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本文是新世纪第四届新闻评论高层论坛主题发言的摘要。论坛围绕社会转型中的新闻评论这一主题,对转型中国中的新闻评论的变化、角色、功能、规范,以及新闻评论教育等诸多话题进行了深入研讨。  相似文献   

社会转型中的新闻评论——2011年中国新闻评论回眸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"社会转型中的新闻评论"是2011年召开的"新世纪第四届新闻评论高层论坛"的主题。毋庸置疑,社会转型是当下中国社会最根本的特色。社会政治、经济、文化的转型带动了社会各个领域的发展,无论是理论还是实践,无论是自然科学还是人  相似文献   

新闻评论中还有一种地位更重要的事实,那就是等待着分析与判断的新闻事实,它是新闻评论的对象。  相似文献   

新闻评论与新闻诽谤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔新生 《新闻记者》2007,(10):77-78
台北市地方法院2007年8月28日作出一项判决:新闻媒体从业者胡忠信诽谤陈水扁之女陈幸妤罪名不成立。该案缘由是,2005年10月中旬,胡忠信在电视评论节目中,指责原告"前往美国开户,疑似洗钱"。台北市地方法院认为,该言论为新闻评论和意见表达,不是陈述"确定有开户"的事实。法院认为,是否构成诽谤罪,必须探究被告在主观上有没有相当理由确信所  相似文献   

冯叶 《新闻爱好者》2011,(15):84-85
社会转型时期,价值多元化导致的价值冲突是转型社会最显著的特点,媒体关注与报道的社会问题日益呈现出更复杂的特征。本文以《南方都市报》2010年5月间发表的评论文章为研究样本,通过对"富士康跳楼"事件引发的一系列评论进行分析,希望为转型社会中的新闻评论如何更好地发挥作用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

新闻评论是报纸上一种很重要的、战斗性强的文体。 从广义上讲,新闻评论包括社论、评论员文章、编辑部文章、评论、专论、短论、短评、小言论、杂文、小品文、影评、书评、观察家评论等等,是报刊言论的总称。在这个大家族中,杂文以其鲜明的个性和极强的战斗性,赢得了众多读者的喜爱,也越来越得到编辑的青睐。很多报纸都开辟了固定的杂文专栏。 要想办好杂文专栏,首先应当搞清杂文的基本特征,了解杂文的自身规律,正所谓知水性者善泳。如果按“论”的范畴,杂文的基本特征主要有以下几点: 一是吸收了新闻的特质,包含着某种具有当代…  相似文献   

张国平 《新闻世界》2012,(11):10-11
新闻评论是媒体的旗帜和灵魂,它代表着媒体的态度和立场,因此,新闻评论写作水平的高低直接影响着媒体的品味和形象。目前在新闻评论写作过程中还存在着一些问题,如引用材料失实、缺乏时效性、论证逻辑失范、评论立场错位等。要想写好新闻评论,首先要遵循新闻价值规律,论题要新鲜,材料要真实,同时还要论证严密,立场公正、客观,文风通俗活泼,为老百姓所喜闻乐见。  相似文献   

一般说,新闻体裁分为新闻和评论两个大的类别,而在这两种大的类别下又各有几种甚至几十种写作样式,林永年在其所著的《新闻报道形式大全》一书中,就列举了新闻报道的60种样式。而对于评论来说,传统上认为,“按照评论的样式来区分,有社论、编辑部文章、评论、评论员文章、特约评论员文章、短评、编后、编者按等等”。①但综观近十几年来的评论写作实践,面对纸质媒体上大大小小各式各样的评论专栏,人们不难发现评论这一体裁正在呈现出形式和内容上的变化。可以说,“近几年来,评论的体裁扩大了,它找到了各种令人可喜的形式……实际上我们已经可…  相似文献   

新闻评论的文风   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Decades of research on the social norms approach (SNA) has shown that informing people of how their behavior compares to their peers is an effective way to reduce risky behavior. The SNA has been particularly successful at reducing drinking on college campuses. However, one recent study may have found a way to improve upon the SNA: rank-framing messages. This study found that reframing social norms messages to show how students’ alcohol consumption ranks relative to their peers is more effective at increasing information seeking. The current study is a replication of this study. Rank-framed messages did decrease drinking behaviors but did not increase information seeking. Possible explanations and the potential merit of rank-framed social norms interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

本文考察了社会转型背景下俄罗斯新闻教育在思想观念上的新变化,综合分析了俄罗斯新闻教育所处困境。概括地讲,目前俄罗斯新闻教育思想呈现多元化、自由化、人文化、公民化特点;对国外新闻教育模式有选择地加以借鉴。新闻无学、新闻教育无用观点困扰着俄罗斯新闻教育,俄高校倡导与媒体合作的同时坚守大学之道。  相似文献   

本文通过对有关新闻失范文章的分析,间接了解到我国转型时期各阶段新闻失范行为的状况,发现我国目前正处于新闻失范行为稳定的高发状态。这种状态与我国的社会转型密切相关,是属于社会失范的范畴。而对社会转型背景的考察是分析新闻失范行为的一个基本视角。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between parental influence, peer norms, body esteem, and disordered eating intentions in a sample of incoming college freshmen women. A total of 427 incoming female college freshmen from a private university in the southeastern United States were surveyed as part of a larger study. Results indicated that body esteem moderated the relationship between parent thinness norms, parent encouragement norms, parent communicative norms, peer acceptability norms, and peer prevalence norms on disordered eating intentions. There was no significant interaction between body esteem and peer thinness norms. These results suggest that efforts to prevent disordered eating among college students should include strategies for changing normative influence, both from parents and peers.  相似文献   

转型时期我国新闻媒体及其从业者在角色期望模糊和角色领悟暧昧的状态下,本文分析了他们基于政治利益片面诉求、经济利益片面诉求以及职业利益片面诉求的角色实践,为研究我国新闻业中一些以利益诉求为主的新闻失范行为提供了一种基本分析框架。  相似文献   

In addition to individual risk factors, recent findings surrounding the effects of violent video game play have provided compelling evidence that the contextual features of games also contribute to increased outcome aggression. The current study focuses on the relationship between violent video game play and the use of gun controllers on both social norms related to aggression and real-life behavioral aggression. As predicted, both violent video game play and gun controller use were positively related to behavioral aggression. The implications of these findings are discussed along with their influence on future research in this area.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):448-470
College students' processing of alcohol, smoking, and exercise social norms messages, and related effects on judgments, attitudes toward one's own behaviors, and attitudes toward undergraduates' behaviors were examined using social norms marketing and Expectancy Violation Theory (EVT) (N=393). Receiving statistical social norms messages led to an expectancy violation of the perceived social norm (i.e., a discrepancy between the expected and actual statistic conveyed with a message). Consistent with Boster et al. (), the effect of the message discrepancy on attitudes was mediated by judgments. In accordance with social norms, when participants were provided with a statistic, the majority moved their judgments (but not their attitudes) toward the provided statistic, a result only consistent with EVT in the case of positive violations. The results have multiple implications: (1) social norms messages may work to change judgments, but do not result in consistent attitude change; (2) the process of judgment change functions similarly across message topics, as well as message types (i.e., attitudinal versus behavioral); (3) judgment change does not appear to be the main cause for attitude change upon receipt of a social norms message; and (4) a message‐based expectancy violation does not function in the same way as a violated behavioral expectation.  相似文献   

金臻庠是宁波民国报刊史上一位重要的报人。他将一生的主要时间和精力都用于报刊活动,共创立两份报纸,即《詹詹报》和《时事公报》。其中《时事公报》是宁波近代报刊史上刊行时间最长的民营报纸,是金臻庠追求独立办报的新闻理念和新闻实践活动的集中体现,也是金臻庠一生报刊活动的成功大作。  相似文献   

数字图书馆建设相关标准规范探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
论文对NISO与ISO相关标准与规范、我国数字图书馆相关标准与规范进行了较为系统的介绍,指出数字图书馆建设的瓶颈之一是国家的信息标准化程度太低,中国数字图书馆的标准化制约着数字图书馆建设.论文还进一步总结了存在的问题和努力的方向.  相似文献   

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