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This paper explains the rationale behind the development of a new course aimed at providing companies involved in exporting engineering products, equipment and services with graduates having a combination of the engineering, linguistic and business skills required to exploit opportunities in the European market and beyond after 1992. The course design and structure is described, and a detailed comparative analysis is made of the first year student intake onto the course.  相似文献   

关于经济特区法规的效力等级问题,相关立法没有作出明确规定,这导致了理论上的争议和司法实践的困境。根据法制统一原则的要求,作为一种特殊的地方立法,经济特区法规的效力等级应当低于作为中央立法的法律和行政法规,高于地方性法规。  相似文献   

英国课程硕士研究生教育探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英国的研究生教育历史悠久,硕士研究生教育分为课程硕士教育和研究型硕士教育两种,其中课程硕士研究生教育具有的特质对我国硕士研究生的培养有着很大的启示。本文从招生制度、培养模式、培养目标及考核方式几方面分析英国课程硕士研究生教育的特质,并总结对我国硕士研究生教育的启示。  相似文献   

分别从学位的内涵、发展、定位、招生、研究、教学和评估等七个基本层面描述和分析了英国哲学博士学位与专业博士学位的一些主要差别,并简要探讨了它们的相似之处。  相似文献   

同志们: 新春伊始,我们隆重纪念<学位条例>实施三十周年.1980年2月12日,第五届全国人大常务委员会第十三次会议通过<中华人民共和国学位条例>,这是新中国颁布的第一部教育法律.今天,全面回顾在解放思想、实事求是思想路线指导下我国学位与研究生教育的光辉历程,深刻总结其取得的巨大成就和宝贵经验,对于我们贯彻落实圜家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要、人才发展规划纲要,开创我国学位和研究生教育改革与发展的新局面,具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

The UK Research Assessment Exercise: Unintended Consequences   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is argued that many of the consequences that have followed successive Research Assessment Exercises (RAEs) have been unintended and a high proportion of these, particularly the longer term ones, are deleterious or potentially so. Of these, the most serious is almost certainly the competitive, adversarial and punitive spirit evoked by the RAE which is clearly inherent in it. Unfortunately, it is in the nature of long term consequences that, by the time that they become apparent, they are usually beyond remedying. It is therefore essential, now that there is to be a more fundamental review of the RAE, to be aware of potentially deleterious consequences, so as to avoid them before they become apparent, let alone researchable.  相似文献   

思维能力测评(Thinking Skills Assessment,TSA)是英国剑桥测评(Cambridge Assessment)研发的一项专门用于测试考生思维能力的考试。它被运用于牛津大学、剑桥大学等学校某些专业的本科入学考试中。本文从背景、理念、应用等几个方面介绍和解析这项考试,希望能为国内审辩式思维和思维能力相关考试的研发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Drawing on the findings of a recent national survey, this article examines the extent to which higher education institutions in the United Kingdom meet the minimum standards recommended by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for the management of work‐related stressors. A comparison is also made between the average weekly working hours reported in the current survey with those found in two previous studies of the higher education sector (1998 and 2004). A sample of 9,740 academic and academic‐related employees working in higher education institutions in the UK completed a measure of seven job‐related stressors (or psychosocial hazards) (that is, demands, control, support from colleagues and managers, interpersonal relationships, role clarity and involvement in organisational change). With one exception (job control), levels of job‐related stressors in the higher education sector exceeded the benchmarks stipulated by the HSE. Stressors relating to change, role, job demands and managerial support were particularly high. Recommendations made by the HSE for interim and longer‐term targets to be achieved for the management of each stressor category are provided. Findings also revealed that average working hours remain high in the sector, with many employees continuing to exceed the weekly limit set by the UK Working Time Directive. The utility of the HSE approach in higher education institutions and ways in which the sector might work towards meeting the HSE management standards and consequently enhance employee well‐being are considered.  相似文献   

工作本位学习通常被视为职业学习的基本模式,英国学位学徒制的发展意味着工作本位学习逐渐成为高等教育的一种重要学习模式.参与学位学徒制的工作本位学习有助于为雇主培养高层次技术技能型人才,提升学徒的职业和就业能力,并为高等教育机构注入大量经费.英国学位学徒制建立了互利共赢的合作伙伴关系,整合学术模块和实践模块、设置跨学科模块化课程方案,培养跨学科复合型技术技能型人才,针对不同考核内容开发了多种类型的学徒评估方式,坚守了雇主主导和工作本位相结合的学位学徒制的基本路线.  相似文献   

随着探究教学的不断深入和推进,考查和评价学生在科学探究学习中的能力表现成为教育研究关注的热点问题.本文通过对英国APu的科学探究能力评价框架、试题命制模型及情境性试题案例的分析,以期为我国科学学业评价改革的发展方向提供参考意见.  相似文献   

认为我国学位点评估体系存在着政府合格评估引导不够、社会中介教育评估机构缺失、研究生培养单位自我评估意识不强和三类评估协同不力等主要问题。指出学位点评估体系改革要构建合理的多元主体参与的学位点评估体系,加强政府合格评估的引导作用,积极培育社会中介教育评估机构,充分发挥学术组织的学术力量,增强研究生培养单位自我评估意识。同时提出学位点评后体系改革的意见,即学位点评估体系应强化学术力量和市场力量,向国家体制、学术体制和市场体制的中心转移,是学位点评估体系改革的方向所在。  相似文献   

以学位评定、授予工作中存在的问题为切入点,对学位评定、授予工作法治化的必要性、可行性进行了思考,并提出了法治化的初步框架,即明确学位评定,授予主体及其职权,详细规定学位评定、授予的程序,充实和完善学位评定、授予争议的解决机制。  相似文献   

Assessment is fundamental to student learning and achievement. However, whilst research consistently emphasises the role of assessment in supporting the development of the learner, the reality of assessment processes and practices in higher education is frequently indicated to fall someway short. This article aims to contribute to a shared understanding of the discourse surrounding assessment in higher education in the UK, and presents a synopsis of the role of assessment in curriculum change. Key drivers for change, the inhibitory role of the dominant discourse of assessment and suggestions for future development towards an assessment for learning culture, are considered as a means of giving greater prioritisation to assessment than is currently afforded.  相似文献   

翻译被称为跨文化交际,从文化角度入手,以经济学中的供求关系为理论平台探讨翻译中异化程度的评估标准有助于为解决异化的理论问题提供新的思路。  相似文献   

1986年英国首次开展科研绩效导向的评估活动以来,经历了科研选择性评估(RSE)、科研水平评估(RAE)以及科研卓越框架(REF)三个阶段。现行的科研卓越框架基于前几轮评估结果与经验,强调延用第三方评估机构、合并学科评估单元、调整评估指标权重、改进科研评估方法等推进高校科技创新。通过深入剖析英国REF2021,指出我国高校科研评估应积极引入第三方评估机构,构建跨学科研究评估机制,探索科研影响力评估体系,完善量化评估方式。  相似文献   

英国RAE大学科研评估制度述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国自1986年开始推行RAE大学科研评估制度,该制度对促进英国大学的科研水平,促进学科调整等方面起到了积极的作用。但是该制度在评估过程、评估方法和绩效指标的使用上存在不足之处。  相似文献   

英国高等教育的科研评估   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
英国高等教育科研评估是英国高等教育质量外部保证机制中的一个重要组成部分,主要监控高校的科研和学术型研究生教育质量。本文在探讨该评估的宗旨及其运作的基础上,认为其有效性、社会性、广泛性、公开性是值得借鉴的若干特点,同时也指出了该评估尚未解决好的一些问题。  相似文献   

Training in Dynamic Assessment (DA) was rarely available in the UK until 1994. This is the first study to explore the outcomes of its availability in terms of the practice of DA and perceptions about it among educational psychologists (EPs). One hundred and nineteen EPs, who had taken positive steps to inform themselves about DA by undertaking some degree of training or by joining a DA interest group, were surveyed to explore the extent of their initial training in DA, subsequent use of it and issues of implementation. Overall, the 88 responses (74%) received suggest, among those surveyed, widespread awareness of DA as a model of cognitive assessment and positive attitudes to it, coupled with a low level of implementation. The low level of use was frequently attributed to insufficient training in DA, to lack of time due to other assessment priorities, often set by the local education authority, and to lack of the ongoing expert support felt to be necessary to maintain use of a demanding form of assessment. The authors take the position that the EP's repertoire would be enriched by improved knowledge of and training in DA. The research raises important issues for cognitive assessment and raises the broader question whether there is a need for the more proactive involvement of educators in enhancing the cognitive functioning of children.  相似文献   

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