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The task of finding and developing potential leaders from within the library profession requires an understanding of what a leader is, as well as the challen es that librarianship will face as it enters the twenty-first century. ~ f i s article explores five fundamen- tal leadership competencies: vision, communication, trust, risk-tak- ing and em owerment and examines how individuals learn from personal an ! organizational experiences. It sug ests ways of incor- porating programs and activities into the workp k ace that support the development of leadership skills. If everyone within the library community assumes responsibility for recognizing untapped talent and providing developmental opportunities for it to mature, it will ensure that the library field has a pool of competent, confident, com- mitted leaders for the future.  相似文献   

图书馆“班长”自我塑造要旨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆“班长”自我塑造要旨常书智ABSTRACTChieflibrarianistheCEOofalibrary,whoshouldhavethequalityofPR,properuseofpower,integratedvision,justic...  相似文献   

介绍了信息生命周期理论及信息生命周期管理的概念及特征.论述了数字环境下信息生命周期管理对图书馆管理的启示.  相似文献   

Similar to individuals, organizations display characteristics that speak to qualities and abilities. Our guest writer, Lisa Bodenheimer, discusses a trait that is critical for library organizations during this period of constant change and transformation. Resiliency is the ability to rebound and flex as circumstances shift enabling an organization to thrive and adjust during difficult times. This skill is typically developed through experiences, but, as Ms. Bodenheimer outlines, organizations are able to strategize in order to build employee and organizational resilience. Such a proactive approach will enable a library organization to better weather challenging situations and times as difficulties will enviably occur. The following article provides practical suggestions for library organizations that will enable them to be more successful while leading and managing in a changing environment.  相似文献   

图书馆领导力研习班是图书馆领导力发展的主要形式.研习班在办学方式和授课内容方面具有双重特性,即包含领导技能的培训和图书馆发展趋势的讲习.国内图书馆员的继续教育模式已不适应图书馆发展,领导力研习班应成为馆员继续教育的新方式.参考文献7.  相似文献   

Using data collected via a Web survey instrument, this study examines the leadership engagement of new professionals in Canadian libraries and explores their interest in and willingness to take up leadership roles as well as the barriers and opportunities to leadership that they perceive to exist within the workplace.  相似文献   

数字图书馆行业的迅速发展和竞争的加剧使得数字图书馆遭遇危机的可能性大大增加,需要数字图书馆采用危机管理,有效降低危机的危害。由于危机在其生命周期的每一个发展阶段都有不同的特点,因此在不同阶段选择与之相应的危机应对策略有助于数字图书馆降低危机的破坏力,提升数字图书馆生命力和抗风险能力。  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(1-2):205-217

Mentoring relationships have typically reflected the hierarchical world of which they were a part. Now the metaphor of the web, with its connections and decentralization of power, has blurred the lines between managers and workers. Mentorship within a web-like structure of connections can help to ensure that the public library evolves and thrives in a world that is flatter, looser, and fond of multi-tasking.  相似文献   

Although young leaders and entrepreneurs have become prevalent in the business and technology industries, academic libraries remain much more traditional. Library administrator job advertisements often require seven to ten years of library experience in progressively responsible roles as well as supervisory experience. This article shares the experiences of an early-career community college library administrator working with different generations, provides suggestions to become a manager through intentional leadership, and explores how managers learn to lead. Additionally, the author encourages community colleges to consider younger and/or newer librarians that bring a different perspective to addressing the critical issues facing community college libraries today.  相似文献   

国外图书馆领导力研究述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
梳理和综述近10年来(2004-2013)国外图书馆领导力研究领域的文献,总结8个研究热点:情商领导力、新的领导类型/风格、新的领导技能、领导有效性、领导力发展项目、文化与领导力、特殊群体与领导力、组织领导力,以及对我国图书馆领导力研究的3点启示:新的领导力理论和方法在图书馆的适用性研究、领导伦理/道德问题研究和领导力理论整合研究。  相似文献   

图书馆领导在图书馆实行绩效管理中的作用不容忽视.文章在高层梯队理论的指导下,提出图书馆领导团队组成特征与图书馆绩效关系的一系列理论假设,并以浙江省38家图书馆作为样本进行验证.结果表明,图书馆领导团队的组成特征均值对图书馆绩效有影响,图书馆领导团队的平均受教育水平和平均任期与图书馆的绩效成正相关关系;图书馆领导团队组成特征异质性对图书馆绩效没有显著影响.  相似文献   

This article examines how consortia can engage commercial publishers' hybrid open access (OA) publication programs. The article argues that it is appropriate and necessary for consortia to demonstrate leadership in influencing the information marketplace. Two models for negotiations are examined: 1) “market determinative” strategy, and 2) “consortium discount” strategy, comprised of three variations on existing consortia practices. An examination of the advantages and challenges indicates that the latter would have a greater chance for success. Keys to this conclusion include: establishing linkages between consortium licensing and hybrid titles, cost containment/alignment, and engaging publishers through an integrated model approach.  相似文献   

图书馆学科服务团队是围绕学科用户咨询问题开展创造性活动的一种组织形式。文章引入魅力型领导相关 理论,构建了魅力型领导对图书馆学科服务团队绩效影响的理论模式,分析了学科服务团队、魅力型领导和团队绩效 三者之间的作用机理。提出学科服务团队可以通过提升团队中魅力型领导的领导力,营造良好的知识管理文化氛围, 实施学科服务团队组合激励措施,积极为用户搭建学科服务平台等手段,提升图书馆学科服务团队绩效。  相似文献   

对图书馆管理而言,领导和战略同是图书馆创新与转型发展的关键驱动要素.东莞图书馆以新馆建设为契机,主动由传统服务向现代服务转型,建立、完善了组织管理机制,积极履行社会责任,通过战略制定、战略部署与战略调整,积极导入、推行和实施卓越绩效管理,积累了图书馆领导和战略领域的有益经验.  相似文献   

鉴于文件生命周期理论在应用中的某些不足之处,本文提出了基于信息生命周期的文件保存策略动态确定方法(ILDM),以动态的确定文件的运行状态.此外,本文还给出了一个文档管理的最优化策略,最优化策略虽然难以实现,却可以作为具体实践策略的参照策略.  相似文献   

微博信息生命周期研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种新环境下的信息资源,微博产生的海量数据也具有相应的生命周期。以3个微博热门话题数据为分析对象,将评论数作为微博信息生命周期的表征量,分析微博信息生命周期的特征、分布类型、半衰期等。发现微博信息生命周期有负指数型、平缓型、爆发型和锯齿型4种类型,其类型特征与微博活跃度无关,并且微博信息不具有特定的半衰期。  相似文献   

馆员感知的高校图书馆馆长领导风格实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆馆长对图书馆的建设、馆员的发展有着举足轻重的作用。采用Bass的多元因素领导量表(MLQ),对不同地区、不同类型近200所高校的500名馆员进行问卷调查,以探讨影响高校图书馆馆长领导风格的因素。运用SPSS17.0对问卷数据进行独立样本T检验、方差分析等,得出结论:馆员感知的高校图书馆馆长领导风格其变革型领导行为高于交易型领导行为。馆员感知的在领导性别、年龄、学校类型、学校地域等方面图书馆馆长领导风格不存在显著差异;而在学历、任职年限上领导风格存在显著差异。  相似文献   


Academic libraries in developing countries are underfunded and require transformational leadership to manage the resultant changes and ensure organizational effectiveness. This study attempts to identify the prevalent leadership styles in academic libraries in South West Nigeria using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. The study reflected that the library managers portrayed mostly a mix of transformational and transactional leadership styles. The library budget, equipment, and acquisition were most affected by recession. The library leaders preferred a mixture of investment and retrenchment (cost controlling) strategies to cope with recession. Leadership assessment using transformational model for coaching and recruitment is recommended for libraries.  相似文献   

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