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近年来,研究对婴儿的视觉注意进行了大量研究,得到很多有价值的发现。这些发现围绕婴儿注意功能的4个方面,即警觉、空间定向、对物体特征的注意和内源性注意,描述了婴儿视觉注意的发展过程.婴儿出生时,身上已分化出各种注意功能的初级形式,但是,每种注意功能都有不同的发展时期。主要表现在:从出生到2个月,婴儿的警觉状态发生并发展;从2或3个月6个月左右,婴儿的空间定向和物体注意功能有很大的变化;从5或6个月以后,婴儿的内源性注意功能变化明显。  相似文献   

Science teachers tend to operate as if knowledge is the major area and ignorance is a minor appendage. In fact, ignorance is the dominant, and rapidly expanding, area. This paper argues for greater emphasis on helping students to recognise and deal productively with ignorance, uncertainty and the unknown. Specializations: how people think, teaching thinking, design and analysis of teaching materials, ignorance.  相似文献   

高中生物第二册第六章介绍孟德尔的生平这样描述: 孟德尔经过连续8年的潜心研究,于1865年在当地的自然科学研究学会上宣读了<植物杂交试验>论文,提出了分离定律和自由组合定律.然而,当时人们对于孟德尔的研究成果和这篇具有划时代意义的论文,并没有给予应有的注意.直到1900年,三位植物学家分别用不同的植物证实了孟德尔的发现后,这些成果才受到科学界的重视和公认.为了更好地了解这一史实,下面就这起科学轶闻的若干片断作一些介绍.  相似文献   

Infants' oculomotor tracking develops rapidly but is poorer when there are horizontal and vertical movement components. Additionally, persistence of objects moving through occlusion emerges at 4 months but initially is absent for objects moving obliquely. In two experiments, we recorded eye movements of thirty-two 4-month-old and thirty-two 6-month-old infants (mainly Caucasian-White) tracking horizontal, vertical, and oblique trajectories. Infants tracked oblique trajectories less accurately, but 6-month olds tracked more accurately such that they tracked oblique trajectories as accurately as 4-month olds tracked horizontal and vertical trajectories. Similar results emerged when the object was temporarily occluded. Thus, 4-month olds’ tracking of oblique trajectories may be insufficient to support object persistence, whereas 6-month olds may track sufficiently accurately to perceive object persistence for all trajectory orientations.  相似文献   

Infants’ transfer of information from pictures to objects was tested by familiarizing 9‐month‐olds (= 31) with either a color or black‐and‐white photograph of an object and observing their preferential reaching for the real target object versus a distractor. One condition tested object recognition by keeping both objects visible, and the other tested object representation by hiding both objects. On visible trials, infants reached more for the distractor, indicating they recognized the target object from its picture. On hidden trials, infants reached more for the target object, suggesting they formed a continued representation of the object based on its picture. Photograph color had no effect. Infants thus show picture‐to‐object transfer by 9 months with preferential reaching, even with black‐and‐white pictures.  相似文献   

We are not ninja turtles! If the dead could talk this would be the cry of the Italian Renaissance Masters—Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello—to young children currently clamoring for a bunch of TV turtle characters who live in a sewer, fight bad guys with swords and order out for pizza.Joyce Mesrobian is an Early Education Consultant and a reviewer of children's books. © Joyce Mesrobian, August 1990.  相似文献   

顾芳丽 《中学生物学》2009,25(11):60-60
在教学过程中,各种资料中经常会遇到利用水果储存中的氧浓度问题来讨论有氧和无氧呼吸的关系,但是对于资料中的解析,本人存在着不同观点,特提出来与各位同仁商椎一下。  相似文献   

The goals of today's school athletic programs are vastly different from the original intentions of the administrators who established the first interscholastic athletic teams. For athletics to be anything more than a drain on school and taxpayer resources, these programs must undergo serious changes.  相似文献   

The relations between changes in the scalp-recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) and the development of the ability to perform successfully 2 cognitive tasks attributed to frontal lobe functioning were examined in 13 infants from 7 to 12 months of age. Infants successful in performing the A-not-B task with increasingly longer delays across the second half of the first year of life showed changes in power in scalp-recorded brain electrical activity in the frontal region and an increase in anterior/posterior EEG coherence. Infants with rapid mastery of object retrieval did not differ in frontal EEG development from infants who exhibited the normal developmental progression in object retrieval performance. In a task examining inhibition of reaching to a novel toy, there were no differences in frontal EEG as a function of performance. Results from a cross-sectional sample revealed similar findings. These data confirm work with nonhuman primates on the importance of maturation of frontal cortex in the successful performance on certain tasks (A-not-B), but do not confirm nonhuman primate data on the importance of frontal cortex for other tasks (object retrieval). The data also suggest that the electroencephalogram may be useful as a noninvasive measure of central nervous system development during the first year of life.  相似文献   

历史上许多有识之士对幼儿教育多有论述,其意见弥足珍贵;但幼儿教师教育(或称师范教育)则是随着近代幼儿社会(及公共)教育的产生而发展起来的。早期的幼教师资通过学徒制、“从做中学”、师训班等形式培养,19世纪中叶后,随着社会发展,逐渐改由幼师培养,并不断提升办学层次。现当代的幼儿教师培养呈现多种格局,包括中专、大专、本科以及研究生教育等4种。发展趋势是不断扩大或调整幼教师资培训机构,朝完全由大学乃至研究生院培养方向发展。  相似文献   

区域学必须关注本地学的独有特征。但对于重庆学的研究,人们却过多关注重庆特有的自然地理环境下的巴渝明,把重庆学描绘成封闭的盆地学,从而忽略了重庆学的突围意识和接纳意识。这是重庆学的另一重要特征,它们成为重庆学的生存机制和发展机制。  相似文献   

Auditory Frequency Resolution in Human Infancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frequency resolution is a fundamental capacity of the auditory system that underlies the perception of all complex sounds. The development of this capacity has not been well characterized in humans. This investigation used a nonsimultaneous pulsation threshold technique to examine the development of infant frequency resolution. Psychophysical tuning curves were obtained for 3- and 6-month-olds and for adults at either 500, 1,000, or 4,000 Hz. Both the sensation level and the sound pressure level of the stimulus were varied for adults to determine the contribution of stimulus intensity to age differences in frequency resolution. At 500 and 1,000 Hz, 3- and 6-month-olds' tuning curve widths were equivalent to adults'. At 4,000 Hz, the 3-month-olds' tuning curves were broader than those of 6-month-olds and adults, even when absolute sound pressure level was equivalent. The maturation of psychophysical frequency resolution in infants is discussed in terms of the general development of the auditory system and of nonsensory factors that might contribute to age differences in performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated whether infants can use their rich social knowledge to bind representations of individual objects into larger social units, thereby overcoming the three‐item limit of working memory. In Experiment 1, 16‐month‐olds (n = 32) remembered up to four hidden dolls when the dolls had faced and interacted with each other in pairs, but not when they faced and interacted with the infant, suggesting that infants chunked the dolls into social pairs. In Experiment 2 (n = 16), infants failed to remember four dolls when they faced each other without interacting, indicating that interaction between the dolls was necessary to drive chunking. This work bridges a gap between social cognition and memory by demonstrating that infants can use social cues to expand memory.  相似文献   

Finding our inner voices: Rediscovering scholarship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This essay explores the need to reconsider how we define, reward, and support scholarship, and the philosophical foundation of what a scholar really is. Noting that only 10 to 15% of the professoriate regularly publish, the author questions if some faculty become stymied and distanced from their work because of the gap that exists between what they want to do and what their institutions expect them to do. Could more faculty find their voices as scholars and public intellectuals if universities and colleges ascribed more value to the scholarships of teaching, practice, and service? The surprising results of a survey of members of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education are included.  相似文献   

My original paper, “Toward a Post-Modern Agenda in Instructional Technology” (Solomon, 2000), was an interdisciplinary review of the literature and offered multiple perspectives of the subject, a post-modern approach sometimes referred to as multivocality. I found several themes inherent in the literature, which I presented as eight general assumptions about post-modernism for consideration, discussion, and adoption. Then, I concluded the paper with a discussion about the potential contributions of post-modern concepts in instructional technology. In a reaction to my paper, Voithofer and Foley (this issue) misinterpreted some of the purposes and assumptions expressed, by seeing my view as an effort to construct a model of a post-modern agenda, which could not be further from my original purpose. This paper serves to clarify my position as a sequel to their response. David L. Solomon is Creative Director in Training Operations at PentaMark Worldwide. He is also Research Fellow at the Learning Development Institute Author's note: I was introduced to post-modernism during a group project in one of Rita Richey's graduate classes at Wayne State University. My interest in the subject flourished, and post-modernism became the focus of my dissertation research. Clearly, I found a problem to solve: No one I knew could explain post-modernism, and almost everyone I encountered in the field had no idea what it was. Gary Morrison was a member of my doctoral committee and introduced me to the classic works of Morris (1946), Knowlton (1964;1966), Stevens (1969; 1970), and Cassidy (1982). Under his guidance, I submitted my work to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) and was awarded the 2000 ETR&D Young Scholar Award. Richey and Morrison encouraged me to explore this topic with rigor and clarity and I am grateful for their support.  相似文献   

The specificity of memory retrieval by 3-month-old infants was examined in 3 experiments. All infants were trained in the mobile conjugate reinforcement paradigm to kick their feet to produce movement in an overhead crib mobile and were tested 2 weeks later. 24 hours prior to the test, subjects received a 3-min reminder treatment. The results of Experiment 1 demonstrated that only the moving training mobile alleviated forgetting after the 2-week retention interval; forgetting was not alleviated by exposure to the stationary training mobile or to the mobile stands and ribbon alone. The results of Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that, once retrieved, the reactivated memory was highly specific to the conditions of original training. Furthermore, the memory attributes that were the last to be forgotten (e.g., the general or global features) were the first to be retrieved following the reminder treatment. Conversely, those memory attributes that were forgotten first (e.g., the specific or local details) were the last to be retrieved. These findings have important implications for infant memory retrieval, reminiscence, and infantile amnesia.  相似文献   

The goal was to examine the scope and development of early visual memory durability. We investigated individual- and age-related differences across three unique tasks in 6- to 12-month-olds (Mage = 8.87, N = 49) by examining the effect of increased delay on memory performance. Results suggest longer-term memory processes are quantifiable by 8 months using a modified Change Detection paradigm and spatial-attention cueing processes are quantifiable by 10 months using a modified Delayed Response paradigm, utilizing 500–1,250 ms delays. Performance improved from 6 to 12 months and longer delays impaired performance. We found no evidence for success on the Delayed Match Retrieval task at any age. These outcomes help inform our understanding of infant visual memory durability and its emergence throughout early development.  相似文献   

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