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This editorial is based on the keynote by Dr Mark Murphy, Department of General Practice, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, at the Health Libraries Group conference, Keele University on 13–15 June 2018. https://bit.ly/2rubsIR#HLG2018  相似文献   

Librarian involvement in Evidence‐based Health Care provides many opportunities at a local level. Unfortunately, the potential for innovative projects to inform future developments is generally lost by a failure to ‘pass the baton’—to identify lessons learnt and transferable principles. The ‘Library Support for Evidence‐based Health Care’ Project, funded by the NHS Executive Northern and Yorkshire, resulted in the implementation of locally responsive packages of hardware and software in six of the Region’s libraries. The opportunity to evaluate the collective experience of these sites, and to synthesize principles of good practice, was provided by a separately funded post‐hoc evaluation, the Research Evaluation to Audit Library and Information Support for EBHC (REALISE). This paper reports on how this evaluation was conducted, documents the strengths and weaknesses of the Project itself, and attempts to provide a checklist for use in similar projects. The paper concludes by outlining the relevance of the findings to the introduction of planned organizational approaches to quality (clinical governance) and the development of local implementation strategies across the UK, required by the NHS Information Strategy, Information for Health.  相似文献   

Background: A librarian consultation service was offered to 88 primary care clinicians during office hours. This included a streamlined evidence‐based process to answer questions in fewer than 20 min. This included a contact centre accessed through a Web‐based platform and using hand‐held devices and computers with Web access. Librarians were given technical training in evidence‐based medicine, including how to summarise evidence. Objectives: To describe the process and lessons learned from developing and operating a rapid response librarian consultation service for primary care clinicians. Methods: Evaluation included librarian interviews and a clinician exit satisfaction survey. Results: Clinicians were positive about its impact on their clinical practice and decision making. The project revealed some important ‘lessons learned’ in the clinical use of hand‐held devices, knowledge translation and training for clinicians and librarians. Conclusions: The Just‐in‐Time Librarian Consultation Service showed that it was possible to provide evidence‐based answers to clinical questions in 15 min or less. The project overcame a number of barriers using innovative solutions. There are many opportunities to build on this experience for future joint projects of librarians and healthcare providers.  相似文献   



The integration of evidence‐based practice (EBP) into speech and language therapy (SLT) curricula has been increasingly encouraged in recent years.


The study aimed to evaluate whether an educational module on EBP for undergraduate SLT students can improve their EBP competencies.


The EBP module, taught by a SLT faculty member and a librarian, was delivered over 2 months. All fourth year SLT students (trained group) and all fourth year psychology students (control group) of the University of Liège (Belgium) were asked to participate in the study. Their performance on an adapted Fresno test was measured before and after the module. In addition, the SLT students took a computer‐based searching task. They were also asked to share their perceptions towards the module.


All the 47 SLT students and 57/108 psychology students took the pre‐ and post‐tests. Although both groups performed similarly at the baseline, only the trained students gained new skills and knowledge. Furthermore, 36 SLT students shared their perceptions on the module and offered suggestions on ways to improve it.


Trained students improved their EBP competencies. Nevertheless, the module could be strengthened along with better integration of EBP into clinical modules and across the curriculum.

There has been an explosion of mental health literature available on the Internet over the past 5 years, with current estimates placing the number of health related Websites at over 100 000. The scope and depth of each site is unique and this serves to contribute to the difficulty of finding reliable, high‐quality literature. This paper details efforts being made within the UK to provide high quality, evidence‐based mental health literature for patients, clinicians and health policy makers as part of the National electronic Library for Health project.  相似文献   

Objectives: To systematically review the UK published literature on e‐learning in the health workplace and to apply the findings to one of the most prolific UK e‐learning initiatives in the health sector—the National Library for Health Facilitated Online Learning Interactive Opportunity (FOLIO) Programme. Methods: Sensitive searches were conducted across assia , Australian Education Index, British Education Index, cinahl , CSA Abstracts, Dissertation Abstracts, Emerald, eric , ibss , Index to Theses, lisa , medline , Psyc Info and Social Science Citation Index. Additional citations were identified from reference lists of included studies and of relevant reviews; citation tracking and contact with experts. Twenty‐nine studies met the inclusion criteria and were coded and analysed using thematic analysis as described by Miles & Huberman (Qualitative Data Analysis: A Sourcebook of New Methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1984). Results: Five broad themes were identified from the 29 included studies: (i) peer communication; (ii) flexibility; (iii) support; (iv) knowledge validation; and (v) course presentation and design. These broad themes were supported by a total of eleven sub‐themes. Components from the FOLIO Programme were analysed and existing and proposed developments were mapped against each sub‐theme. This provides a valuable framework for ongoing course development. Conclusion: Librarians involved in delivering and supporting e‐learning can benefit from applying the findings from the systematic review to existing programmes, exemplified by the FOLIO Programme. The resultant framework can also be used in developing new e‐learning programmes.  相似文献   

王丽 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):503-505
在中国知网数据库中检索医药卫生类2011年1月1日至2014年8月31日下载与被引频次排位前100名的文章并对其进行分析,发现下载排名前100篇文章中这2类合计占56.7%,被引排名前100篇文章中述评类和规范类合计占55.2%,两者重叠的23篇中,规范类和述评类合计占69.6%.认为规范类和述评类文献具有较高的权威性、参考价值大,是能够产生较高下载和较高被引的文献类型,应是期刊组稿的重要方向之一.观察下载次数与被引次数发现,两者没有明显的相关性,无规律可循.认为单纯以一两个数据库的下载、被引数据来做定量分析是不科学的,仅可作为定性参考之用.在研究的100篇文献中,有4篇为一稿多发,均属于规范类文章.认为这类文章承担着行业指导性任务,传播理应更广泛,故应与一般意义上的一稿多投、一稿多发的学术不端行为相区别.  相似文献   

Awareness and understanding of copyright laws are critical in the proper administration of copyright in academic libraries. Data from 38 library staff and 4 head librarians was used in a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach to assess the level of awareness and understanding of copyright laws among library staff with regards to balancing user rights with rightsholder rights in academic libraries in Ghana. The data was collected using questionnaires and qualitative interviews. Though awareness of all the copyright laws, which was not influenced by the educational status of staff was high, the level of understanding was lower. Work experience, schedule of work and current position of staff significantly influenced the level of understanding. The generally moderate level of understanding of copyright laws for library staff; particularly for fair use and creative commons licensing, is a worrying development for copyright administration in academic libraries in Ghana.  相似文献   

梳理了军队医药卫生科技查新机构的发展历程,分析了军队医药卫生科技查新机构的发展现状及存在问题,提出了重视人才培养、优化资源建设、开展考评工作等建议。  相似文献   

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