanations for the failure to replicate.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):205-231
Scholars emphasize the importance of rich communication media for the development of Teleworkers' organizational identification, but tests of these relationships have produced inconsistent results. The connectivity paradox helps explain these findings. The paradox suggests that Teleworkers' connectivity to others through communication media facilitates remote work by affording greater social presence, while also negating the benefits of telework by enabling stressful interruptions. These outcomes of connectivity may benefit and detract from identification. We propose a model linking the core features of the connectivity paradox to organizational identification. Teleworkers and office workers were surveyed, and a multigroup path analysis was utilized. Results indicate that connectivity increases stress from interruptions and indirectly diminishes Teleworkers' identification.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):511-534
The study reported here explored the social dimension of health-related blogs by examining blogging as a means to marshal social support and, as a result, achieve some of the health benefits associated with supportive communication. A total of 121 individuals who author a blog dedicated to their experience living with a specific health condition completed the study questionnaire. The number of blog posts made by respondents and proportion of posts with reader comments were positively associated with perceived social support from blog readers. The relationship between blog reader support and two outcomes related to well-being depended upon the support available in bloggers' strong-tie relationships with family and friends. Consistent with the social compensation (i.e., “poor get richer”) perspective, blog reader support was negatively associated with loneliness and positively associated with personal growth when support in strong-tie relationships was relatively lacking.  相似文献   

While much research documents the influence of self-efficacy on enactment of health behaviors, relatively less attention has been given to the factors that influence self-efficacy. To enhance our understanding of the various sources of self-efficacy, this study integrated social identity theory into this context and proposed and tested a model, which describes a process through which social identity can influence self-efficacy of engaging in health-related behaviors. Consistent with the proposed meditational model, the findings showed that individuals who had stronger social identity with a given social group perceived greater social support from the group, which in turn predicted higher self-efficacy of engaging in a health-related behavior advocated by the group, and ultimately predicted greater behavioral intention. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

图书馆正日渐成为以读者学习、吸收和利用知识为中心的社会智能机构。论文阐述了图书馆成为社会智能机构的演变历史及其本质特征。  相似文献   

社会性媒介使用与隐私意识法律化原则探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术赋权的社会性媒介作为社会结构的功能性元素,其"社会性"媒介使用特质的彰显应以隐私保护的理性认知与适度、合理限制为条件。隐私意识法律化需考虑:个人信息与事项是否关涉人格尊严,私情信息属违背道德或是违法犯罪行为,私人信息与事项是否属于共同隐私,私人行为是发生在公开场合以及公开私人信息是否属于善意且不得已。网络运营商作为"善良管理人",法律应遵循公正原则赋予其合理责任与监管义务。  相似文献   

新闻记者的职责就是为受众提供事实的报道,而新闻采访中情境的不确定性和时间的局限性使记者的新闻选择与价值判断成为一种特殊的决策。本文试图探索影响新闻记者新闻选择和价值判断基本过程的社会心理因素,以改进我们对新闻决策过程的理解,提升新闻报道的质量和水平。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between faculty workplace bullying with graduate students’ burnout and organizational citizenship behaviors. Graduate students (N = 272) completed a self-report questionnaire measuring the degree to which faculty bully them at work (i.e., through belittlement, punishment, managerial misconduct, exclusion) along with reports of their student burnout (i.e., exhaustion, cynicism, professional efficacy) and use of organizational citizenship behaviors (i.e., helping, civic virtue, sportsmanship). Results of canonical correlations revealed that faculty bullying was related positively to graduate student burnout and was related inversely to organizational citizenship behaviors.  相似文献   

This study examines the use of subjective camera, and its impact on fans’ and nonfans’ experience of presence and subjective evaluations of play. In a mixed-measures experiment, high, moderate, and low sports fans viewed 16 plays from a college football game shown via either subjective or objective camera. The study found that plays viewed through the subjective camera elicited a significantly greater sense of spatial presence as well as presence as engagement. Presence also varied as a function of participants’ degree of fanship. Subjective evaluations of game play were also a function of sports fanship.  相似文献   

“U-JAPAN”计划是日本在建设知识创造型社会的背景下提出的,主要对四大领域(网络信息基础设施、ICT在社会各行业的运用、信息技术安全和国际战略)制订了目标、策略和措施.该计划的实施让日本的经济、社会发生了巨大的变化,在ICT基础设施、物联网、电子政府、医疗等领域取得了一系列成就.  相似文献   

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