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富兰克林的一生充满了传奇故事,所有年轻人都应该了解——他在波士顿兜售书籍,并成为欧洲各国君主的座上宾;他被授为少将,结果却放弃了,因为他说,他决不可能成为士兵,然而他却帮助美国组建了能与训练有素的英德军队抗衡的部队.  相似文献   

通过对美国享有“国父”声誉的伟大文学家、科学家、政治家、革命家和杰出的经济家——本杰明·富兰克林及其实效个人主义的描述,论述十八世纪美国由封建宗教集体主义向资本个人主义的过度和进化以及个人主义对美国文学的影响。  相似文献   

After 10 years of interviews with professionals who work across creative and business sectors, the author has drawn together findings in this article to encourage a collapsing of silos between schools and workplaces so that educators can build on untapped expertise from professionals who work and think multimodally. This call for change involves adopting alternative, age-old models of learning such as studio pedagogy where learning is modeled and framed by professionals and then practiced and honed by learners with access to materials and resources in a designated creative, thinking, experimentation space. In this article, historical models, and existing literature on creativity, innovation and play are examined; and telling case studies are presented from interviews with 61 professionals to encourage researchers and policy-makers to adopt a studio-atelier approach to teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Rather than dwelling on why too many men don't succeed in college, trekker Karen Arnold examines the features of an experience in which many men do excel: the long hike from Georgia to Maine. Educators can learn why accomplishing this feat may be more rewarding than college.  相似文献   

Using nine Demographic and Health Surveys for the three West African countries affected by the 2013−16 Ebola epidemic, this study applies a district-level interrupted time series (ITS) design to explore the longer-term impacts of the epidemic on school attendance. It shows that, about three to four years after the crisis, attendance has returned to the long-term trend regardless of the difference in Ebola virus disease prevalence among districts. The study also shows no discernable effect on the attendance trends for children from vulnerable backgrounds. However, it suggests further areas for examination and study. This includes migration patterns, the investment of emergency relief and overseas development aid between regions, the possible role of orphan status and early marriage (for girls) as vectors for the effect of the EVD crisis on educational outcomes and learnings losses for children who were out of school for up to an entire school year.  相似文献   

许多不甘平庸的职业女性都会很好地设计自己的职业生涯,她们那张文件名为"向成功冲刺"的磁盘上存着自己无比美妙的蓝图,升职计划则是其中最辉煌美丽的一篇。但是,在职业生涯里,仅仅因为工作出色并不能够保证自己在公司里稳步提升,当她们在走向胜利的路途中为每一个或大或小的成功而欣喜时,也会因为这样那样的原因而使这个"宏伟"的计划受到阻碍……  相似文献   

Franklin is an earliest writer in American history and he is the most important writers during American colonial period. The most important works of him are Poor Richard's Almanac and his Autobiography...  相似文献   

Educational technology in Australia has seen a diverse and rich history across the various education sectors. The face of educational technology, the thinking behind the technology and the terminology used to describe the undertakings has changed considerably over time. However, a number of characteristics have remained constant. This article tells the story of educational technology in Australia over the past 30 years, tracing the ebb and flow, decline of the old and adoption of new technologies and approaches. Finally, it draws together some propositions for the future of educational technology in Australia. Innovation et re-invention : brève revue de la technologie de l'éducation en Australie. La technologie de l'éducation a connu une histoire variée et riche dans des secteurs d'éducation variés. La nature de la technologie de l'éducation et la terminologie utilisée pour décrire les initiatives ont changé considérablement au cours des années. Cependant un certain nombre de caractéristiques sont demeurées constantes - cet article décrit les 30 derniers années retracant le flux et reflux, le déclin des veilles technologies et l'adoption de nouvelles ainsi que de nouvelles approches. Finalement il regroupe des propositions pour l'avenir de la technologie de l'éducation en Australie. Innovation und Wiederentdeckung : die Entwicklung der Bildungstechnologien in Australien. Die Unterrichtstechnologie in Australien hat eine reiche Tradition in den vielfältigen Bildungsangeboten. Die Beschaffenheit der Technologie, das damit verbundene technische Denken und die Terminologie, die benutzt wurde um die Vorgänge zu erläutern, haben sich inzwischen verändert, aber gewisse Eigenheiten sind geblieben. Dieser Artikel berichtet über die Entwicklung der Bildungstechnologie in Australien während der letzten 30 Jahre, dem Auf und Ab, dem Untergang alter und die Einführung neuer Technologien und ihrer Anwendungen. Daraus ergeben sich zwei Vorschläge für die Bildungstechnologie der Zukunft in Australien.  相似文献   

秦凤岗 《高中生》2011,(1):22-23
空间几何体的体积 例1若某空间几何体的三视图如图1所示.则该几何体的体积是  相似文献   

She is the Director of SDSU's Children's Literature Circle, and has written four children's books, one going into its third edition.  相似文献   

Ever since Peter Drucker called many conventional management practices into question because of a shift to knowledge work, managers and executives have been trying to figure out how to manage knowledge workers. The short answer is that the only one who can really manage your performance is you. This article explains why and points to some ways that you can manage your own performance and influence the performance of others.  相似文献   

眼睛:眼睛深陷的人性格内敛。眼睛距离近的人性格保守且非常自醒。凸眼睛的人忠诚,眼睛大的人热情,眼睛小的人深藏不露,不够坦率。嘴:上唇厚的人充满爱心,给予的爱比需求的爱多。下嘴唇厚的人则需要更多的爱。脸形:圆脸的人爱幻想,方脸的人意志坚强,长脸的人天生注定会成功。鼻子:鼻子宽大,鼻翼鼓出是傲慢的象征,而扁鼻子意味着你缺乏自信。小鼻子的人胆怯害羞。鼻子上翘是缺乏耐烦的表示,鼻子下勾则表明你充满激情。Eyes:People with deep-set eyes are withdrawn,those with close-set eyes are reserved or self-conscious and those wi…  相似文献   

教育中,究竟是什么在妨碍创造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育中有各种各样的因素在妨碍创造,但根本的原因在于权力的滥用,包括国家权力的直接强势干预、教育规训权力的控制和知识权力的压制。因此,只有清算权力滥用机制,才能从根本上改善创造的环境条件。  相似文献   

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