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This study investigated the changing relation between emotion and inhibitory control during adolescence. One hundred participants between 11 and 25 years of age performed a go‐nogo task in which task‐relevant stimuli (letters) were presented at the center of large task‐irrelevant images depicting negative, positive, or neutral scenes selected from the International Affective Picture System. Longer reaction times for negative trials were found across all age groups, suggesting that negative but not positive emotional images captured attention across this age range. However, age differences in accuracy on inhibitory trials suggest that response inhibition is more readily disrupted by negative emotional distraction in early adolescence relative to late childhood, late adolescence, or early adulthood.  相似文献   

A national longitudinal database (NELS: 88-94, 1996) was used to examine the occupational aspiration patterns, vocational preparation, and work-related experiences of adolescents who were either work-bound or college-bound two years after their initial transition from high school to work or postsecondary education. Adolescents' career choice and behavior patterns were analyzed at two separate points. Grades 8 and 10 achievement profiles of work- and unemployment-bound youths were similar; both groups had significantly lower achievement scores than college-bound youths. Socioeconomic status (SES) had considerable influence on determining both occupational aspirations and postsecondary transition status. Two-thirds of all young adults who were work-bound or unemployed/out of the work force were in the lowest two SES groups. Adolescents in the highest SES were four times more likely to be college-bound. Educational aspiration was a more accurate predictor of postsecondary status than occupational aspiration. Work-bound youths did not engage in higher levels of school-based work preparation than college-bound peers. Occupational aspirations of college-bound youth were relatively stable over the two-year period (from Grade 8 to 10), while those of noncollege-bound youths were more volatile. The prestige levels of occupational aspirations, for all youth, were relatively established by early adolescence and did not change significantly over time.  相似文献   

从舒曼的《童年情景》看早期浪漫主义音乐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文通过阐述浪漫主义音乐的时代背景,对舒曼及其作品《童年情景》的简单介绍,从作品的内容、气质、风格三方面将舒曼的浪漫主义音乐和古典音乐进行比较,以认识他所作的尝试、突破和贡献。进而从作品的结构、旋律、和声三方面进一步分析说明舒曼的创作技法所体现出的浪漫主义音乐特征。  相似文献   

This report compares the effects (concurrent and lagged) of the anticipated rewards and costs of violent crime on engagement in severe violence in a sample of male juvenile offenders (N = 1,170; 42.1% black, 34.0% Hispanic, 19.2% white, and 4.6% other; ages 14–18 at baseline). Anticipated rewards (social approval, thrill) are more predictive of concurrent severe violence than are anticipated costs (social disapproval, risk of punishment). The analysis finds no evidence that perceptions of the rewards and costs of violent crime influence engagement in severe violence 6 months later. The results support the view that adolescence is a time of heightened reward salience but raise doubt about the longitudinal predictive validity of perceptions about crime during this time of life.  相似文献   

网络与青少年:一个充满变量的社会化过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络的触角正延伸向社会的各个层面和角落,它在自觉和不自觉中已渗透到每一个网络新生代的思想意识之中,影响着他们的化素质、人生价值、品德标准、政治倾向。青少年如何健康地成长无疑是一个具有远见的社会需要关注的重要课题。本试图通过分析这种变量的社会化过程,昭示网络与青少年关系之重要性,探寻学校教育、家庭教育、社区教育之间的相互关联因素。  相似文献   

敏捷虚拟企业是信息化时代与全球化制造大环境中随着敏捷制造而出现的新的企业模式。从虚拟企业构建的信任条件与构建过程出发,提出了对虚拟企业合作伙伴选择的标准、三种度量体系及可度量的评价指标。  相似文献   

情感与现实、理性与非理性和文学的无目的与功利等方面,郭沫若早期诗学核心话语“浪漫”的本质含义为非理性无目的自在自为的情感本质,它与英国浪漫主义有较大差异,不能简单地把郭沫若早期诗学称为浪漫主义诗学。  相似文献   

The development of cognitive control during adolescence is paralleled by changes in the function of the lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC). Using a three‐wave longitudinal neuroimaging design (= 22, Mage = 13.08 years at Wave 1), this study examined if youth's stereotypes about teens modulate changes in their neural activation during cognitive control. Participants holding stereotypes of teens as irresponsible in the family context (i.e., ignoring family obligations) in middle school showed increases in bilateral ventrolateral PFC activation during cognitive control over the transition to high school, which was associated with increases in risk taking. These findings provide preliminary evidence that youth's conceptions of adolescence play a role in neural plasticity over this phase of development.  相似文献   

虚拟建设是适应当今知识经济社会的工程项目管理新模式,在我国的研究应用还处于初步探索阶段。按照建筑业中项目参与各方的关系和建筑工程建设过程建立了虚拟建筑企业基于专业分工与协作的运作模型,并运用AHP算法设计了一个伙伴选择三阶段法,以实例采用定性指标与定量指标相结合说明了虚拟建筑企业伙伴选择的具体过程。  相似文献   

幼儿同伴选择是同伴关系的一部分,是幼儿社会交往的开端。研究从幼儿选择同伴的角度和教师评价对幼儿同伴选择的影响这两方面对某幼儿园某班的30名幼儿和1名教师进行了连续3年的调查。调查发现:小班幼儿选择同伴的标准比较笼统,同伴所处的地理位置相对比较重要;而中、大班较小班有更加具体的同伴选择标准,更加注重同伴间的游戏体验。教师肯定性评价对幼儿的同伴选择影响小于教师否定性评价对同伴选择的影响。幼儿个体的气质、性格以及交往技巧才是同伴选择的决定性因素。  相似文献   

This study examined how (a) affection received from a partner and (b) love styles (i.e., eros, ludus, storge, pragma, mania, and agape) predicted the use of jealousy-evoking behaviors in romantic relationships. Participants were 197 undergraduate students currently involved in a committed romantic relationship, who completed a survey reporting on their partners' expressions of affection and their own perceived love styles and uses of jealousy evocation in their relationships. Results indicated that (a) after controlling for relationship length, the amount of affection received from a partner was inversely correlated with the use of jealousy-evoking behaviors, and (b) after controlling for relationship length and received affection, the ludus and mania love styles remained positive predictors of jealousy-evoking behavior. No other love styles were significant predictors.  相似文献   

High shyness during early adolescence is associated with impaired peer relationships and risk for psychiatric disorders. Little is known, however, about the relation between shyness and trajectories of brain development over early adolescence. The current study longitudinally examined trajectories of resting‐state functional connectivity (rs‐fc) within four brain networks in 147 adolescents. Subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging at three different time points, at average ages 10.5 (range = 7.8–13.0), 11.7 (range = 9.3–14.1), and 12.9 years (range = 10.1–15.2). Multilevel linear modeling indicated that high shyness was associated with a less steep negative slope of default mode network (DMN) rs‐fc over early adolescence relative to low shyness. Less steep decreases in DMN rs‐fc may relate to increased self‐focus in adolescents with high shyness.  相似文献   

The current study examined how adolescents' ethnic‐racial identity (ERI) informed the demographic diversity of their friendship network (Goal 1) and the extent of similarity between adolescents' and their friends' ERI (Goal 2). Participants were sixth and seventh grade students (= 353; Mage = 11.88, SD = .73; 50% girls; 29% African American, 31% White, 13% Latino) in the Midwestern U.S. Results from longitudinal cross‐lagged models (Goal 1) indicated that having more diverse friendships at T2 was associated with greater T3 ERI exploration among all youth. In addition, boys who reported higher ERI resolution at T1 had more diverse friendships at T2. Furthermore, findings from longitudinal social network analyses (SNA; Goal 2) suggested that influence drove similarity between adolescents and their friends in ERI exploration and resolution.  相似文献   

Relations between academic performance and 3 aspects of social competence--socially responsible behavior, sociometric status, and self-regulatory processes (goal setting, interpersonal trust, and problem-solving styles)--were studied. Based on a sample of 423 12- and 13-year-old students, correlational findings indicate that each aspect of social competence is related significantly to students' grades. Results from multiple regression analyses suggest that when accounting for students' IQ, sex, ethnicity, school absence, and family structure, socially responsible behavior mediates almost entirely the relations between students' grades and the other 2 aspects of social competence. Socially responsible behavior and peer status appear to be related by way of their joint association with goals to be socially responsible, interpersonal trust, and problem-solving styles. Similarly, relations between socially responsible behavior and the background variables are explained by joint relations with the self-regulatory processes. The social nature of learning and the role of self-regulation in both interpersonal and behavioral aspects of social competence are discussed.  相似文献   

The Early Socialization of Aggressive Victims of Bullying   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This study reports the first prospective investigation of the early family experiences of boys who later emerged as both aggressive and bullied (i.e., aggressive victims) during their middle childhood years. It was hypothesized that a history of violent victimization by adults leads to emotion dysregulation that results in a dual pattern of aggressive behavior and victimizaion by peer. Interviews with mothers of 198 5-year-old boys assessed preschool home environments. Four to 5 years later, aggressive behavior and peer victimization were assessed in the school classroom. The early experiences of 16 aggressive victims wre contrasted with those of 21 passive (nonaggressive) victims, 33 nonvictimized aggressors, and 128 normative boys. Analyses indicated that the aggressive victim group had experienced more punitive, hostile, and abusive family treatment than the other groups. In contrast, the nonvictimized aggressive group had a history of greater exposure to adult aggression and conflict, but not victimization by adults, than did the normative group, whereas the passive victim group did not differ from the normative group on any home environment variable.  相似文献   

文章研究旨在考察大学生情侣依恋、冲突和支持三者的关系.采用了亲密关系量表、冲突量表和社会支持量表,运用相关分析以及回归分析的方法,研究发现:(1)依恋回避和依恋焦虑分别与冲突呈正相关(r =0.28,r=0.27;Ps <0.01),而依恋回避和情侣支持与冲突和情侣支持均呈负相关(r=-0.38,r=-0.24,Ps <0.01);(2)冲突仅在依恋回避与支持间有中介效应(△R2 =0.02,P<0.01).研究结果说明:仅情侣回避能直接或间接通过冲突来预测情侣支持.  相似文献   

Decades of research indicate that many early adolescents are at risk for developing significant school adjustment problems in the academic, behavioral, and social domains during the transition to middle school. The Supporting Early Adolescent Learning and Social Success (SEALS) model has been developed as a professional development and consultation program to train teachers in universal (Tier 1) instructional and classroom management strategies to address the correlated risks experienced by students during this time. This article reviews the conceptual foundations of the SEALS model, provides an overview of SEALS intervention components, describes the SEALS professional development training and consultation framework, reviews preliminary findings of the impact of SEALS in rural school settings in the United States, and discusses research needs and future directions regarding the use of the SEALS model.  相似文献   

在信息技术竞争异常激烈,客户需求变换不定的信息时代,企业不仅需要依靠降低产品的成本和提高响应速度以确保在激烈的竞争环境下站稳脚跟,更需要不断地获取知识、提升创新能力和深化协同工作以获取成功。本文针对协同商务链合作伙伴选择设计了协同商务链合作伙伴选择系统。  相似文献   

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