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本文对二语学习者英语写作表现中的语法复杂度的测量及测量效度进行了实证性研究。为检验测量指标的效度,我们以“中国学习者英语语料库”中的大学英语六级考试作文为样本,检验了T单位、从属小句、非限定动词和衔接成分在测量英语学习者书面语语法复杂度方面的效度。研究表明,上述四个指标能较为有效地反映出测量样本的语法复杂度,其中,T单位、非限定动词和衔接成分对书面语语法复杂度的发展具备预测功能。研究还发现,非限定动词指标在统计检验中优于其他三个指标,而从属小句在测量学习者书面语语法复杂度的发展方面的结果不如其他几项显著。  相似文献   

雷丽赟 《双语学习》2007,(11M):7-8,11
This article aims at exploring the root why Chinese students tend to make grammatical mistakes when they speak English from the perspective of their cognitive model, and hopes to shed light on the teaching and learning of English grammar.  相似文献   

本研究以自动评分系统反馈和范文反馈为例,探讨纠错反馈与非纠错反馈对大学生英语作文语言复杂度的影响。借助LCA、L2SCA和Coh-Metrix 3.0等在线分析器,对词汇复杂度和句法复杂度共10个代表性指标进行测量和分析。发现系统反馈能提高词汇复杂度但降低句法复杂度,而范文反馈对学生作文的词汇和句法复杂度均有显著的提升作用。由此可见,不同反馈方式对语言复杂度产生错综复杂的影响,相比而言范文反馈能促进文本质量在更多维度上的提升。  相似文献   

大学生英语写作中的语法问题及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语写作是英语语言综合技能的体现,也是我国大学生英语学习中的软肋。笔者通过对50名大二学生英语作文的分析,探究了大学生在英语写作中的主要语法问题以及造成问题的原因,提出了英语写作教学中关于语法教学的若干建议。  相似文献   


The use of objects of reference as part of the development of communication‐has become established practice in the education of deafblind and multi‐sensory impaired children and young people. Unfortunately, there is comparatively little written material available for those who wish to develop this approach in their own practice with learners who have severe or profound and multiple difficulties. The result of this has been that many of the ‘second wave’ of interested practitioners have overemphasized the objects themselves with little or no appreciation of their use within a supporting context. The paper considers the philosophies and theories that underpin the methodological framework in deafblind education, and suggests how these could be applied to develop practice with a wider group of learners  相似文献   

二语写作的语篇意义构建、语篇意义功能、写作复杂性、中介语发展、学术写作等研究维度都有语法隐喻的贡献。语法隐喻以意义为核心,关联语境层和词汇语法层,是系统功能语言学就书面语篇意义构建提供的符号资源;是实现抽象概括、衔接连贯等语篇功能的资源;是复杂性语义生成、以及满足高级语篇写作交际复杂性需求的资源;中介语发展和学术写作也以其为语法资源。语法隐喻框架下二语写作研究本质是以语言意义为核心,故写作教学应该以“意义写作”为本,运用语法隐喻资源,构建具有语境契合度的语篇意义。  相似文献   

Grammar is an important aspect of English language pedagogy in China and is taught as a subject of study in Chinese primary and high schools. Despite studying grammar for several years, however, high school graduates find it difficult to express their ideas in English especially when they are asked to write essays at university. This article reports a study that investigates students' views regarding the study of grammar when contextualized to their writing courses. It was found that students appreciate contextualized study of grammar as opposed to isolated learning of grammar using memorization, drills, and practices. The study suggests that a shift in the aims and methods of teaching English in high schools is necessary if students' preferences, which are consistent with research literature in second language teaching, are to be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

复杂性知识及其教育意蕴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
复杂性科学视野中的复杂世界是在本体论意义上区别于简单世界的客观存在,复杂系统具有自组织、非线形、整体性、开放性、奇异性等特征。产生于大规模的复杂社会实践并指向复杂系统的复杂性知识也不同于普适、确定的简单性知识,它具有不确定性、境域性、整合性、涵疑性、深奥性等特征。复杂性知识的概念对于革新教学内容,通过复杂性知识的教学促进学生的发展,培养他们有效适应社会的能力具有重大价值。  相似文献   

复杂性科学的一个总特征是对传统还原论持批判态度,并且试图通过建立复杂性范式来超越沿用了数百年的还原论.所谓超越就是既要包容又要突破,所以复杂性研究对还原论的超越要理解为对传统还原论的适用范围作出合理的限制,既要打破还原论放之四海而皆准的神话,又要充分运用其合理的因素,而不是采取彻底抛弃的态度.  相似文献   

论语体的机制及其语法属性   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文讨论语体的语言属性,认为语体应从其语言的交际性上来定义,它是人们说话交际时标识说者与听者之间相互关系的产物。文章提出语体必两极对立而后成存的理论,并认为正式与非正式(书面体/口语体)、典雅与便俗(文雅体/白话体)是构成语体的两对基本范畴。相互对立的语体不仅各具自身的词汇与句法(语体语法),同时也是创造文体风格的重要手段和依据(文体功能)。  相似文献   

英语写作一直是大学英语教学中最为薄弱的环节,通过对非英语专业学生英语写作现状进行调查和分析,发现词汇、语法的误用及思想表达不清楚是导致大学生英语写作水平滞后的主要原因,应采取一系列相应的改进措施,以提高学生的大学英语写作水平。  相似文献   

以复杂理论为框架,阐述语言的复杂动态系统,引用复杂理论中的混沌、分形、自组织等理论,从语言使用和发展的视角分析语法的动态性本质;并以英语为例探讨语法的复杂性、灵活性和系统性,充分认识语法的动态性特征有利于改变传统的语法学习观和教学观,为语法学习提供新的理念。  相似文献   

复杂性科学方法论:内涵、现状和意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂性科学方法论主要包括复杂性科学的方法论批判、复杂性科学的方法意蕴、复杂性科学的研究方法等三个层面的内容,国内外学者对这些内容进行了许多探索,取得了重要的进展。复杂性科学方法论对传统科学方法论来说既是重大的挑战,也是发展的机遇,是科学方法论研究的一个新方向。  相似文献   

应用行动研究方法,探讨提高中国成年学生英语口头交际水平的途径。研究通过诊断性测试(笔试和面谈),找出中国成年学生英语口头交流困难的原因,即口语语法能力偏差。在英语功能语法和结构语法的理论指导下,使用行动研究法,为受试“量身订做”一套改善和提高其英语口语语法能力的方案,对被试的弱项和问题进行针对性的训练和提高。实验结果证实了研究假设:英语口语语法能力的提高,可以促进英语口头交际水平的提高。  相似文献   

本说明南宋人对“语法”术语的引用及其语法观的产生,并再谈梵语法对中国古代语法学发展的影响。  相似文献   

英语写作作为衡量学生英语综合水平和应用能力的重要指标,是目前大学英语学习中的薄弱环节。问卷得出的数据表明,非英语专业学生英语写作的问题主要涉及词汇、语法、篇章、修辞、汉式英语等方面,为此,大学英语教师应改革教学方法,指导学生多阅读、多背诵范文、多动笔。  相似文献   

The challenges of writing itself and lack of appropriate teaching methodology demotivate EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners in some Chinese universities to write more, especially as the only incentive for students to write is the compulsory tests. The main objectives of this article are: (1) to discuss the background of the EFL learners in Chinese tertiary education and then to elaborate on their needs and problems for EFL writing; (2) to review the existing approaches to teaching writing; and (3) to propose and justify an integrated model on the basis of these approaches for teaching EFL writing in the Chinese context.  相似文献   

Reflection in action research is a complex matter, as is action research itself. In recent years, complexity science has regularly been called upon in order to more thoroughly understand the complexity of action research. The present article investigates the benefits that complexity science may yield for reflection in action research. This article begins by explicating the sense in which the complexity of reflection in action research involves the role of values and existential knowledge in education. The gap between theory and practice is also explored. On the basis of a number of common features of complex systems (heterogeneous, open, dynamic, non-linear, adaptive, and co-adaptive), the sense in which reflection can be regarded as a complex system is discussed. To this end, the features of complex systems are translated into features of reflection in action research, which, in turn, are illustrated with examples from recent publications on reflection in action research. The aim of this analysis is to make reflection in action research more understandable and manageable. In line with this, it is argued that room for insecurity and unpredictability, combined with an explicit consideration of reflection as a complex system, contributes to the use of complexity as a stimulus for new learning.  相似文献   

正确使用英语语法规则是写好英语作文的关键之一。由于受汉语遣词造句规则等方面的影响,中国学生在英语写作中存在着诸多语法错误,致使不能用正确的英语语句表达思想。本文皆在通过对考生在2002年12月四级作文中出现的语法错误的原因加以分析和归纳,从汉英语法对比的角度,为本科阶段的大学英语写作教学提出相应的对策和方法。  相似文献   

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