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将光宇 《成才之路》2011,(2):97-I0014
有一天,美国管理学家彼得到一家邮局去寄包裹。因为邮寄东西的人比较多,邮局的工作人员有些忙不过来,有些不耐烦。透过厚厚的玻璃,彼得看到柜台里有位小伙子,一脸无精打采的样子。彼得突然心生一念,应该使这位小伙子高兴起来。他提醒自己:"要使他对顾客产生好感,  相似文献   

潘永成 《教学月刊》2000,(12):35-36
某日上午9时正,我去当地一个宾馆联系工作,无意中看到总服务台墙壁上注明北京、东京、伦敦、开罗、莫斯科、纽约钟表的时刻分别是9:00、8:00、1:30、3:00、4:00、2:00。以后凡联系工作或出差,到宾馆或邮局、车站等公共场所,我都留意此事,发现大多有问题。  相似文献   

将光宇 《成才之路》2010,(34):M0003-M0003
有一天,美国管理学家彼得到一家邮局去寄包裹。因为邮寄东西的人比较多,邮局的工作人员有些忙不过来,有些不耐烦。透过厚厚的玻璃,彼得看到柜台里有位小伙子,一脸无精打采的样子。  相似文献   

有一天,美国管理学家彼得到一家邮局去寄包裹。因为邮寄东西的人比较多,邮局的工作人员有些忙不过来,有些不耐烦。透过厚厚的玻璃,彼得看到柜台里有位小伙子,一脸无精打采的样子。  相似文献   

小灵通上午10时30分离开邮局去帮忙送信。先走了段平路,然后上山。在山上休息40分钟后,原路返回邮局。回到邮局的时间是下午2时10分。小灵通在平地的速度是12千米/时,上山的速度是10千米/时,下山的速度是15千米/时。小灵通往返共走了多少千米?  相似文献   

那一年,在挪威大选前一天,挪威西部城市桑纳讷市的邮局迎来了顾客皮尔先生。皮尔的邮件很特殊,那是一张已填好的选票,他委托邮局将这张选票邮寄到80公里外的一个小镇去。皮尔离开时特意嘱咐邮局的工作人员:请务必将选票在选举投票结束之前邮到那个小镇。邮局的员工按照皮尔的要求,马上寄出了选票,但是在选举当天上午,邮局的核线员突然接到一个电话,电话来自另一个城镇的邮局,他们说收到了一张被误寄的选票。  相似文献   

蒋光宇 《宣武教育》2007,(11):46-46
有一天.美国管理学家彼得到一家邮局去寄包裹。因为邮寄东西的人比较多.邮局的工作人员忙不过来.有些不耐烦.透过厚厚的玻璃.彼得看到柜台里有住小伙子.一脸无精打采的样子。[第一段]  相似文献   

1.The library is open on Saturday from 8:30 am to 10:00 am.星期六上午8:30到10点图书馆开门。  相似文献   

[题目]一个邮递员骑车去山上某气象站送信,他上午10时30分离开邮局,先行了一段平路,然后上山。他在山上休息40分钟后,按原路返回,下午2时10分回到邮局。已知他在平地每小时行12千米,上山每小时行10千米,下山每小时行15千米。这个邮递员往返共行了多少千米?  相似文献   

王玉华 《河北教育》2010,(10):45-46
30多年的风风雨雨,一路欢欣一路歌,一路“问号”一路情。 近几年来,我讲学从山东到北京,从北京到各地。讲了多少场不曾记过,记得最忙的几天是:2007年8月2日上午在石家庄市家长会讲,下午给全省的园长培训班讲座。连夜去济南;8月3日上午在山东师大礼堂给学生讲座,中午返青岛,  相似文献   

红山文化玉龙发现数量较多,分为兽首龙、猪首龙和鸟首龙。红山文化玉龙造型为昂首、弯背、卷尾,整体大致呈圆形,首尾相接或相对。首尾相连者呈环形;首尾之间有小缺口者呈?形;首尾之间缺口较大者呈"C"字形。使用方法是吊挂在巫师胸前。玉龙是想象的灵物,是被崇拜和祭祀的对象,是巫师通天地的法器之一。通过玉龙通天达地,达到人与神的沟通,以实现人们祈祷的目的。  相似文献   

在高等学校院系一级的教学管理中制订有关管理条例,明确教师的教学职责和任务,细化提高教学质量的措施,加大优秀教学成果的奖励和对教学违规的警示,有助于保证和提高教学质量。  相似文献   

和谐社会与当代大学生诚信建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚信是为人之本,是中华民族的传统美德,是构建和谐社会的重要基石。诚信建设对于构建和谐社会具有重大的意义。培养诚信品质是构建和谐社会对当代大学生提出的时代要求。针对当代大学生诚信缺失现象,在构建和谐社会背景下,开展大学生诚信建设应将加强诚信教育、构建良好的诚信氛围、建立健全诚信体制结合起来。  相似文献   

At a time when organizations are being structured to decrease interaction between organizational representatives and key public members, the findings from the current investigation suggest that organization‐public relationships play a role in influencing the behavioral intent of key public members. Specifically, key public members who identify themselves as in a relationship with an organization are more likely to intend to stay with that organization in the face of competition. Because self‐identification of being in a relationship with an organization can influence intended behavior, the investigation also sought to determine those relationship variables that best differentiate those who indicate they are in a relationship with the organization from those who feel they are not or are uncertain. Suggestions fin‐managing organization‐public relationships grounded in interpersonal communication strategies are provided, and arguments for measuring key public member relationship attitudes, evaluations, and intended behaviors are presented.  相似文献   

四川省营山县太蓬山有龛窟104座,造像1476身,主要集中于透明崖、东门、南门一带,开凿时代主要是唐代和宋代,清代也有零星开凿。龛窟形制多为摩崖小龛,也有个别石窟和剔地浮雕,造像题材丰富,部分龛窟有题记。  相似文献   

山水诗的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山水诗的概念,可分广狭二义。狭义的山水诗,乃诗人在描写山水景物中,集中体现其对山水自然景物之美的赞叹欣赏情感的诗,这类诗作甚少。大量的山水诗属广义的山水诗,即诗人在新临山水的过程中,将自然山水景物作为主要的表现对象,体现诗人思想情感且山水景物描写应占诗的篇幅一半以上。  相似文献   

This paper explores reasons why secondary schools with a religious character have pupil intakes that are of a higher social background and ability than their secular counterparts. We show that this is especially true across all regions in England once the characteristics of the pupils living in the local neighbourhoods are taken into account. Data from the National Pupil Database and the Longitudinal Survey of Young People in England are combined to show that likely reasons for this are complex. Parents reporting a religious affiliation are more likely to be better educated, have a higher occupational class and a higher household income. We also show that higher‐income religious families are more likely to have a child at a faith school than lower‐income religious families. Policy implications regarding the state‐funding of faith schools are discussed.  相似文献   

The writer recently spent a year as Visiting Professor of mechanical engineering at Lehigh University, Bethehem, Pa. As a result of this visit and incidental visits to other Universities and laboratories in the U. S. A. and England, some thoughts on engineering education are here set down. First, comparisons are drawn between American and British engineerinig schools, and then analyses of the curricula in civil, electrical and mechanical engineering are made in order to discover the common content. From this emerges a fairly generally accepted common core which may be used as a yardstick or norm and as a starting point for any revision. Interesting educational trends are evident, both in curricula and physical equipment. These are reviewed and suggestions as to the future are made.  相似文献   

《金瓶梅》通过直面女性的情欲使女性的生命存在获得了一种主体地位,使女性从那种不公正的扭曲中摆脱出来,这种对妇女性权利的公平正视,是人性得到尊重的一个基础。但另一方面,它也走进了一个极端,女性形象成了"情淫"的化身、"情欲"的符号。文章主要从"欲海沉沦者"和"欲海超脱者"两大类五小类来分析《金瓶梅》中的淫娃荡妇形象。  相似文献   

Large-scale educational reforms are difficult to realize and often fail. In the literature, the course of reform and problems associated with this are frequently discussed. The explanations and recommendations then provided are so diverse that it is difficult to gain a comprehensive overview of what factors are at play and how to take them into consideration. In this article, a model to provide a comprehensive framework for the analysis of educational reforms is presented. Education is conceptualized as a social system and educational reform thus as the manner in which this social system adapts to a changing context. The upper secondary education reforms undertaken in the 1990s in the Netherlands are adopted as a test case to evaluate the utility of the model. The results of the study paint a picture of educational reform as a loosely organized system of problems and solutions. The possibilities and potential limitations of the model are discussed in closing.  相似文献   

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