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Nicholas Tucker taught English in comprehensive schools in London before qualifying as an educational psychologist. He is now a lecturer in developmental psychology at the University of Sussex, with a special interest both in children's reactions to literature and in the history and present-day status of childhood itself. He has written five books for children as well as books about children's literature, includingThe Child and the Book: A Literary and Psychological Exploration, reissued in 1990 by Cambridge University Press in their new Canto “Classics” series.  相似文献   

Colleges and universities have not adequately dealt with the education of the experienced adult student. Currently these students are forced to choose between traditional courses and independent studies and the assessment of learning. Courses and independent studies force students to spend time re-learning that which they've learned through experience. Even worse, students don't learn to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge. Assessment, on the other hand, places little emphasis on theoretical knowledge and provides little opportunity for interaction with other experts in the field. This paper outlines the problems inherent in those options and presents another alternative: educational workshops which focus on the theories in a field and the relationships between those theories and practical experience. In these workshops students gain the theoretical knowledge so often not gained through experience, and have the opportunity to interact with and learn from other experienced adults without being forced into the traditional classroom geared toward younger less experienced students.  相似文献   

Editor's note:An article by Kathleen Gershman, “Surviving Through Time: A Life History of a High‐School Drama Production,” was published in volume 1, number 3 of QSE.The article was responded to in the next issue by John Bengston, an educational psychologist with an interest in drama and qualitative research. In his article, “What makes a study qualitative?,” Bengston draws a connection between the rigors demanded by theater productions and the demands of qualitative research. In the following article Gershman responds.  相似文献   

The belief that parent involvement is an important aspect of early intervention programs for children with disabilities is widely accepted, but the empirical evidence to support this belief is limited (White, Taylor, & Moss, 1992). Using a randomized experimental design, the present study compared a classroom-based early intervention program with the same program supplemented by a parent involvement component. The parent involvement component consisted of weekly parent meetings focused on (a) training parents to provide additional intervention, (b) providing information on general topics, and (c) providing social support. Outcome data were obtained following intervention and longitudinally on child and family functioning, and on educational outcomes. A cost-effectiveness analysis was completed. With respect to measures of child development and family functioning, there were some small initial effects in favor of the parent involvement group that tended to fade out in later reassessments. However, longitudinal educational outcomes indicate positive effects on child placements and teacher perceptions of the children's functioning in favor of the parent involvement group. The parent involvement component was not immediately cost effective, but may be in the long term.  相似文献   

文章是为了配合高中选修系列专题4《几何证明选讲》的学习,从教学实践出发,按综合几何的类别总结出引辅助线的“四作用”及“四原则”.  相似文献   

This paper reports the objectives, design approach and first results of a research project that aims to develop an intelligent computer-based learning environment for industrial applications. Jonas , an expert system, is part of a modelling/simulation environment which enables shopfloor workers to test and to put new philosophies of work into practice in the context of manufacture. Our approach is focused on three main ideas: the Intelligence Augmentation paradigm, user-centred system design and the constructionist theory of learning. The architecture of the modelling environment and the main features of Jonas are presented as an illustration of the design ideas discussed in the paper.  相似文献   


The paper raises questions about how inexperienced lecturers (whether initially trained or untrained) develop a mastery of skills within their chosen profession. To do this, an analysis of what constitutes ‘mastery’ is needed. This is borrowed from the work of Schon (1983 and 1987) on the reflective practitioner, and of the Dreyfus brothers (1986) on human intuition and expertise. The paper next reports the results and tentative conclusions of a small-scale study in May–June 1996 of how long it has taken for 20 agricultural educators in six British Colleges of Agriculture to have developed their skills from their teaching experience, and their perceptions of the influences which have facilitated or inhibited that process.  相似文献   


In this afterword, Kai M. Green asks us to think about the stakes of trans* visibility in the academy and beyond.  相似文献   

This article introduces the Kumar and Chubin-edited collection, Science, Technology, and Society: A Sourcebook on Research and Practice (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishing, New York). STS, a hybrid area of scholarship focuses on science-technology-society interactions, draws on the intellectual resources of scientists, educators, engineers, social scientists, and philosophers inside and outside academe. A dozen chapters examine STS trends, curriculum, teaching, learning, mentoring, advocacy, public policy, and issues for further research.  相似文献   

液压挖掘机故障诊断专家系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,为了满足复杂系统的诊断要求,诊断技术已开始进入一个新的阶段,即智能化诊断阶段。这是一种基于专家知识和人工智能技术的诊断方法。通过专家系统和神经网络两种方法对故障诊断进行了研究。应用人工智能理论,开发了液压挖掘机的故障诊断专家系统。对液压挖掘机的故障原理进行了全面的分析,建立了故障知识库,实现了实时状态监测和故障诊断。  相似文献   

初中理、化、生实验操作考核实施五六年来的实践证明,对于中小学尤其是中学理、化、生实验室的建设、教学仪器设备的配备、规范化的管理,实验教学的开展等诸方面起到了促进作用.以地处大别山区的黄冈市为例,该市目前的4?376所中小学按国家教育部和湖北省教委颁发的建设和配备标准,分别建起了中学理、化、生和小学自然实验室,占学校总数的98%,配备教学仪器设备金额达5?200多万元,基本能满足教学的演示和学生分组实验.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to train 9 homing pigeons to respond to the presence or absence of bar magnets by turning either left or right after flying the length of a 20-ft outdoor flight cage. During initial training, color cues were placed in front of feeding stations on the left and right sides of the cage. The color cues were paired with magnetic cues by attaching either bar magnets or brass bars to the backs of the birds. The color cues were then deleted, leaving only the magnetic cues. Each pigeon received about 300 trials of color training followed by about 200 trials of magnet testing. When only magnetic cues remained, none of the pigeons were able to choose the correct feeder at greater than chance levels of probability.  相似文献   

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