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职业女性面临着家庭和社会双重角色、就业、婚姻等方面的压力,有46.30%的女性处于健康危险性压力状况,已经严重危害其身心健康。经常进行体育锻炼,是压力管理策略的行为策略之一,是缓解职业女性过高心理压力的良方。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、心理量表测评法,探讨课外体育锻炼与留守初中生心理健康的现状,为促进农村学校体育工作、提高留守初中生心理健康水平提供参考。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、心理量表测评法,探讨课外体育锻炼与留守初中生心理健康的现状,为促进农村学校体育工作、提高留守初中生心理健康水平提供参考.  相似文献   

高师学生心理健康状况与体育锻炼的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用SCL-90、PARS-3对我国高师不同专业、不同层次大学生的心理健康状况及体育锻炼运动量进行了测量分析,结果表明,在被测量的423名大学生中,进行中等运动量的体育锻炼的大学生在躯体化、抑郁、焦虑、敌对性、编执、精神病性等症状方面其因子均值明显低于小运动量沐育锻炼者;大运动量者的躯体化、敌对性症状明显比中运动量者严重。因此,改变现今只在一、二年级大学生中开设体育课的传统做法,在一至四年级大学生中普遍开设中等运动量的体育课,对提高大学生的心理健康水平非常重要。  相似文献   

对浙江省大学生心理健康与体育锻炼状况的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等,对浙江省高校大学生的心理健康状况与体育锻炼现状进行了调查与研究。结果表明,浙江省高校大学生的心理健康状况令人担忧.参加体育锻炼的时间意识不强.自觉性不够,影响了大学生的身心健康,并阐述体育锻炼与心理健康的关系,为更好地提高大学生心理健康水平提供依据。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、走访调查法等,对成都市职业女性的体育行为进行剖析,调查分析现阶段成都市职业女性参与体育锻炼的现状,并总结出影响她们参与体育活动的主要因素,以改善成都市职业女性参与体育锻炼的现状,提高她们的身体素质。  相似文献   

采用文献法、问卷调查法等研究方法对河南省不同年龄段城乡居民体育锻炼开展状况进行了比较研究.结果发现,河南省不同年龄段城乡居民体育认知水平差异显著,体育锻炼动机、体育锻炼项目、体育锻炼场所、体育锻炼时间段、体育锻炼的主要形式及接受健身指导状况等也存在城乡与年龄段差异.同时对差异产生的原因及河南省城乡群众体育协调发展问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

286例下岗职工的心理健康及体育锻炼状况的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对286 例下岗职工的测试和调查分析, 得出被试者心理健康水平较低, 尤其是35- 50 岁的被试及文化水平低者更为显著。经常参加体育锻炼者比不能经常参加体育锻炼者心理健康水平高, 两者之间存在显著性差异。被试者中锻炼人口偏少, 体育锻炼认识和锻炼行为之间存在一定差距; 体育消费对于他们来说还相距甚远。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法和问卷调查法,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对滨州市民进行心理健康状况测评,应用《中国城乡居民参加体育锻炼情况调查表》调查市民的体育锻炼情况。在深入分析调查结果后,结合其他文献资料探讨了体育锻炼对市民心理健康状况的影响。结果表明,经常参加体育锻炼的市民心理健康状况明显优于不经常锻炼的市民心理健康状况;小强度不太紧张的运动项目、每天锻炼1次、每次锻炼31-59min对促进心理健康效果明显。  相似文献   

体育锻炼与心理健康   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
体育锻炼和心理健康相互影响,相互制约。体育锻炼促进心理健,心理健康有利于体育锻炼。  相似文献   

从运动对妇女骨质密度及妇女疏松症的影响方面进行文献评述,并提出了运动促进妇女骨质疏松症康复研究新建议,以期为预防和治疗骨质疏松症提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to describe the frequency, duration, and nature of repeated high-intensity exercise in Super 14 rugby union. Time-motion analysis was used during seven competition matches over the 2008 and 2009 Super 14 seasons; five players from each of four positional groups (front row forwards, back row forwards, inside backs, and outside backs) were assessed (20 players in total). A repeated high-intensity exercise bout was considered to involve three or more sprints, and/or tackles and/or scrum/ruck/maul activities within 21 s during the same passage of play. The range of repeated high-intensity exercise bouts for each group in a match was as follows: 11-18 for front row forwards, 11-21 for back row forwards, 13-18 for inside backs, and 2-11 for outside backs. The durations of the most intense repeated high-intensity exercise bouts for each position ranged from 53 s to 165 s and the minimum recovery periods between repeated high-intensity exercise bouts ranged from 25 s for the back row forwards to 64 s for the front row forwards. The present results show that repeated high-intensity exercise bouts vary in duration and activities relative to position but all players in a game will average at least 10 changes in activity in the most demanding bouts and complete at least one tackle and two sprints. The most intense periods of activity are likely to last as long as 120 s and as little as 25 s recovery may separate consecutive repeated high-intensity exercise bouts. The present findings can be used by coaches to prepare their players for the most demanding passages of play likely to be experienced in elite rugby union.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to describe the frequency, duration, and nature of repeated high-intensity exercise in Super 14 rugby union. Time–motion analysis was used during seven competition matches over the 2008 and 2009 Super 14 seasons; five players from each of four positional groups (front row forwards, back row forwards, inside backs, and outside backs) were assessed (20 players in total). A repeated high-intensity exercise bout was considered to involve three or more sprints, and/or tackles and/or scrum/ruck/maul activities within 21 s during the same passage of play. The range of repeated high-intensity exercise bouts for each group in a match was as follows: 11–18 for front row forwards, 11–21 for back row forwards, 13–18 for inside backs, and 2–11 for outside backs. The durations of the most intense repeated high-intensity exercise bouts for each position ranged from 53 s to 165 s and the minimum recovery periods between repeated high-intensity exercise bouts ranged from 25 s for the back row forwards to 64 s for the front row forwards. The present results show that repeated high-intensity exercise bouts vary in duration and activities relative to position but all players in a game will average at least 10 changes in activity in the most demanding bouts and complete at least one tackle and two sprints. The most intense periods of activity are likely to last as long as 120 s and as little as 25 s recovery may separate consecutive repeated high-intensity exercise bouts. The present findings can be used by coaches to prepare their players for the most demanding passages of play likely to be experienced in elite rugby union.  相似文献   

成绩优秀的学生往往存在一些特殊的心理问题,预防和消除优秀生的心理问题具有十分重要的意义。在进行体育教学和身体锻炼的同时,适当地运用运动处方,可以治疗优秀学生的心理疾病和消除心理障碍,促进优秀学生健康成长。  相似文献   

We examined the psychological effects of rapid weight loss among a sample of 41 professional jockeys (mean age 30.9 years, s = 7.0). Participants completed the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) and the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) to establish the relationships between rapid weight loss, mood, and attitudes towards eating. These instruments were administered on three occasions: at the jockeys' minimal weight (achieved through rapid weight loss), their optimal riding weight (when they were not excessively restricting their weight and felt healthy), and their relaxed weight (when there were no forthcoming light rides or no rides at all). It was hypothesized that when riding at minimal weight, jockeys would record a more negative mood profile compared with scores recorded at optimal or relaxed weights. The same trend was expected for eating attitudes. These hypotheses were supported as jockeys reported significantly more negative mood profiles and eating attitudes at minimal weight. The EAT-26 scores indicated the presence of disordered attitudes towards eating at this weight. These results suggest that jockeys' endeavours to reach the minimum weight limit stipulated by governing bodies are likely to jeopardize their psychological well-being. Dialogue surrounding the appropriateness of current weight regulations is therefore encouraged.  相似文献   


We examined the psychological effects of rapid weight loss among a sample of 41 professional jockeys (mean age 30.9 years, s = 7.0). Participants completed the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) and the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) to establish the relationships between rapid weight loss, mood, and attitudes towards eating. These instruments were administered on three occasions: at the jockeys' minimal weight (achieved through rapid weight loss), their optimal riding weight (when they were not excessively restricting their weight and felt healthy), and their relaxed weight (when there were no forthcoming light rides or no rides at all). It was hypothesized that when riding at minimal weight, jockeys would record a more negative mood profile compared with scores recorded at optimal or relaxed weights. The same trend was expected for eating attitudes. These hypotheses were supported as jockeys reported significantly more negative mood profiles and eating attitudes at minimal weight. The EAT-26 scores indicated the presence of disordered attitudes towards eating at this weight. These results suggest that jockeys' endeavours to reach the minimum weight limit stipulated by governing bodies are likely to jeopardize their psychological well-being. Dialogue surrounding the appropriateness of current weight regulations is therefore encouraged.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine factors related to physical activity adherence to understand why women continue to participate in long-term exercise after completing a structured exercise program. Data were collected from focus groups, interviews, and e-mails, and analysis used grounded theory. The central category related to physical activity adherence was self-worth. Motivation, activity enjoyment, priorities, body image, ability to access support, and self-regulation skills had an impact on the self-worth of nonadherers and adherers. Women must value themselves enough to continue to participate in physical activity once they start. Exercise and fitness professionals are encouraged to use strategies to increase self-worth and long-term adherence to physical activity. Some recommended strategies include (a) increasing motivation and enjoyment relative to activity, (b) making activity a high priority in a woman's life, (c) improving or deemphasizing body image, (d) increasing a woman's ability to access support, and (e) facilitating the use of self-regulation strategies. This study is the first to examine qualitative perspectives of exercise adherence among women who completed a structured exercise program. Several concepts related to adherence presented in the quantitative literature are confirmed and enhanced in this study.  相似文献   

Participant perceptions of exercise programs for overweight women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eighteen women participated in a research project involving two phases: (a) an interview regarding weight history and exercise patterns, and (b) a series of exercise sessions followed by discussions of participants' reactions to them. The data were analyzed using inductive analysis techniques, and results of the analysis were discussed with participants for collaborative validation of the interpretation. Profiles of selected participants and themes that emerged are described. The participants varied in age and body size and had diverse backgrounds, interests, and abilities, but their shared experience of social disapproval based on body size was shown to affect their perceptions of exercise programs and their decisions about participation.  相似文献   

This 2-year prospective study examined the exercise and self-esteem model in middle-aged women (N = 143) previously enrolled in a randomized controlled exercise trial. Across the 2-year period, increases in physical activity (PA) and self-efficacy and reductions in body mass index (BMI) were associated with improved subdomain self-perceptions relative to physical condition, and reductions in BMI were associated with improved subdomain self-perceptions relative to physical condition and body attractiveness. The effects of PA, self-efficacy, and BMI on changes in physical self-worth and global self-esteem were mediated by changes in self-perceptions relative to physical condition and body attractiveness. The results of this longitudinal analysis support the hierarchical and multidimensional structure of self-esteem and indicate that middle-aged women can enhance how they perceive their condition and body attractiveness by continued participation in physical activity, increasing their self-efficacy, and maintaining healthy BMI levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of a combined strength and aerobic conditioning program on the ability of college-age women to perform the pull-up exercise and to identify the characteristics of women successful in performing a pull-up at the end of the program. Participants significantly increased upper body strength and fat-free mass and deceased fat mass and percentage of body fat. Participants successful at performing a pull-up had significantly greater 1 repetition maximum strength, strength to mass ratio, and strength to fat-free mass ratio. A two variable equation (% body fat and strength to fat-free mass ratio) was developed to predict which women would be successful at completing a pull-up at the end of a similar training program.  相似文献   

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