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We conducted the present study to investigate whether college students adjust their study strategies to meet the cognitive demands of testing, a metacognitive self-regulatory skill. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two testing conditions. In one condition we told participants to study for a test that required deep-level cognitive processing and in the other to study for a test that required surface-level cognitive processing. Results suggested that college students adjust their study strategies so that they are in line with the cognitive processing demands of tests and that performance is mediated by the study strategies that are used.Margaret E. Ross is an Associate Professor of Educational Measurement and Statistics at Auburn University. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Kansas. Her research interests include the role assessment plays in influencing student learning strategies, assessment issues and policy, and educational program evaluation. Samuel B. Green is a Professor in the Educational Psychology Department at Arizona State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Measurement and Individual Differences Psychology from the University of Georgia. His research focuses on statistical procedures. Jill Salisbury-Glennon is an Associate Professor teaching Educational Psychology courses at Auburn University. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Pennsylvania. Research interests include college student self-regulation, metacognition, and motivation. Nona Tollefson recently passed away. She was a Professor of Psychology and Research in Education at the University of Kansas and held a Ph.D. from Purdue University. Her research focused on student assessment  相似文献   

In order to bridge the existing gap between biology curricula and students’ interests in biology, a strategy for identifying students’ interest based on their questions and integrating them into the curriculum was developed. To characterize the level of generalizability of students’ science interests over 600 high school students from Portugal, Turkey, England and Israel, who chose biology as an advanced subject, their interest level was ranked in 36 questions that were originally raised by Israeli students. Results indicate that students from four different countries show interest in similar science questions. The most intriguing questions were the ones that dealt with human health and new developments in reproduction and genetics. Religious affiliation had the strongest effect on students’ interest level, followed by national affiliation and gender. The findings suggest that students’ interest in one context is relevant to the development of interest-based learning materials in a different context. However, despite these similarities, cultural and sociological differences need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

通过学生对四川民族学院公共体育选项教学模式的认知态度、兴趣趋向性、项目的选择方面进行随机抽样调查;对师资队伍状况与发展方向进行分析。结果表明:有75%的学生认为有必要继续开设体育选项课;学生的兴趣趋向依次为休闲娱乐性、竞技性、健美性和健身性;学生选项排列在前三项的依次为羽毛球、乒乓球、健美操;学生在第三学期的选项中存在随意、轻率等现象。教师队伍呈年轻化,职称结构趋于合理,专业特点集中于球类、健美操,高学历人才匮乏,应把更多的精力投入到体育教学理念和教学方法的研究与实践上。  相似文献   

通过对884名大学生进行的调查表明:大学生职业兴趣更多倾向于经营型和权力型,较少倾向于研究型和现实型。大学生职业兴趣类型在性别、年级、专业和地区上差异显著,且在性别与专业上存在交互作用。  相似文献   

Interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has lately received attention in research due to a gap between the number of STEM students and the needs of the labour market. As interest seems to be one of the most important factors in deciding what to study, we focus in the present study on how STEM-interested students weigh multiple interests in making educational choices. A questionnaire with both open-ended and closed-ended items was administered to 91 STEM-interested students enrolled in a STEM programme of a Dutch University for secondary school students. Results indicate that students find it important that a study programme allows them to pursue multiple interests. Some students pursued multiple interests by choosing to enrol in two programmes at the same time. Most students chose one programme that enabled them to combine multiple interests. Combinations of pursued interests were dependent on the disciplinary range of interests of students. Students who were interested in diverse domains combined interests in an educational programme across academic and non-academic domains, whilst students who were mainly interested in STEM combined only STEM-focused interests. Together these findings stress the importance of taking a multiple interest perspective on interest development and educational choice.  相似文献   

This study explored why mastery-based achievement goals often are unrelated to class grades despite promoting deep learning strategies and high course interest. We hypothesized that mastery-oriented students jeopardize their exam performance by allowing their individual interests to dictate their study efforts such that they neglect boring topics in favor of preferred ones. General Psychology students (N = 260) reported their achievement goals, interest in the course material, and usage of various study strategies. Supporting the hypothesis, path analysis showed that mastery-oriented students allocated their study efforts disproportionately to the personally interesting material, and this in turn predicted low grades in the class. Performance-oriented students did not show this pattern. Theoretical implications and new research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从心理学角度,分析挫伤学生学习积极性的因素,提出激发学生学习积极性的具体办法,旨在使教师面向全体学生,积极实践素质教育的思想,改革教学方法和教学模式。激发学生学习的积极性。引导学生“学会学习”,从而培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。  相似文献   

Consistency among the objectives, learning activities, and assessment exercises results in aligned courses, which give students direction and clarity and yield increased learning. However, instructors may not check for course alignment. This article describes a concrete way to determine course alignment by plotting the course components on a table using the cognitive process levels from a revised taxonomy of learning objectives. Once instructors realize that courses are misaligned, they can make adjustments. By giving students experience with varied types of knowledge, which is the other part of this taxonomy, they also learn more. The types of knowledge include factual, conceptual, procedural, and meta-cognitive knowledge. Phyllis Blumberg received her A.B. in Psychology from Washington College (MD), her M.A. and Ph.D. both in educational and developmental psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. She is a Professor and Director of the Teaching and Learning Center at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Her research interests include learning-centered teaching, self-directed learning and problem-based learning.  相似文献   

The Curriculum Committee of the General College (GC) at the University of Minnesota selected the ACT Objective Test to assess general educational outcomes, educational gains, and to provide an individual assessment of academic achievement for graduating Associate of Arts degree candidates.Data analyses to assess general educational outcomes revealed that GC Associate of Arts degree candidates scored significantly lower than an ACT national sample on total score and four out of six subscores.Data analyses to assess educational gains revealed no significant differences between three comparison groups of GC students: Associate of Arts candidates, GC sophomores, and GC freshman; although there was a significant difference on grade-point average (GPA).Finally, data analyses to assess ethnic group performance revealed significant differences between four ethnic groups, although there were no significant differences on GPA. In addition, it was discovered that the relationship between total score and GPA was strongly positive for the Black and Caucasian groups but was negative for the Asian and Other groups.Thus, since the ACT Objective Test did not provide an adequate measure of educational gains, and it appears that the ACT Objective Test might possibly be a culturally biased instrument, it was decided to discontinue use of the ACT Objective Test in the General College after the one-year experimental period.Gloria B. Wood received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Minnesota. She teaches psychology and career planning to a predominantly nontraditional and under-prepared college population. Her research interests include: cognitive development and learning styles; the psychological and motivational variables related to academic performance; and variables related to career assessment and development.  相似文献   

Social cognitive theory guided the design of a survey to investigate high school students’ perceptions of factors affecting their career contemplations and beliefs regarding the influence of their participation in the international Science Olympiad on their subject interests and twenty-first century skills. In addition, gender differences in students’ choice of competition category were studied. Mixed methods analysis of survey returns from 172 Olympiad participants from 31 countries showed that students’ career aspirations were affected most by their teachers, personal interests, and parents, respectively. Students also indicated that they believed that their participation in the Olympiad reinforced their plan to choose a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) major at college and assisted them in developing and improving their twenty-first century skills. Furthermore, female students’ responses indicated that their project choices were less likely to be in the engineering category and more likely to be in the environment or energy categories. Findings are discussed in the light of increasing the awareness of the role and importance of Science Olympiads in STEM career choice and finding ways to attract more female students into engineering careers.  相似文献   

We investigated example choice as a new method for the teaching of formal theoretical principles. Formal principles are presented with several examples from different topics, and students choose the one that interests them most. Example choice might be related to prior knowledge, interest, or perceived control. In an experimental study, we examined the effects of degree of example choice and degree of prior knowledge on interest, perceived control, and learning outcomes in a presentation on confirmation bias. The main finding was that participants who could choose an example showed more interest in the presentation of the formal principle than participants who either were given an example by the experimenter or only saw the presentation. Control was lowest for the group without example choice and without prior knowledge. Finally, prior knowledge, but not example choice, increased performance on a transfer of knowledge task. Example choice thus offers a new approach for closing the gap between formal principles as presented at school and a student's interests.  相似文献   

There continues to be a critical shortage of school psychologist practitioners and academicians. Undergraduate students in psychology, education, and other majors (N = 674) from a large comprehensive university in the southwest completed an examiner‐made web‐based questionnaire designed to assess their attitudes and preferences for choosing graduate training in psychology. There were differences among the participants on Interest in Graduate School, Child Interests, Attitude toward Research, and Exposure to School Psychology. Psychology majors were more interested in graduate school than all other majors in the sample and were more interested in research than “other” majors. Psychology majors reported significantly less exposure to school psychology than “other” majors. Examination of the endorsement patterns of the participants indicated the following. Generally, misconceptions about school psychology were not endorsed at high levels. Sixty seven percent of the sample indicated they would attend graduate school. And 77% of the participants also endorsed items indicating they had interests in focusing on children and child related problems. The participants did specify there were some geographic restraints related to choice of graduate school. Fifty to 60% of the participants agreed they had personal qualifications which would make them highly competitive for graduate school admission. Implications for school psychology recruitment are offered.  相似文献   

近年来,实验教学在理科专业学生学习中占据的比重越来越大,而学生中对实验课缺乏足够兴趣、不重视、不认真、填虚假实验数据、抄袭他人数据甚至实验报告的现象,已经严重影响到学生实验能力的培养和实验教学质量的提高究其原因,与学生对实验教学缺乏兴趣有较大的关联,研究表明实验教学好坏对于学生实验兴趣的培养起着至关重要的作用.  相似文献   

Students’ learning has been the center of schooling. This study examined the contribution of situational interest motivation and cognitive engagement in workbooks to student achievement in learning health-related fitness knowledge. Situational interest, performance on solving workbook problems, and knowledge gain in cardio-respiratory fitness and benefits were measured in 670 third-grade students from 13 randomly selected urban elementary schools. Structural equation modeling and regression curve estimation analyses revealed that situational interest contributed little to workbook performance and knowledge gain. Performance on solving workbook problems contributed significantly to knowledge gain. The results also show that skipping workbook tasks had stronger negative impact on knowledge gain than performing the tasks incorrectly, suggesting the importance of engaging students in the learning process by attempting the workbook tasks. The findings reinforced the value of using workbooks to facilitate cognitive knowledge learning in physical education, but raised questions about the direct function of situational interest on engaging students in cognitive learning.  相似文献   

课业负担问题是其核心利益相关者国家、教师、学校、家庭和学生、出版商在具体利益目标上存在差异,这种差异引发了利益冲突,由冲突导致为了追求自身利益最大化的利益博弈。博弈的过程是多元互动的,结果是否定了学生个体综合素质的提高和发展的优质化,国家的国际竞争力不强。以制度、法律、舆论等方式和路径为协调管道,重新构建课业负担问题的核心利益相关者的分配模式,有望消解课业负担之沉疴。  相似文献   

This study addresses concerns about boys’ underperformance on literacy tasks compared to girls, by investigating male and females students’ responses to narrative texts. Participants were 142 Grade 9 and 10 students. Achievement orientations, including goals, self‐efficacy, and self‐handicapping, were measured and approach and avoidance factors identified. Boys scored higher than girls on the avoidance factor. The task presented to participants involved reading sections from two narrative texts representing typically male or typically female reading interests. Interest ratings for the narrative text topics and interest levels while reading the texts were monitored, and students’ answers to multiple‐choice questions on text content recorded. Regression analyses confirmed that the influence of gender, achievement orientation, and on‐task text interest on reading performance varied with different patterns of task interest. The findings suggest that students’ achievement orientations and task interests are both important for understanding gender differences in students’ response to narrative texts.  相似文献   


The current study focuses on the calculation and word problem-solving skill profiles at the end of middle school and their relationships to previous skills and interest in math. The sample included 818 (48% boys) Estonian students from 31 schools. Math skills, reasoning, text comprehension, and interest in math were assessed in Grade 8. Latent profile analysis was used to identify latent profiles of calculation and word problem-solving skills in Grade 9 (age 15 years). Five latent profiles were found. Results indicated that students had significantly different math and cognitive skills; however, the interest level for average and lower-achieving students was quite similar. Students with the highest skills had an exceptionally high interest in math, showing that enhancing students’ interest together with academic skills might help to reach a high level of math skills by the end of middle school.  相似文献   

This study examines perspectives of educators on the advanced placement opportunity gap for African American students. Using interviews with 11 educators from 10 high schools, we explored their perceptions regarding the impact of a local academic achievement program on the enrollment of African American students in honors and advanced placement courses. Results of the analysis suggest that there is a perceived and real gap in the participation of African American students in AP courses. Findings also revealed that educators were concerned about the lack of access for African American students to AP courses. Further, issues of belonging and operational citizenship within the school environment were raised. Recommendations for pedagogical techniques are presented as well as suggestions for future research. Jocelyn D. Taliaferro is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work at North Carolina State University. Dr. Taliaferro earned her BA degree in Psychology with minors in African American Studies and English from University of Delaware and her MSW from Howard University in Washington, D.C. She returned to University of Delaware to earn her PhD in Urban Affairs and Public Policy. Dr. Taliaferro’s teaching and research interests include African American student achievement, social policy, community development, and family support. Jessica T. DeCuir-Gunby is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at North Carolina State University, CB#7801, Raleigh, NC, 27695, USA. Dr. DeCuir-Gunby earned her BS degree with a double major in Psychology and Spanish from Louisiana State University. She earned both her MA and PhD degrees in Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia. Dr. DeCuir-Gunby’s research and theoretical interests include race and racial identity development in education, Critical Race Theory, mixed methods research, and emotions.  相似文献   

The usefulness of terminology in psychoeducational reports is examined. Students, teachers, and psychology interns rated the usefulness of 25 terms frequently found in reports. Psychology interns also rated each term on the frequency with which they used it in their own reports. Significant differences were found in the usefulness ratings of the terms, depending on major, category, and whether or not the rater had taken a special education course. Special education majors were found to be more comfortable with technical terms than were students who had prepared to be regular classroom teachers or students in other majors. Findings suggest that it is necessary to use clear, unambiguous terms in reports, and to explain more technical terms in context.  相似文献   

作为泛读课堂教学不可缺少的重要补充,泛读课外阅读学习需要关注个体学生的不同阅读兴趣与需求,帮助学生成长为具有自主阅读能力的人。必读、选读、定题读三合一泛读课外学习模式旨在改革传统大学泛读课外阅读现状,将传统的“完全教师控制”模式、“完全放任”模式转化为教师与学生商讨式的“必读、选读、定题读综合学习”模式。模式的核心在于激励学生进行主动的、自主的、有目标的课外阅读。它鼓励学生在课外阅读中的合作学习、师生之间的沟通交流。通过阅读开发学生高级思雏,并提高他们开展延展性活动的能力。其最终目标是培养学生的自主阅读意识和能力,使学生逐步掌握自主阅读所需的语言学习认知策略和自我管理元认知策略。  相似文献   

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