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1)A: Jack, I can’t go with you to the movie tonight. B: Why? What are you up to? A: I guess I have to bone up for my English test Friday. A:杰克,今天晚上我不能和你一起去看电影了。B:为什么?你在忙什么?A:我想我得准备星期五的英语考试了。2)A: Can you beat your opponent? B: I can’t make a promise, but I will put my best foot forward. A:你能打败你的对手吗?B:我无法保证。但我会全力以赴的。口语充电…  相似文献   

1 my fingers are all thumbs笨手笨脚A:Hi,Jenny can you come and lend me a hand? B:Sure.What is it? A:I can't tie up the ribbon round the parcel.You know my fingers are all thumbs. B:OK.Let me help you. A:喂,珍妮!你能过来帮我一下吗? B:当然可以。什么事? A:你知道我笨手笨脚的,怎么也不能把绸带绑在包裹上。  相似文献   

A Birthday Party A: Hello, Sam ! What a beautiful day ! B: Yes, it's beautiful, isn't it? A: I hope you can come to my party tomorrow. B: Party? What party?  相似文献   

□to my way of thinking 依我看来……A: To my way of thinking,I think you behaved rudely before your dad. B: I couldn't keep my temper then,poor dad,he must be very sad. A: How about apologizing now? B: I hope he can forgive me. 甲:依我看来,你在你父亲面前表现得太无礼了。乙:当时我控制不住。可怜的爸爸,他一定很难过。甲:现在去向他道歉怎么样? 乙:我希望他能原谅我  相似文献   

网上、电影、电视或身边朋友口中时常能冒出些新颖的词,诸如“好炫”表示赞美)、“灌水”在网上留言)、“放鸽 ( (子”指对方失约)……常常能帮你洗洗脑,你要是不了解, (那就“过套了”。英语也一样,你的口语地道吗?下面的话你都知道吗? 1.kick ass 了不起 A:H ow,youwonthecom putergam einlessthan5m inutes, you’ regreat! 哇! 你不到5分钟就赢了电脑游戏,你真棒! B:Yeah,Ijustkick ass! 是的,我确实了不起。 “kick ass”字面上是“踢屁股”的意思,而这里引伸为“了不起”、“厉害”等(你敢踢人家的屁股能不厉害吗?) 2.m y as…  相似文献   

A A:When can we expect you for dinner? Can you come tonight? B:Not tonight.I promised to go to a concert with my sister. A:Well...How about Friday then? B:That sounds fine.(=That's agreeable.听起来不错) A:Good.Shall we say seven o'clock? B:I'll be there! You're still a fabulous (=wonderful) cook,aren't you? A:That'll be for you to decide.I've got a new dish that I want to try out(=to test) on you.  相似文献   

Aren't you David Smith? 你是大卫·史密斯吗? A:I say,aren’t you David Smith? B:Yes,but I don’t think we’ve mel before. A:I’m a cousin of Tim Lawford.We did meet once before at my uncle’s cocktail[鸡尾酒] party. B:I see!Well,in that case,it's a great pleasure to meet you again!  相似文献   

(A) A:Excuse me.I wonderif you can help me.劳驾,您能帮个忙吗? B:Sure.What is it? 当然。帮什么忙? A:I want to have my hair cut, but I can’t find a barbershop.我想理个发,但找不到理发店。  相似文献   

Jeez老天(感叹语)A:Jeez,Jack!What happened to your computer?老天,杰克!你的电脑怎么了?B:I have to have it repaired.看来我不得不找人修了。hitch免费乘车A:How did you come here? 你怎么来的啊?B:I hitched a fide all the way to school with one of my friends. 我一路上搭一个朋友的便车到学校。a breeze易事A:Learning how to water-ski is really a breeze 学滑水真是容易。B:Really? 真的吗? crash住A:Thanks a lot for letting me crash at your house hst mght.Jane 简,多谢你昨晚让我住在你家。B:You are my friend.fight? 你是我的朋友,不是吗?  相似文献   

1.(as)dry as a bone 非常干燥A:Do you like this new place? B:Oh,no,it is as dry as a bone. A:Well,you will get used to it gradually. B:I hope so. A:你喜欢这个新地方吗? B:哦,不喜欢,这里太干了。A:嗯,你会慢慢适应的。B:希望如此。2.would give one's right arm要是……该多好A:Oh,I do envy Grace so much! B:Why do you say that? A:She is beautiful,talented and wealthy.She seems to have everything! B:Oh.I would give my right arm to be like her! A:噢,我真是太嫉妒格雷丝了! B:你为什么那么说? A:她美丽富有而又多才多艺,她看起来拥有了一切! B:噢,我要是像她那样就好了! 3.It is only a question/matter of time.只是个时间问题。A:Please tell me what Alice told you. B:I am sorry,I can't.I have promised her not to tell anyone else. A:Well,I will know it some day,it is only a matter of time. B:Well,better that way. A:请告诉我爱丽丝告诉你了些什么?  相似文献   

1.manicure 修手指甲A: Hi, Grace, what are you doing?B: I am doing my nails.A: Cool. Can 1 come over? We can give each other amanicure. B: Great idea. I just bought some press-on nails. Wecan use that too. A: I will be over in a sec.A:嗨,格雷斯,你在干吗?B:我在涂指甲油。A:酷。我可以过来吗?我们可以互相修指甲。B:好主意。我刚买了些假指甲。我们也可以试试那些。A:我马上过来。  相似文献   

1.got stuck卡壳A:What's up?You look so unhappy! B:I got stuck on this problem.It is such a touchy issue! A:Well,cheer up,I think you can make it. B:Thanks.I will try to figure it out. A:怎么啦?你看起来闷闷不乐的! B:我在这个问题上卡壳了,这真是个棘手的问题。A:振作点,我想你能想出办法来的。B:谢谢,我再试试看。  相似文献   

刘梅 《海外英语》2005,(1):46-48
1.sell someone down to the river出卖朋友A:How dare you do this to me?你怎么竟敢这么做?B:Why do you use such bad language?Did I do anything wrong?你说话怎么这么难听?我做错了什么吗?A:Don’t try to pretend,you sold me down the river to my wife.You told her that I am having all affair with someone else.别装了,你在我太太面前出卖了我,你告诉她我有外遇了。B:No,I didn't do that.She must have seen her with you  相似文献   

1.envious妒忌的A:I am so envious of you.我好嫉妒你哦!B:Why?为什么?A:Because you seem to have so many talents!因为你看来有那么多项才能!B:Thanks.But I think you are a very talented person as well.谢谢。不过我觉得你也是个多才多艺的人。  相似文献   

刘权 《海外英语》2005,(1):44-45
1.You’ve got a point there.你说得挺有道理的。A:What do you think of my suggestions?你认为我的建议如何?B:I think you’ve got a point there.I will consider itcarefully.我认为你说得挺有道理的。我会仔细考虑你的建议。A:I am so glad to hear that.Thank you.我很高兴听你这么说。谢谢。B:You are Welcome.不客气。2.fall(all)over oneself竭尽所能A:Did you have a good time in your brother’s home last winter holiday?去年寒假你在你哥哥家过得愉  相似文献   

tweezers['twiz(?)z]n.夹子,镊子A:Do you have a pair of tweezers?I have a splinter in my toe. 你有夹子吗?我的脚趾里有碎片B:Here,Let me help you get it out. 来,我来帮你把它弄出来sign up['sain'(?)p]加入,签署A:Why didn't you sign up for the basketball team this year? 你怎么没加入今年的篮球队? B:I just don't have the time. 我挤不出时间  相似文献   

keep one’s fingers crossed祈求成功(幸运)A:Do you think you’ll pass the exam?B:I don’t know.but I’m keeping all my fingers crossed,甲:你认为你能通过考试吗?乙:我不知道,但是我从心里祈祷成功。  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=dentist;B=patient)A:Hello,I'm Dr.Johnson.Please have a seat.How can I help you?B:I think the growth of my wisdom tooth is affecting the neighbouringtooth,and I'm feeling a lot of discomfort.A:When does the pain occUr?Is it only when you are eating or practi-  相似文献   

1.um and aah支支吾吾A:Why do you always um and aah?你干吗总是支支吾吾的?B:I don’t know where she is indeed.我确实不知道她在哪儿。A:I don't believe you!我不相信你!B:Please,don't ask me again.请别再问我了。  相似文献   

(编者注:本文内容取自作者参加一次市级赛课的教学设计。)教学内容A:Oh,my God!B:What’s up?A:Robert,could you do me a favor?B:What’s wrong?A:I’ve just sprained my ankle.Could you help me go to  相似文献   

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