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今天,你的心情如何?是高兴还是沮丧?是兴奋还是低落?下面小编与大家分享一些描绘心情的词汇,你知道的还有哪些?不妨自己列一下。  相似文献   

美剧和英剧荧屏上的演员们为了饰演剧中角色,可是在口音上下了不少功夫!虽然他们的模仿水平参差不齐。但是足以迷惑我们这些观众了。一起来看看他们是如何调整口音,让我们根本没有发现的!  相似文献   

郑静静  刘露 《海外英语》2012,(11):50-51
看了这么多的电影,有没有最令你印象深刻的独自?你最喜欢的影视独白来自哪部影片?下面是小编搜罗的几段经典影视独白,不知是否能让你产生共鸣?  相似文献   

回首过往,青春往往是人们生命中最难忘却的一段。不谙世事的我们怀揣着对世界、对未来的美好愿景在成长的道路上不断向前。或许彷徨.或许迷茫,或许不安。但绝对无惧。这就是青春,虽然我们不清楚前路将会遇到怎样的风景。但是我们仍毅然央然地走下去。  相似文献   

王根荣 《海外英语》2014,(10):20-21
Someone is murdering Victorian gentlemen by tearing off their trousers in public places. Can the police catch this villain before he strikes next? And who will the next victim be? Inspector Nottingham Forest of Scotland Yard is the only man who can solve this crime. With twenty years of service in the police and another twenty years before that in Her Majesty's imperial army, he is absolutely sick and tired of working for a low wage and constantly being passed over for promotion. Inspector Forest works with his trusted sidekick Hamilton the Academical. Hamilton has a pensive, peaceful and positive approach to life and work. This puts him in a unique position to disagree with everything Inspector Forest says and does.  相似文献   

一个人认识浅薄并不可。怕,最怕就是固执己见。一个固执己见的人,就像戴着有色眼镜看世界。就像从井底窥天——道理和逻辑在他这里不起一点作用,情感和理智也不会给他造成任何影响。本文用一个朴实的小例子给我们敲响了警钟:无论在做研究的过程中,还是人生道路上,我们每个人都要在适当的时候改变自己对事物,对人的成见。秉持着客观的态度看待这个世界。  相似文献   

谢欣晨 《英语沙龙》2014,(11):63-63
残酷世界: 你好?很冒昧地给你写这封信,希望你不要介意。 纵观我22年的人生,你虽残酷,但对我也算仁慈,因而,我由衷地想对你说一声——谢谢!  相似文献   

I .Scarlett is a girl who has the spirit of rebellious
Searlett is born in plantation family of Civil War period. Although her father is not a really aristocrat, hut through he hard-working, he becomes rich. When Scarlett was born, the family is first-grade class in Georgia. In her family, her mother is mild, industry and capable. Her father seems serious. But under him serious, he is a really good-tempered father. Her Mammy who is stern, also love Scarlett deeply. Her two sisters, who have a complete different characters.  相似文献   

1.Some serious pronunciation problems in my students' phonetics and trace to their dialect
My students speak both Baoji dialect and Putonghua. Putonghua is the standard language used widely in school. But when they get home, they often speak Dialect with their parents. So both these languages influence their English phonetics. Sometimes the first language has the positive transfer, but mostly the negative. Tracing the students' pronunciation, I can roughly divide the problems into the following situations.  相似文献   

如果在职场中遇到一个喜欢挑刺或者刁难新人的老板,你会怎么办?是直接反抗还是忍气吞声?看看Brad怎么说!  相似文献   

在改革大潮中,邯郸市房地产业从无到有,从小到大,至今已经形成了一定的规模,并为邯郸市的经济发展,提高人民的生活水平,做出了应有的贡献。但是,面对着中国入世的成功,邯郸的房地产业如何去迎接世界强手带来的挑战呢?本文从树立正确的营销观念,加大政府的调控力度,激活购房活力,建立品牌化住宅等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

《邯郸记》借吕洞宾点化卢生的故事,反映了明代中晚期科举制度的黑暗和官场的腐败。剧本语言简练,结构紧凑,排场安排合理。明清时期在舞台上演出频繁,其演出具有特定的宗教文化内涵。  相似文献   

结合邯郸市天然气转换的实际情况,分析了现有焦炉煤气输配系统中各部分对天然气的适应性及改造措施,确定了输配系统的管网压力级制以及输配系统的工艺设计。  相似文献   

以151名初中生为研究对象,以消极完美主义和学习投入问卷为测量工具,考察初中生消极完美主义与学习投入的关系。结果显示:(1)初中生总体具有消极完美主义倾向,在害怕失败维度上女生得分显著高于男生。(2)初中女生在专注维度上得分显著高于男生,初二学生的活力明显高于初一和初三的学生。(3)初中生的学习投入与消极完美主义显著正相关;消极完美主义倾向越高,学习投入水平越高。  相似文献   

战国时期的邯郸是赵国的都城,秦统一后邯郸为秦代邯郸郡治,失去了往日的政治地位与影响。随着西汉社会经济的大发展,邯郸又逐步成为当时全国性的经济和文化中心城市。  相似文献   

LEARNING TO BE:The World of Education Today and Tomorrow一书自1979年翻译出版以来,以《学会生存——教育世界的今天和明天》此版本的翻译风靡一时,引起了我国教育界的广泛关注。但时至今日,笔者对LEARNING TO BE被译为学会生存仍旧存在诸多疑惑和不解。根据该书和20年之后的《教育——财富蕴藏其中》所涉内容,笔者提议LEARNING TO BE应译为学会发展。  相似文献   

历史文献中最早记载"邯郸"二字的是<国语·鲁语>中的"与邯郸胜击齐之左"和<春秋·谷梁传>中的"织絇邯郸"."邯郸"地名的形成诸说并存.张晏认为"邯郸"是由"甘单"二字从邑而来.本文认为"邯郸"一名来源于"邯(丹阝)","邯(丹阝)"源于"甘丹","甘丹"是"甘"地与"丹"地之间的地域名.大约在商代武丁时期甲骨文中就已有"甘"地之名,最晚在春秋后期已有"甘丹"之称,并写作"邯(丹阝)",战国时期继续延用,约在战国晚期"邯(丹阝)"嬗变为"邯郸".其大致演变链条为甘丹-邯(丹阝)-邯郸."甘"地在今林州市,"丹"地在今高平市.春秋战国时期随着晋国和赵氏地域范围的不断发展扩大,造成了"甘丹"范围的演变,形成了后来的邯郸."丹"字演变为"单"的原因,可能是避讳赵王丹所致.  相似文献   

汤显祖的《邯郸记》是他"临川四梦"的最后一部作品,也是历来评价所云仅次于《牡丹亭》的一部杰作。《邯郸记》铺写朝廷中军国大事,题材重大,它把汤显祖时代的官场现状指斥于舞台,它比历史更深刻、更富有哲理的地方在于,在全剧中融入了作者深沉的生命感受和人生体验,表现了对官场恶情极端的抵触与激愤。作者以出评的方式逐一进行分析评述,以期全面解读这部剧作。  相似文献   

The National Curriculum for Initial Teacher Education in English is specific and detailed about the knowledge expected of primary teachers. Shulman (1987) argued that teachers transform this sort of subject content knowledge into something accessible and meaningful to their pupils and this knowledge is described as ‘pedagogic content knowledge’. Medwell et al. (1998) found that effective literacy teachers only knew literacy in the way that they taught it. The research project underpinning this article aimed to explore student teachers' conceptions of the teaching of reading in order to find out what they thought they were teaching when they taught reading. It was thought that the personal reading histories of the students would impact on their developing conceptions of teaching reading. This article traces one student, Gordon, through the year of his PGCE course. In the form of dialogue between Gordon and the researcher developing understanding is articulated. Three different types of reading are described: decoding, making meaning and engaging. Reading is seen as a transformative process, where the reader is both within and outside the text. This has implications both for the conception of reading contained within the curriculum and the way it is implemented within the classroom. A teacher can only introduce children to experiences and ways of reading that are known to herself. It is argued, therefore, that student teachers need to extend the boundaries of their own reading and so appreciate the wide range of ways in which meaning is constructed and readers are created.  相似文献   

建设生态文明是党的十七大报告提出的全面实现建设小康社会的奋斗目标,为全面推进社会经济和环境可持续发展指明了方向。联系环保工作,结合邯郸市推进生态文明情况,对生态文明建设面临的挑战和推进生态文明建设的构想进行分析和探讨,提出笔者的拙见,以供参考之需。  相似文献   

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